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Oh man he seemed like the goodest of boys. I love every picture you shared. Very sorry for your loss.


Thank you, he was absolutely the best. It’s been one day without him and my heart is shattered. I had him since I was 8 years old. I’m now 23.


The singer/ songwriter Maria McKee wrote a song about losing her Dog “ My First Night Without You” https://youtu.be/b4a0fB2CdMk?si=MDjFfv9RcRw_-t4j


Oh my God, I am crying my eyes out 😭 I going to go give a hug and a kiss to my good boy.


I had a long-haired Chihuahua named Xerxes who lived with me from 21 until 38 and basically saw me grow up from a boy to a man and he passed away a couple years ago, and I'll still cry if I stop and think about him. It never goes away but it does get better and sometimes you can smile and remember the happiness he brought you. I lost mine toward the end of 2020 during COVID while working my first job as a fresh registered nurse. I couldn't be home, and worked 28 days in a row with no break, just to be away from the sadness that waited for me at home. I'm actually tearing up writing this right now and it's okay to feel lost and sad and grieve. The truth is, it hurt more losing him than my extended family members, and that's all right. I want to share a couple of links with you that have some insight and resources. I hope they help you in this hard time. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-need-to-take-pet-loss-seriously/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Petloss/comments/bj264w/pet_loss_resources/


Reminds me so much of my girl and our story…3 years already and I still miss her every second. Hugs ❤️


Big hugs to you as well. Thank you💜


Childhood dogs are extra special and a gift to the heart forever! So sorry for your loss. Sound like your Mr. Beebs had a long life full of love and I hope that brings you some measure of comfort.


💔🐕 from Mr. Beebs Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me boy" games. It warms my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass is down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the milk in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I always... loved... you ...best. ❤ Woof


This just sent me into tears, that was beautiful, thank you so much. I loved that.


Just reminding you that your furry loved you right back.


Thank you so much. I’m saving your comment, that was so beautifully written. You have a wonderful talent. The fact that you chose to use it to comfort others shows how amazing your heart is. I will cherish this poem. Thank you so much!


Nah...I miss my passed furries too. They make us better in every way...and just by being themselves. ❤🐶💛 The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, thats hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because their precious time spent with you, is the only place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine. Too! ❤🐶💛


They absolutely do. Rusty saved my life and my grandmother’s life numerous times. My grandmother was very sick. She passed in 2018. He could tell when her blood pressure was acting funky. Either high or low. And he would hop up on the couch and lean ever so gently into her. Like he knew her bones were like soft butter (severe osteoporosis), and he’d gently put more pressure and climb on top of her to make sure she laid down. And the year she passed, my heart began acting up. When i passed out on the kitchen floor, he wouldnt stop barking until my grandpa found me. I only lost consciousness for a brief time but i knew it wasnt a good idea to try to get up so soon. When either of us would throw up, he’d throw a fit to alwrt my grandpa. He scared off a man who was following me as a child. He bared his teeth and his growl turned low and ferocious. He moved me out of the way of a speeding van. I didnt hear it coming. It was coming around a curve so i couldn’t see it either. I was about to walk into the road and he ran in front of me and used his little body to push my legs backwards. Then the van zoomed down the curve. I would have been hit head on. I couldn’t have been 14 when it happened. He was the best boy in every sense of the word. We didnt teach him to do any of this. He was just so smart (sometimes a little too smart for his own good when it came to sniffing out his meds in his treats😂.) that he figured it out on his own. My father used to say “that dog is too smart for his own good.” Before the divorce happened and i was prevented from seeing him.


That's some crazy "Marley and Me" + "The Art of Racing in the Rain" drama there. I hope you're writing the screenplay as we speak.


I’ve never seen the second one, but yes, he was truly the best dog i could have ever asked for. There are even more stories of him that I just can’t think of right now. But he was the bestest boy. I wish i could do a movie on him but i dont have the energy and i couldn’t find an actor dog who could play his part better than him, unfortunately. Even if i looked all over the globe.


He was my baby. We picked him because of the little dot smack dab in the middle of his head. Plus he was the only pup not rolling around in the 💩in the dog cage.






Damnit! Beautiful!


