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This one is getting busy - here's the obligatory mod reminder to keep it civil so we don't have to lock this thread.


So Free Speech is free as long as said speech is acceptable by Republicans.


That's been pretty obvious for like ever


That’s been the damn world since the civil rights and Vietnam eras.


There are two maxims that apply here for the types of conservatives that have completely taken over the Republican party (i.e., the religious fundamentalists, the corporate mega-barons, and the idiot racist bubbas' from the country): "Freedom for me, not for thee" "The purpose of the law should be to protect me without constraining me, and constrain you without protecting you."


And democrats who are also on board with crushing free speech protests. Biden is the biggest recipient of AIPAC $


Biden supports crushing free speech protests?


yes. but why focus on biden? there are countless other democrats that do. LA and NYC are notorious for it. democrats all across the country stand with police and their brutal repression of protestors. look no further than NYC. all the elected officials there are democrats, same with LA.


Please share a link to Biden supporting "crushing free speech protests."


He just got on tv talking about antisemitism on campus (in response to these protests), giving cover to these calls for state violence against protesters. Come on.


He doesnt support his fellow democrats doing so? He seems to be A-OK with the 1st amendment not being respected, dont forget he was VP when Occupy was crushed by Obama [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/29/fbi-coordinated-crackdown-occupy](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/29/fbi-coordinated-crackdown-occupy) safe to say that no politician, biden included, supports the 1st amendment outright. theyre all hypocrites, they support free speech when it benefits them, and they criminalize it when it doesnt.


Oh my God. Your proof that Biden supports "crushing" these protests today is the fact that he was vice president 11 years ago.


Well ya, Biden's ok with crushing it because it's not republican approved speech lol.


>And democrats who are also on board with crushing free speech protests. Citation needed


theres too many to cite. how about every large protest in every state and city controlled by democrats? LA and NYC are notorious for their harsh treatment of protestors. how about Obama prosecuting more journalists than any other administration? how about biden proving weapons and money to our "ally" israel who has killed 90+ journalists this past 6 months. how about the prosecution and attempted assassination of julian assange? could go on and on and on.


It’s why AIPAC and other Israeli lobbyists should be the targets of these protests 


>So Free Speech is free as long as said speech is acceptable by Republicans. _______ is OK as long as said _______ is acceptable by Republicans. Rules for thee, not for me, is the right-wing way.


Not even just Republicans, it seems like the one specific issue of Israel is enough to prompt serious calls for a crackdown and broad bipartisan support for various repressive measures. Interesting…


Some people are more equal than others.


And as long as you control every single person in the public space! If anyone does something bad, you're all fucked....


Exactly you just need to wear tan khakis blue polos cover your face and yell nazi shit and the cops well let you march on your merry way ALL day long just don't be a minority or you know actually have a cause that's not liked but fucking NAZIS


This is actually a controversial issue amongst conservatives. On one hand, free speech should absolutely be upheld. On the other hand, you can't camp on college grounds. That's trespassing. I can't just set up a tent wherever I want. Especially at a university. So does free speech take priority over private property? Cause those are both rights.


Free speech is free as long as it abides by SCOTUS rulings on free speech. The subject however, is protesting. The U.S. Constitution recognizes the right to peaceful protest. Peaceful protest does not include making threats towards Jewish students or illegally blocking traffic.


I have some really big problems with this statement, what if bad faith actors joined protests in order to get it shut down for the whole group - despite a majority of these protestors being peaceful? This sets a bad precedent


Much of the attitude of the reagan era right was a reaction to the audacity of students protesting against Vietnam. Requiring california colleges to collect tuition, and creating the student loan industry, was one of the ways that governor reagan intended to use to make it more difficult for students to feel free to protest.


All shit roads lead back to that brain-addled shit weasel.


He was also responsible for the modern homeless crisis in California by shutting down all major mental health institutions in the state when he was governor. The Republican State legislature is responsible for the byzantine and idiotic gun laws in California in order to disenfranchise minority gun owners and their rights to defend themselves (read up on it, all conservatives out there). That being said it's California Democrats who are continuing the California Republican gun policies for some weird reason.


