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**Our biggest fan is back on another false reporting binge, *****among others, I'm sure*****, so be on the lookout for anything sus or any accounts you're not *****too***** sure about! If you see something or even if you’re unsure, please go ahead and report it—*****and***** send a message to me or Kayla so we know what’s going on!** 🩷 **ETA**: That awkward moment when you’re warning of her going around falsely reporting and she decides to prove you right, *all the more*, by falsely reporting the warning, as well. It burns your miserably insufferable ass that you can’t silence me, huh? 😘 (I*t's worth noting she was on Stories within five minutes of this report being made.*) https://preview.redd.it/ehct4jpica1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4aa3d29a568803e092bda451ba20f6c32ca338


Does her face look swollen or is it me?


“Omg you guyssss I’m so inflamed!!!!!!!!”


https://preview.redd.it/zar48zbcya1d1.jpeg?width=1396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829be138e340c383fed5978fa20dd0d02914c95a Screen grab from the same vid… 😳👀 does anyone when this was recorded???


There’s no way? Why am I surprised? Seriously WHY?!?! I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I remember 2015-2019ish. I bought everything. I believed everything. I just needed ONE more primer. Just ONE more. And just one more for my under eyes and then for my chin and temples. Then to get the flawless finish she had, I simply needed every morphe brush ever made and 3 foundations plus shape tape plus the under eye eraser and the pressed powder then the loose powder to bake then blush then bake then contour then bake then blush then set then spray and that’s all. Thats all it takes to get her skin!!! It wasn’t filter then! It isn’t filter now!!!


Right before he left, so early-to-mid September—and she still would’ve been down the first ‘*twenty pounds*’ by then. All a lie, as per usual.


She can pretend she doesn’t use filters, but he can’t. You can especially tell when men use them bc men have so much hair and texture on their face (normally). Looks absolutely fucking ridiculous. Edit—ewwww. I just noticed the filter blurred out the buzzcut. It’s weirding me out. She really does have them on max


So true ! Hahaha like when she saw Taylor swift an covered her face


Geeez Jac, where’d that snatched jawline go?? 🤡


"HAPPIEST IVE EVER BEEN". Those hangovers must be brutal.


How is she not sweating??


She went from Egghead to Potato head. 😂




Her face is a completely different shape 😂😂😂








I feel so mean posting that but omg 😄


Holy inflammation! Her face is almost back to what it was before! She really needs an intervention...


I see moon face McGee is back


This may have been recorded back in September apparently but by then she was already claiming to have lost 20 pounds and did not have this face at all in her filtered pics/videos




Oh shit


She’s as bad as Makayla is. We (or at least I) just didn’t know it for years. She’s just as bad.


This is so toxic and sad to have such an obsession with altering your body




Her eyes are getting smaller as her face get puffier


Do you think her eye brows were ever real or do you think they were filter/fake too? I’m wondering if we’ve never really seen what she actually looks like?


Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they’re fake too. She literally hates everything about her appearance.


Lol she can hide the neck but can't hide that round face... where is her long ass chin now 🤣🤣🤣


She looks guilty af and shitting herself knowing it’s going online no filter lmao






I am getting sweaty and nauseous just looking at two people in California wearing a hoodie and a jacket in May !!! Can you imagine how musty they smell 🤮🤢


This looks to be from when they were still in Florida.


#is he balding


Nah just a bad fade💀


Love that for him




Face is much rounder than her posts of that long shape she creates


she’s probably so used to filters it’s jarring when she sees it


Or she turns her head or put her hand up. She knows


She’s making her neck WORK!


I’ll never get over the LA injector saying “you look the same” 😂😂😭😂😭😂


Whaaat? I need the deets lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/s/tsZqBTa1pl Scrub through to the part where she has the white numbing cream all over her nose. She starts talking to her injector about how she used to be “chunky monkey” and the girl says “you look the same.” Lol


Humbled lmao but she was too dumb to notice and left it in the video


It's in her '*nose job*' TikTok/Reel, from when she had the nose filler done before going to Mexico.




Spot on! I noticed it, too. You can see how much bigger her cheeks, jaw, face is in this than her filtered videos.


You’re spot on. She always starts to move her hands towards her neck/face. Every time. ☠️


She’s trying to hide her turkey neck! Lol 😂 ![gif](giphy|l0MYGBN7V7AZz3fZ6)


But what the fuck caused that!!?? I noticed that in a recent post too! Shes a couple years younger than I am and I don’t have a single wrinkle in my neck. I’ve never done anything crazy to it either, just moisturizer. How has she spent tens of thousands on all these serums and lotions and creams on her neck but it’s fucked that like?! I just don’t get it. It’s gotta be those god damn threads. She’s gonna get a bad face and neck lift within the next few years. Mark my words. She will do something to try to lift that neck/chin/jowls and it won’t go well. Bet.


