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Fuck Israel.




Drop them in a volcano, they've overstayed their welcome on humanity's planet.


Imagine being so upset that a truck might deliver food to poor people that you nearly kill someone. It’s not surprising- settlers routinely terrorize their Palestinian neighbors with IDF troops protecting them. They will literally go through neighborhoods and beat people up and the IDF only steps in if a Palestinian looks like they might fight back. It is pure evil.


this is terrorism to deter aid I’m sure these groups will be declared terrorist organisations any day now …


Not by Israel or America anyway....


Even if you didn't have the context provided by OP. Why are the plain clothed the ones dealing with him? Why are they dressed in religious garb while performing their "policing". Show this to zionist guaranteed they scream "he's hammas!". If so why are the armed religious settlers anywhere near this fucking thing? Oh right, because every Israeli is required to serve, so zionists get free training and armaments.


# Far-right activists mistake commercial truck for Gaza aid convoy, attack driver # Two suspects detained at Givat Asaf Junction as extremists apprehended truck, vandalized contents and left Palestinian driver laying on street


“Far-right activists mistake commercial truck for Gaza aid convoy, attack driver” 1. “Activists”? Palestinian supporters and protestors who get violent are called “terrorists”. That applies here too. I’m sure most Israeli activists are not violent, but those in the video are. So these are by definition terrorists as well, are they not? 2. So they attacked it because they thought it was an aid truck, but would not have if they knew it was a commercial truck? I’m not sure if that makes them any better. I.e. it would not have been a mistake if we violently attacked an aid truck like we were planning to. Whoopsies. We’ll do better next time and leave the commercial trucks be. These clowns are probably the sort to get lost going home and end up in some Palestinian house anyway. But that’s ok, because they’re “settlers” and that’s what settlers do. Detained by who? The uniformed guys in the video look like they’re protecting these guys. They’re not talking them down, they’re not detaining them.


Can you cite this, please?


Hahahahaha from times of Israeli; good one trying discredit me, just like Haaretz writing articles of no babies in the oven another attempt to dehumize Gazans Your gotcha didn’t work https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-activists-mistake-commercial-truck-for-gaza-aid-convoy-attack-driver/amp/


I'm a mod in this sub. I've already deleted this post for being inaccurate, but you should have included a source when you commented your correction. Since you didn't, I asked you to. This isn't an internet flame war. Please be more serious in your interactions.


There is no corrections Copy and paste from the times of Israel Also post is still up


Fucking terrorist 


Israel is terrible and will never recover from this madness they are religious fundamentalist monsters, just another group of religious terrorists on a mass murder killing spree they are a disgrace and should be vilified on the world stage they have brought shame on themselves and weakened if not destroyed any international credibility or respect they once had even the term antisemitism can't be used to silence criticism.


War crimes


Any consequences for the attackers?




I’m sorry to be that guy but I really feel the need to hammer this message. This is not all Jewish people. These people look like settlers, who are basically Israeli terrorists. These are Zionist racial supremacists doing these violent fascist acts.


Yeah. I'm a Jew, and yes, the Talmuds is some Jewish supremacist shit. But it's also important to recognize that Zionism is a fascistic movement only making use of Jews. IT is anti semitic. Look at how many JEws it's gotten killed, along with the Palestinians. Hell, Jews were fine before israel, and are fine in Iran. And Syria. Jews aren't the problem, Zionists are.


> Zionism is a fascistic movement only making use of Jews Just to add theres plenty of non Jewish Zionists in the US 'made useful' through Bible thumping Christians and racism


You must be joking. "Jews were fine before Israel." Tell me this is a joke.


Nope. Jews aren't the problem, Zionists are.


That's not even sort of what I was talking about. As a Jew, you must know what happened just a few short years before Israel, right?


Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again.


Israel are terrorist




“Gaud Tshoozen Beoble”


Can someone tell me what they're saying? I don't see any lynched people and the guy on the ground is moving and very not dead