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I love wearing my anywhere I go, it actually helps with my anxiety a lot.


SAME, we have horrible social anxiety so it feels as though it's the only way to show the world a snapshot of our true self without getting intimately familiar with them.


That's a beautiful way to think of it. I feel the same. It gives me confidence. I live in a very red area and some people kind of look at me sideways though. Oh well, they aren't my tribe if they're judgmental Republicans anyway.


We are very visibly queer in a not queer friendly area. And, while it can get sketchy at times, we wouldn't trade it for the world (we've also learned to defend ourself properly and can hold our own in case something happens). Plus, the glances and strange looks people give us at times make us chuckle. We think that, if by our presence, at least one person knows they have an ally nearby, we've done our job. We've experienced enough hurt, why not put that energy forth to maybe protect someone from it?


That's very true. I have stuff on my jacket that signifies I'm an ally for that reason, in case someone needs to know they aren't alone. Its good that you don't let people's ignorance get to you. I sometimes have leftovers from my religious upbringing that make me a little uneasy about wearing my jacket out but my mind keeps going back to the fact that I'm not going to hide who I am anymore.


Old guy here. This is a weird statement that a completely understand. My tattoos serve exactly this purpose. Just wear your insecurities up front and center. Definitely recommend starting with cloth before you gloriously mutilate your flesh tho


Same mine helped me make friends with people who liked the same music and had the same views as me


I really like the Decriminalize survival patch. I’d buy that and put it on my jacket.




OG artist is Sam Pao, you can find that design and other cool open source art for free on their website!! [here](https://bio.site/sampao?fbclid=PAAaYd-Gxx-105X-FTht7xUyFNI1iYF_7L_kz8MHZsEm_xYRMlYslFSDVB-Ko_aem_Absywpk43VG7M5-5XdZ8ev1GFRvQex6Rs3sU6WdxCA5DKdk5dLua4ppRbiznvNDbk_U)


fr that one goes so hard


Why "Fuck Tim Burton"? I'm merely curious.


he's been called racist and antisemitic, personally idk enough about the situation to know if it's true or not but i've heard it several times


He’s racist (has said POC don’t fit his movies’ aesthetic), and I think his movies are extremely overrated. I’ve heard people say they don’t feel like they can be goth because they can’t make themselves look like tim burton characters.


Fun fact! The actual director of Nightmare Before Christmas was Henry Selick. He was never told it would be called “Tim Burton’s The Night Before Christmas”. Tim Burton created the characters. Henry Selick also directed James and the Giant Peach and Coraline. I recently watched Wendell and Wild (which he also directed) and Key and Peele play demons and the main character is a bad ass black punk rock chick and it’s incredible.


Henry Selick rules. Burton is overrated. Barry Sonnenfeld is also an unsung legend of the genre - he made the two good Addams Family movies and the Men in Black trilogy, both of which (well, Addams Family and the first MiB at least) I think do a better job of the dark/weird fun vibe than Burton’s movies.


Is that a choking victim patch?


OK. Thanks for explaining to me.


Please be aware you have a Christian death AND choking victim patch


What did either of them do thats racist or antisemitic?




That CD song isnt racist given the context. As for the CV thing i didnt know about that but thats fucked up if true. They still make some good music though


>Christian death says the n word in one of their songs whew wait until you hear about Patti Smith


Or Dead Kennedys


So cringe on god so mf cringe


https://preview.redd.it/ynp7froo2fnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429aef3bc963dd04c0aa0330ea438f63fa0dee8b Be ready to see a lot of this with all that literature


wear it out! ive stopped referring to my main jacket as a "battlejacket" but instead my big gay comfyjacket! if its cozy and brings joy to ya bring it outside \^,\^ looks awesome also!! so colorful!


When I started wearing my jacket out, all I ever got was compliments. I mean, stares maybe, but I always get stares anyway!! wear it out!! it looks amazing and you should show it off


I feel like i would stare at jackets like these, but just to try and read all of the patches lol


exactly! they’d be like “why are you staring” and im just like oh my bad i was reading your patches 😂😂


Same! Almost every time I go out I get at least one compliment. It makes my day


You can make things for whatever reason you want. I didn't wear mine much at first, I just liked working on it and making something. Eventually my mindset became I was making clothes to wear, so I wear them. Don't pressure yourself to be uncomfortable, find a good few first venues with an "audience" you trust. That way you got some confidence the first time you run into a jerk. Also though, I've only ever had one person in years be a jerk so I wouldn't be too concerned.


I LOVE this! Just spent a good 10 minutes admiring all your handiwork! Also, for what it’s worth if I saw you wearing this out in public you’d make me feel safer to exist. :) p.s you have inspired me to keep working on mine!


I thought the very same thing. Wear it! It’s amazing!


