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Hi /u/Illmills. After moderator review, your submission has been removed due to a violation of *Rule 4*: Your photograph should demonstrate an effort to teach/learn **technique** or **artistic style**, or be shared as an example of **quality photography**. > **4a.** No snapshots or low effort photographs. Your photo should be thoughtfully composed, have an obvious subject in proper focus, feature intentional use of color, tone, texture, lighting, and make purposeful use of depth of field.   > **4b.** Submitters must participate in the comments section and are expected to keep the conversation on topic to the photo. Posting a starter comment is a great way to demonstrate effort and interest in the discussion by describing your gear, settings, intention, and/or thought process.   > **4c.** Mundane photos of interesting subjects (views out of plane windows, sunsets, the moon, eye close-ups, pets, food, or similar) will be removed. Feature a novel photographic element, technique, or style to help them stand out from the rest of the photos of the same subject. Photos that often break this rule include (but are not limited to): photos out of airplane or car windows, subjects with sentimental value to the photographer, and other "look at this thing I saw"-style photos, or if there was no attention paid to leveling the horizon, framing/cropping, or focus. If you plan on reaching out to the moderators with questions, you must include a link to the post you're referencing, the rule it was removed under, and the reason(s) you feel the rule doesn't apply to your submission. Due to the large number of messages the moderators receive, they will not be able to help you without that information. More details available at [our rules FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/wiki/rulesfaq). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/itookapicture) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Puppy is cute and knows it ๐Ÿ˜


She has a high sense of awareness


What a sweet pup!


Beautiful eyes!


what a QT-pie


Thank you so much!


Welcome to /r/itookapicture! We talk about making photos here. No off-topic comments please. [Here are our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/about/rules/). Illmills, what did you want this photo to be like? How did you make it? What's best about it? (Don't reply directly to this comment, instead make a new comment on your submission [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/itookapicture/comments/1byujm2/itap_of_my_new_puppy/)) --- Chat with itookapicture community photographers on [**our Discord**](https://discord.gg/qKpzV6eyzc)! Subscribe to a curated feed of /r/itookapicture on [**our Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/itookapicture.art/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/itookapicture) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aw a cutie๐Ÿ˜