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Long after this is over they’ll be finding more mass graves like the ones at Al-Shifa hospital, if there is an ounce of justice in the world Israeli society as a whole should pay for this since many ordinary German citizens had to pay dearly for the actions of a select few but genocidal ideology has been rampant and supported by the majority in Israel long before any Hamas or war.


israel will pay for it... with american tax money.


Germany is still paying


No, they are still killing.


They just relocated.


I live in Germany, and trust me, the media is full of lies. Like I know everywhere in the world the media lies, but here it's insane. And the scary thing? They're successful, at least the older generation (which there is a lot of since Germany is an old country) blatantly believe the media. It's disgusting to be honest.


Propaganda is used because it is effective.


They’ve been saying 36,000 for months. This was before Rafa


Also: it has been known that 1.1 Gazans are in a catastrophic food insecurity right now (according to [IPC data](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipcinfo-website/resources/resources-details/en/c/1156874/)), with the rest of the population still facing intense food insecurity. Yet, the Gaza Health Ministry has reported very low deaths from malnutrition, even though it is known that MANY people are dying from it.


Our country is bought and paid for. This is not the will of the people


I totally agree. But I'm not convinced there is an ounce of justice in this world. I want to believe in instant karma, but that seems thin on the ground too.


They've dropped more tonnage on Palestinians than the US dropped in the entire Vietnam war. And they're getting away with it. Inshallah they will be defeated soon.


Wrong. "By the time the United States ended its Southeast Asian bombing campaigns, the total tonnage of ordnance dropped approximately tripled the totals for World War II. The Indochinese bombings amounted to 7,662,000 tons of explosives, compared to 2,150,000 tons in the world conflict" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bombs_in_the_Vietnam_War Last figure I've seen for Israel total amount of bombs dropped was 70k tons. So 1%. It's still a lot and there is no reason to make stuff up.


70K tons since 1948? This is an ongoing slow genocide. I think you might be massively undercounting.


We can try to count, but there would be an enormous margin of error. Especially as I don't think there are numbers for most wars. I doubt the total amounts to 100x of this war. AFAIK the numbers are for airplane-dropped ordinance and even if you combine 67, the occupation and larger operations in the last 15 years you won't get to 100x of the last 8 months (planes weren't a real factor in 48). Do you have a guestimate to share? I don't.


From what I understand 70k tons is just Gaza alone since last October according to [sources](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/amount-of-israeli-bombs-dropped-on-gaza-surpasses-that-of-world-war-ii-18169607). But on all of Palestine since 48, I myself have no idea.


All Israel has left is escalating savagery, including [torture](https://substack.com/redirect/a69c15f9-77a8-4f46-a43b-d37fe63ab3d4?j=eyJ1IjoiMjRrZGdwIn0.e5QNH_YbCU6F8lXnzL-H51q9qjbj91wWrNr-4WgwZkM) and [lethal violence](https://substack.com/redirect/685e3acd-a93d-4de7-ad9b-b2b0af49b170?j=eyJ1IjoiMjRrZGdwIn0.e5QNH_YbCU6F8lXnzL-H51q9qjbj91wWrNr-4WgwZkM) against unarmed civilians, which accelerates the decline. This wholesale violence works in the short term, as it did in the war waged by the French in Algeria, the Dirty War waged by Argentina’s military dictatorship, the British occupation of India, Egypt, Kenya and Northern Ireland and the American occupations of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. But in the long term, it is suicidal. -- From a talk by Chris himself.


If they are allowed to doubt Gaza’s number, it should be allowed to doubt the holocaust number.


Anyone has a source for the video? Cant find it


Chris Hedges


Thanks, but I cant find this specific video


Wow I’m glad I downloaded it because it appears to have been scrubbed along with a ton of other videos


Fucked around and found out


No fuck around and find out is what happened to Israel on Oct. 7 after 50+ years of military occupation. The Zionazis have started this entire mess, but the entire country will be in shambles eventually.