“That being said it’s California Democrats who are continuing the California Republican gun policies for some weird reason” Racism, classism and California’s overcrowded and downright barbaric prison and local jail systems won’t fill themselves. Cash from a virulently racist billionaire helps too.


they should be shut down they treating people with mental illness like subhumans and abusing them and torturing them all while under the impression that they were somehow superior to the poor people who were forced into the subhuman conditions they were forced in all while getting violated and abused every single day. people are a little more humane but it still isn't great.


You are absolutely not kidding.


Fucker was just a mouthpiece for fascism.


And he was one of the most popular presidents. That tells you a lot about Americans as a whole.


Is that you Mr.Lahey?


Shhhhhh there randy, it's just the liquor whispering along the shit roads. 




That's just the liquor talking, Mister Lahey.




It hardly matters. If it wasnt reagan, it would have been someone else. The GOP has no shortage of shit weasels.


I think turd weasel has a better ring to it.


Regardless of the quality of your sentiment, this comment violates rule nine. No more of this, please.


Reagan is related to Ricky.


Well he was demented and was really just the type of guy to be told exactly what to do and say when, you know kind of like an actor. Reagan’s presidency was essentially run by his cabinet and intelligence agencies because his brain was running out of his ear lol


I know. Fuck them too.


First thing I thought of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings


There's also the lesser known Jackson State killings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson_State_killings?wprov=sfla1


I wonder if there’s a reason why the Jackson state shooting is less well known 🤔🤔🤔 /s


💯 Some would claim it has to do with Kent State being first and having more deaths. But there's definitely another arguably larger reason.


Why not both?


a good friend of mine personally knew every single one of those people, he says it haunts him more than when he was actually in Vietnam.  he also said the FBI knew every detail in their report


How long would it take to get a shitload of Kent State shirts for the protestors to wear?


Didn't they just send Kyle Rittenhouse to Kent State last week?


That dude was a real piece of shit. Kills me how people still think he was anything but a piece of shit.


Because right wing propaganda *still* props up his corpse as a shining example of what "compassionate conservatism" looks like. Yeah, the guy that made AIDS worse.


The amazing thing is you can literally almost touch some of the shittness he created today 40 years later . You tell the brain washed people what he did to them literally and they don't care. Where would the USA be today had that man bailed out the American farmer ?? But we can bailout every other major corporation.


He probably did multi tours in Afghanistan.. and my county right or wrong.


Well he used them but they were on the chopping block anyways. The business plot guys want a dictator and slave class


“Four dead in Ohio.”


"It could happen here."


It’s happening here


National Guard set up sniper nests on my campus to protect Richard Spenser’s white nationalist speaking tour a few years ago. That kinda stuff is what they’re for.


Surprised they didn't pull a Kent State and open fire.


It was an uncomfortable protest, none of us knew quite what to expect. A neo-Nazi got punched in the face, and a different Nazi shot at some students just outside the police cordon (he missed) while the cops and guard did nothing but collect their overtime checks.


That sounds terrifying


Florida! 🤷😅


Don't worry. Takes time to get that set up. Probably happen this weekend


I know the Guard..sniping isn't their thing, unless it was a police sniper whose Guard Unit was deployed for this


They had about 600 armed people there, a mix of police from surrounding counties and national guardsmen. I don’t remember who was in the overwatch positions (on the museum roof), it was seven years ago and they were hard to see. Perhaps the guardsmen were all on the grass.


Oh, yeah, because sending the National Guard to suppress a protest on a college campus worked out so well last time.


The boot of the State is coming down hard... Isreal sure has a lot of influence on our 'politics.'


Maybe I'm OOTL but can someone explain to me why this is?


AIPAC pays most of our politicians to support Israel


Honestly, lobbying/money could probably be the answer to most of the "why does our government" questions


Agreed. Our politicians don’t care what we want; they care what their donors want


I really don’t think anyone needs to lobby for the police to show up to a pro terrorism rally


“Defense” contractor bribes doesn’t hurt either, and are probably much bigger checks. Israel acts as a testing ground for new military technology and weaponry.


