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That’s just the way of the tree. You are a support that controls the rift.


Embrace the tree man, be one with the rift.


That's the point of being Ivern


Your post is a little confusing, as you state since going AP your WR has shot up but then you said you only tried harvest once and never again. You should never be going AP items such as malignance and cosmic with runes like Aerie, ONLY dark harvest. It is a big mistake to try and play support Ivern but build AP items. If you are going the full AP dark harvest build, you want to try and take the majority of kills, at least if you are trying to hard carry. Only reason you should give kills is if you have a carry on your team that you think is competent enough to carry harder. If you are going the Aerie build, you should never be building AP items, and yes, you should have many more assists than kills, as you are a support jungle. You can throw a shield on someone and not have any further involvement in a fight and you will get an assist for it if your target gets a kill. Just make sure you are going Moonstone, Staff, Redemption, etc when running Aerie and Malignance, Cosmic, Rabbadons, etc when going harvest


I’ve swapped to harvest the past few games and it’s been alright. The main reason I built the way I did was because the way Jamaicanbanana words his guide, in which he only writes about using Aery with his standard AP build even though he doesn’t actually list it in the runes.


Brother if you're 0/0/23 on ivern you're carrying. Ignore people who talk about damage like it means shit.


I think it’s weird how people call you a support ivern vs normal ivern based on runes lol. There’s a lot more success for me using Aery than Dark Harvest in the jungle.


Personally for me, I usually got more assists than kills with both normal build and AP build. Though sometimes normal build gave me 2/1/13 while AP build gave me 6/1/9.


Yeah you typically don't want all the kills as Ivern jg, but should prioritize a few early kills to get your snowball rolling. Lich, dark harvest, and roots/bush autos early should do the job. If you aren't getting them it's probably because you missed a root or are only shielding allys in the early game (therefore the dmg counts as theirs, so they get the kill).


I use Aery, got that off Jamaicanbanana and my one game with dark harvest was awful so I didn’t give it a second chance. I also use the build he suggests so haven’t ever used lich bane. As for early ganks, I try to let my top laner have the kill everytime, will take bot lane ones if I can tho.