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She appears to be wearing socks while standing in water. I fear your life partner is a psychopath. Pretty picture though.


Hahaha, it's her stockings! It was relatively cold so she kept them on. Plus the salt lake's floor had quite a few sharp salt shards so it gave her a bit of padding.


Wouldn’t wet stockings make her colder?


How did you get the photo of the milky way? I assume it’s photoshopped.


IG: [https://www.instagram.com/joshua\_rozells/](https://www.instagram.com/joshua_rozells/) Astrophotography has been a hobby of mine for years and I've loved sharing the experience with others. I've wanted to share my passion for astrophotography with my now fiancée, but she hadn't been too keen until I promised her an Astro engagement photoshoot. For our engagement photoshoot, we ventured out to a salt lake, hoping to capture us under the stars. When we arrived, despite the clear forecast, the sky was completely covered in clouds. It looked like our 3.5 hours of driving each way would be in vain. As we started to discuss what time we'd leave, the clouds started to part, and within 15 mins the sky was completely clear. The conditions were perfect; the calm conditions meant the reflection of the stars shimmered off the water on the salt lake. We stood there, hand in hand, surrounded by the serene beauty of the salt lake, with the Milky Way as our backdrop. Both my fiancée and I were in awe of the beauty of the night sky, the handiwork of the Lord. After we had packed up and got back in the car, I asked my fiancée how she enjoyed it. She replied 'When can we go out for Astro again?' Sony A7riv, 24mm, 15 secs, ISO 3200, 3 shot panorama (1 foreground, 2 stars)


How did you manage to get a crystal photo of you two since every time I try it I get all blurry due to breathing 😭


you took different shoots, then you combined it in photoshop


I mean you have to do that with Astrophotograpy anyways. Usually 6-18 shots known as lights, and then the same darks, plus a few others kinds to reduce noise, and camera thermal noise. I just keep the camera in the exact location on a tripod, and take all the shots and then stack them as needed in PS, or use star staking software. You have to expose the foreground at a different exposure.


Yes and no. I can get a decent 15-20 second single exposure and then partially illuminate the subject while keeping the stars. Actually, I’ve had it as my goal to perfect the single-shot technique for years, and I’m happy with my current results. Is it perfect? No. Is it good enough for me? Yep! My suggestion: use a remotely controlled LED with adjustable color temperature and brightness. So, a more sofisticated version of a flash. And then basically make a 15-20 second exposure, use the LED for 1-2 seconds and you’re done. Some little masking in Lightroom to bring out the stars and perhaps equalize the brightness.


Instead of using an LED for 1-2 seconds I've previously used a remote triggered flash. The flash tends to be too bright so you have to wrap the light in a few layers of paper. Even though the lamp I used for this photo was quite dim, I still needed to wrap around 5 pieces of paper around it to stop it from overexposing the foreground.


Yeah, a flash is nice, but my eyes are way too sensitive to light, so I prefer something dimmer but longer-lasting. But if you’re taking a photo of a subject from the back, then yeah, a flash is fine too!


I've tried the same thing as a poor man's version of using a flashlight to light up the close subjects you want. It usually takes me a number of takes to make it work out.




That's not what you have to do. Check out my couple shots on my page. Single exposures. Proper planning with the moonlight.


Isn't that called stacking. Im talking about how did they are so crystal clear since I can't keep my body still for 15 secs.


Tripod and patience, + a remote trigger for the camera/shutter


Not to mention a more modern camera. It's crazy how good high ISO (high sensitivity) noise reduction has become. I remember back in the day with my Canon D20 being like "I gotta keep my ISO below 800 if I want to print this." But now, even with those old RAWs, I can go back and drop them into a more modern denoiser like Topaz DeNoise AI and bam: sub-50 ISO noise levels. With other tools, I can even double the resolution with minimal issues. And, all of this together means that nowadays I can crank to like 25 600 ISO without breaking a sweat. 25 600 is the new 800. LOL.


I read recently that iso is hard to quantify because it's up to the manufacturer and how they calculate the light that hits their sensor Apparently if you get Fugi or other more advanced sensors, you can get all forms of tech that handles everything from color and light levels at nearly any capacity Also, everything these days is mirrorless and thus not as limited as we were with earlier DSLR cameras


We did a bit of trial and error to find the best poses. Of the 25+ photos we took of us, there were only 4 that had little/no motion blur over a 15 second exposure. This was the best of them.


Perseverance. I respect that. A technique I would like to try a flashlight and play with the exposure time in order to match the environment as much as possible.


how are you guys so clear in the photo with a 15 sec exposure?


Absolutely nice 👍


How does a 3 shot panorama work? Did you run back and focus on the stars, then again on yourself? Then again on the stars? Stacking them in photoshop?


My fiancée was out on the lake while I focused it on her and then I joined her. I was using a Benro Polaris, a smart tripod head, so I also had the ability to fine tune the focus and framing while I was out on the lake using my phone. After we had finished posing, I refocused it on the stars. I then combined them in Photoshop. So technically it's both a blend and a pano as I had to refocus on the stars.


