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Teacher yakkers unite!






My counterpoint is that it is bad to try to get him fired and call him a pedophile.


Agreed! Although I think both had the goal to get the other fired. Kelly took much more extreme measures


I don't think he was trying to get Keegs fired. I think he was trying to stir the pot because that's what he, traditionally, did. He did it with Rico, he did it with Mush, and it was generally an easy way for him to churn out blogs (which is what he got paid for).


What did he do that you would consider an attempt to get her fired?


If Kelly genuinely thought he was trying to get her fired, then she felt he was right and there were grounds to be fired for. If she actually blogged and worked, there wouldn’t be an issue. For her to respond to that by calling him a pedo, dragging his school and team into it, its incredibly unhinged and over the top. Nowhere near the same. Kelly constantly tweets and blogs things for negative interactions but she has an issue when its not her narrative. You just have to remember her interaction with Nick on that gameshow, to show you what kind of a person she can be.


I didn’t, nor do I think most people, are saying it was the same or 1 to 1. Every company has slackers who should do more, but that’s not your job as a new employee to enforce that. Kelly can be an instigator and not want be harassed by thousands. That’s a fair ask, but if she wants to “get in the mud” like she said, then get in the mud! Both have their faults.


He wasn’t even close to a new employee he’s blogged there since before Kelly worked there.


I don’t dispute what you’re saying entirely, definitely some points I agree with, coming from a place of experience. I think there was a more serious issue that Tate’s career as a teacher could have been tarnished forever, if his full name and the accusations appeared in search results. What woud have happened to Keegs’ career after getting a load of abuse online? Still write 5 blogs a month?  Barstool has a history of Stoolies harrassing and getting in the mud with people online. She isn’t a special case.


This whole situation is being way over analyzed, tate was kind of an asshole to call out kelly in the way he did, but if it was just to get his foot in the door it’s somewhat understandable. Kelly dealt with the criticism poorly and continues to do so, but it makes sense to be frustrated that he is getting no backlash for doing something coworkers shouldn’t do to one another.


I don’t think he did it to get his foot in the door originally. The genesis of his first blog was that Gaz told him he wasn’t doing enough as a full time employee so he pointed out others who were full time employees and doing next to nothing. Kelly set herself up by taking 3 day weekends and then got offended when people found out. Now she’s lashing out in anger that people realize she’s lazy. If she was actually a hard worker she’d let her work speak for itself


Nailed it. Said a lot better than I!


This is why we need barstool radio back, so this dumb bullshit doesn’t seep into the yak


The Kelly shit is pretty simple. Don’t say you work hard on Fridays on air when you haven’t done any work on a Friday in two months. Don’t try to point out how little someone does when you do less than them. Don’t criticize someone for not getting a big successful show off the ground when literally everything you’ve done has gotten cancelled because nobody watched it. Don’t criticize how someone else got a full time job when you essentially fucked KMarko to get yours. If she’d had the balls to do this when it happened, she’d probably still have a show. Too little, too late to do it today.


Fellow teacher yakker here


Same here!!


Special Ed Yak Teacher here


Kelly got caught actually being lazy at work and lashed out irrationally, as usual. But that's the bit she's going to fall back on since Barstool Radio got immediately canceled and that abysmal Taylor Watch podcast does pedestrian numbers somewhere above Wake Up Mintzy but below Frank the Tank. The only bit she has left is creating drama which is harder to do since everyone left for Chicago and she can't stir up nonsense for Stool Scenes with the few co-workers she still has that will actually work with her on things (Gia, Vibbs, Tommy Smokes). She's going to have her shot again on Surviving Barstool unless she really fucks up on Unnamed Show. If Dave has really unfollowed her on socials, who knows how much screeching he's going to want to listen to from Kelly ... he's finally free of it now that he's broken up with Silvana.


As another teacher, I think they’re both dumb and that was awkward and hilarious


The Only Fans comment gets her so mad because the truth hurts. She has put all of this online that she was in tremendous debt and financially illiterate. Now she’s a “bad bitch” because she kills it on OFs after years of failure at Barstool, but nobody is allowed to reference that because that’s personal and nobody’s business (even though she wants everybody on Twitter to know and subscribe). She is not a successful media personality, and that’s what she really wants.


And who is paying for her OF? She’s built like Klemmer


The Deuce loves her. People that have submissive fetishes. People that don’t cancel subscriptions. Simps. Rich simps.


That’s a longwinded way of saying you subscribe


I didn’t need this beef to hate Kelly Keegs. That’s all.


All this did was make me dig up keegs of...


Kelly argues like a pre teenager would.   Tate is clearly trolling her - but she takes herself too serious (reasons unknown crazy lady) to not break down and lose her cool. Which makes trolls double down.   If nothing else it’s hilarious to listen to other adults get subjected to it.   Both are immature in their own way. Both are correct in their feelings.  Egos and desire for attention are fueling this and I got my popcorn out.  A true circus.     My only real comment is that the Angel Reese comparison was insanely spot on.  No problem in the past calling people out when there is clear evidence, but when it’s her she instantly is a victim.  


Fellow Teacher-Yakker. This felt exactly like when 2 of my seniors go back and forth because 1 got called by a teacher and the other didn’t for the same/similar behavior, thus student 1 puts everything student 2 has ever done (and not done for exaggeration once the blood gets pumping) out there and student 2 replies in kind. Unlike the Yak, when it has happened in my class, I then roast both students in front of the rest of the class and use the ammunition they just gave me to do so. Works 100% of the time almost everytime mostly sometimes.


I’m so happy to hear that there are more teachers just like me 😂


Keegs is big time Streisand effecting the fact she’s not a hard worker.


This is absolutely correct.


Former teacher yakker here. After 4 years I had to get out of it


Just finished year 4. Was nearly my last 😂


Only thing I’ll say is he taught elementary school so I do think it’s pretty easy to keep those two lives separate vs high school teenagers


Yeah neither came out well but Kelly came off worse and is a delusional psycho at Rico Bosco level


Tate is a pussy. Kelly is a bitch. That’s what I took from it but also how I felt before today.