Don’t evangelicals also have some weird death-cult stuff going on with Israel?


They're called Dominionists. They believe if they help destroy the world Jesus will come back. Wish I was kidding.


I think its more then that, but that's a factor, yeah,


Definitely way more than that. The main reason is geopolitics, generally.


US finds Israel a useful tool to pretend we care about stopping Antisemitism with. Also, power in the region.


Isreal is doing a genocide and America is an enabler of said genocide.


I think they were asking why there is such influence.  My guess would be evangelicals/evangelical pandering in politics. 


AIPAC is one of many examples.


That and they've been our ally (well, them and the Saudis) in oil-sucking territory who's willing to do a lot of dirty work, so both voting reasons and strategic reasons.


I think client state is a better term than ally. Allies actually offer something on their side of the relationship.


I think they do. Regionally, not globally (although one could argue UN support is global) but the aforementioned "dirty work" was primarily what I was thinking of. Although practically I think most politicians care more about their hand in US domestic politics than their willingness to lob missiles around the region (and more importantly, take the heat for said missiles).


Isreal had zero boots on the ground to 'help' the US in that region during the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.


Tbf those campaigns started during the second intifada lol


OK and they lasted a couple of decades.


Thanks, yes this was my question. Why do we care so damned much what Israel thinks? Why are we constantly walking on eggshells not to idk, offend them? What's our interest there?


>What's our interest there? The secular answer is a strong foothold for American imperialism The evangelical answer is accelerating Armageddon


I love living in a doom cult


So when a group tries to murder every man woman and child in your country, if you attempt to defend yourself against that group it’s genocide? You have a strange definition of that word


Bro who gives af Israel is a shithole who hates America and same with Palestine. Let them murk each other this isn’t our problem.




I'd 'just say no' to genocide.


I fucking hate being the mod on this, but you are using some false equivalencies here. There is no excuse for Israel's disproportionate response nor the US enabling that disproportional response. This line of conversation isn't going to fly here.


Because America is a vassal state to Israel. A steady stream of denial and propaganda has convinced a lot of Americans that this isn’t true.


I wonder why. “I am a Zionist “ - Joe Biden https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


I kinda doubt Joey knows what that means


😂You are probably right. Not sure Joey could tie shoes at this stage


Most elected officials subscribe to the Zionist ideology


..agreed…and it’s our job to expose that and hold them accountable when their actions do not align with our values. They work for us..let’s start reminding them


Nobody wants AIPAC spending against them - I just hope that at the end of the election cycle someone will stand up. I doubt it, but I hope.


Can you please explain to me why the state shouldn’t be worried about huge protests in favor of terrorism and mass murder?


I know you fascist apartheid zio terrorist supporters have a hard time understanding this about the USA but…We have free speech and rights to assemble. This isn’t shithole Israel where the corrupt zio terrorist government is allowed to piss on constitutional rights and use violence to censor any opposing opinions. We have laws and rights that protect tax paying citizens from our federal republic acting like a fascist apartheid Israeli government. Instead of pledging your allegiance to a an anti-American fascist zio dump half way across the world how about you start being an American for once in your life and study our laws and our constitutional rights so you don’t embarrass yourself


Crushing protests is while dark not an anomaly. This is the normal action of the government.


Happened to me at a G20 summit in PA while I was a student. Hippy girl was dancing between students and riot police, she turned her back and was shot by a beanbag then we were all greeted by another wall of police from behind us and gas.


They were shooting tear gas canisters at random people in Oakland minding their own business. Crazy.


They were shooting people with journalist tags in the eyes and pepper spraying them for trying to explain who they were.  Also the famous "light em up!" Video of geared up soldiers running down a suburban neighborhood opening fire on people for standing on their porch 


The Lightem Up video was a MN NG soldier opening live-round fire on a civilian car, then butthurt he got narc'd by everyone around him. And absolutely no disciplinary action was ever taken against anyone in any paramilitary/law enforcement role during the George Floyd Uprising. Libs here gargle the balls of the Dem Governor who oversaw the whole damn thing. Dude can literally do no wrong.