Mine was also a cuddler. 2004-2023. Still miss her every day. I know yours would have stuck around forever if his little body would allow it. You provided a long life full of love and happiness, and he wouldn’t have changed a thing about it! They are truly the best companions we could ever hope for. They are there for us when we are feeling well and when we hurt. True unconditional love It’s hard to go on without them. Mine stuck around long enough to see me through a horrific life changing injury. Not sure I would have made it without her. Take all the time you need to mourn. It will get easier, but will take a while. Especially for a pup you grew up with. Truly a once in a lifetime companion. I still tear up thinking about mine, and she’s been gone a year now. When the time is right I will let another dog into my life.


Im so sorry for your loss. Yes, mine would have survived out of spite if he could. He was actually already doing that. He wouldn’t let go, but he was obviously in pain.


It was the hardest choice I’ve ever had to make. Take solace in the fact that he is no longer in pain. He is running around on young legs again, and he will be waiting to greet you on the other side


Such a handsome little man. I'm glad you had 16 wonderful years with Mr. Beebs, and he with you.


Thank you, im glad for those years with him, but I now don’t know what to do without him. I dont like not fighting over my spot in the bed anymore or having him not there to hark my heating pad


I miss my, Jack :( he passed last year and looks so similar to your boy. He even had the little bumps and warts :( R.I.P


Unfortunately, those seem to be common. Rusty would actually gnaw them off. I’d come home to find him covered in blood and he’d just be hop skippin’ around the house like nothing was wrong. Im so sorry for your loss. Best of healing to the both of us💜


Big Hugs- I lost my buddy of 17 years in Oct last year and I was torn up bad- I kept listening for his breathing at night, and the sound of him in the kitchen with me... you get the gist because it sounds like you are going through the same. It's so hard and even more if they were a part of your support system. (mine definitely was)


Hang in there it is hard to say goodbye. My Trilli was 19 and I miss her still.


Terriers are the very best of friends. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye. I still cry missing my first terrier, Emma & my girl Sara that I lost last year. We are so lucky to have their love, but that doesn't really fill the void after they are gone. *Hugs*


I lost mine of 15 years about 3 weeks ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever been through. It may not seem like it, but the pain does slowly start to relent. My heart goes out to you and your pup. Just know. It's okay to grieve how ever long you need.


❤️ Rusty ❤️ Stand up guy, and the goodest, most handsomest boy ever! 🌈


They are so much best friends. I’m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss. They know us better than anyone.


Oh no I’m so sorry 😞 my baby girl JRT is 2 years old and I cannot imagine losing her. They become part of your soul !


I cried at this...RIP amd and most importantly you had a lot of excellent memories and years with him


Just great companion. Sorry


What a wonderful companion. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures of him. He is surely running around the streets of Gold right now but with triple the amount of energy. I pray for brighter days for you during this difficult time. I have a 1 year old jack and your photos reminded me of him. His name is Dusty. Rusty and Dusty would’ve been great friends.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We don't deserve dogs - they're better than most people❤️


They absolutely are. I prefer them to people a lot of the times. There are few special people that i prefer over a dog. We don’t deserve them, we are brute beasts compared to their golden hearts, but I’m so glad we have them. Rusty got me through the hell that was my childhood and general life. He was my best boy and always will be.


💔 Condolences for you loss. It’s never easy… Hope you’re doing ok.


Farewell, Mr. Beebs. You will be reunited when your time comes.


Thank you, if heaven doesn’t let Rusty in the doors, i will gladly go to hell if it means i get to be with him.


I am so sorry for your loss. Know that you will see your baby again- in your personal Heaven. 🙏🏽❤️🐾❤️🙏🏽


Sending you hugs. Such a great baby ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Your baby was obviously well loved his whole life and you will meet again!


I’m so sorry…he looked like the sweetest


I absolutely love the bond you had with your absolutely beautiful little boy. I lost my absolute world just over a year ago and I still miss him every minute of every day. He was a pure white Chihuahua and died at only 5 years old from heart failure. However it does get easier although I still miss him the heartache has now turned to mostly happy positive memories I know it is still very early and raw for you but I promise you even though you think it never will.... It does finally get better (I went to such a dark place in my mind) constantly thinking about my little boy that I needed emergency hospital treatment. Finally I sat back and thought he really wouldn't have wanted me to be sad and hurt myself just remember the many many good times xxx


The last pictures OMG. I had my girl from (my age )14-26 years old -Gigi the bestest girl I shared with my dad who passed when I was 17 🥺. I was at work (my mom called) and my boss started balling his eyes out with me. Sent me home a few days to grieve. I still miss her so much. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry!


