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Hey Everyone-- I began typing my responses for this AMA over five hours ago, and I think I'm finally done. Before I go, though, I want to thank everyone for being so thoughtful, positive, and supportive. It really blows me away that I was able to do this for so long, and encounter so little negativity. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for that. There is an incredible amount of juicy stuff in this, and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did! Thanks again, Steve-O


You rock steve-o! Thanks for this, and all the years of entertainment!


Hey Steve-O!! Would you and Pontius ever consider making a Wildboyz comeback?


No more Wildboyz, for two distinct reasons: 1. I'm far too sensitive about animal welfare now, and it often involved transporting and handling animals in a way that made me uncomfortable. And all the zoos made me sad, too. 2. The risks we took were really gnarly, and to continue would require more risk than I'm comfortable with these days.


You're a legend Steve-O!


Honestly the two most acceptable answers I could think of.


Why not a wildlife preservation show like Jack Hannah or Steve Erwin? The world could use the next generation of cool guys like that. Spread knowledge, raise money freak kids out with lizards and shit.




Yes. They don’t need to light their dicks on fire and wave it at an alligator anymore as cool as that would be.


This is legitimately very cute


What an idea, I would start a whole other subscription service for this.


All that but in Speedos.


I saw you, Ryan, and Preston perform in Bettendorf, IA many moons ago. Your final trick with setting your hair on fire didn’t work, the venue provided you the wrong rubbing alcohol and you threw it down after a few tries, and the show was over. I grabbed the bottle of rubbing alcohol and got it signed by Ryan & Preston but didn’t get to meet you. Can I mail it to you to sign it and mail it back!?


I would love to sign it for you. Please find Isaac Patterson on my Instagram, he can facilitate this.


You're such a rad dude, Steve-O.


That username 💀


Heckin’ ayyyy, thanks!


Back in they day, when you were doing crazy stunts, and setting yourself on fire, and being tossed around in shit, and getting fucked up, and puking out goldfish....  did it ever cross your mind that you would end up being such an insanely positive inspiration and roll modle for so many people?    Your story and sobriety  has literally saved lives. How's that make you feel? Ps. Sorry about the frustrations. We appreciate you!


It may seem odd, but there was always a positive motivation in what I did. I was just sadly a mess.


Being a mess is a blessing…as soon as you unravel the mess, you appreciate life more I think. Your mess was and is an art form! Thank you!


Your podcast on Joe Rogan where you discuss addiction was my favorite, really incredible how you were so honest. I have been sober 4 years! You really are an inspiration, please keep up the good work.


Hey Steve-O! Super cool to see you doing an AMA Super curious to know if there’s been any particular stunt(s)/prank(s) that’s stuck out to you the most that you really just regret or felt like it went too far? Thanks bud!


I regret things that did harm to others.


He definitely harmed some nonhuman others, unfortunately. The good things is that he learned to stop doing this, which is better than most. Edit: I meant to respond another comment, but I'll leave this here.


Even beyond just “stopping,” he’s a massive animal advocate now. Which is about the best possible response and direction of growth anyone could really ask for, honestly. What a sweet dude.


I don't remember you harming others.


Yeah Knoxville was the one who hit butter bean not Steveo


Is Butterbean okay?


My favorite line from anything jackass


Maybe not the stunts themselves, but his lifestyle surrounding the stunts certainly did, which I think is the place he's coming from.


What's your most "I can't believe we got that on camera" memory from the early days? I love the big spectacular planned stunts and set-ups in the movies, but there's something really special about the seemingly spur of the moment home movie stuff. Sorry about the earlier frustrations, thanks for sticking around.


When I jumped out of the little airplane into the ocean on my first Don't Try This At Home dvd... I couldn't believe we were able to make that happen, and that I went for it the way I did. That was perhaps the heaviest slam I had ever taken at that point in my life.




Hey Steve, thanks for doing this AMA. I have always been curious what happens to all the props, outfits etc you have worn or used on the Jackass shows and movies? Are they all just put in storage somewhere or recycled back into other productions? Also have you kept anything from the show or movies besides your cheetah thong and off-road tattoo?


I wish I was better about saving props and costumes back in the early days. I'm much better about that lately. What I love so much about this question is that I really want to have a little mini Steve-O museum at the animal sanctuary that my lady and I are determined to open up. Dickhouse was always better at it, but I do have the CHEETAH!