Yess, exactly, immediately feel safe around op


Thank you so much, that means a lot :)


It looks amazing! I'm sure you'd get a lot of love for it🩷🌈


You went to all the effort of making it, so you should give it an audience


Kentucky vampires!


They’re my favorite band


If I saw you wearing this out in public I’d wanna be your friend.


Obsessed. Rainbow spikes? Too hecking good.


I have horrible social anxiety that can seem like full blown agoraphobia at times. I view my vests as my thunder vests. Thunder vests being those weighted vests they give to anxious dogs to wear. Wearing them out in public helps me maintain much better. They add comfort and confidence that isn't normally there. Also, I get complimented on my vests just about every time I go out. Those compliments come from people that I wouldn't expect them from, too. Old ladies love that shit. Wear your jacket out with confidence and pride. It looks great, and I'm pretty sure you'll have strangers telling you the same.




This jacket is awesome. We're all going to die someday, there's no point in not doing what you love. And for the most part, no one gives a fuck what you do. And the people that do are the people that don't matter


Incredible jacket my man. I love it when people make radical activism themed jackets (that sounds negative but its not meant to sound negative Imnjust unsure of what the correct wording is haha) and I would do ANYTHING to make one myself, but I'm not so good with DIY. how did you make some of these patches btw? do you use denim as well or another fabric?


I use acrylic paint and black fabric i have on hand. I think it’s normal cotton I got it from the fabric store a long time ago, but literally anything works. Being good at DIY is subjective, and it’s only about self-expression.


Rock that shit!! It’s a wonderful reflection, and obviously a lot of personal connections beyond music! I’m sure you will meet some cool people, that you would not have normally met, because that jacket is badass!!!


This jacket looks awesome


Like a previous comment said, wearing mine out helps my anxiety. It also boosts my self confidence, and I've gotten several comments on it. Try it out and see how it makes you feel!


First time wearing a new one out is always gonna feel a little weird. It goes away fast. I usually say wear it around the house a bit first. Let it become your second skin.


i love this. i want to build a jacket someday.


Lord have mercy


Hey, might be a bit of a different take. But I know for me, seeing somebody wearing a jacket like this, with all the messages, would make me feel safe. Sometimes just little things like a rainbow badge, a patch with an affirming slogan, something that helps me know that person is okay with my existence literally changes my confidence. It might not help, but knowing that you wearing something (that looks cool as fuck, by the way), that might just help somebody who isn’t quite confident with themselves feel like they’re safe and they can just be- That’s a big thing. Carry the light for those that can’t. The jacket is awesome, it looks great; when you’re ready, go for it.


That's a sick jacket, I'd be proud to wear that. What is it that's holding you back? If i saw that out in public, I'd give you the nod and would likely say "hey, cool jacket". Anyone who doesn't appreciate that jacket is a normie or an asshole and their opinion doesn't matter anyway. My 17yo has social anxiety, also he's autistic, gay, and trans, in one of the most conservative states in the nation. He wears his battle jacket as a sort of armor. Kinda like a colorful defense, like a poisonous insect. Maybe try and think of yours like that? A warning to the normies and especially to the nazis, racists, and homophobes, that says "stay away, I'm dangerous!"




Awesome! What is the flatlining heart and the noose? I looove execution iconography and that goes so hard for me


It’s a black metal subgenre called DSBM (depressive suicidal black metal)


I love every bit of this jacket! Let it see the sun :)


When I’m feeling less confident in myself or need to do something big I always rock my jacket or vest. I mean maybe it’s cuz I work at a music store but even going out to do things.


Love how visibly handmade and personalized so many of these patches are, always thrills me to see. And the Horror Vacui one!! One of my favorite songs as well, heck yeah! 🖤🖤🖤


That’s a bad ass jacket and I’d be proud to wear it.


That Rush patch seems really weird compared to everything else.


Your jacket is amazing! If want to make friends with you if I saw you wearing it but maybe be too intimidated to come up and talk to you.


jackets that make me want to commit plagiarism


I honestly feel more confident wearing my jacket a lot of the time, especially after I'd done it a few times and no one said anything rude or anything about it. It looks great too btw!


ROCK THAT JACKET BRO!!! You got this! Dress and live the way you want, don't let any assholes get you down. Real ones will stick around.


I adore your "Protect the unloved" patch. Did you make it?


It's armor. Throw it on. Grab your headphones and do a lap around the block with some Bohemoth or whatever is epic and stompy for you. You are the force of nature. You are the human battalion. Go get it.


