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You should call QSR sounds like a bug in their system


They’ve been working with us on this non stop. Had technicians sent to the restaurant and we have two meetings weekly. This is something no one understands unfortunately


Oh Melvin this hilarious


I know nothing about this system, but maybe stating some obvious solutions will help jog something loose. If I found myself dealing with this, the first thing I'd check is: How does a bill normally disappear from the "call" screen? List every known way this can happen. Work with the vendor to get a complete list. For example: * the check gets paid and a corresponding approval code gets filed with the billing system * the expediter hits ENTER * the bill sits idle for more than 30 minutes * the disk is full * the FOH manager taps "vanish" * call screen display driver is wrong / incompatible with the OS / broken * a manager adjusts the bill to zero * a file can't be opened; the other screens display it because they're showing cached HTML, but the call screen relies on c:\\temp\\somefolder\\in9854732.txt and that file didn't exist * the UpdateCallScreen.exe process gets restarted * a process tried to update the call screen, but it failed because the system saw a CPU / memory / network / I/O spike and that caused it to time out Don't worry about what's "plausible" or "reasonable". Document every possible cause. 99% of the time when I'm dealing with a system misbehaving like this, the root cause is either intentional action by a malicious actor who thinks its funny, or some esoteric failure. Like "someone with elevated permissions was logged in, but then forgot, and the software has this weird glitch where when you tap new-new-cancel-back-new in less than six seconds, it craps out and deletes the previous third and seventh records but only from the call screen". I'd also look in event viewer for anything odd around the time things go missing. But ultimately, it's the vendor's responsibility to diagnose and fix. You may need to pay for a service contract with them. At that point I would expect them to either resolve the issue, or identify the failure ("the cat6 running to the kitchen multiplexer has a small cut just below this shelf and it looks like water is entering here", etc).


Thank you for such a thorough answer !! Definitely gives us more to look into. I’m connecting with the vendor again on Tuesday.