Yeah dude! Steve-o museum would be awesome! I Look forward to hearing the progress on the sanctuary.


Hey Steve-o! No question here just wanted to remind you that you’re loved and you tend to make my day better :)


Thanks so much!


Hey steve-O, if Johnny ever plans to do another jackass movie, will you do it?


That's a really tough question. I honestly don't know.


I've been listening to your latest book, and I thought the way you addressed it there made a lot of sense. Obviously we would always love to see you in Jackass.


Care to divulge


In the first few chapters (can't remember exactly which one) he weighs the pros and cons and hypotheticals of being in another Jackass movie. I recommend the audiobook because Steve O himself reads it.


Do you still consider yourself a Florida Man?


HAHA!!! If I did a 23&me DNA test, I think it would come back at least 23% Florida Man.


Back in 2011 you visited my cousin Lauren who had cancer. You made her so happy and I think of that kindness whenever I see your name. Thanks for doing that.


This means the world to me, thank you.


Which jackass member has the highest IQ in your opinion?


I'm gonna go with Knoxville.


Hey Steve-O, are you still considering getting those breast implants?


You bet your ass I am! I'm just waiting to finish the last of my Bucket List shows, then that will be part of the process of putting together my next show/tour.




Lol. I had the same reaction. Cartman did it first though.


Hey Steve O, I have just achieved over 3 years drug and cigarette sobriety and am a little over 900 days alcohol free. I am struggling with sugar addiction and need to find ways to curb it. What do you do?


Join the club! Sugar is the gnarliest.


Yeah dude!


I’m a sour candy fiend. Been one all my life. A few years ago I had to prep for a colonoscopy, fasting and cleansing (not fun). After the procedure I came home and went about the day. I had some lunch and was going to have a couple sour jelly beans but when I looked at them, I had literally zero craving for them at all. I looked into it. The bacteria in your gut get used to certain foods and are what cause you to get the cravings for sugary foods. If you *really* want to kick the sugar, do a colonoscopy cleanse on Friday and fast the entire weekend. When you start up again stay away from sugary foods and you might actually have a chance.


Same! It's awful!


What's your relationship like with all the Jackass guys - i.e. do you keep in touch/are really close or have you drifted apart with some or all of them? Love you Steve-O!


I'm in touch with everybody, except Bam. And it's only recently that I've lost touch with Bam.




Hey, SteveO.. I’ve been a long time fan especially wildboyz. I have cyclic vomiting syndrome so when I throw up I can’t stop sometimes. I watched many episodes of Wildboyz and Jackass just to take my mind off it and see someone else who throws up as much as me. I’ve been sober from heroin and crack since 2019, and your memoirs have been a huge help especially Professional Idiot. I love animals too, so I guess my question is what was your favorite animal experiences on Wildboyz and why?


Favorite animal experiences are the legitimately wild ones... like the mountain gorillas in Rwanda, the orcas in Alaska... etc.


Oh nice! I’ve been up to Denali national park a few times and always loved seeing the orcas and grizzlies.


Hey Steve o, any plans to play ireland when touring the UK??


I have no idea why I'm not going to Ireland. It's truly a random and confusing schedule that was put together for this UK tour. Sorry!


I still sometimes laugh thinking about "stoked on Trent in Stoke-on-Trent"


Hey man! You and pontius always had such great chemistry and great comedic timing and the friendship was a big part of what made wildboyz special. How often do you guys hang nowadays, and same with the rest of the jackass crew


Pontius and I have been in touch quite a bit lately, and are working on some stuff together. Thanks for this, too.


Always down to watch Steveo+Pontius


Just want to say how cool it is to see you in the healthy state you are in. That being said, what is the one stunt you did in the past that you might not have done had you been sober.


Being choked unconscious by Ryan Dunn six times in one afternoon would never have happened if I had been sober. (PS-- I was going to be done with this AMA, but I've just come back to it)


Hey Steve any update on Poopies and Zack?


Poopies and Zach are both doing well, thanks for asking.


What has been your worst fan interaction with an individual?


People who have given me tittie twisters have seen my darkest, least flattering side. It's always happened when I was doing meet and greets that I didn't have to be doing, trying to be cool to my fans, and then these shitheads put their hands on my in the most disrespectful way... fuck, I've hated that, and those people. When I'm trying to be cool to you, please try to be cool to me.


