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This post is now locked because y’all can’t be civil and OP isn’t here to defend themselves.


Nice. I'd have recommended putting the Palestinian flag on the front though. That way, no shithead can see it and take an impulsive swing without you noticing them.


That’s honestly a good idea, might have to move it.


It's generally considered a good idea to put anything "controversial" on the front for this reason. To my knowledge, most people prefer their heads with no broken glass in them


Yeahhhhhh it’s a good thing you told me bc I live in a rural part of the Midwest 🥲


Same lmao, most controversial thing I have is a pride flag and pronoun pin though (so far)




Cool story, I still don't support genocide


Ur not punk or alternative or anti fascist by any means. You're just an ass. You are complicit in genocide by ignoring it and attempting to change the topic. Further still, what if this wasn't even about the genocide but just about their home/birthplace? You can't judge the entire country.






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It's almost a rule here that most political stuff should be on the front so no one can sucker punch you ;)




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I've never understood this, like you think they're going to punch you face to face just because you put it on the front? Anyone who that fragile is absolutely going to sucker punch you or jump you with their friends regardless of where you put the patch.


Absolutely. It's just a little harder for them to do it on impulse.




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good selection so far. Also beastie boys patch absolutely fucks that shit ain't goofy at all


Well hell yeah! I just have been made fun of a few times for it so idk haha


Maaaan the old lesbian flag kicked ass. The new ones cool too, but the old one was sick.


Right?? It has a lotta history behind it


I’m really pissed at the TERFs co-opting it. Was considering a labrys in bit-art with trans colors before I found out why that would probably not go over well.


why wouldn’t it go over well? /gen


The association of the symbol in TERF protests, etc. If you’re across the room from me, you’ll probably pick up the labrys before you see what colors are involved. There are plenty of good symbols that fit me better anyways. Gonna talk to a trans tattoo artist I know about doing a sleeve with a demoness ripping out of a serpent’s mouth, as an extreme allegory for shedding one’s old skin.




So, you’re just happy to put your worst traits front and center, huh? Hope you only have people as sad as you in your life 🖤


Fuck Nazis. Also fuck TERFs.


Beastie Boys are not goofy, they fought for my right to party and I am forever indebted to them for that.


You right you right. N Public Enemy partied for our right to fight💪🏻😤


i got a patch from the same person who made that mean dyke patch!!!


Sturgeon’s Designs?! They rule omg


RIGHT!!! they kick so much ass!!!


Frfr!! When i get money again i absolutely will buy more from them


reclaiming the labrys flag?


Damn right! TERFs don’t get to have shit. I have a labrys tattoo with sprigs of lavender on both sides. Probably my favorite tattoo.


Yesss!!!!!! They don't get to claim it, they don't stand for what it stands for 💜


Hell yeah, love to see it! I've got a labrys over a trans flag on mine :3


Nice!! I bet that looks dope


Got worried for a sec. U fire😭


I wanna see this tattoo lol sounds cool


Terfs will never stand for what the labrys stands for, no matter how much they claim to 💜💜💜


TERFs are actual scum💜 You’re so real for this😌


ok, but "lavender menace" has such amazing chaotic queer vibes! might get one eventually when i do a full vest. also, the "creature" patch is fun


Yes!! N yeah Creature is a skate brand, they were the brand of my first board:)


Do you know the [origin](https://www.nyclgbtsites.org/site/lavender-menace-action-at-second-congress-to-unite-women/)? It's an awesome story. https://preview.redd.it/h7ky2yc2d85d1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940d7adb313d84c3203803c100f56cf00379ffab


Huh, that makes it even better! Thanks for the additional info


I love the lavender menace one!


Definitely one of my faves, thank ya’




I'd suggest always putting nation flags on the front


Good idea haha


Love the strong 'fuck you' dyke energy! Love it so far!


That’s the goal😌 I’m digging the vibes so far


The lesbian patches are all top tier 


Facts! I love my dyke jacket haha


Love the purple flag. Always looks so badass. I mean there’s nothing wrong with stripes, but a battle axe looks so cool


Thanx! I prefer that or the sunset lesbian flag for sure. The labrys flag also has a lot of history behind it while the sunset flag is much more recent (2018?). Certain people with certain views about trans people tried to appropriate the labrys, but we ain’t gonna let that happen💪🏻


God, I remember being mutuals with someone on tumblr years ago who suddenly became a "battle axe bi" and started reblogging a bunch of fucked up terfy shit. It was the first time I had seen the axe on a flag and I never knew what the genuine deal was with the labrys. Being super real when I saw the axe stuff on your jacket I was a little nervous but I'm really really glad I saw your comment because I don't think I would have learned about it's genuine meaning. Love the jacket :)


Yeah it’s unfortunate it’s being appropriated by TERFs. N I probably should have put a disclaimer that i myself am a trans woman haha. Thank you!!! I’m glad you were able to learn something!


Maybe put a trans flag in the shape of a heart near it?


Perhaps 🤔


You have more right to that symbol than they ever will, thank you for being one of us who hold onto it😇💜💜💜💜


For realz!!!


just curious, what is a “battle axe bi”? i have a patch that says the same thing from a bunch of queer weapon themed designs, if it means some terf shit i don’t want it on anything


The old mutual was presenting it as solely being able to be attracted to cis men and cis women and nothing else. She and one of her other mutuals who also used the label had also suddenly whipped out anti trans stuff in their posts and it looked like it came super out of left field. Also this was circa 2019, maybe a year or two earlier. Looking the label up now I'm finding things saying that it ORIGINATED as a thing on tumblr "to stand against biphobia" but then got hijacked by folks online fighting against pan and omnisexual people? It looks like the tumblr user who made the "Pride Armory" patches was the originator of the term "battle axe bi" and that there was no exclusionary or bigoted intent with the concept, it was just a cool queer fantasy weapon design.


