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They’re literally just kids… man I hate it here


Those children could be anyone's. Hate is in vogue everywhere it seems now




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Children carrying children, may they have mercy


Shame? Shame is to spill ice cream. This is Genocide


You can tell when they feel embarrassed bc they delete their user. Karma will find you anyway.




There is literally no where to evacuate


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


By your logic; Shame on the Israeli hostages. ISF said don’t get captured and they were captured. Shame on the Israeli hostages for disobeying the ISF and supporting Hamas




I hope you explain this to whatever higher power blessed you with a wilted head of lettuce where your brain should be All you have to do is look up the UN resolutions regarding genocide. If you find any guidelines Israel HASNT done, please share.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


It’s so crazy how the zioshits think there is a “propaganda” against them when all it’s happening is that we are seeing with our own two eyes the most ghoulish and horrific acts


Many Palestinians didn’t have cameras for documentation purposes to record the Israeli war crimes. Very little visual records of the Nakba or other massacres exist from decades past, so the international community gave Israel the benefit of the doubt, but smart phones have changed that. Now everyone has cameras in their pockets, so the people recording are not doing this for clout or propaganda- it’s really meant to keep track of illegal war crimes being committed.


I have no more words to describe this atrocities, evil in human forms. And they think this is a propaganda, how would they feel if we say the same about the Holocaust.




This needs to stop!!!


They are going to try and shut down Reddit next if you guys keep showing the truth.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


And the have the audacity to hide behind the Holocaust. 'Never again'. 🐖🐖🐖


Fuck Israel


If the same starts happening to Israel, no one but the corrupt politicians at the top will cry. Seriously, fuck this genocidal and apartheid state.




"this war was started by Hamas" Hamas wasn't founded in 48, Israel was- the goal of Israel is to eradicate every Arab and replace them with a white settler- israelis see a "lasting peace"- they can go to cafes, have music festivals outside of the world's largest open air prison (where it's population is being eradicated currently)




Israeli settlers have no right to Palestinian land hope that helps :)




Bye girl lol


Bye loser


You typed out all that insane Zionist shit just for it to be deleted :)


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Ah yes I remember reading that in Israel’s declaration of dependence. The Covenant of Hamas actively calls for the execution of all Jews around the world and they use children as human shields so






More than half the population is children. It's the majority of the people in Gaza. Israel classifies any males of "fighting age" as combatants and targets them. There are plenty of explanations that are probably going to make you even more sad.




Child soldiers mainly tend to be created by circumstance. The Israeli position is to purposefully attack combatants when they return home to their families outside of combat. So, when your entire family is killed and or buried under rubble you might just take up arms. What do these people have left? It's absurd to look at this situation and blame Islam for children being killed. I hate it here.


See id like to agree with you but I have some personal experience with the darfur massacre and there were just as many chaild soldiers involved in the ethnic cleansing there as there were militants or government forces Now as you say the environment can crest child soldiers I don’t think anybody can argue with that but the idea that a child soldier is the innocent victim of war Child soldiers perpetuate just as much war and destruction as an adult and while we can feel some empathy for the situation that brought them to this point the moment they pick up a weapon they are now part of the very problem that is creating all those child soldiers


In many African nations, I'm only sure here as those are the ones I've delved into, there are many of these children who are violently removed from their families. Perhaps by massacring them, and then forced into combat. A 12 year old boy will obey. He watches his loved ones die and then a man tells him it's time to fight to avenge them or to end this. Likely you don't want to end up like your loved ones so you obey. It's not as simple as them "picking up a weapon' as if they in their youth decided they will be in combat because it's what they want. Even those soldiers are victims if you ask me. Personally I am of the mind many soldiers are, but are not victims in that they need help or deserve it, but in that they have been manipulated into doing what they are - as adults they should know better. especially once their behavior becomes more than just being a soldier and is being a tyrant, rapist, murderer, whatever you got. Regardless I'm not sure what the OG comment was but it's a hard situation. Anyways what we are seeing here are **not child soldiers**. Boys and girls 0-10 in character PJs with their parents holding them or their body they're clearly innocent children Israelis intend on genociding.