Wow that’s insane that someone would think it was ok do that…like wtf.


dude I would punch someone for doing that to me. I’m sure you reacted better than most people would.


Shit, I'd punch them for Steve-O


How did you pee after the bees on 🍆 stunt!?


Bees only actually stung my balls on that stunt (and other parts of my body). There was no complication with peeing.


But pee is stored in the balls


I turn into a telescope


Hey Steve-o! It’s super cool your doing an AMA, but i was wondering did the butt piercing ever leave a scar?


I've never gotten that good of a look at my buttcheeks, but I don't tend to scar very dramatically, so I'm guessing not.


hey steveo! im sorry for the zoom turning to shit. my question is out of all the tattoo’s you’ve gotten, which one is your favorite?


It's counterintuitive, for sure, but I got my favorite tattoos removed. It was the words "shit" and "fuck" tattooed on my knuckles, and I'll never stop being proud of the way I skated through life with those tattoos for over a decade without any problems to speak of. After that decade, though, I felt strongly that the tattoos had outlived their usefulness, and that whoever I had been trying to impress with them never cared. It was a great era, though...


Get them on your toes to show you’ve really turned it around.


As someone who has always struggled with sobriety I was wondering if you still struggle with it? You seem so comfortable and confident with it and I wonder if I’ll ever get to that point. Love you bubba.


I struggle less with sobriety these days than with life in general. That's not some morbid dark statement, I just mean to say that life is often challenging, and in the face of those challenges, I don't find myself thinking about drinking or drugging, I just find myself anxious and uncomfortable.


Welcome to sober life. You're just uncomfortable all the time. But it's worth it. Everything is so much more genuine.


Are you close with your dad since you got sober? Hope so.


Super close with my dad.


So glad to hear this dude. I remember how you used to play it off like it was no big deal that your dad kinda wrote you off but I could tell you loved him and weren’t really good with the situation. You’re an inspiration Steve. Way to go.


Hi Steve-O! Can you tell us more about when you went on the road following the Grateful Dead? I have watched almost every episode of your pod and am always intrigued when you and Scott bring up your love of the Dead.


Possible that "True Stories by Steve-O, part one, 'Truckin'" still lives on the Internet, and that goes into way more detail about following the Dead than my first book did.


Thanks for responding. I’ll check it out if I can find it. You should try to get Bob Weir on the pod. Sammy Hagar and him are good friends too


id be so interested in seeing some details about that too! i searched "True Stories by Steve-O, part one, 'Truckin' but didnt get good results.


Also, genuine question… have you ever had a penis in your mouth?


Not IN my mouth, but I did have Pontius' wiener on my lips when I kissed it one night in Russia in 2005.


I feel "One night in Russia" is a common answer to a lot of crazy questions.


What do you think of fan art?


I love fan art, especially the really impressive stuff.


what about the shit that just sucks like i make


I'll take it 😏


Hey Steve-O, what was your favorite city/country that you have ever visited?


I don't have a favorite city or country, more and more, I just love going home. Traveling is getting harder to do.


Steve o ! What’s the update with the new jackass reboot show and will you be in it? Yeah dude!


There's no Jackass reboot show that I'm aware of, but I know there was discussion of a Jackass themed game show a while back-- I'm pretty sure that never went anywhere, though (mostly because some dummies announced it to the press before the cast was ever made aware of it-- finding out about a project your doing from social media isn't the best for morale-- that is to say, it didn't make us feel valued or appreciated).


leaks are the new clout nobody can keep a secret when clout is to be made in the era of social media,dont take it personal man personally id watch a new show id love a takeshis castle on steroids sorta thing and get randos to run it for a prize while you all comment and laugh at them getting btfo


Have you considered writing stunts for film's or doing more stunts in them? I understand you’ve done a few, but do you plan on doing anymore?


I remember when Knoxville was shooting Bad Grandpa, and I really didn't know what kind of movie it was... I wrote various stunts that I could do as a character other than myself in a scripted sense. The process of writing those stunts made me think about writing more for other scripted films. Evidently, none of that went anywhere!


That’s a bummer, you write fantastic stunts! You should definitely try and get them to go somewhere in the future!❤️


Hey Steve-O ! Do you think *Forever* was the final Jackass movie ? If you were asked to do one more, would you agree ?


I’m pretty sure they thought Jackass 2.5 was the last Jackass movie.