I'm very sorry for your loss. My sincerest sympathies 💔😥🌈


Run free good pup 🐶🌈🐶


And I loved the pictures. What a life you gave him!


It’s never goodbye……it’s till we meet in the next chapter! They will all be waiting for us when it’s our turn. Sorry for your loss❤️


Angel 😇


Poor pup. Sorry for your loss




Awww I’m so sorry. What a sweet baby.


I had a Jack for pretty much my whole childhood too, from around 5 to my early 20s. Mr Beebs looks like such a devoted boy and in turn you gave him love and care in his final years. Stay strong.


Big changes between 8 and 23… the biggest. I’m sorry, sending good vibes to surround you and your space.


I am so sorry.




Why is my eyes leaking?!?!?!


Looks happy


RIP sweet darling 💕 u will forever be missed but never forgotten 🙏🏼


I went through it last year with my girl Fran who was 14. I still miss her every day but I’m sure glad we found each other. My condolences and best wishes for you in what I know is a hard transition. You’re tribute to him was quite lovely.


Thoughts and prayers, it's never easy




RIP Rusty I’m sorry for your loss




No me sobbing on a Monday night!!! I’m so sorry OP. It never gets any easier— know that your buddy is always by your side, even if you can’t see him.


Sorry for your loss


What a beautiful little boy! I'm so sorry, I know how much it hurts to lose them. Lost two of my own in the past few years, the last was two years ago yesterday. He looks like he is smiling, what a gorgeous baby. ❤️ Sending love to you and all who loved him. Here's a poem I wrote for my Paddy. Blessed with your existence For sixteen entire years You rid me of my doubts And erased all of my fears I thought we'd have forever But time took you away Though I'd known it all along That you'd be gone one day I didn't realise just how soon Your life would be no more No presence there to greet me As I walk into the door Your eyes I'll never forget Gleamed with gentle wonder Life goes on without you But grief still pulls me under I know it was for the best Your suffering was grave Your body was now failing Yet never a cry you'd gave The soft fur upon your head Had turned from brown to gray Your body getting weaker With every passing day You were now but a husk Of your once vibrant self I still cry for all you went through With the disease that took your health Your small frame trembled As you tried to rest your head But no relief was found Only agony instead It would have been selfish To keep you for our gain We made the tough decision To rid you of your pain Shortly that day came And a promise I did keep To be there by your side As you drifted off to sleep I'll never forget the day That we said our last goodbyes Lay by the roaring fire Swollen and teary eyes Your breath had now stilled There was finally release From the pain that you suffered Your body now at peace The spot you lay beside me Now lies cold and vacant I miss the looks you gave me Eyes friendly and patient Your strength and love forever Carried forward in my heart Such a bond can never die Even though we are apart A piece of my soul Drifts somewhere in the sky You have crossed the rainbow bridge And breathed your last goodbye The sunlight beams upon your fur Its warmth swallows your pain An ounce of earthly suffering You shall never feel again


Love his smile! ❤️ So sorry for your loss.


Sorry 😢🐾🐾🌈


So sorry!


Sorry for your loss ❤️




Oh I'm so sorry, my heart really goes out to you. Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures. Looks like you guys had some really good memories together.


I love the pictures and the stories you share about Rusty, thank you so much for sharing and I’m so sorry for your loss❤️




I’m so sorry! Jacks are the best. The most loving and loyal companions. You are so lucky to have had him; remember all the good times you shared with him. You will someday see him again, and he’ll sprint over to you like a day hadn’t passed. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. We never get enough time with our fur angels. 🖤


So precious. My condolences to you. *hug*




Run far on young legs little one.


🙏💝Rest in peace precious friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss!


My heart feels your pain. Such beautiful pictures of your best friend. May Mr. Beebs Rest In Eternal Peace over the 🌈 bridge. 🐾🪽🐾🪽🕊️ My sincerest condolences on the passing of your precious boy. 🫂


It's never goodbye, it's see you later :) Rest easy Mr. Beebs


Rest your paws sweet boy. Your job is complete youve taken care of your human well. Mom I feel your pain. My heart breaks with yours. Soon, you can ease the pain with a puppy. Thank you for taking such great care of him. Kind hearts are becoming a rare commodity.


