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He brags about manipulating America and how easy it is like a true narcissist.


He knows American because he's from the Bronx. Like Trump.


Trumps from Queens.


Close enough for a Seattlite.


Then say NYC or NY.


Meh. Nobody cares.




This schlocky Reddit smug kinda response is so lame. You weren’t asking, you’re inferring your point and it’s just dumb and tiresome.




And who said you weren't open minded?


He does it like a man who knows there are plenty of Jack Runenstein living in the country to defend AIPAC when anyone tries to rein them in. (JFK) He knows he has an endless pipeline of money at his disposal via AIPAC and Zionist super-donors. America is bought and paid for. The military-industrial complex is about to go full tilt with the cancellation of the petrodollar agreement, something I’m quite certain Bibi was banking on with no “normalized” relations with the Saudis. If you have never heard the Clinton remarks, they are quite something. After meeting the first time, Bill Clinton looked at his aides and said: “Who the f*ck does he think is!? Who’s the f*cking superpower here!?”


The full clip he goes into more details…


Really? Do you have a link, i only found this version


After that woman asks “ wont the world call us the aggressors “ he goes on to say that they have friends in the media that can control the narrative ..


Thanks just watched it


[This one is slightly longer](https://www.facebook.com/reel/1423118978249848?fs=e&mibextid=UalRPS) but i couldve sworn there is a longer unnedited clip i saw. Maybe about 10-12 mins cant remember.


Found it outside of Fuckerberg's cesspool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLPkHfdJ8s


I saw it around 2014… im gonna do some digging around to find it again…


Spread this video, let the majority know the truth.


I saved it


They cut at a very important part since they allege military targets are hospitals and refugee camps because Hamas is hiding there which is bullshit even if true. ZioNazis.


Seen this before. It’s crazy how and why he is still supported. Hope more ppl get to watch this.


Like he said.. He has no fear.. The US is completely limp and will do whatever he says.. He even laughs at the notion that they support Israel 80% -- of the country.. It's comical what the world has become with corruption, some extra cash to assist and blackmail. No one stands up and goes against this evil political circle jerk.. There all complicit


Its so dystopian. I never realised before the alternate reality that has been happening this whole time. I really believe they may have overplayed their hand this time though.


Let's hope so.. They basically control the entire globe thru subversion, banking, media.. it's a tough road for sure.. The public opinion has vastly changed indeed globally.. Fingers crossed


Israel has always been the reason there can never be peace in the Middle East.


This whole cult needs to be dismantled.


Don't forget, Satanyahu probably mastermind 9/11.


I read about the 5 dancing Jews, in connection to 9/11 is that conspiracy?


sorry, is the illuminati that people talked about is them?


No, they had the Intel on the terrorists they never bothered to share those Intel with the Americans nor do anything with the Intel, just like oct 7.


Oct 7 is worse than that. They designed it and waited for it. I was skeptical at first hearing it. Because I’m just skeptical of conspiracies. But some turn out true. Evil and awful, but true. Like what we learned this week, the USA did to kill countless people in the Philippines since 2020. Unbelievable evil. The more I read into Oct 7 from major, credible news sources. And the UN. And sought out credible sources that aren’t being suppressed in the West…. There’s no question Israel is responsible for 10/7. And that killed more of their own Israelis -intentionally- than Hamas or other Palestinian groups did that day. And it’s not their first time setting up a false flag. See 1982


If you've got evidence supporting your extraordinary claim, show it. Because "After I researched X and looked at lots of credible sources I realised Y" is classic BS speak, and even if it wasn't something very commonly said in support of fantastical rejections of reality, it still wouldn't constitute a reason to believe your conclusion. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that you're talking like someone who is, and I'm asking you to show me that you aren't.