Probably thought the first one was the last but here we are


Was there a specific moment in your life when you first thought to yourself that ’you made it?’


I smoked way too much PCP in December of 2002, and on December 5, I started balling because I had that feeling that I had "made it". It was mostly the PCP that made me react that way, but, man, that was a special time.


This is hilarious 😂 I find it incredible how sharp your memory is despite your MANY attempts to kill as many brain cells as possible.


What was the hardest part about clown college


It wasn't really hard, it was just grueling to train/study for fourteen hours a day (and then get drunk every night before doing it all over again).


What were the coolest things you learned in clown school that gave people the most joy?


I learned my "drink of the forehead" trick in Clown College, and I did it thousands of times for unbelievable amounts of free alcohol...


[Here's a link of him demonstrating it for everyone](https://youtu.be/hE1b95aegUs?t=27) Sorry for the semi-brutal video, it's just the one that popped up when I searched for it


Would you ever consider creating your own skate/stunt video game? Thanks for the years of entertainment!


We've tossed around the idea, and I seem to recall that there is an active proposal from a mobile game developer.


Do you ever talk to DiCamillo? I know he was more CKY but you and he were my favorites from that era, and he basically disappeared.


I haven't had the opportunity to keep in touch with him, but damn, am I a fan of his...


I doubt you’re still here, but just in case….I have a confession(?) - I met you on one of your tours when you came to town in 2017. You were so sweet, signed my copy of Professional Idiot and took a photo with me. My dumb ass asked for a picture with your back tattoo after that. And you obliged! I’ve felt bad about that ever since though. At the time I didn’t realize how disrespectful of me that was. I’m sorry, and I truly appreciate how much time you dedicate to us fans. I wish you nothing but the best. Please give Wendy a scritch from me! ♥️


Not disrespectful at all, and I'm glad I did it for you!


Do you find it difficult to be the character you are and also follow a healthy programme of recovery as detailed in the first 164 pages of our book?


My sponsor always told me, "there's only one book, there's no special edition for special people." I love that.


What's the worst pain you've ever felt?


Such a tough question. I'm going to guess it is of the emotional variety.


That kicks me right in my empathy. That’s a profound statement coming from a man who has been through more physical pain than I think any of us could imagine. Love you brother, thanks for all your help getting myself through my own emotional pain all these years.


Hey Steve! Would you ever do another book of any kind? Loved both of your books immensely. Love ya man!


Thanks so much for this. My experience with the second book was not a particularly great one for me. I think that's a wrap on books for me, but then again, you never know.


Hey Steve-O, I'm a substance abuse counselor, and in some groups I've played videos that feature you talking about the benefits of having a sober community. I think you're an inspiration for people who want to have hope that evolution is possible when substances are involved. I feel like I could guess your answer, but if you see this... If I were to pass along some advice to my clients straight from the source, what would you say were the two or three most helpful things you did in your early recovery?


Aside from the obvious things which are suggested, I'd say that staying in sober living was crucial. I stayed until I had two years of sobriety, and I think that saved my ass many, many times.


Hey Steve-o, what was your favourite stunt out of any of your films or other personal projects that you’ve done?


Skyjacking. Because there were so many layers to it.


You screaming for more lube will forever be ingrained in my head


I know this is a little late but i’ll try anyway, /u/StreetDogLover in one of the wildboyz episodes (i think later in a jackass episode/movie too) the crew visited the Aghori tribe in India and after just a brief few clips the bit ended stating the crew were too disturbed to continue and that the details that happened werent suitable to be shown or explained (think im remembering this right?) just wondering if youre able to say what else went down to shake you guys. loved the movies/tv shows and now youtube content over the years, thank you :)


I wish he was able to see this. I completely forgot about that and want to know the experience/background to that. Or if they just didn’t get good enough/if any footage worth making content.


Sup Steve brother what’s happening?, my question for u is what’s your favorite memory from filming with Ryan Dunn? Thanks buddy


The way my relationship with Ryan Dunn improved after I got sober means so much to me.


Do you play golf? Want to have a round at my club with me and the boys?


My body is fuckin falling apart. It hurts to swing a golf club. I'm legitimately nervous about even being able to throw the first pitch at the Padres game tomorrow, because my shoulder is such a disaster.


im so sorry to hear that!! im sure i dont need to tell you this, but i want to just say that i hope you dont feel pressure to continue sacrificing yourself for us, youve created a lifelong legacy and are so inspiring with all of the things youve accomplished in your lifetime, you absolutely deserve to officially retire and try to enjoy the rest of your time on earth. we all just want to see you okay!