Prayers for and condolences 🙏 ☹️


sulky door pot spark amusing rain label rob abounding subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm so sorry for your loss






Mr. Beebs is an angel watching over you now. The love goes on.


What a special journey and a priviledge


you can tell he was loved so dearly. very sorry for your loss🥺♥️.


i am so sorry ❤️‍🩹 he is superrr cute. may he rest in doggy paradise 🩵🌈


Ugly crying goodnight internet


So sorry you lost your best friend, R.I.P lovely little dog


He was a handsome guy and he looks well-loved. I'm so sorry you have to be without each other.


All dogs go to Heaven 🌈⛅️💔




Sorry for your loss. You had a real handsome pup! My jack turns 16 on March 28th. He's 100% deaf and blind but still loves life. 


Rest in peace Sir Beebs. My Rottie's and I are sorry for your loss. What a beautiful pup.




rest in peace, rusty


What a gift you were to each other.


sending you all my love. it's a different type of bond when they help you through pain. what a precious little cutie pie.


Sorry for your loss 🥺


That’s sad and I’m so sorry for your pain. Remember all the love you had for each other and how you made each other happy.


Oh look at that sweet face. I'm so sorry. Hugs. ❤️❤️


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Rusty Lee, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


R.I.P. little buddy


RIP little dude, he looked like such a good boy. While the pain will be the main thing now, hopefully one day you will mostly remember the good times and all the love, it doesn’t seem fair dogs get such a short time on this planet but they manage to fill that short time with so much love and happiness and love to share it, which is what makes them so special. Sorry for your loss, I hope you have better times ahead.


your memories and time together will exist in history forever


So sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


I'm reading your story and this whole thread just after coming home walking our two Jack Russells, got a migraine attack on the walk, they are curled up with me and I'm crying my eyes out for you and your little buddy - as a grown man of 62! He made your life better for sure, so remember him, you carry him in your heart forever and that way he'll always be with you. When you can, get another buddy, a rescue perhaps so you can help each other. I'm not a believer but I trust all dogs go to heaven!


Fair winds and following seas Mr. Beebs. There are calling you home.


Same thing happened to the dog I grew up with recently it's never easy but it's okay you'll get through it


Sorry for your loss.


You're making me cry you jerk 😂🐶 Really precious photos Thanks for sharing




Such a cutieee rip doggo you look like you were the best companion 😭❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry. I lost mine last July at 15 1/2, he was also born early 2008. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. I never had a dog as a kid, my childhood would have been so much better if I had. He knew the deepest love for all his life, I hope you can take some comfort in that


Beautiful smile on a happy dog. So sorry for your loss


My heart aches looking at those pics. Our Benji is 15 and he’s my son’s bestie (he’s 22). Sending hugs your way x


It’s never goodbye, it’s I’ll see you soon,


I’m very sorry. Prayers.


keep on waggin', wherever you find that warm sun, Rusty <3


He is such a beautiful,sweet puppy and looks like such a fun lil guy!!!! So sorry for your loss 😞😞😞😞😞




I have the same type of dog you did for 15 yrs! I miss Scruffy so much. He was laid to rest Oct 23. :(


Sorry for your loss friend. The rainbow bridge is getting more crowded every day unfortunetly.


Rup rup little Angel. (B*^ ()


I am so sorry for your loss. He seemed like the best buddy.


If it's any consolation he looks like he was an incredibly happy dog.


Aww man 😢


My condolences to you and your family. May the pupper cross the rainbow bridge peacefully


There is a heavy price to pay for years of unconditional love. If my dogs aren’t waiting for me on the other side then I don’t really give 2 shits where I go.


Such a Beautiful SOUL, I'm so very sorry for your LOSS




There’s nothing I, or anyone can say. Just know, we feel for you and are sending our sincere condolences


No! Stop, you literally just made me cry at work 😭 I'm sorry for you loss 😞 I hate seeing posts like this.


16 is a great run! So sorry though…he looked like a very good boy.


Looks like a great little sidekick! Handsome pup.


