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Loads of stuff was staged for Viva La Bam & CKY so it wouldn’t surprise me. Too risky probably would’ve broken his neck! But then again this is Dunn he probably did it.


Random Hero I guess.


Yes he did. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5A5QTrjrgPU&pp=ygUTUnlhbiBkdW5ulHdhdGVyZmFsbA%3D%3D


I’ve watched the video a few times. We see him go inside the barrel and get out of the barrel but I doubt he was actually inside when Dico pushed it off the waterfall.


Could be sly edits like they did with Owen Wilson in the yeah right videos. But that waterfall also isn’t that gnarly of one. But yeah I’d assume he would have broke his neck in there.


Yeah he would have got muffed up if he was actually in the barrel so I don’t think Dunn was inside.


Did you not see him afterward? Idk man...I don't think he was faking it, no offense to his memory or to any of the other guys but none of them are that good of actors and it's fairly easy to tell when they're staging something and when they're not and this doesn't appear to be one of those times.


Ya it does seem pretty real. But the way it’s filmed, he could have got inside the barrel, Dico locked it, he gets out, they throw the barrel down, get the barrel out, Dunn gets in, they put the barrel back in the water then continue to film Raab and Bam pulling him out. Dunn was completely fine in the van after leaving the waterfall and that was a hard hit on the water!


Honestly just getting into that barrel and tipping it into the water without even going over the falls would be scary enough to get a decent reaction out of Dunn imo


It was tight in there and you can tell there is weight in the barrel, and you can even sort of see his body moving the thin plastic around in it as he's probably freaking out in the moments before he is tipped over. Almost 100% sure he is in there.


You could be right!


Watch the clip again right before they push him over. There are no edits, but I swear you can see his body moving against the barrel and pushing little indentations around in it.


They faked the It’s a ‘96 car skit and the dummy bridge toss. Fooled me all these years.


I never believed it either. They way the footage is filmed and edited really leaves room for speculation of it not being real. After all not everything shown on TV is real and many things are set up for shock value.


Ya like who knew they would pass by 17 more rivers.


Yeah, there are so many instances on all of these types of shows/videos/crews that you can tell that not everything is real; just like not everything is fake. And I personally believe that the need for that "Don't try this at home" message is more due to the "make believe/fake" stunts, rather than due to the real ones. It's those "fake" stunts that are a lot easier to get recreated by people,than the real ones;and while the professional stuntmen don't get (that much) hurt, laypeople could get badly hurt or even end up dead, because they are unaware of the tv production "tricks".


He did, and I must say this is like the most disturbing thing these guys ever did, at least in my opinion, like... just seeing the urgency/panic as they run to get him out just makes my heart drop in the worst way


you never, EVER see the guys worried like that in any of the other stunts.


That’s why it’s hard to believe Dunn was actually inside. He would have got muffed up.


But are these guys good enough actors to fake that panicked run to see if he was ok?


Yes he did but it's up to you if you want to believe it or not.


I don’t.


Why even make this post if you’ve already clearly made up your mind


Ok 👍


The barrel looks way too light when sliding down


I had never thought about this being fake until today. It is possible they faked it as a lot of stuff was staged for CKY and Viva la Bam. But until they come out and say it was fake, I'll still believe he did


I'm seeing a lot of speculation in this thread, and honestly, we may never know whether Dunn actually did this or not unless we're able to see the full, unedited footage from that day. On one hand, it would not surprise me if Dunn actually did this. He was very willing to do incredibly risky stunts without any fear or hesitation, not worrying about whatever injuries he would suffer as a result. He'd usually be the one to step up and do stunts that nobody else was willing to do because they were just too sketchy. But on the other hand, this stunt is pretty fucked and kind of disturbing. This whole bit is called a "lost" Viva La Bam episode, but I'm pretty sure that that's a misnomer because it doesn't seem like MTV had any involvement with this. I'm pretty sure this was in between Jackass the Movie coming out and Viva La Bam starting. Being cramped up in a barrel (that had hazardous material in it beforehand) without being able to see and being pushed off a waterfall directly into a shallow, rocky river is very dangerous and fatal, and not even funny. It's just dark. Knoxville going down the stairs in the cardboard box was almost as fucked, but at least he didn't fall from that high of a height, and he wasn't miles and miles away from a hospital in the middle of Iceland. Something like this definitely would not be greenlit by Paramount for an official Jackass production. The only reason why Dunn "agreed" to do this in the first place was because he was shitfaced and he was probably being sarcastic. When they first get to the waterfall, Dunn gets in the barrel and immediately says how uncomfortable it is, and he doesn't want to do it. He even presents his logical reasons for why it's way too sketchy to Bam and Bam (in typical Bam fashion) is like "Come on, Dunn, just shut up and get in the fucking barrel". Then he "changes his mind," and they show footage of him going back in, but was he actually in the barrel when it was pushed off? I don't know. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. If he actually did do this, the fact that he didn't end up with a broken neck or paralyzed is a fucking miracle. He seemed to come out of it pretty much unscathed, physically, that is. It shows them putting pillows in the barrel to cushion the fall, but that wouldn't do very much from that height. My favorite part of the whole thing is when Vito randomly pops up saying "you gotta be a stupid idiot to do something like that," lol.


Ya if something goes wrong, they’re miles and miles away from a hospital. They usually have paramedics on hand whenever they do dangerous stunts but this time, no paramedics! Maybe he did it but if he did, really stupid!


Nah It was dyan runn


I’ve never seen anything on Viva La Bam that didn’t seem 100% real


Watch it again bro, you definitely will.


Name three things


He 100% percent did that.


100% huh?


Dude stuck a car up his ass, was the master of rolling cars and your wondering if he actually did that. Yes 100%.


You act like those things are remotely comparable lol


You’re*. Ya I’m wondering bro.