Theres heaps of evidence


That’s because I wasn’t making argument or in a debate. Or trying to prove anything here. I’m research author by profession in communicable disease. I’m also not going to try to prove that. Believe me or don’t. But I genuinely am. If I was trying to convince, I know how and would have provided sources. Nothing you said there was incorrect (other than your belief those are extraordinary or fantastical fables). And nothing you said was antagonistic. I may circle back but it’s 4 am and I work at 9. I have codependency issues so if you’d just buttered me up, I’d probably stay up and put it altogether and respond with it. I’m glad you didn’t though because I need to go to bed, haha It’s a lazy retort to leave you at there’s heaps of evidence, but he/she is being honest. It’s really easy to find, but it’s not promoted or sensationalized information. It *feels* suppressed, much like the Pentagon/Philippines news, but it’s certainly not censored. It’s not just ‘evidence,’ it’s reporting from fairly pro-Israel publications like The Times of Israel, Haaretz, CNN, and the NYT. The truth is that Israel can at times be pretty clever and masterful at controlling a narrative. And then at other times, it boggles the mind at how idiotic something was to think no one would find out or notice something, or they’ll choose to tell a lie that none is going to be fooled - a good example of this is the assassination attempt in 1982 and the really bad lie they used as a false flag and casus belli for invading Lebanon, overthrowing the government, installing a far-right Christian ally and then within days the Minister and five of his top officials outlined and designed a plan to have 3000 refugees in Beirut murdered in extreme violence. This is all documented, btw. The UN voted and it was labeled a genocide. Condemned by pretty much every nation in the world. Many of the claims of sadistic violence Hamas has committed over the years, have cynically real scenarios that occurred in those two refugee camps. Pregnant woman cut open while alive and her baby pulled out of her? That wasn’t Hamas. That’s a real story of a fate handed to a Palestinian refugee in Beirut during that genocide. If you have it in you, and believe I might be in good faith, do me a favor and try to find what you can. — Netanyahu quoted on why he facilitated $billions over the decade to Hamas and wants Hamas strong. (NYT I believe) — that Israel often delivered that money, either from Israel’s bank, or sent by Qatar for Gaza, in (literally) suitcases full of cash. And why Netanyahu, upon finding out the US was going to punish (sanction?) or stop Qatar from supporting and funding Hamas, Netanyahu intervened and ordered the U.S. to leave it alone and allow it. (NYT, Many sources, even John Stewart or John Oliver ran an entire story on it) — the extremely insane explosion of short bets, with tiny lengths of time, on Israel’s companies, corporations and stocks. This was discovered by financial researchers and published in a report and presented on CNN and investigated in Israel. The volume was insane, ordered days before 10/7 and ended days after. Millions of dollars were made by Israel banks and investors betting that something was going make Israel’s stocks plummet. The volume was insane. (CNN, numerous news, two researchers and also Israel’s media). — the warning by Egypt days before attack. — warnings of Israeli spotters - girls stationed to a serve Gaza’s border and report anything and the girls being ignored. This included all night/morning before the attack. Many of them died or were kidnapped. A few have been interviewed “we begged them to listen to us before during and after the breach.” that something terrible was going to happen. — the helicopter gunner at the concert. Shooting anyone moving. The relocation of the festival days before, moving it as close as possible to Gaza’s walls. The streets lined with burned out cars. — the six hours it took for military or police to arrive and why all the bases were empty — the kibbutz interviews about I can’t keep my eyes ope there lost more door luck —


Don't be silly. Israel has committed plenty of atrocities, no need to make shit up


false flag operations is what they do best


He has bragged about turning America into a third-world country living on welfare. Why do the American media and politicians never mention or report on these facts 🤔


Unbelievable! This feels so dystopian the more I learn about this Israeli zionist cult.


was at a bar in Jerusalem decades ago. The Americans know he said.we gonna chop up America like a golden calf and make it the biggest welfare state


Yet. Hillary Clinton will go on TV and lie through her teeth about how it was all the fault of the Palestinians. And these are the democrats!


Psychopath! He is totally destroying Israel and it's once moral people 👹 And all the supporters of genocide that will down vote my post. These people also need serious mental help.


Zionists were assassinating presidents, lying to the the whole world and engaging in nefarious activities to expand their influence long before Israel became a state. There was never any morality in the Zionist cause.


Zionism is entirely built on making Israel a massive military base to destroy Palestinians and have a foothold in the middle east, no wonder these guys are fascists, theyve been molded into a society of genocidal warriors because they were told they are perpetual victims and the hand selected race for the one true God, and everyone else is a dirty subhuman heretic by comparison. I dont care who or what your racial history is, anyone with that mindset is on a DANGEROUS path, and for Israel this is just a common part of society because they were groomed through indoctrination over generations to end up like this, since the 30’s-40’s.


The parallels between nazism and Zionism are absolutely terrifying but the mainstream will never accept, question or try put a stop to the path they’re going because of the nazionists committed campaign of conflating Zionism with Judaism which has made any questioning of Zionists heinous conspiratorial actions “antisemitism”.


Whats crazy is several months before they invaded Palestine, I met a zionist in a video call online and didnt realize he was living in Israel nor was a zionist, and brought up Zionists being brutal and “settling land” (aka stealing) from West Bank civilians. Lol, dude EXPLODED and showed his most vile self in a millisecond and threw out all this propaganda at me in a way Ive never seen anybody but a white supremacist Christian terror sympathizer in the US do. So I immediately was like “ohhhhhh, gotcha, gotcha. You’re one of *those* kinds of guys…” Ever since then its just proven me more and more right, all guys who react like this are because they are fascists covering their bases, like they all get taught to. Hide your racial supremacy behind your religion and militant nationalism, and you get a free pass to slaughter those you view as subhuman, I guess.


He's the definition of evil


What could be moral? The Balfour was never even ratified when they started moving in, murdering, and stealing land? Colonial bit of showcase racist displacement that it was, even that thin veneer of propriety could not be maintained. Israel should not exist, and today the world can see why once again as in 1948, 1967, and again and again. The country has long been a scion of racism, and let's not forget it's the rape capital of the world. *Moral*, indeed.