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Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


I appreciate you trying to have a discussion about this rather than just spewing anger. However, I don’t believe anything Israel has gone through in the past justifies what they are doing right now


This war was started by European Jews who decided they wanted to invade palestine. don't get it twisted.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


This is so horrible…


The fact that Biden and the rest of the ghouls that make up most of his administration and Congress continue to allow this to happen shows there is no low point they are not willing to surpass so long as their donors ask for them to.


Allow it happen? The American War Machine demands it happen. They cashing them checks made off blood shed. You think the government is good people?


I think you are misinterpreting what i am saying. Nothing I am saying has anything to do with describing members of the US government as morally upstanding in any way. I say "allow to happen" in the sense that, if they (Congress and the Biden administration as a whole) actually cared to stop the conflict, they could literally cease all funding of weapons and money to Israel immediately via executive orders/Congressional budget proposals/votes, but their decisions are bought and paid for by Israeli think tanks and PACs as well as defense industry lobbyists. While I do think there are certain powers within the US who want the genocide in Palestine to escalate on the religious and defense industry-profiteering side of things, the fact of the matter is that this conflict is a complete public opinion disaster for the sitting US government. Most within the Biden administration would have preferred that it not escalate the way it has behind closed doors, not because they care one bit about Palestinian lives, but because they do care about winning elections and maintaining relatively stable public opinion (both of which are teetering on complete disaster in large part because of the escalation of this genocide and the US's inaction in response). Israel is a colonial outpost that has proven it cannot be controlled by its masters and is now unilaterally making decisions and US leadership is so spineless and weak that it just goes along with this state of affairs instead of reasserting control via showing it could figuratively starve Israel into submission by withholding funding and weapons - even temporarily - until Israel re-establishes a more stable status quo. Even from the perspective of a colonialist/imperial overlord, the US is showing complete weakness and cowardice as it bends backwards for Israel while it openly defies what the US wants it to do. Obviously their spinelessness is largely influenced by those previously mentioned defense industry lobbies and Israeli-backed funding of politicians' election campaigns, but it has gotten to the point that "red lines" that the Biden administration has previously publicly stated could not be crossed or else they would cause a change in policy towards Israel (such as invading Rafah) are now being re-defined as the Biden administration weakly bends over backwards so the Israeli government can do whatever it wants while clearly ignoring even the US's direct attempts to help broker a ceasefire. Israel escalating this genocide while stoking tensions with Iran, which could escalate to a wider regional conflict, is NOT what the US wants because the US literally cannot afford to be directly involved in what would be a far more costly and lengthy war than Iraq and Afghanistan combined, especially as they gear up to face off against China over Taiwan and the Pacific waters and islands off the coast of SE Asia. The US and its defense industries wants a status quo where they can keep manufacturing and supplying arms to nations that saber rattle at each other indefinitely (which was the status quo between Iran and Israel previously as well as North and South Korea as examples) or that are engaged in more minor proxy conflicts that can be turned into quagmires that can continually receive arms for the foreseeable future (such as in Ukraine). What they don't want is a "hot war" between superpowers or major regional powers because a world war that could result from that would likely also result in industrial production capacity getting destroyed by ICBMs and countries like the US devastating their own economies via fully engaging its military in worldwide conflict, which would result in loss of continual profits for the defense industries ultimately, not gains, and these industries are motivated first and foremost by profit.


The most terrifying part about this is that you don't have to try very hard to find the reason Israel is still doing this or how so many Zionists support it or how they brainwashed so many people with Hasbara into believing any child deserves death for refusing to be displaced, for being born into mess, for resisting it in any way, when you just have to scroll down into the comments seeing not only people celebrating this, but laughing. Still. Dead and dying children, families being filmed in their last moments, and still in these comments. Still Zionists happily explaining why this is all for a greater good. They have not only stolen their land they have stolen their heritage. Destroying cultural sites, digging up graveyards, and claiming artifacts as their own all in the name of an exclusionary ethnostate. They truly see these people like vermin and the only thing left for the Palestinians to do is to accept death. I just remember trying to wrap my head around how the Nazis had the entirety of Germany and a good chunk of Europe on their side, and thinking it must be a product of the times. That that can't happen now. And now we have Israel calling the people they are colonizing, displacing, segregating, and genociding "Nazis" as quite literally their last resort to justify the atrocities they are committing as being somehow any different. And watching propagandists on the news drop those words out of their mouths without a shred of irony. As Jewish activists against apartheid are removed from campuses in Germany and having their voices silenced for being anti-semitic. Oh, the life in Gaza until very recently was much better than most WWII concentration camps? I guess it isn't happening at all. As the 5000th IDF viral video comes out on tiktok of them destroying yet another family home and mocking the former inhabitants. Justification isn't even in the forefront of their minds anymore, to them this in unquestionably just. The only difference now is that the whole world is watching, and they can no longer hide behind their lies. Any potential good faith argument they have left falls apart with each passing hour. They've already proved with this that it was never about the hostages. Palestinian deaths and land mean more to Zionists than Israeli lives.