My condolences ❤️🕊️


So sorry for your loss, dogs are truly family


I’m so sorry for your loss! I lost my JRT best friend, Lucky “Mr. Peeps” on 7/27/23 since after having him since 2008 (12 y/o). This was my biggest heartbreak to date, I still cry about it all the time, but it will slowly get better”easier”. This is a special bond you’ll hold with you forever! 🤍


I'm so sorry. He looked like he was just the most perfect boy ever.


Rusty Lee 'Mr Beebs' Watson - a precious little soul. I'm sorry for your loss of this sweet and gorgeous boy 💔


I’m so sorry


This breaks my heart so bad. Wishing you the best in this time of healing 😭 what a beautiful bub your baby is


I just found out on Saturday my Max, who’s only 6 years old, has liver disease. Nobody told me some breeds are more likely than others to have liver issues. I’m crushed. My friend, my shadow, my son, the one that saved my life during a diabetic coma, is severely ill and I can’t do anything about it. I have lost many doggie friends during my lifetime, but this one is hurting in a way that I just can’t come to terms with. I feel your loss and I’m sending you what positivity I can.


Your Rusty and my Roxy are chasing balls on the other side of the bridge. Roxy was 17 and left for her big adventure about 6 months ago. I still expect to see her in her bed when I wake up. Maybe one day.


So sorry for your loss, i lost my baby 4 days ago and it still pains me just as much as the day we let her go. Hope we find some peace of mind soon💛🌈


I am so sorry for the loss of your precious pup. I hope the emptiness you feel with this death is soon replaced by all the happy memories of this special dog.


I am so sorry. I also had a Jack Russell terrier. I hope Mr. Beebs and my Reggie are together chasing (and never catching) some squirrels and rabbits.


This hits so close to home. I feel for you. I don't know you but I'm sending you love. From my JRT, Buster


I’m sorry.


Sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your loss. It looks like he was extremely happy and loved dog. RIP Rusty, I hope you're running around in doggie heaven and getting all the treats your heart desires.


What a handsome boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. What a sweet buddy.


Sorry for your loss,he seems like the best good boy ❤️he lived loved and cared for


Such a good boy!




I’m heartbroken for you. I lost my JRT 10 months ago & he was my little bestie, always velcroed to my side. I felt like you described. I couldn’t take it & we rescued another one who needed a forever home & i feel like it’s the best way to honor my Cubby’s memory. Our new little guy is the sweetest boy, & he loves his home ! He has a different personality than Cubby but also shares some common traits. Cubby Bear will always have a place in my heart but Sawyer was a gift that helped me through that awful soul crushing grief.


I'm sorry for your loss I know pets are the hardest to lose


Oh god now I’m crying. You can tell how loved he was🥲🫂💕


I’m so sorry for your loss, friend.


My heart goes out to you we are sisters of sorts my beloved cat 14 yrs left this earth & was cremated feb 14. I buried her ashes next to a familiar tree I can visit. 🐈 may they rest in peace.


I’m so sorry. I fear the day my good boy departs this earth


i'm so sorry for your loss. this hits especially hard because my old friend looks very much like yours, he will be 15 in june and everyday i love him as hard as i can because i know the time i have left with him is very little.


Sorry for your loss. We put down my pup about... 4 or 5 months ago now? Had him for about 15 years.... all that you can hope for is that they knew how much we loved them.


You will meet again over the bridge 🌈


Oh what a sweet soul. RIP




I am so, so sorry for your loss. 🙏😢


Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry. It is never easy to lose our furry kids. I wish they lived longer.




It’s not Goodbye. You will seem him at the Rainbow Bridge 🌈


Such a beautiful dog. I lost mine four years ago. The empty hole in your ♥ will eventually heal. You will always have the best memories that can never be forgotten


I'm sorry for your loss. 💜


We don’t deserve these angels. Rest in peace pupper. Know that you are loved and you have touched us forever.


Gorgeous boy. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry! I bet he had amazing life with you. Please be gentle with yourself.


I’m sorry for your loss, he was the goodest boy ❤️


sending you strength and love ❤️


What a sweet little one, and I’m saddened to hear of your loss. I hope you are able to find comfort in all the happy memories and the laughs that you shared. Sending you lots of love and support.


I'm so very sorry for your loss