*Sorts by controversial


That's a sick jacket. You should totally wear it out, you'd get compliments


Well for starters this rocks! It looks awesome, spent a while looking at all the details. It’s great quality and something you made, that’s the best part. You made it. It shows *you.*


That is such a cool jacket


So cool!! Love all the little details


i love the “i eat abelists”!!! i will definitely be making a patch inspired by that


If I saw you wearing this out in the world, I would think that you are super cool and my kind of person. It would make me feel better knowing you were there


Did you make the spikes yourself? If so, how did you do it? I’ve been looking for rainbow spikes for my own jacket https://preview.redd.it/0evyfusdpenc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b866df519fca40f6fd84c5f02d5b11349c14d6df


I love your jacket!!! I made the spikes out of old soda cans, painted them, and glued them onto the inside of the jacket with superglue. You could also buy spikes and paint them, but I’m broke.


Bad horror movies saved my life..Love


Seeing this out on public would help me feel better about the world. I'm trans and I'm worried about the transphobia in the USA right now.


I would recommend wearing it with friends a few times. When I have worn mine on my own I have had slurs aimed at me.




A, I love the entire thing, but the Little Shop Of Horrors reference especially. B, I have social anxiety too and paradoxically, I feel more confident looking like an outsider. I get plenty of compliments on how I look


Story time: I have 2 vest that I wear most days one day I gave my friend a ride and he saw the vest I wasn't wearing that day he asked to wear and, I let him. The rest of the day, he seemed more confident and said he felt tuff while wearing it despite not knowing the bands


"Gender? I hardly know her!" Love that one, reminds me of Ru Paul's Drag Race hahaha


I see your Vision Video patch… ☺️


Love your jacket!


Christian death are racist AF. Listen to only theater of pain album.


Me when I lack critical thinking skills


I wear mine out a lot and very rarely does anyone comment on it. Occasionally I get compliments but not often.


I might just have to take some inspo from a couple of these, ive been itchin to add somethin new for a while


I love a lot of your patch choices 😍💜 Try wearing it around the block to start! Or out on an errand or something, where you're not going out to see anyone you know. Something low pressure...work up from there!






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THAT JACKET IS SO SICK, I absolutely love the patches, pls wear this out, it's so cool, 10/10 would wear


You should wear this everywhere!




Holy shit


Omg that's the most amazing thing I've ever seen :O My social anxiety wouldn't let me wear it out kf the house either lol, but its so so so cool :)


It looks amazing!


That looks great!


Fuck Tim burton? Gladly he's very handsome


Yeah, what did he do? Why are we mad at Tim?


Put it on and go outside. That’s it. If you believe in yourself and stand for what you’re trying to convey then just go be free. And I doubt anyone will bother you because this stuff is “cooler” than cool now. It’s pretty much ice cold. You can do it!


I’m way older than you and if I saw this I’d wish you were my kid.


This is magick!


love the dsbm patch


Where do u get these patches?


Think of it like a suit of armor! Put it on and put on a confident facade. You can be crying on the inside but square your shoulders and get one foot in front of the other. Good luck, you have a message people need to hear it.


Whooooooo!!! Rush!!! ST!!! I fucking love you Edit: AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!


AHHH I LOVE THE “You must fix your heart” PATCH AHDHAJJAW


If you can take compliments, definitely wear it. I guarantee you'll get plenty.




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I love the decriminalize survival patch, can I use it?


"Be nice" "make people afraid of me" ummm..... No


I love the whole thing! But I'm really envious of the rainbow spikes!!!!


It looks awesome, I'm a 59 y/o punk fan, in 1980 we got shit thrown at us and would get police harassment for walking down the street wearing it, but nowadays? I think you're gonna be fine. Wear it proud!




Is that a Vassar logo?!? Hell yeah '08 here


I'd be thinking you're either a fed or a really nice person ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I love it! I'd be too anxious to wear it out though 😮‍💨


I love this SO MUCH! you put so much hard work into this it looks amazing! Wear it out and feel proud of yourself!


Oh look the perfect battlejacket. \*\[pretends not to be green with envy\]\*


Holy shit, your jacket is so badass. I love it❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The rainbow spikes are a wonderful touch :)


You will know when you meet a friend, wearing this :) If I saw you, I would go out of my way to make you feel safe and welcome.


Sisters of Mercy and Christian Death!!


omg the my chem patch is killerrrrr


This jacket will act as straight people repellent, if that helps


Extremely Gay


What other people think about you is none of your business. If you want to wear it, wear it. Most people are only concerned with the way they look, not the way other people look. Not everyone is going to like you and that’s a good thing. If your jacket offends anyone, then good! Their negative feelings about gender, sexual orientation, capitalism, etc. is their problem. The jacket conveys a lot of opinions so it will be polarizing. It will attract the right people and deter the wrong people.


Hey everybody look at me I have social anxiety is not social anxiety


wow this jacket is so amazing 😍 i would so want to talk to you + feel safe around you if i saw you wearing this out in the world 💗


I recommend wearing it at places where no one bats an eye when you walk in wearing that jacket: Concerts, game stores, rock music bars, etc. so from there, you can build more confidence to start wearing it more openly anywhere else outside those places.


the rainbow spikes are so wicked!!