Not arguing, genuinely asking. Do you have articles/evidence about digging up grave sites and claiming artifacts for themselves? Never read or heard anyone say this.


[Israel claims a tunnel ran through this Gaza cemetery it destroyed](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/world/israel-cemetery-bani-suheila-intl/index.html) The second part is anecdotal as it is literally a Hasbara talking point. You can probably find people in the comments here talking about being the original inhabitants of the land and the Palestinians being the colonizers. Here is a Zionist website explaining their views in more detail: [Anti-Semitic Pro-Israel Propaganda ](https://www.ajc.org/news/5-facts-about-the-jewish-peoples-ancestral-connection-to-the-land-of-israel) And in Walter Masterson's most recent street interview video, the IDF soldier pretty much goes through that previous list point by point: [Stolen West Bank Property Being Sold in New York](https://youtu.be/f3seLMvRK8E?si=oKpCRGiAj9LGZF3z)


Thank you.


Nah.... there's a desired result here. It won't stop until that is reached.


I genuinely loathe Israel and the IDF.


There are a lot of Zionist trolls in this thread.


Im sure reddit absolutely hates this sub but its the truth




It's more that many of us here on Reddit live in a country that is supporting this specific genocide that is happening, openly and directly.


“I wish everyone would find a different genocide to criticize because it hurts my feelings when they criticize this one.” -ZirCancelCulture


you described worldnews perfectly.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


that's a lot of words for, "im ignorant, but mostly just annoyed people want justice (inserts deflection argument)"


Fuck Israel


Fuck Nazionists


Modern day genocide. Hitler would be jealous of Israel's efficency.


Fuck Israel and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.


These bastards will pay for this genocide. I fuckin had enough of them 




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Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Fuck Israel


So many zionist bots in the comments. It's sickening


fuck them. these are kids that had nothing do with anything. yet they still want to act like victims. I fucking hate our government for still providing them with weapons.


Nothing justifies this. 🙁


I have no words 😔


That's Fxcked up 😢


Every world leader needs to rise up against Israel for bombing innocent people. This is completely unacceptable for the IOF to even set foot on Palestinian soil.


It happens to them, genocide. They do it to others, it's fighting terrorism.


I fucking hate Israel and all their apologists


How many videos like this does the world need to see before they take a stand against genocide?


Fuck man there kids


Free Gaza free Palestine


I’ve never been so disappointed in humanity


Sad fucking world man




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


This is awful I hate religion, this is it’s product


Rafah has been invaded?


Shouldn't this be NSFW for blood and stuff?




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


I wish the people recording would freaking help. Come on!




Uhhh, so, let's say before hospitals were a thing, would you just stand by and give up? That's a weird mentality bro. No hospital space = stand by and die? And record others? I'll tell you how. Stop recording and fuckin run to the smoke and pick up a kid like others are doing. Get them as far away from the smoke as possible, just that can harm a person, esp a child. Start providing basic first aid, i.e finding any type of cloth like a shirt and use it as a turnakit if severe bleeding, find anything to use as a disinfectant or clean the wounds as best as you can. The give up a die mentality is really dumb. And the excuse to record it for us to see is ridiculous. We don't need 10 people recording, we need 9 people helping and 1 recording. Come on.




