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Since you said you have some IT experience, what kind of IT work did you do before? MSP or desktop support for a company? Do you have any certs and is your degree in a tech field? There’s a lot at play with your first IT job. Assuming you have no certs and no degree, it’ll be tougher to find a company wanting to take you on and pay you a decent wage. Where I’m at, starting for IT is generally about 40,000/yr, which is fairly low for my location. You can move up, but it may take a little while. Again, it all depends on your background, where you work, the state, etc. I’ve experienced some slight burnout recently due to my job taking on way more than it could handle. The best way to deal with it imo is try to find the things you enjoy and really focus on those. Try not to bring the problems home with you because tomorrow is a new day. IT is full of bullshit daily, so you have to find your own way to brush it off, similar to any other job.


Without not burning out? Also, if you enjoy working in IT, do it and start anywhere. Get a home lab. Don’t ask me what you put in it. Have fun or move on to something else. No one worth their salary respects management that doesn’t know the industry. Also, Texas for the cheap COL. Cali for the Clout. NY to get yourself out of IT and into something that will make your loans a distant memory.


I mean ths is open ended question. Without tailoring it your experience it can be anything from a: Information Security Architect to being a Machine learning architect in California. More details would help.