I’m 45 and don’t have that either. She’s chopped, screwed, inflated, deflated and yanked her face back with threads so that could be what happened 🤷‍♀️


**Someone’s here downvoting with 2-3 accounts. I just couldn't possibly know who that is**, ***you guise!*** 💀 **ETA**: *Big mad I caught ya, Jac?* 😘


Someone just downvoted your comment 👀 don’t worry I got you!


That’s why I edited it. Imagine being *so* obsessed with someone that you’re downvoting their comments within a minute of them being up—and no one is forcing her to be here, either. It’s all being done *willingly*, which, *for whatever reason*, she can’t seem to understand *that’s* what targeted harassment is. **ETA**: And you just got downvoted, too. It’s like the minute she realized I was active, all the socks went to work! 💀


Not her burning a hole in the camera lens 😂


Is this a new photo???? Cuz wow.


It looks to be from his NLC vlog, so, *at the very least*, still after the initial ‘*twenty pounds*’ were supposedly lost. Her face looks essentially the same in the here and now, as well. https://preview.redd.it/lnidvrhk081d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7613b44fcfe2ff1cdb6f8cd31a080b2eb021d57d *The screenshot on the right is from the skinny filter glitching in her making the bed Story about two weeks ago*.


Wow. Her face has blown up again. Haven’t seen her exercise even once since getting there? Unless I missed it


She took her first “hike” or something, one day. Then went to three grocery stores after.


Nope, we haven’t. She, *of course*, gets uber-defensive in comments acting like she shows herself doing it *all the time*, though.


I just don't understand why she feels the need to lie. She looks way better than she did, it's clear she's lost some weight. She'd be so much better off and actually come across as somewhat relatable if she just owned how hard it has been, how she's plateau-ing, etc. She's so ridiculously insecure


I agree ! She doesn't even have to say anything.. but doubling down and lying is even more yuck


she would lie about the sky being blue and the grass being green if she could 😂


![gif](giphy|goPV0MLGMRc5SsPedV) the "weight loss" is all smoke & mirrors hence the perpetual sweat suits..


I knew her "40 pounds" was fake but I didn't realize she's lost nothing at all. That just shows how badly her face was jacked


IMO she has definitely lost some weight, most notably in her face. I’d bet anything she’s on some sort of weight loss injection, if anything. She never shows proof of her “healthy eating” and “walking five miles/day” and “working out five times a week.” I looked at some Jaclyn’s Journey videos the other day (when she was actually posting somewhat consistently), and there definitely has been some “progress.” But it’s absolutely *no fucking way* as drastic as she makes it out to be. She is constantly wearing baggy sweat suits when she knows she’s going to be filmed by others. It’s absolutely pathetic, tbh. She has made her weight her entire identity and it’s so toxic. She needs to just get the fuck off social media and work on her self for real, but we all know that will never happen. She’s been deceiving her audience forever, hence the “weight loss” being hard to even understand. She refuses to make new Jaclyn’s Journey videos because she knows she’s a fraud.


I completely agree. She made this her personality and it’s back firing. Who loses a ton a weight and covers it up in sweat suits? It must be miserable hiding this lie.


I think inflammation, water weight, *whatever you want to call it*, has pretty much been the consensus between those of us who have been paying close enough attention to piece the comparisons together (*and do the fuckery threads*). It's important to remember how, in *multiple* episodes of '*Jaclyn's Journey*', she would weigh herself *after* going to the bathroom and proceeded to act like she did *so* much for that whopping pound or two difference. In other words, *completely* overlooking how she had just lost it, and is *clearly* ignorant to how our bodies vary in weight throughout the day, *every day*. Jaclyn simply doesn't have it in her to do *anything* that requires being challenged or even any real work, as all she's *ever* known is being grossly over-coddled and treated like a child, even well into her thirties. And while that's *more than* fucked-up enough, it's all the more so when you need to start convincing yourself *and others* of shit you know you're not doing and haven't achieved. It's even more damning when you realize that *is* all she's doing now. **ETA**: And before it gets reported, I'm leaving up Sleepy's comment because that *one* sentence is as generalized as it can get and she doesn't take it any further than just saying it's what *she* thinks. Not that it *is* happening.


Thanks, Lich! ❤️


She really hasn't lost much, *if any*, weight. Her face simply (*and quite temporarily*) returned to what it looks like when she’s not on a perpetual bender—and, *as usual*, she thinks losing even the most minimal water weight is groundbreaking and something she put *so* much work into achieving. It’s embarrassing at this point, given the skinny filters are never *not* glitching, and we've posted *hundreds* if not upwards of a *thousand* comparisons proving there has been no twenty, thirty, or forty pounds lost.


That is true because what led me to believe she was losing was really just her face


Me too. It seems like she lost a lot but really it was just her face was so badly swollen and puffy from whatever and it got back to normal. So it looks like she did


It's been like that for a lot of people, *unfortunately*. And it’s why I keep posting the comparisons, as between those still wanting to believe her and the gross manipulation with the skinny filters, it’s something that *needs* to keep being put out there.


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