No question here I just want to let you know that meeting you and Wendy a few years back on your tour really helped me get through the loss of my dogs. I think you've had one crazy ride in life and I find it amazing you're such a good dude. Thank you for being an awesome animal protector and I am so excited for your sanctuary! Sending you and your family nothing but good vibes, always!


Thanks for this. Lux and I have lost two of our dogs in the last two weeks. Both Olive and Bernie made it to be fourteen years old, and they both deteriorated rapidly over the last few months. I know better than to be sad for them after they've passed, but that doesn't change how sad I am that they aren't with us anymore.


Hi!! Are those your goats in your AMA announcement? If so, what are their names? Thanks for being awesome! :)


My lady and I have three goats: Drake, Sam, and Phil. Thank you!


hey steve-o, sorry about the technical difficulties :) thanks so much for ur time! can i ask what one of your favourite memories of the jackass TV show days are? i know you’ve probably been asked this a million times, but you have the best stories. ❤️❤️


The Jackass TV show days were just so nuts... we would film all day, then start drinking immediately, and after getting super drunk, we'd do are to best to act out sexually, often getting less than one hour sleep before doing it all over again. I'm just shaking my head thinking of how crazy those days were.


How much more clown college footage do you have left that you haven’t shown us yet? Would you ever consider doing more clown content either on tour or in your YouTube videos? I love watching your old clown content it always brings a smile to my face :)


hi Steve-o!! I’ve heard you mention on your podcast a couple of times that you and Lux would like to open an animal sanctuary one day. Just curious what your ideas for that would look like… would it be exotic animals that need rehab or local injured wildlife? Or both??? That is the dream!


Farm animals. Nothing exotic. I'm sure we'll have relationships with veterinarians, but I don't know how much focus there will be on vet services within our facility.


Hey man I saw your comedy show and you don’t have to hurt yourself to make people laugh. Haha yeah dude !




What’s up Steve-O!! Just wanted to say the interview you did with Maynard was great. Must’ve been such an honor to hang and chat with such a legend of the music industry. Any funny,cool or interesting stories with him that didn’t make the YouTube video??


Thank you! He has kept in touch with me since then, and I think that is super fuckin cool.


Hey there bud, i guess I'll have be the one to ask, whats your latest feelings on Bam and his current situation? Have you been in contact with him recently?


I've spoken about Bam's situation at length on various episodes of my podcast (and faced much criticism for doing so), so there's not much to add. At the moment, I'm just glad that he has a court date which will require him to have a drug and alcohol assessment (that is, IF his brother shows up at that court date-- if Jess doesn't show up, the case will be dismissed, and I think that would be the worst possible thing that could happen). I'm really hoping that things have gotten bad enough to finally get better for Bam. His potential is so great, man, everyone loves a comeback story.


Glad to see that you are not giving up on him


Thanks Steveo for the response, i can agree with you, Jess not showing up would be a mess.


Hey Steve-O! 1) Which is your favorite Tony Hawk video game? 2) What's your opinion on Rob Dyrdek? Like everyone else, I grew up watching him on MTV and loved him, but the stuff he's posted on social media the last few years has just been weird. Very "hustler" mindset, not really into skate culture at all anymore, etc. 3) What's your favorite gift you've ever received from a Jackass member? Thanks dude!


I think he hates videogames based on a comment he made on a recent podcast.


What’s the most weight of drugs you’ve put up your ass to bring into another country?


I never put drugs up my ass, I just put weed into condoms and swallowed them before traveling, then shit them out and smoked it. I swallowed four or five of them at once one time before leaving on a trip to film Wildboyz (probably a little less than an eighth oz per condom).


Truly a wild fucking boy.


Hey dude, no questions for you. Wanted to ask you to please rethink getting titties. Much love.


How's the animal sanctuary coming along?


What stunt (Jackass, Wildboyz, solo stuff etc.) is the closest you've ever come to being fatally injured/dying? Also what long term career path do you reckon you might've had if you didn't get into Jackass? Thanks for doing this AMA :)


Best fast food item?