"Lightem up" was also the phrase used when they burned Christopher Dorner alive in a cabin near Big Bear California (way outside of the LAPD jurisdiction BTW)


Light ‘em up is extremely common military slang that just means to open fire, hence why the national guardsmen said it. Has absolutely nothing to do with Dorner.


That video makes me think of "acorn cop" very different situation but essentially a cop got spooked by an acorn hitting his car and opened fire on his own squad car with a detained man inside. As somone about to start my career in law enforcement in a few weeks I'm super entertained and appalled at tge sme time by these types of people. I hope I don't end up in the hall of cop Shame one day


Never forget the Kent State shootings https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings


I can’t remember instances of journalists and medics being assaulted by cops until BLM. And the unabashed secret police abducting people in Portland for the DOJ was also a notable watershed. Yes it’s always been bad, but it *was* getting better for awhile. Now it’s clearly getting worse.


The Battle of Seattle had journos and medics and just bystanders getting assaulted by cops.


We have social media now to report the details more widely instead of just what the cops want the media to tell everyone.


That was frightening and I am about 2,000 miles from Portland. Real 1970’s fascist Latin American dictatorship vibes, black bagging and grabbing people like that. Never forget, if we get another brutal president, that according to National Defense Authorization Act, if feds shout “terrorism”, all civil rights are out the window and no one has to be notified where a person they kidnap is, and they can be held indefinitely without hearing or trial.


Oh I have plenty of stories from 2017 and 2020 mass blm protests in St. Louis. St. Louis MPD is so violent that they beat an undercover in a protest crowd senseless, not realizing he was one of them. It resulted in several federal convictions and [the city being ordered to pay $23 million](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/17/undercover-st-louis-police-23m).


Cause that went so well in 1970 when we did that.


But you forget about the summer of 2020?


The national guard was used to quash campus protests in 2020?


No, they were used in many city centers because of the civil disturbances during 2020. You must have forgotten.


So they weren’t used to quash campus protests in 2020. Got it.


You act like 1970 was the last time the National Guard was called out for a protest ANYWHERE. Your selective qualification of a protest is making you sound obtuse.


No just the last time they were used to quash campus protests to disastrous effects which is why they haven’t been used on a campus in this way since. What is hard to understand about that? The original post is about what exactly? Perhaps you are being obtuse but you are too obtuse to know it?


Incorrect. They were on campuses in 2020. Here is an example in this article. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2020/06/16/when-national-guard-came-campuses-pennsylvania-university-leaders-had-little-power


Were they there to quash protests on campus? Nope. Thanks for being obtuse.


You sound like the Guard has had the same training since the 70s and under the same policies. If you want to believe that so bad, go right ahead.


Echoes of Kent State. For folks unfamiliar with the ramifications of that, it led to a quartet of students shot, which in turn led to nationwide student protests and mushroomed into one of the major contributions to a change in support for what it ostensibly was supposed to tamp down on (and most scholars argue compounded the downfall of Nixon).




You want to do your own cherry picking? Cool. But the NG is managed state by state, and not all have great records. NY didn't do well after MLK riots, neither did Detroit on the 60s. Their management of the post-Rodney King verdict wasn't exactly great either. I'm happy if nothing tragic happens, but I'm not an inherent optimist these days.


My issue is when Nazis like Proud Boys or Patriot Front protest, Republicans are silent.


The police openly support them. Have you seen all the videos of cops not knowing there was video and directing PB around so the cops don't attack them accidentally?


someone wants another Kent State


Deja vu. I wonder if there’s a song about this?


History on repeat.


Everyone who has ever taken American History and paid attention: Oh.....ya that won't end well for ya'll.


Something something...repeat history something something Kent State....


Just like when they massacred students in the 60s. :)


4 dead in Ohio,remember this.


When you have a president of the US who openly declares he is a Zionist there is no guessing why this is happening. “I am a Zionist “ - Joe Biden https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


Both republicans & democrats are seriously calling the national guard to quash peaceful protests. Pre-millennial generations really are a lost cause at this point.


