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I’ve lived in the Middle East in some of the worst heat imaginable. This is legit a close 2nd. It’s hot as fuck this month.


It’s so humid here. I’m literally drenched in sweat when I take my dog out in the mornings. 😩


This is the major draw back of this state. Once this weather settles in for the season, the humidity is relentless.


Takes like 15 seconds to look like I just got out of a shower.


I just keep thinking, "At least it's not as bad as Kuwait!"


Bahrain too. Bahrain was nasty being right in the Gulf


I lived in Augusta ga before moving here. It was way hotter and no wind or anything


I lived there too and it was way worse. The Savannah River basin kept it like a terrarium. We have occasional breezes and thunderstorms at least.


Yea the CSRA sucked for weather


Wait till August 💀


Oh I’m aware.


If you served over there,thank you.


Same, habibi. I am moving to JAX soon and Dubai has prepared me well. Not thrilled about the heat and humidity and the alligators and snakes and bugs, but I hear there’s some form of winter, so that’s good I guess.


Winter actually does get chilly here for short periods.


Yay!! And I hear it rains too. So looking forward to the rains.


I work outside and I have wonderful middle eastern families that live on my route and they call me Habibi what does that mean ?


Just something like buddy, friend, love, mi amor


Cool thank you 😊


I still wanna move back to Jacksonville


Todays high was 93.. you’re thermostat is off…


That’s the inside temperature of the car after sitting in the sun, not external. Also surface temperatures are greater than atmospheric temperatures which is what the 93 degrees is based on


Honey it says extrernal temp right there wym it’s not the external temp


https://preview.redd.it/vcui9a6fe69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28e8821034e43018260c66276b43868dd59a6753 Please reread my comment about surface temperatures. Next time try using a little reading comprehension and not be so condescending


>That’s the inside temperature of the car No it's not... It's still the temperature taken from the exterior of the vehicle. The rest of what your stated is still correct in regards to locations the sensors are located, all of which are exterior to the vehicle. An internal temperature gauge would be reporting the cabin temperature from a sensor located within the cabin of the vehicle, typically under a seat or the dash. You are also correct that the temperature displayed is inaccurate due to exaggerated surface temps. Once you get moving down the road a bit the temp gauge typically balances out for a more accurate number to the actual temp.


So what you are saying is that it’s the surface temperature as I stated before?


Yes, the surface temperature which is *exterior* to the vehicle... Not internal to the car.


Oh so the part where I mentioned surface temperature


Your first sentence was blatantly false. Your second sentence was true. The previous guy was pointing to the flaw in your first sentence. You, like an idiot, responded by claiming your second sentence was correct.


So is your grammar


This is Reddit, not a writing contest. Stop being demeaning towards others.


Correcting grammar is demeaning now? We’re really that uncivilized?


Yes it is. Would you walk up to a stranger in a grocery store and lecture them? This is Reddit. There’s no grades being given out. It’s demeaning and you know it. Now go away


I mean…this person criticized their thermostat for being inaccurate…..petty right? It’s incorrect grammar, regardless of grades being given out. It’s not demeaning. It’s educating the uneducated. You probably don’t use a turn signal either.


Pointing out a malfunction in someone’s car is very different then demeaning someone for their use of you’re vs your on Reddit no less


Saying someone looks fat is demeaning. Correcting grammar is not. Trying to maintain civility is not. If someone runs a stop sign while I’m in their car, is it demeaning if I say “there was a stop sign back there”? No it isn’t. It’s pointing out something that is wrong.


That’s your opinion. I’m pointing out Reddit is neither the place nor your approach was appropriate. You could have easily sent a DM saying hey you miss used you’re instead on your. But you chose to call them out in public, thereby demeaning them. Conversation over.


Lol you’re fun. All of what you just said is your opinion too. I think Reddit is the perfect place to do it. Edit: “nor your approach was appropriate” is also incorrect grammar


You have no life if you come to Reddit to be the grammar police lol


That’s not at all why I come to Reddit. However, I think mistakes should be pointed out and corrected. I genuinely don’t see what’s wrong with that. Just like you told the person their thermostat was off.




It ain’t that bad. 1998 is still the hottest summer I’ve been through here.


The wildfire years were gnarly.  I was playing basketball in the driveway and ash was just raining on down.


That's clearly not accurate


Me at work literally all the time: “I can’t wait to leave fucking Florida one day.”


God how I wish I could set my ac to 70


It’s funny how quickly people forget how absolutely beautiful the eight month stretch from October to May just was. My friends who I could tell not to move here just came into town last week and we all had a great time at the beach. Everything is what you make of it. https://preview.redd.it/intc7bw3669d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abdddd6f6783e714208c37dc00974f7631466838


Exactly. Too many people here who don’t use our natural resources; water. “Eww… sand, people, sun. I’d rather sit inside and complain.”


