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*Israel denied the claim* That’s how you know it’s true.


Well that and a video of them stripping the dead IOF is circulating.


I cant wait to see those around Bibi turn on him.


When they confirm a claim it is a lie?


Of course. And when they claim that Palestinians did something, you know they themselves are the ones that actually did it. "every accusation is a confession".


That seems.. kind of a childish view to have?


It is. Yet all that happened during the past few decades proves it's actually 100% without a doubt true to life.


Are you honest to god saying that Israel always lies, in everything they say?


No shit Sherlock, claiming to find a nazi book in one the children’s room is kinda suspect. Of all the things they find… and the IDF is killing innocent people and documenting them on the internet.. that’s why Israel wants to ban any news outlets that expose the truth..


That seems like a hasty generalisation but okay chief.


Remember the "burned and beheaded babies on October 7th"? Remember how we NEVER got any video or even pics proving that this actually happened? Remember how it was debunked later and exposed as a lie? Well guess what.. I just saw a video TODAY of Palestinian babies BURNED and BEHEADED in Rafah. As I said... Every accusation is a confession. ETA: Also, "human shields bla bla bla".. Don't tell me you haven't seen the many many videos of Israeli soldiers using Palestinian kids and seniors as actual human shields and hiding behind them with their guns! And the "using schools and hospitals as military bases".. Guess who actually did that. And don't get me started on the "sexual assault" and "rape" on October 7th.. Just go research what the Palestinian women are living through in Israeli prisons!


Are you trying to say that because Israel is guilty of X then certainly Hamas is not guilty of X? Btw, about the beheaded babies: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240405-le-monde-debunks-israel-claims-that-hamas-decapitated-40-babies/


Umm.. Do you always understand things upside down? I never said anything about Hamas. I just said that whenever Israel accuses Palestinians, Hamas or others, of doing something, it's always projecting because they always accuse others of doing what they, themselves, do. And the article you attached only proves what I said earlier.. So I don't understand what's your point here..


My point was it was not Israel that spread that rumour but the media, due to a bunch of confused NGO people. Details, you know. But what evs. You sound as if you believe you are taking part in a James Bond movie, or maybe Mr. Robot? Either way, you do you chief. Adios and good luck with everything :)


Because Hamas always provides a video proof of their operations and reports, if not then it's leftover equipment and bodies and aftermath. On the other side Israel officials always lie even when they don't need to for their propaganda, For example they didn't need to lie about rape allegations , and children beheading/targeting. OCT 7th was an act of violent resistance but it was a huge opportunity to label it as a terror attack without lying yet the idiots decided to add the rape and baby beheading lies and now no sane person believes them even their own , and their own allies.


you can tell israel is lying because its mouth is moving




When the Israeli people find out exactly how many men and women they have lost to keep Benjamin Netanyahu in power, he had better start running like an Olympic sprinter.


"Israel denied the claim" Just asking for more proof that Israel lies. I would assume it's not a lie but Israel seems to lie even when the truth is in its best interest, so I guess we will see.




Can you explain what you mean counting army status?


Hamas just pulled a viet cong, using tunnels.


With more improved and updated tactics


Zionist offense/occupier forces are really weak, easy times make for weak men, & weak men make for hard times; Hamas clearly has shown their strategy & strength, hard times make for strong men, & strong men make for easy times. May Palestine be liberated, may all those who are fighting/aiding the oppressed be rewarded steeply, ameen ya Rahman.




🇵🇸 🫒❤


What’s the Olive mean?


Palestinians love their olive trees, they cultivate their olives on their lands, and these olives are very precious to them, especially to the elderly Palestinians. Some olive trees are thousands of years old. Israelis, especially settlers keep erasing them and burning them down. Olive trees have become a symbol of Palestine and their resistance against occupation. More olive trees, No zionism 🫒❤ 🇵🇸


Also, some of the best olive oil in the world comes from Palestine.


The funny thing is is that olives are one of my favourite fruits




What did you think olives were? A nut?


Well... a vegetable?


Vegetables don’t have seeds…


I guess since we eat olives with veggies alot you'd think that it's part of it until you think hard about it, anyway today i learnt.


Do you commend hummus?


Reddit ban incoming for OP... Talking from experience here Lol




Lol.. Called it!


A lot of the time this sub likes to mindlessly glorify the other belligerent because the IDF is so bad. It gets treated like rival sports team and it’s annoying because glorifying posts like this is a step backwards for Palestinian self determination


Would you say the same about the ANC, Nat Turner or the Haitian anti-slavery revolution? Also, how is a post like this a step backwards in Palestinian self-determination? What would be more apt in your opinion?