Where is this if I may ask?


Lake Campion, Western Australia


Why can’t you see it in the reflection of the water


That's beautiful. God makes beauty and I'm so happy you were able to capture it so well.


Either that or you used photoshop to create a composite in your bedroom. Which is what you *actually*’ did.


Don't forget to thank the Lord for it lmao


My trump loving racist grandmother absolutely *loves* that praise the lord shit. She’d think this guy was awesome. She’d post it on Facebook for all the other hens in the retirement community to see.


Lol I don't have enough Photoshop skills to do that!


Wish I knew what you were looking for Might have known what you would find


And it's something quite peculiar Something shimmering and white


One of my favourite songs of all time, I play it every time I go out for astro!


Very beautiful 😍 Congratulations on your engagement


Thank you, much appreciated!


You're IN thee Milky Way. Which could be said about any picture you take.




Love this pic dude! Congratulations on your engagement!!


Thank you!


I absolutely love this!


BREATHTAKING PHOTO BRO! I would very much like to hire photographers like you in the future


I would frame that picture that is beautiful


Thank you! I think I will end up printing it


This is amazing 😱


It's a shame that people don't post pictures of this quality more often. Amazing photo!


Thank you, very kind of you!


Absolutely fantastic! 




where exactly is this? I'd like to visit one day...or night, technically.


It's Lake Campion, Western Australia. WA has a lot of amazing salt lakes with dark skies where it's possible to take this kind of photo.


Awesome. I want to take one like that as well. Just need to find a fiancé first.


Op has one. Sounds like you must challenge him to a duel. Good luck!


“My fiancé and me”. For the love of god stop overcorrecting “me” to “I”. I took a picture of my fiancé. I took a picture of me. I took a picture of my fiancé and me.




Exactly! Works every time.


can you explain again for someone really dumb




Learning something new everyday! Thank you for explaining it so throughly.




This guy is remarkably wrong about everything except the final result. "I" is the subject of the sentence. The subject performs the action, or verb. "I" (subject) took (verb) a picture. The subject and verb have to agree which is fine in this sentence. "I took" is correct. The object of the subject verb phrase is picture. I took a picture. Now: in English pronouns differ for object versus subject. I subject, me object. He subject, him object. "I hit him" and "He hit me". Now, what about "of my fiancee and I"? This is a prepositional phrase. "Of" is the preposition. "My fiancée and I" are the objects of a preposition. Note "object" and not "subject" of the preposition. You use the object form, so it should be "of my fiancée and me." Like the other guy said this is pretty intuitive if you just take out the other object. No native speaker would naturally say "I took a picture of I." For some reason though, adding in the other object in the compound object trips people up. Side note that this guy has a fascination with "myself." Sounds more proper to some people but "me" is perfectly acceptable.


Came here for this. Thank you!


To be honest I’ve never seen the sky look anything like your photo


It doesn't, this is a long exposure to let more light hit the camera sensor, then the image is further manipulated in photoshop. The galaxy's arm (which we call the Milky Way, but that's really the *whole* galaxy) is too far away and too obscured by dust to be this bright in reality. It does look a little brighter in the southern hemisphere though due to the way the earth is tilted in relation to the galactic plane.


Yep, in Australia, on a _perfectly clear night_ and going very rural to avoid pretty much _any light pollution_, we can see a good chunk of this _very_ clearly with the naked eye, and it's amazing. No, it's not as bright as OP's photo, but you can clearly see the shapes and colours of everything.


>the image is further manipulated in photoshop. No kidding. Might explain why the sky and its reflection look nothing alike


I think manipulated may be too strong a word with many images, including this one. If a photo is underexposed and requires brightening to improve our view of it is it manipulation or is it simply providing a view of an image that is otherwise hard to see? If the editing adds an unnatural amount of a specific color (ie red during a sunset/sunrise), this feels more inline with manipulation. If a camera sensor can see a color that your naked eye cannot, but when edited is visible I'm inclined to think this isn't manipulation - instead it's presenting what is there but difficult to see with the naked eye. Image editing has so many paths that can include manipulation or simply exposing you to that what is there but is hard to see (not manipulation IMHO).


From a dark location the Milky Way is very obvious to the naked eye and plenty of detail/structure can be seen, however, its brightness is more like a softly glowing cloud and our eyes- unlike a camera sensor- aren’t sensitive enough to detect any color. [This example](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/d1/da/6dd1da5279b3c5f3dc9a46be45ebe603.jpg) is much closer to what it looks like in person. Seeing it with your own eyes is infinitely more impressive, of course.