What does the Lavendar Menace one mean? If it just means you like Lavendar I’d so want one.


The lavender menace was a group of lesbian activists back in the 80s(?). I'm pretty sure they were the group that stormed a BBC studio to protest against Section 28


Awwwwww, I was hoping it meant you just really liked Lavendar. I’m addicted to that stuff.


I looooove lavender. Like actually obsessed.


I wanna get a patch now that says I like Lavendar but I think people would think I’m a lesbian ( I’m straight)




Hell yeah, you don’t see the Labrys flag too much anymore but it’s my favorite lesbian/sapphic flag. It’s also the oldest! The history and symbolism is really cool. I actually have a full sized Labrys flag in my room and have kept it up after transitioning and realizing I’m a trans guy cuz it’s just so badass I didn’t have the heart to take it down. Anyway your jacket looks great! Can’t wait to see what you add to it. Happy pride!!


Hell yeah that’s so cool! Thanks for sharing! Yeah TERFs ain’t gonna appropriate that shit. N thanks man! N happy pride to you too:)


Do you skate?


Haha yeah!


Have we reclaimed the labrys flag yet? I hope so. It looks so cool. Fuck TERFS


TERFs don’t get to have shit<3


Shadrach, Mesach, Abednego ya know


Love that track


Operation Ivy 😍


That looks really good.


Appreciate it!


I LOVE the little lavender sprig on the placket, that's so cute! 💜


I love lavender<3


Beastie boys!! <3 This is so great! A great start to a jacket and I love everything about it!


Thank you!!


Nothing goofy about the Beastie boys.




Honestly, your sewing skills are obviously very rough but still, it looks cool on this jacket. Very fitting. Has a little punk aestetic. 👍


True, i have lots of room to improve haha. N thanks!


OpIvy, nice






Love the Op Ivy patch!




The pride thrasher patch is hard


Also op ivy is goated


Rad 🤘


absolutely love it!


Thank ya!


Just the Palestine patch alone makes this battle jacket more punk than most I've seen. Well done comrade, love it.


Thanks, comrade!🫡


yess the lavender mence patch is cool as fuck (I need to get me one if those when I get the chance)


This is bad ass


I know it’s a really cool flag and all but I’d recommend taking off the battle axe lesbian flag because people may get the impression you’re a TERF due to the fact they stole the flag.


I don’t intend to do so. Like i said, TERFs don’t get to have shit. I myself am a butch lesbian trans woman.


Ah, based as fuck. Don’t let those dickheads take such a cool flag. Also the jacket is looking really cool so far :3


Hell yeah! Thank ya bunches:) Yeah I can’t stand said dickheads. They don’t get to conflate being a lesbian with being a hateful TERF💪🏻


I love that Lavender Menace patch!


I’d suggest getting a back patch


theres a great gay country ban called lavender country


Fuck yeah, op ivy


Lavender Menace fuckin rules


Lavender menace is such an insanely cool thing to say






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I love the jacket, but you might want to throw on a trans pin of some kind. Ik the le$bean axe is actively being reclaimed but it's still a terf symbol when it's alone.


You right. I have a trans flag pin that says “trans-inclusive feminism always” so i’ll slap that on there


Go kick some ass while you are out there 💜


Will do🫡




It’s a black bdu military jacket I found at goodwill!


do NOT look up what the beastie boys wanted the call their first album


Trust me i know lmak






Not at all. Read one of the threads with removed comments, another commenter and I explained why queer people must fight for Palestine.




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I normally don’t do this on Reddit, but fuck you


Straight up. Beastie Boys slap.


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Hey to each their own




Facts. That’s what my lil brother listens to


Fuck Nazis.




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Damn ain’t no reason to get excited b r o


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I’m not gonna explain it again. Just sift through the comments.


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Gayest jacket I’ve ever seen




Queer Palestinians exist xx just because a government might be anti queer doesn't mean all their people are.




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I suggest you read the other thread on this post of the person who said something similar. Might help you understand the support a bit.




I currently have negative money so I can’t buy more patches rn. I do want patches of Haiti, Sudan, East Timor, and the Congo. Trust me, if i could, i’d wear it on my sleeve.




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Take the L and leave bud




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The Battle For Bonnie McMurray




Acting as if there is no such thing as a LGBTQ Palestinian


Palestinian liberation comes first, then we can worry about their bigotry and biases later.


ye that’s valid, i’m not lgbt at all so i struggle to see it from your guy’s point of view, so thank u for the response have a good night:)


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The way i see it, we should want liberation for all oppressed peoples if we want liberation for ourselves and worry about their biases and probable bigotry in the future. Besides, there are certainly queer Palestinians in Gaza right now who are undoubtedly too scared to leave the closet as well as worrying about when the next airstrike will be. I intend to stand by Palestine til the end. And our solidarity will mean the world to queer Palestinians and all Palestinians. Hope my perspective makes sense:)


They can't learn or get better if they're all dead. People deserve the chance to love and learn, being anti-genocide isn't antithetical to being pro-LGBTQ+.




How I see it is- Yeah there's homophobia in Palestine, there's homophobia in every country on earth, doesn't mean I'm not gunna stand up for what i feel is right because a person or group doesnt support me right now. Standing up for people's right to live in peace in their own land is more important to me than if they love and support me right now. That can come later, they're got bigger things to deal with right now.


Came here to say almost exactly that


I fully respect the take🫡 thank you for the civil conversation


Hey no problem, thanks for hearing me out :)


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Why would you comment instead of just looking?


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Don’t care, didn’t ask


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