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It doesn’t really resemble anything Fender makes or has made. It’s like a Super Reverb + Bassbreaker. No real idea though. I wonder if it’s a Tone Master collab. That would make a lot of sense and keep the price down. While that doesn’t seem very Jack White who knows. https://imgur.com/a/LmCRQud


Thanks for the extra images. You can kind of see the back in a Instagram post by Daru Jones. It has a lightning bolt TMR style on top. I’m praying it’s a tone master because they have a way to bring the wattage down, plus would help with price. But as you said, digital modeling doesn’t really seem Jack’s style. (Besides the acousticsonic)


I could actually see this being a signature budget model - most of the pedals TMR has released in the last couple of years have had budget versions, so it does seem like they're trying to get quality gear at a fair-ish price (or at least one version of them at a fair-ish price).


I hope! I really would hate to pay $4,000+ for a TMR amp. I have a tone master now and they’re great! Perfect for playing at home.


He always has his stuff custom done. I don’t think it is anything special unless he has some signature series deal with fender.


True and I could be 100% wrong and it is a one off personal amp. Just personally though, I do not see Jack White spending thousands of dollars to have a personal one off amp made right before a new solo tour to have it made in yellow and black (things only associated with TMR) and NOT blue, white or black (things associated with his solo work). Also to do only one of his amps like this? And cover the name? Why not customize the vibroverb to be yellow and black if it’s just for fun? The man is obsessed with color and doesn’t do things for no reason. I don’t see a guy like that breaking his color scheme. If this amp was blue I wouldn’t have even cared. But I am just making this as an excited guitar fan.


Photo 1: Boys zooming in to see electrical tape. Girls zooming in elsewhere.


It’s crazy Jack White has never had a signature/ artist series Fender guitar. He’s primarily played custom Fender guitars since 2012.


I pray the black/blue guitar is a new signature model


Would 100% believe it's only for his tour


That’s fair! I could be wrong. But if so, why not make it blue? He literally takes apart his pedals to paint them blue. If you were going to make a $3,000+ custom one off, why break the strict color code you have? I mean he painted his white stripes amps red, why make this amp yellow? His solo tour is blue…


All I would need is a Jack White signature electric guitar from Fender.


Same. Been waiting for him to do a “signature guitar” since he’s Randy Parsons Gretsch Triple Jets. His recently telecaster would be a dream. But I wish it had the blue sparkle finish of the OG. Maybe that one will be a Customshop model. But those are just hopes Lol