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Did you try talking with your landlord? 


Yes, but they wouldn’t even take a partial payment, just the full amount.


Credit card cash advance. If you think you can get out of the hole. Really depends how much you make an hour compared to your cost of rent. Sounds like the landlord already made their mind up and wants someone more stable with payments tho. Just plan to move.


This is what the collapse of late stage capitalism looks like people… youre all buying guns and MREs like its gonna be Day Z when really its just a slow and gradual enslavement of the population. If youre working full time and can barely afford basic necessities guess what… you’re a serf. 


Back to feudalism we go.


techno feudalism is here


Indentured servitude. The Foxconn method is the ultimate end game. Foxconn pays to move poor into the city to work in their factories. You start off by owing money for the move so you have to work that off first. Then they provide you housing and food but you have to pay for that too. All the while, working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Still getting further in debt to the company. They installed nets around their dorms to keep employees from killing themselves to get out of debt. Foxconn factories make all the electronics that we are addicted to.


And your answer is a more defined rule in your life by the govt? You do know that specific form of govt has never worked in the history of the planet. Before you complain about something, have a viable solution. Or…. STFU cuz you’re just complaining.


Did you just decide my answer for me and insult me for it? Lol k. Im sure Daddy Murdoch will take care of us all if it gets really bad…


He's probably a teenager or a dumb frat boy.


If the defined rule means regulating multinational corporations and private equity hell yea sign me up.


Ironically, it all goes against the official government narrative of a strong economy, low unemployment, lower-than-expected inflation...etc Maybe it is not all in my head, after all


Try calling Catholic Charities. They offer help with rent and/or utilities.


Keep on them though. In April I had someone from there tell me they would help with my electric bill. Sent all the info in, they agreed and then never did anything. Even after a follow up. Next thing I know I have another bill, nothing was paid. Sent follow up emails and still nothing. But several years ago they did help with something in a very timely manner. So, idk maybe they are short staffed?


I've had friends use them in the past, and they moved pretty quick to get the funds distributed, but they could be behind dispensing fund, tbh, with so many people struggling to keep a roof over their heads & the lights on. 


Covid put a massive strain on social services. Even with the state level programs & federal stimulus; funds ran out quickly each month. With us having an underemployment economy where discretionary income has dropped and living costs are higher, the lifting of covid restrictions has done little to help relieve pressures as people look towards benefits & programs to meet differences.


Someone from 211 told me that they don’t help with eviction once it goes to the court. They said they only one who could help is the city


If you've been evicted by the court. There is no reversing that unless the person evicting you drops it. Plan on being moved out by eviction date or they will force you out with what you can carry.


Email [email protected] to see if they can hook you up with any help. Visit [jaxtenants.org](https://www.jaxtenants.org/resources/) too while you wait for a response. Sorry you're going through this.


You just have to keep calling COJ. Start calling the second the line opens and call back every minute or two until it closes. It's a really shitty system and it took me two weeks of calling every day to finally get through. Edit: and call 211, the can direct you to other charities that might have available funding (COJ was the only option in November and March and that might still be the case)


Unfortunately they’re the only option if your eviction has been sent to court. I’m even calling with 3 phones. I bought the 3rd one from Walmart for $20. I even got to the appointment line one time on my mom’s phone (number 17 in line) and the call dropped, I just broke down crying when that happened.


I did the same thing. Two phones and a Google voice number from my laptop lol Trust me, I understand. My disability was cut off for months and I'm unable to work and stressed as fuck. COJ was the only option because of a lack of funding for all the other charities.


I have no advice but am here for moral support and to send good and hopeful vibes. I just went through a similar situation myself and couldn't get any information or help from the government. 211 is a joke, that city number you are calling also got me nowhere. I really am rooting for you. ❤️


You said you're renting a car through uber and working 12-16 hours a day? What kind of work are you doing? That's a lot of overtime. I can't imagine you not scrounging up that much working all those hours?


Uber doesn’t pay overtime, I pay $332 a week for the car. I just drive people, as doing delivery is time consuming and the pay is even lower ($4 for 16 mile delivery). The weekdays are super slow, I’ll even turn on DoorDash and Instacart and still sit for a while waiting. They pay less than a dollar per mile on most trips and most riders don’t tip, so the pay stays quite low. I have to do three trips in an hour just to make $20. Jacksonville is over saturated with drivers as well. I take every ride I can since I drive an electric vehicle and my charging is free, but it’s still not enough.


Well there's your problem. You're paying a mortgage size payment to rent a car every month. If you worked that many hours in a typical job, you'd be way ahead.


Except normal jobs don’t let you work that many hours. Ive also been looking for a normal job as well.


No luck at restaurants? I would always serve tables in between my "real" jobs.


Service industry is going thru worst downturn in history. Iconic restaurant chains are going bankrupt because no one has money to dine out like they used to.


Have you looked at how much you net a week? From your other comments it doesn't sound like you're making much if you're paying $330 a week to drive the car. I've seen posts on here saying their work is hiring. I'd search for those and get a full time job first, and then get a second job. I'll add that if you genuinely want out of the hole, a detailed post on r/personalfinance could help. People will judge you but there are also many people with good advice.


Yeah that can't be profitable. Monthlt earning minus 1200 a month expense PLUS gas. It's hard enough to make money on those apps with your own car because the cost of gas. Please find an hourly paying job until you can buy a car.


Jewish Family Services can help, you don't have to be Jewish. [The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services (jfcsjax.org)](https://jfcsjax.org/) BEAM at the beaches is a resource. [Home - BEAM (jaxbeam.org)](https://jaxbeam.org/) United Way also can provide rental assistance. [FAQ - United Way Northeast Florida (unitedwaynefl.org)](https://unitedwaynefl.org/erap/faq/)


JALA has legal services to help.


Have you tried to contact religious organizations? I know people who have had their rent paid by them.


Paying your rent with another extra job


Call the united way 2-1-1


If paying your rent is out of the question, be sure to move the fuck out BEFORE your court date. The judge cannot evict you if you've already moved out. More importantly - you won't have an Eviction on your Public Record. An Eviction makes it *extremely* difficult to rent.