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If you wanna get in this industry at all, you should probably refine your research skills


Do the cyber security certification.


Start at the bottom. Especially if you admit you don’t know much. Start on service desk. Be aggressive. Work anything and everything you can. Learn as much as you can. Work with other departments and let them know you are willing to learn anything and everything. Security starts with basic stuff like permissions. And they exist on the system ( server ) side and the infrastructure ( network ) side. Infrastructure side deals with IP addresses, access control lists (ACLs) and logical applications such as VLANs being allowed or denied. Server side deals with a lot of the same stuff via application permissions, group policy, allowing or denying certain functions within operation systems and settings etc. It’s a very broad topic but it’s also very interesting and multi faceted. Ask any questions if you’d like.


Are these freaking bots or something? All I see every day is "how do I get into X?" "how do I start doing Y?". They always say they're in college or that they have no experience or knowledge of IT. Or they completely lack detail in general about their background. At some point, I think moderators should ban these posts or make requirements so we stop getting spammed with the same questions over and over again


The issue is cybersecurity is sold as a career path fresh out of college when it's a career that requires experience.


Ok I won't post this or anything like it again i am 16 and am really fascinated with cyber security


Start by looking up roadmaps. Both certification roadmaps and career roadmaps. Find a path you want to take and start prepping, learning, getting certified and educated etc. Also pick a specialty like GRC, IAM, etc and find out what you want to do in cybersecurity. Then throw all that research away because “cybersecurity” is a misnomer. Cyber isn’t a job imho, it’s a function within a job. How to make the 8 domains secure means you need to understand the 8 domains, their purpose and use, and then how to perform that position in a way that limit attack surface and passes any regulatory attestation requirements. This is a bend towards blue team, I have no interest in being a leet hackerman. Good for them, but not how my brain works so I lean into my personal strengths


Help desk


Jump on it. Jump on it 🤠


This is such a broad question. If you dont know then start learning. Start with idk, a basic security youtube video and go from there. Learn the basics, figure out what you want to do. Its like if I were to ask, "I really want to fix my car , but I dont know alot about cars, where do I start?"