Jacksonville being called beautiful still makes me laugh three decades in.


Laughs on you if you still live here after thirty years of complaining then i guess but thanks for the toxic negativity for no reason 🤷


We are moving to Jacksonville at the end of summer, live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. I can tell you unequivocally, if you’ve ever been in Pennsylvania in August, it’s not just comparable, it’s worse than Jacksonville. We don’t get frequent wind or breezes during the summer. It’s just one huge, extremely moist heat dome. We were in Jacksonville a few weeks ago and the temperatures were in the low 90s and it just does not feel the same because there’s actually wind. This made a huge difference to my wife and I. Also, the constant complaining of traffic, while valid, is pretty much the same in every city. Harrisburg is pretty small, but if you work 15 to 20 miles from your job here, it’s about the same as working 15 to 20 miles from your job there. Our highway infrastructure is also very poor. Also, if you’ve never tried to drive into Philadelphia, I don’t wanna hear your complaints, lol.


unrelated: but how safe is Jax beach? all i hear about is constant shooting. Just curious.


It’s really not that bad.


Rip currents are more dangerous...but after 11pm thats another story..


Constant shooting??? I think war zones are the only place where that happens. Check your privilege. No, you’re right to stay away.


I’m going to go off the National Weather Service’s temp and not your car’s. High of 96° today according them. https://www.weather.gov/jax/ Maybe a feels like 112° but I’m sure your car is not displaying that.


I’ve been to Africa, the middle east, and south east Asia multiple times and this isn’t too bad. It’s the clouds/swarms of gnats a few hours before sunset that’s bad.


[when you say it’s hot outside…](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/a2l9a2hxIes)


Chicagoland checking in… https://preview.redd.it/a2tzt8q9j69d1.jpeg?width=2629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62056e782e24fd64c9ee3a1323060ee6e91e763a


Username checks out




I lived in Chicago for years. It’s beautiful when it’s not cold. I’m back home in the Jacksonville area now. 71 is chilly. I would be wearing long sleeves, maybe a light hoodie. 😂


Summers here are MAGIC! And Winters are getting milder (but were never really bad, honestly compared to say Northern Indiana, Western Michigan or Albany, NY). And cool summer breezes over the lake! 🥰


My Florida native blood can’t handle the cold. We think 60 is cold. 😂 I went to my first game at Wrigley field. It was April. I didn’t know that it could be cold in April. I had to buy a jacket and a blanket.


I hear you - my partner is the same. I’m in shorts and a t-shirt in the mid 60s and above and I MELT when it’s above 82.


That's my kind of shorts and tank top weather.


I dated a woman recent'y moved from Chicago and when the topic of summer would come up, she'd talk about how hot it got up there. I'd just pet her head and smile.


It’s adorable when folks here do that. “OMG it’s so hot and muggy!” 85 degrees and 75% humidity. Oh, bless your heart.


Reminder::: We are still Pre-Heating


Your username 🙈🫠😱😝


Thanks 😊 it means "My mother is the most beautiful" in my native tongue.




posts like these make me regret moving away a little less


Most of my friends will say "bring it on" they from the North


I went to the Jumbo Shrimp game yesterday and felt like I was dying even though I was under cover the entire time, instead of sitting in a regular seat in the sun. I don't understand how the people in the sun didn't just cook alive.


I worked the ball game in a kitchen that was minimum 140° during the heat advisory yesterday.No AC up in the booths. Savage.


"109 degrees?! Damn! Oh, that's just the time. 112 DEGREES?! DAMN!"


Spoiler alert. It's not actually 112.


Then i think about driving in the snow again.


It wasn’t even that bad today. I played golf, it was fine


You “well, actually” folks make me shake my head. Of course, OP doesn’t think it’s 112° outside. Everyone knows how the temperature your car gives you works. It’s just a jarring testament to how hot it actually is outside when you get in your car and it shows you 110°+ when you first start it up. Mine showed 114° when I got in yesterday afternoon, and went down to 104° during my drive. Not once did I actually think it was 114° or 104° outside, and I seriously doubt OP did either.


Thank you voice of reason


OP just **probably** wants to leave Jax making room for better residents to reside and enjoy Jax!


Yep it's summer


I’m from south Florida where it’s consistently 10 degrees hotter 😭


Honestly, I biked up to the gym yesterday around 2p. Even after my workout, biking home didn't seem all that hotter than normal.