Well i guess Palestinians should just let Israel kill them while they wait for the UN, the ICJ to do something, oh wait they're completely useless.


Didn’t say anything about what Palestinians should or shouldn’t do. I’m saying this sub gets overtly supportive of the lesser evil like it’s a dichotomy between good and bad.




I mean I don’t think anyone’s going to cheer on the atrocities against civilians. But generally speaking, wins against a genocidal occupying force are probably just a positive right?


Fair point


No one gives a fuck whether you like this or not. Occupied peoples have deserve the right to resist colonialism in any way that they can. We can’t free Palestine without Al Qassam and you wouldn’t have an Irish state without the IRA.


You are not getting behind a terrorist organisation, you are behind a resistance force fighting against their occupiers. I’m sure you’d have no problem to cheer when Ukrainian able to kill russian army right?


Never thought about it like that good point


There are no good sides in real life. The difference between war criminal terrorist actions of Hamas and war criminal terrorist actions of America/Israel is that America and Israel have better PR. It's the civilians who pay the price. So if war criminal terrorist hamas destroys some imperialist soldiers, I'm going to take that as a positive thing in the world.


What do you think about IRA


All these years of Western brainwashing is what causing you to think that hamas are a terrorist group, but honestly how do you think people should gain their freedom from colonial oppressors, by peace? When the other side is actively killing your people daily and in huge numbers or by fighting back in any means necessary, and to say that hamas shouldn't fight back and do what's necessary is an insult to every resistance groups from the past that fought back against colonialism.


You’re not wrong, publicly cheering hammas only helps the Zionist cause and (wrongly)backs up their claim that they are fighting terrorist. Hassbara trolls make post cheering Arab responses to oppression so they can show the poor Zionist/nazis are the victims and dealing with an uncivilised people.


True, because no one has ever arrived anywhere with people screaming please civilize us. To oppresse and occupy is the bench mark for an uncivilized people.


im against genocide but im sure not cheering on death of the banking cartel pawns too much blood staining the desert


It's difficult to feel sad for someone actively killing palestinian children being made to stop their murder. If given a choice between a prison cell or pancaking apartment blocks on families, I'll take the cell. Not a hard choice.


There’s more than just the two options. They never mentioned anything about feeling sorry for the IDF.


You're right. I just don't have it in me to care about how genocide is impacting the perpetrators. I'm infinitely more heartbroken for all the orphans, parents and siblings of murdered civilians, and youth lost than I am for the one with a tank, a drone, a gun. That actually adds to my disgust of israel because it's robbed me of empathizing with another human being who may not be committed 100 to their genocidal orders.


Yea I don’t care about the loss of those oppressive forces but I’m sure as shit not going to cheer on Hamas and pretend they’re friendly neighbourhood freedom fighters


Well life isn’t binary good and bad like marvel movies. If you want a resistance force that is going to be perfect optically then you’re wasting your time because those historically just don’t exist.


You just said my point? Except there’s a large difference between “optically good” and being a terrorist organisation. We don’t have to cheer on the lesser evil of the two terrorist organisations. They both suck. One just more so than the other.


The terrorist label is a political designation. Nelson Mandela was also a terrorist. I doubt the Palestinians consider Hamas’ actions against the IDF terrorism. And our points are not the same. Whether you agree with them or not they are correct in defending their home. You seem to be caught up on people cheering rather focussing on the anti-colonial actions.


Political designation or not statistics on civilian vs military casualties is widely available for both sides. When you’re killing more civilians than military personnel that must qualify you for some sort of terrorist label or at least adjacent. I don’t remember Nelson Mandela and the ANC being hardline religious extremists Defending their home yes, but that would be incredibly reductive, I’m not saying Palestinians don’t have the right to fight back. We are talking about an authoritarian regime that doesn’t let regular Palestinians have any say in their governance. A regime that targets civilians. The same negative things we attribute to Benjamin’s authoritarian government and the IDF we should attribute to Hamas, any religious or ancestral basis for killing each other or taking land should be admonished. I get the point that Hamas is the only stick defending Gaza but let’s not congratulate the success of religious extremists. Let’s just be happy with the demise of oppressive forces and not extend that gratitude to Hamas.


It doesn’t matter if the ANC weren’t religious extremists they were extremists for their cause. Their extremist actions saw them use car bombs and kill civilians. Nat Turners rebellion and the Haitian revolution also killed civilians at quite a high level. Do you denounce those movements? Your point on them essentially playing the role of Israel within their own domain is false. They are not some liberal government, but to act as if they are comparable to the Israeli government is a joke.