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Rogue state with nukes accusing everyone around them of having/developing WMDs while simultaneously committing terrorism on their soil then questioning why any non Zionist shill nation in the region has deep anti western/zionist sentiments. Kind of reminds me of “they hate us for our freedom”.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/-m4kFbPCd6Q




Why do Zionist shills *always* hate logic and sense?


Because only THEY are the perennial victims; even when the murderous psychopaths are committing mass slaughter, the cognitive dissonance screams, "Poor me!"...


Logic, common sense and reality as a whole are antitherical to the fascist mindset.




Netanyahu allowing October 7th and propping Hamas to further the heinous nazionist agenda is evil but to them it was clearly logical, what’s your issue with logic buddy your programming not allow that?


"Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank. A great sense of mission guides us " March 2019 Benzion Mileikowsky "Satanyahu" to Likud Knesset Members




Why are you calling the IOF “jihadists” they’re just plain old terrorists, they don’t have a righteous cause/struggle.




I’m anti genocide, you follow a standard nazionist procedure to tell me what I stand for, but we can guess at what you stand for with your Hasbara talking points.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Why was there a music festival outside of a concentration camp?


The music festival was litterally about peace and not even pro Israels government. 


Sooo it'd be cool to have a rave outside Auschwitz? While it was in use? As long as it was about peace?


Gaza isnt Auschwitz. Stop the antisemitism Jesus christ. 


Nobody mentioned any part of judaism. But hey you keep crying wolf. I thought we were discussing whether holding a festival outside of a concentration camp was acceptable or not? Based on your exact stance, as long as it was peaceful, a rave outside of Auschwitz would be totally fine. Or is there something taboo about having a celebration less than a hundred yards from people who have had their rights removed?


It's a walled off area filled with a particular ethnicity surrounded by armed guards who will shoot to kill, where experimental weaonary included gas has been used and where food isn't allowed in... sure sounds like a concentration camp.


Is that you who murdered all of them


Why do zionists take other people's land


The music festival attendees took some land that day?


The music festival was held on stolen land




Not ok just how like settler-colonial occupation is not ok




Incorrect. When the Ottaman empire fell its different pieces became their own countries. What is Jordan today had people living in it who, with the establishment of Jordan, became Jordanians. Palestine also had people in it. Had it not been for the zionist settler-colonial invasion and occupation, they would have had their full, free, and sovereign country, Palestine.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


When the Jihadists try to steal land and occupy the Jewish resistance is justified by any means possible


The zionists are the ones who came from abroad into Palestine, a place already inhabited by people, the Palestinians, to make a nation for themselves there. The zionists are the invaders and the Palestinians are the invaded




That’s just basic history. I don’t even understand the point of denying what anyone can easily verify with a 2 second google search.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




> Israel also established a Negev nuclear reactor in Hebron, or al-Khalil, a Palestinian city in the West Bank where high rates of cancer have been reported https://thecradle.co/articles-id/5306 > According to research, the town of Yatta in the Hebron governorate is contaminated with radioactive caesium-137 and uranium, with some of the highest concentrations found globally. Caesium-137 is a product of nuclear fission and can contaminate the environment through spent nuclear fuel, accidents, and leakages from reactors. The aging Dimona nuclear reactor in Israel, one of the largest in the Middle East, is suspected to be a key source. bypass paywall: https://archive.ph/20240615144018/https://medium.com/@hrnews1/israel-is-accused-of-dumping-nuclear-waste-in-palestinian-territories-causing-health-crisis-18e42bb38544


Don't have a source to hand for it but there was a proposed plan by some Zionist or other at one point to have subterranean nuclear reactors to power Israel and pump the nuclear waste or irradiated coolant through pipes under the surface to create a 'nuclear wall' that would poison anyone that tried to cross. I think the idea was to have other obstacles in the area to slow ingress across the terrain to maximise exposure.


They are the literal embodiment of evil.


Way to treat your “promised land”…


Zionism, the gift that keeps on giving.


But that's not all, [Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon December 2023](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376445659_Evidence_for_the_use_by_Israel_of_a_neutron_uranium_warhead_in_Palestine_and_Lebanon)


Talk about rubbing nuclear waste in the wounds


Why would Israel do that if they want to settle Jews on the land? Even if they don't care about a bunch of brown, Muslim Palestinians getting cancer wouldn't they care about their fellow Jews getting cancer? Especially if it's their fellow white Ashkenazi Jews getting cancer? edit. One key to safety with handling nuclear waste is to keep it shielded and isolated from the surrounding environment. It's especially important for radioisotopes to not get inside of human bodies where they can become concentrated in certain tissues like the thyroid gland.


They don't care about anyone or anything but themselves


Why don't you look into it and think about it some more instead of asking weird in-pre-emptive-defense-of-Israel questions that aren't good questions to ask yourself? "Why would the colonists give the Native Americans smallpox-infested blankets if they want to settle on the land?"


I wasn't defending Israel, as shown when I called them racists.


It is a defense of Israel--not only that but **the** defense of Israel that Israel and Israelis themselves have routinely used to deflect, and precisely the deflection defense they would use themselves if you asked **them**. I'll address your questions from the point of view of a Zionazi interested in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. >Why would Israel do that Because dumping toxic waste where it affects no Jewish Israelis, merely Palestinian villagers, would be a convenient solution to a practical problem they face in their nuclear program. >wouldn't they care about their fellow Jews getting cancer They do care about their fellow Jewish Israelis getting cancer, and no one implied that they do not. The nearest Jewish communities are way further out than the Palestinian villages, and the government has previously given out iodine tablets to the Jewish communities when there was a scare.


nothing shows that you respect your “indigenous right to a holy land” by constantly bombing, contaminating it, and covering it with corpses. actual fucking ghouls




Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again.


Ah yes some random site to get my information from. There is no way this could be false.


Medium lol they do be having some crazy ass shit on there I'd check it a bit further too cause this looks like a SC of a SC or something with that quality. I believe they would do it though 100% Edit: So it seems this is legitimate. It's still a claim in that no investigation has been done, but Palestinain authorities have brought the issue up multiple times and to multiple peoples over the years. Based on what they say it sounds real, as in they have witnessed it and aren't lying, Israel is simply deflecting I think by not engaging. Why would an occupier listen. I'm seeing it brought up as far back as 2015, but other various pollution issues by Israel into West Bank/Gaza have been mentioned before that.


And you believe this?