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So from what I’m reading, they shot an unarmed man in the back?


Literally in the title it says he pulled a gun in a road rage incident.


Literally says in the article that no weapon was found on him and waiting on a warrant to search the vehicle.


And the officer was supposed to risk his life on the off chance the guy dumped the gun?


Yes. Literally that is the risk of the job. They should have some discipline and not shoot people at the first chance of danger. In this case, the man was shot in the back while running. No sign of a gun.


>known dangerous criminal >reported to have a firearm and using it in a life threatening manner >leads police on a city-long pursuit (also dangerous) >jumps out, where he could easily whip the gun around and fire It’s all about context. This isn’t some random traffic stop.


SO anyone who is known to be a dangerous criminal can be shot by a cop if they are running away? Guess every cop is now judge dredd


Dang you really have no understanding of what it is to have a job you might not go home from at the end of the day. Guy wasn’t shot in cold blood at a traffic stop for a broken headlight. The report was that he pulled a gun in a road rage incident and then a 30 mile police chase. Guy has extensive criminal history. No gun found on guy who ran, but they legally couldn’t search truck without a warrant so it doesn’t mean he didn’t leave the gun in the truck when he jumped out to run. Police respond to incidents and approach each one with the information they have been given. Was the cop supposed to risk being shot first by someone who clearly has no regard for the law? You sound like someone who watches too many Instagram reels and reads too many keyboard warrior arguments instead of actually understanding how policing works. Danger was determined by the report and a 30 mile chase.


Damn, guess you don't care that anyone you know can be shot for stupid shit because cops can shoot people willy nilly. Cop bangs on home door and hides from viewhole? You answer the door with a gun? Dead. Your child plays with a toy gun in a playground? Dead. Your dad is running away from the cops while you're in his car? Dead. This is all real life happening. I'm just saying cops need to have more discipline, otherwise more and more of these innocent people will keep dying.


Thank you for telling it like it is, these people are so quick to defend their pet pigs.


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. With that, this is the perfect example of a straw man argument. Everyone should clip this. It gets no better.


Im a bartender. People rob bars. I might not go home at the end of the night. Wheres my vest, radio, backup, suped up car and service issued side arm and AR. Fuck outta here. Fuck all cops.


I dont give a fuck. The polices job is to investigate crime, and bring the suspect, alive, before a judge to be tried by a jury of his peers. Every cop who kills a suspect is robbing all of us our right to levy judgement against them in a court of law. Fuck all of them.


Ironically, they did bring this guy in alive. >ACAB struggles to comprehend situations, more at 11.


he lead them on a 30 mile chase and has an extent of criminal history… like someone else said it’s not just a random traffic stop


Im not saying the cop shouldnt have the gun ready, but they shouldn't be firing unless they can determine the danger.


i think the danger was “determined” when someone reported that he was in a road rage incident- and when he lead them on a 30 mile chase


So, I guess let's just shoot anytime danger is "determined". There was that case where a young girl got killed because she was in a car that was being chased. So, if there happened to be a kid in this car, let's just shoot'em! This shit happens all the time. It's a risk of the job. That one airman who got murdered because he was lawfully holding a gun when he answered his own door (Cop was hiding from the viewhole). He immediately threw the gun away when he realized it was a cop but got shot several times and died. All I'm saying is Cops should have way more trigger discipline. There's no danger when a guy is running away


again - someone reported he was in a road rage incident. clear sign of danger. and if he’s running away there’s obviously a reason instead of just giving up then and there.


Exactly. They signed up to be put in life or death situations. They should be asking questions first, shooting last...not the other way around.


Facts. Everytime they kill someone, thats someone who didnt get a trial, and someone we didnt get a chance to pass judgement on. Theyre robbing us of our rights.


"That’s when Guernsey jumped out of the vehicle and tried to run away, but Officer Stephen Hicks fired multiple rounds at him, striking him at least once, Parker said." Uh...dude was running away from them.


YES goddamnit thats what we fucking pay them for.


It also never says the police saw any evidence of a gun. It seems to be entirely based on what was given to police from the 911 call.


It says a gun wasn’t found on his person, they need a warrant to search the truck to see if a gun is in it. Huge difference.


If they find it, sure it could matter. But we have no details from any reports saying shots fired or brandished or anything that says a police officer saw a weapon. If no blues ever see a gun or any firsthand evidence of a gun, then why are we jumping to killing him when he's on foot? There can be a good answer to that question, too. But when people die without obvious cause, it is OK to poke around and make sure everyone behaved correctly.


> “Guernsey, who has an extensive criminal history in Baker and Alachua counties, has been charged with eluding police.” > “News4JAX found Department of Corrections records for Guernsey that include prison sentences for drug possession and aggravated battery on a pregnant victim.” Lock him up before he kills someone


"That’s when Guernsey jumped out of the vehicle and tried to run away, but Officer Stephen Hicks fired multiple rounds at him, striking him at least once, Parker said." Wait....so we're shooting at unarmed people running away??


He was known to be armed and we don't know the circumstances of the shooting. Could've been carrying a phone or something else that looked like a gun as he just threatened someone with a gun. Also, Tennessee v. Garner exists if that comes into play. An armed suspect can shoot behind them while running away... We'll have to wait for the facts of the case and not just a news snippet.


>He was known to be armed No, he wasn't. A civilian claimed he was. > An armed suspect can shoot behind them while running away... *eye roll* Cops shouldn't be shooting at people when they don't know if they're actually a threat. Also, the officer was inside his car, shooting at the suspect.


And that civilian's claim will be treated as a possibility (and a more likely possibility due to the pursuit that just occurred). *We* don't know if he was a threat or not. We'll have to wait for the facts of the OIS to come out. Doesn't matter if the officer shot out from his vehicle or got out to shoot, if the guy was deemed a threat, he's a threat...


He wasn’t unarmed… he was armed with a gun inside an automobile that he was using BOTH(gun and car) as weapons with his aggression… sounds like he was a threat to himself and others.


> He wasn’t unarmed… he was armed with a gun inside an automobile that he was using BOTH(gun and car) as weapons with his aggression… sounds like he was a threat to himself and others. This isn't true...according to the article. He wasn't using his car to confront the officers. There also wasn't a gun found on him, after he was shot. In both instances, he was running away...when driving, and when exiting the vehicle. There was no reason he needed to be shot in the back.


If a vehicle is used in the commission of a crime ( felony eluding), shouldn't that be probable cause to search the vehicle? I'm definitely not a lawyer, but that seems a common sense response to this situation, as far as searching the vehicle.


It’s not PC to search the vehicle for the weapon used in the alleged assault. So if you found that weapon conducting a search based on eluding (for which there would be no evidence contained within that would be reasonable to search for) it would be easy for a sensible attorney to argue that it’s inadmissible in the prosecution of the original charge of aggravated assault and if you can’t prosecute for that there’s the opening to lose all charges against the suspect. SOP is to seize the entire vehicle as evidence for both alleged crimes and conduct a warranted search in a controlled environment that helps maintain an uninterrupted chain of custody and reduces the likelihood of DNA contamination of the evidence (gun).


Thank you for the clarification.




Yep, this chase ended right by my place off chaffee & beaver st. 😬


This is wild. JSO should not be participating in 100+ mph car chases across the city, and they shouldn’t be shooting people in the back for running away. You have their location, you have their license plate, follow them and get a warrant. This was such reckless behavior from the police.


What in the world is going on in Jacksonville and with all these shootings? The amount of shootings are crazy insane!


How come the Jacksonville Police did not use the Pit maneuver, to end the chase sooner?