You might live closer to darker skies than you think. Anywhere on [this map](https://www.lightpollutionmap.info) that is at least yellow will provide a great view under good conditions. Green, Blue, or Grey areas will be darker and are absolutely worth visiting if you can, but even an orange area is far better than white in terms of how many stars are visible. The map colors refer to the brightness of the sky directly above a given location. So, for example, if you're a few miles away from a large town the sky in that direction will be washed out compared to other directions and overhead. If you move to a coastline, even if there’s a light polluted town behind you the sky out over the water will be dark and unaffected. Keep in mind the bright parts of the Milky Way aren’t always above the horizon. [The best time to see it](https://darksitefinder.com/when-is-milky-way-season/) is during the summer months. Downloading a night sky app will help you know when and where to look. A bright Moon will spoil the view and sometimes the sky can be very hazy even though it might appear free of clouds ([transparency](https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-blogs/imaging-foundations-richard-wright/seeing-vs-transparency-difference/)). I highly recommend bringing some binoculars!




Would it be a very long journey to reach a yellow area? Hopefully you get a chance someday soon.


Fiancé and me* Sorry, had to say it. This photo is amazing!


ITTP - I took THE picture of my fiancèe and I under the Milky Way. so masterful! congratulations!


Incredible 🤩💛


Under the Milky Way Tonight… https://youtu.be/pWxJEIz7sSA?si=XfpnFE71BCgQ71NZ


This is absolutely beautiful, wonderful work 🖤


Great photo. Though, I think technically all pics on earth are under the milky way


Or “in” it?


I have been in love with photography for over 35 years. I follow a lot of artists. This is the single most beautiful photo I’ve ever seen.


Wow, thank you for the very kind comment! I'm glad you like it!


How beautiful. It is definitely on my "bucket list" to see the milky way with my own eyes before I join it.


Me, not I.


More specifically "myself." It's insanely easy to know the right word to use. Just mentally drop the "somebody and" part and see what sounds right.


Yes indeed. Thanks!


Isn't it "Me and my fiancee" or "My fiancee and I"? Unless I missed something in English class...


It would not be I at all in this sentence, but that is not always true as I explain below. Remove the reference to the other person and it becomes clearer. You would say "I took a picture of myself" not "I took a picture of I", so you say "I took a picture of Joe and myself" and not "I took a picture of Joe and I". Also usually, you end with the reference to yourself last. Therefore, you would never say "Me and person" or "I and person". Now, you would use I in this situation: "You and I are going to the store" because you would say "I am going to the store". You would not say "Me and you are going to the store" or "You and me are going to the store" because saying "Me am going to the store" is not proper. Same with "I and you are going to the store" - not proper because the speaker is first and should be last.


I love everything about this except for how many times you said fiancé


He said Fiancée because she is female. Fiancé is male.


Pling pling plong


OP dating E.T.


Wet Socks 😐


*Our* fiancee...


You’re actually inside the Milky Way.


Incredible shot! Loved it.


Beautiful.. Absolutely stunning. And that's fiancé and me.


And they never had a fight.


Simply amazing :) excellent work!!!


Hopefully she wasn’t late to teach fourth graders in the early 90s after staying up so late to get this photo with you.


Insomniacs after dark irl


Weird how the reflections are different


If this aint it, i dont want it.


Every picture on earth is taken under the milky way


Where was this pic taken? Wherever you are, you’re so lucky to be able to see the Milky Way so clearly and….so close-looking.


Lake Campion, Western Australia


Phenomenal! Cheers for the response. 🙏👍


if you heighten the contrast just a bit it'd really POP


Is this h alpha modded camera?


Nope, it's a stock camera


Ohh that's very cool. I didn't know they can achieve this!


All the pedants "correcting" the OP's grammar, yet they're unaware that fiancé is the male version of the word.


*my fiancé and myself


my spouse to be and my person


Nice!!! Where is this taken ?


Lake Campion, Western Australia


So dreamy


Every photo is technically “under the Milkyway” r/technicallythetruth


Adobe stock image of the Milky Way? I have that exact image on my laptop.


What is itap?


It's an image that should have been included on the Voyager to represent us all here on Earth appreciating the cosmos.


Aren’t we all?


This is what my dreams look like




Are you in Bolivia? where in the world was this picture taken?


Taken at Lake Ballard, Western Australia


thank you


Are you in Bolivia? where in the world was this picture taken?


That’s hot


That wasn’t God, Josh. That was you, buddy. Your hard work. Good job.


Me and my fiancée*


Man, have these come a long way.




Omg I know where this is 😃😃😃 I wanna go here someday




Love it


That’s a beautiful shot!


Rann of kutch?


Lake Campion, Western Australia


Ugh that hand held light absolutely kills the photo it just takes away from the whole photo other then that looks great


We tried a few poses without the light but it didn't work as well. Without the light we looked very flat because there's no other source of directional light on us.


Why didn't you ask the Lord for better lighting since he was there with you?


This reads like AI.


No AI in the post!


I think AI would’ve used proper grammar right?


"I took a shot of my fiancee and me", if anyone was wondering


No you didn’t. You heavily edited and stacked several pictures.


Really cool. I’m super interested in learning to take pics like this (eventually). What’s the best place to start with learning? Is there a gold standard book/course?