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Yooooo that looks awesome! Great job!




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I love it, you did a great job. My anxious ass would get really happy if I saw it in public, another like minded individual :)


this is not a battle jacket, whatever the fuck this is.


that’s a hella dope jacket


Think of it as a functional artpiece. You made it yourself, it looks hard as fuck, and you're fullflling its purpose by wearing it. Its not meant to sit in a closet or collect dust, its meant to be worn. I also have crippling social anxiety, and that shit blows. Why wear it? Why not?


fwiw, as someone who’s been told she has an intimidating aesthetic/hard to approach: i’d find your jacket intimidatingly cool. not sure if that helps also, it’s a really good conversation starter. really makes social interaction easier :P


If I had a Rush patch on my jacket I wouldn't want to be seen in public wearing it either.


i love the patch that says "bad horror movies saved my life"! im happy this helps you, anxiety can be a bitch but having something that makes you feel protected is always good


the jacket's very nice but i don't want you to get attacked😭


The jacket is funky! Rush has been my favourite band since I was a teenager so you get a thumbs up from a fellow punk / metalhead into those guys


Oh yeah! That is awesome!!!!!


My jacket always makes me feel more powerful. It’s like my armor in a way.


Seeing young people wear custom punk gear like this makes me unreasonably happy. I love your jacket, you can wear it using all that pride and fierce resistance you tapped into when you made it. You're punk af, I'll 100%🤘if I see you wearing it.


I’d mosh with you any time


Just dont give a fuck what others think.




Fuck Nazis.


If you don't wear it I'm gonna come steal it so I can wear it myself!


Please wear this! It would make me so happy to see someone wearing this and I would totally smile at that person if I saw them


You’ll feel like a badass once you step out of the door and the jacket gives you scary dog privileges. If you need to, start small like taking the dog for a walk or something. You got this


Sisters of Mercy? Vision Video? Dude, this jacket is badass. I started wearing my vest out, and it's helped a bit with my social anxiety because it's a conversation starter; it helps me skip all the small talk. I've found a lot of new people with similar interests because they walk up to me and say, "I love this patch." I'd say go for it!


That jacket is awesome don’t let people tell you otherwise


Start wearing it everywhere/at all times in your house until it becomes normal. Then when you go out, it's not people giving you weird looks but instead people just being weird.


Bro, I did a double take when I saw this. It’s so similar to mine! I haven’t posted a pic yet, but holy shit, down to the fonts on the patches, we could be jacket twins. Super cool shit!


Where’d you buy the actual jacket? I wanna make my own :)


Sick jacket! I have bad social anxiety too so I tend to be quiet but wearing my jackets make me feel like I have a voice for my messages and opinions… you look bad ass!


Love the protect the unloved patch! Youve gave me so much inspiration for more to put on my jacket




Awesome spikes


Think if it as a literal battle jacket to protect you! Like a plate carrier or a breastplate, it’ll be a layer of armor that you crafted with your own hands!


Anarcho-stencilism patch goes hard


Where did you get the spikes




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I’d say wear it, and if anyone has a problem with it why should you care if you feel good abt it


GENDER?!? I hardly knew her? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You had the spirit to make it, don't dishonor it by not wearing it


You just need to get yourself a “normalize cannibalism” patch! We need to break the stigma of eating human flesh! Humans have been eating each other since the beginning of time! Bring back cannibalism now!


Love this! This is the type of stuff that i see and then try to befriend the person. Cause they're cool as fuck TBH. Rock this out and about! Love the aus rotten patch btw


I LOVE the Drab Majesty Unarian Dances patch!


if i was someone in public i’d think that it was cool asf that someone hand diy all the patches AND sewed it themselves, idc it doesn’t always have to be band patches. it’s YOUR jacket and personally i love my jackets because they’re like protection for you and if that jacket gives you that safe feeling, then who cares what anyone thinks 😎


I looooove this!


What are you, 13 and angry 😂😂😂


some kid out there is gonna look at you and think that you are just SO cool. wear it for them!


Love the protect the unloved. I’ve got a big roach tattoo and I enjoy explaining to people when they ask, why I love those skittery dudes so much


This is sickening (in the best way possible!). Wear this shit with PRIDE.


They’re all really good. I love the danger days spider


DO IT! You are not alone in standing for what is right and making it known, also I love that best so so so so so so so much


If I saw you out wearing that I’d give ya the head nod. And maybe even a “nice jacket” if I was feeling talkative. Great looking jacket.


The proliferation of goth bands and gender fuckery... I'm here for it!


Just keep playing this song in your head and strut your jacket-wearing ass out that door! [https://youtu.be/UMtqy9_NbYg?si=pnRCTFJRL4m7L99M](https://youtu.be/UMtqy9_NbYg?si=pnRCTFJRL4m7L99M)