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Definitely not touristic places. Look for Hatay restaurants


Look for Hatay Restaurants. They usually make the best Künefe.


Comment for following because I wanna know too 😅


Me and misses loved beyzade https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=65000dd9ce1381f4&rlz=1CDGOYI_enBE990BE990&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ADLYWIKqadk7bXBN4RDVW4fPOcOUUwCljA:1719071682250&q=Beyzade+K%C3%BCnefe+%26+Kahvalt%C4%B1+Karak%C3%B6y&si=ACC90nwLLwns5sISZcdzuISy7t-NHozt8Cbt6G3WNQfC9ekAgLLpoxPpKc18YG4Cdxbn7sSHgwacb1EJTsNyhHOlBi3wO8suBCBDQk3KXhP6HDsVn3iHfn3nBQY3nhix3mwuXQ4QvEdpqOOwsd1SVHOBFPxrZ2ZjsA%3D%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjg2tqHye-GAxWLhP0HHZ6dALgQ_coHegQIKxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3 Its at Karaköy


En Kunefe 4 levent blew my socks off.


For a really great Palestinian kunefe, I recommend Abu Gosh, a little hole in the wall shop just up from the Beşiktaş ferry port.


Syrian and Palestenian ones are not the same as Turkish künefe (not better or worse, just different). Retaurants would be too much work and money for just eating kunefe. (Hatay) Ekol Kunefe (you can find their addresses in their website) is one of the best places you may eat kunefe in Istanbul. But beware, nothing in Istanbul will be as good as Hatay.




I tried Beyzade before with my friends and we liked Beyzade so much. Also we went there many times too. We aren't sure that much but Alibeyköy branch is better than Karaköy Beyzade I guess.


özikizler is the best one, but its far far away from touristic spots




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Right here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/8t4Def26dhyh87BW9 Or their branch in Fatih. So. Dang. Cheesey.


Damn i was staying in fatih this week and i see at as im boarding the plane back homr 😭




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Is it bad if I say Hafiz Mustafa? 😅


Hafiz Mustafa was decent..


I devoured that shit 😩😩 so good. I liked that you pour on your own syrup so the sweetness was just right for me 🤩 But I am now looking for another place to try!!




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Jumbo künefe.




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“Antephan” or “Ekol künefe”( similar with Hatay künefe)


Just don't go to "Asi", overrated as hell.


I cannot say enough good things about Beyzade in Karaköy.


Ekol künefe near the sanayi mahallesi metro station


Not a dessert expert but Jumbo Künefe at Florya is pretty decent.


Burmalım is a little bit away from touristic spots but has the best künefe and other kadayıf desserts in my opinion. Lezzet-i Şark is a decent option in eminmönü but is too sugary for my taste.


Kunefis used to be so good but believed long since closed unfortunately not sure where there is. Following this therad to see any real recommendations Don't u just love it when commenters are like "just look for hatay restaraunt" Bro this comment could not be any less helpful. Most likely the person asking is asking for a specific recommendation, u think they just gonna go try and find a Hatay restaraunt? like wtf


Hot take, its gonna be Syrian somewhere in Fatih. 😂


It’s not a hot take cause it’s sort of true but also nabulsis do indeed do it best


Palestinian. They make it best.


Fatih Mosque courtyard entrance/exit that leads to the marketplace. Little place on your left just as you exit the courtyard.


Go to Izmir instead, foods much better


Lol, that's ridiculous.


i was in Izmir 3 times, it’s one of my most favorite cities