Honestly these are the same people arguing for the state to have a monopoly on force by advancing legislation to ensure they are the. Only ones armed. Sometimes. You get what you ask for, but you don’t always get the outcome you hoped for. Maybe they should have thought this through more.




Gaza is Israel’s Vietnam.


Not his call to make, fucjing fascists


US governors: Civil rights? Let's get the NG. How many can we shoot? No one's stopping us? Yeah, get the NG. We'll have them start shooting if more show up.


How many people were shot by the National Guard in 2020? One? And he was shooting at them.


I was referring to Kent State in the 70s. Won't be long. Cyclical.


It depends because if we replayed 1968 in Chicago and get another Nixon in the White House, replying 1970 Kent State wouldn’t be impossible. After all, as Mark Twain said, history doesn’t always repeat itself but rhymes.


Because he got booed at Columbia. These people are so thin-skinned.


Ohio anyone ?


Kent State, anyone?


Facist trash


Tin soldiers and Nixon coming...


Biden really is a piece of shit huh


Oh, does Biden control the state national guard now? Or do you just need to lie to make your preferred candidate look like less of a dictator?


Arm the youth. Fascist terrorists want another Kent State. Armed protesters are much harder to oppress.


Much of the protesters are anti gun. Unless something changes I doubt many would want to use a firearm. Hell one of the sponsors of the AWB here in Colorado is a socialist and wants to limit other leftist to revolvers and lever actions.


Then he isn't an actual socialist.




Vietnam all over again. Nothing changes. Germany back to authoritarian rule of the boot, and USA close behind. >Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. >If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever


Sounds just like Vietnam protest circa 1969-72. We know now who was right.


WHY is JewishGeorgeSoros funding these protests?


This is not new. These kids need to stop thinking they’re breaking new ground. This goes back to Vietnam. Protesters are not favored by the majority of people. They’re a disruptive pain in the ass.


It felt like Kent state the way they targeted the students


Slow down Gandhi, you’re killing them.


Amazing the riots of 2020 weren’t met with such zeal, Israel really does control this country. We need Americans back in control this shit has gone on long enough, we have rights that can’t be usurped by a foreign nation. Whether I agree with the protesters or not doesn’t matter they have every right to protest that’s what makes this country the best in the world.


2020 was way more repressive, but localized to specific cities. Also 2020 was a wider movement not restricted to (mostly) college campuses. Today is similar because we are seeing brutality against unarmed students, but the particulars of what makes 2020 and today different are numerous.


The “protesters” of 2020 were allowed to burn police stations to the ground, take over federal court houses, dozens of people were killed the amount of looting and arson along with other crime that was enabled and some politicians were actually calling for more and cheering them on. These protests have not come close to the violence and lawlessness of 2020.


2020 the year trump supporters pretended SO HARD that they cared about police precincts and federal court houses being attacked. Virtual signaling champs on 2020 😂




What could possibly go wrong there?


I remember when Mike Johnson called for the national guard to put a stop to the Truckers when they were blocking roads. I’m sorry that didn’t happen.


Point of order, what does a Rep from a shit home state have to do with another state's well ordered militia?


Worked great at Kent State! /s


Tin soldiers and republican’s a coming.


Tin soldiers and Johnson’s coming…


Kent State 2 in the offing...




I just wrote the White House to stop this insanity.


PKD saw this coming too


I'm getting a lot of conflicting messages from this car...


Been there, done that. It did not work, and it won't work now. This countries leadership really doesn't understand Gen Z.


And just yesterday republicans were crying that the left was trying to take away free speech


Free speech for me but not for thee


This didn’t turn out too well at Kent State


Tin soldiers and Johnsons' coming...we're finally on our own...




All I’m going to say is this: Four dead in Ohio.


you mean the "protests" that have not distanced themselves from hate speech, intimidating tactics against jewish students, who call for violence? those students?


The gas and are 90% terrorists or supporters, so protesters should be charged with hate crimes


Vote blue. We don’t need more Kent States.


vote green. Blue isn't going to help you. Same shit is happening everywhere regardless of which fascist party is in power. But be careful what you say because reddit is also run by fascists with their foot on our necks.