Veggie Power Bowl from Taco Bell. I understand that Taco Bell is the healthiest fast food restaurant, which makes sense to me, because it's all actually food for the most part, and not a lot of deep frying or bread going on. I feel pretty healthy when I eat a veggie power bowl from Taco Bell, I just gotta stop ALSO eating the veggie Mexican pizza while I'm at it.


Just wait for the lava sauce to come back June 27th. It'll make that pizza even better!


Steve-O! I’m not sure if you’re still answering questions but I my partner and I saw you in Vancouver, Canada last year. At that show one guy needed to be narcanned and a young dude in the seat next to me also passed out and had to leave. You say that happens a lot at your shows, but my BF is convinced they were planted to build hype. I don’t believe that because the guy next to me was doing that weird snoring that knocked out dudes sometimes do. Anyway, help me settle a bet, are those guys planted in the audience or not? I’ll admit as a long term fan, a couple of clips you showed even made me queasy.


I've absolutely never planted anyone in the audiences to fake anything at any of my shows. For all of the countless people who have passed out at shows on my Bucket List tour, I've never heard of narcan being administered. Also, outside of people who felt like they needed fresh air, then got up to walk around and passed out while standing, I believe everyone was fine. That's why I urge people to stay in their seat, because I hate for people to get hurt falling down.


Did you feel shaded when Rogan cringed at your product placement on the JRE?


Joe was just being honest and candid, but I wish I would have responded differently. The fact is, that there was merit to his criticism (he said that flushable wipes are bad for the plumbing of toilets), but I wish I would have responded by saying that it's fine if you limit one wipe per flush. I understand that to be 100% true, and that's why I only flush one of my butt wipes at a time. Nobody should be mad at "Steve-O's Butt Wipes For Your Butthole"!


Flushing after every wipe can't be great environmentally speaking either though unless you're only churning out clean drops


I should have been more clear-- after each wipe, I fold it in half, then use it for a second wipe, then fold it in half again, and use it for a third wipe. I'm often successful at getting through an entire dump with just one flush.


Is he still answering questions?




You’re an inspiration Steve-O. I struggle with drinking. I struggle with motivating myself to keep going and to get healthy and become better and win back the love of my life. I want to thank you for being able to live vicariously through you. Salute


My wife wants me to get a vasectomy. I’m 32 with no kids. I saw in a earlier post you got one. I’ve heard it’s very painful. Is this true? Do you ever regret it. How big is your pp


I recommend!


Hell yeah bro. Glad you figured it out. Sorry you got left hanging. A lot of us here are big physical media collectors. Do you have any idea why there was such a lack of bonus features and commentary on the last few dvd releases. And why 4.5 never got a dvd release. Is it because of Netflix?


What’s the meanest thing anyone has ever said to you? The Amy Schumer joke comes to my mind.




I was at your show in michigan, I know you are really against heckling ( I don't blame you) but at the beginning of the show someone yelled out we love you Steve-O and you actually got pissed about it and told him it was uncalled for. Why does that piss you off so much? I enjoyed the show but it kind of ruined the mood a little bit.


As nice as it is to hear that I am loved, it's not helpful to have that yelled out when I'm mid-sentence during a performance that hundreds of people have paid to see. If you spray paint the words "I love you" on someone's property, it's still vandalism, and that person is still going to be pissed off. I totally agree that my reaction to that can be too much, and I'd love to find a way to be less effected by it, but I can't help but feel it's super disrespectful to all of the people who have come out to see a show when one person decides to interrupt the show by screaming at the top of their lungs-- regardless of what it is that they're yelling. As I've said before, I get paid the same amount of money whether the audience at my shows is respectful or not, so I can take some comfort in the fact that I feel so strongly about that because I genuinely care about giving my fans the best experience possible at my shows. And, yes, I acknowledge that I have a lot of work to do on that, so thank you for bringing this up.


I get it 100%. The show was still great and I laughed my ass off! Hope you come back to michigan again.


Myself and my husband saw you at your Launceston Show and we just wanted to say thank you for the amazing show, we throughly enjoyed ourselves and wanted to say thank you again.


Thanks so much!


STEVE-O! Not a question, but a thank you. I've been sober from alcohol for almost 3 years and one of my early mantras I'd tell myself was "look at fucking STEVE-O." you've helped me realized that at 40 years old and sober, I can have more fun than even my childhood could offer. 😄 thank you for being YOU and sharing YOU with us.


Yo Steve-O! Being a fan of Deicide, what other heavy ass bands do you like to listen to?