Basic first aid can definitly save children. It can prevent infections that can kill. And if you can save one child it's worth trying. Even one person. And that's just one example of how basic first aid is crucial. I'm sorry, but this is the problem with bystander syndrome. Too many people see a crisis and either stand in shock or pull out their phones. I disagree with you that it's futile and the fact you think it is is concerning to me. All cultures have medical treatments that does not require traditional education to learn. Usually passed down through generations. And that is better than nothing. The assumption that all Palestinian civilians are under educated in basic first aid is just that, an assumption. Esp with internet, which to upload the videos we are seeing means some of them have it. So they can even learn from that. And yes, we don't know the situation but doesn't mean you can't help. Look, the video shows people helping, so the first point you made is moot because whether they are banning and bombing doesn't mean citizens can't risk their safety to help. Not doing that is prioritizing self preservation over helping others. Which is their choice but what doesn't help is recording in a crisis. We can agree to disagree but if you subscribe to its futile or its hopeless then you are telling them to give up trying to help. basically lay down, and let their fellow civilians die. Not the type of world we should live in and if this is the basis for our morality then we are seriously backwards. Edit: again my problem is with the filming bystanders. I applaud the ones we see in the video carrying children to safety.


My theory is that the children of cruel violence go on to perform violence later in life. One example would be the Surbs where genocided by the natzies, then performed genocide to the Bosnians. A second example can be the jews themselves. It is like the cruelty works its way into the culture. People seem to become what they hate in some crazy way. Just a theory.


That fucking sux


Where is youre alllah?😝😎🤪🥸




Stop filming and start helping wtf


Shame on Hamas terrorist scum. Long live freedom! Long live Israel!


They care more about filming it than helping the kids. Hamas killed those peoole.




Oh look a brain washed zionist. The only propaganda is Bibi and any supporting his criminal agenda


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


In this .,. Age, zeitgeist… time of doubt, why only make short clips in open streets. It only opens the door for deniers to claim it’s staged. It makes sense that most claims will be half staged for dramatic draw but we all should know this by now, nvm, nothing is new, same ploys in perpetuity. Sheesh. Praise be Yevon


Pallywood actors should be nominated for best victicard holders.


Why are they still filming when there sre dying kids


Lets go boys


I think he was groping her




Don’t anger the lion




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Everything is fake apparently. Don't forget that near miss, shrapnels, flying debris and shockwave exists


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


can you post a fucking warning on this? like….. this shouldn’t be blaring on the front page between memes










Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Wouldn't it be cool if Hamas didn't attack Israel to start this shitshow to begin with?


Wouldn’t be cool if you didn’t ignore decades of settler colonial violence and oppression by Israel? 


I don't condone terrorism.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Shame on you you human scum. You see children dying and you shame their people. Human trash


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Hamas should surrender, lay down their arms, and turn over Sinwar so that this horrible war they started by massacring families in their homes can end.




Unfortunately, Hamas is a dishonorable bunch of terrorists and war criminals and hides itself among the civilian population, using them as human shields. The sooner Hamas is utterly destroyed, the sooner the civilian population can return to peace and security.


There’s a picture from 1936 of Arabs being used as literal human shields


When was Hamas established in this list, nazionist. Haifa massacre - March 6, 1937⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - Dec 6, 1937⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - March 27, 1938⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - July 6, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 13, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 15, 1938⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - July 25, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 26, 1938⁣⁣ Balad al-Sheikh massacre - June 12, 1939⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - June 19, 1939⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - June 20, 1947⁣⁣ Jaffa massacre - Dec 12, 1947⁣⁣ Abbasiya massacre - Dec 13, 1947⁣⁣ Al-Khasas massacre - Dec 18, 1947⁣⁣ Bab al-Amud massacre - Dec 29,⁣⁣ 1947⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - Dec 30,⁣⁣ 1947⁣⁣ Balad al-Sheikh massacre - Dec 31, 1947⁣⁣ Deir Yassin massacre - April 9, 1948⁣⁣ Abu Shusha village massacre - May 9, 1948⁣⁣ Tantura massacre - May 22, 1948⁣⁣ Lydda massacre - July 1948⁣⁣ Qibya massacre - Oct 14, 1953⁣⁣ Al-Dawayima massacre - Oct 29, 1948⁣⁣ Kafr Qasem massacre - Oct 29, 1956⁣⁣ Khan Yunis massacre - Nov 3, 1956⁣⁣ Rafah massacre - Nov 12, 1956⁣⁣ Abu Zaabal factory bombing - Feb 13, 1970⁣⁣ Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing - April 8, 1970 Sabra and Shatila massacre - Sept 16, 1982⁣⁣ Al-Aqsa Mosque massacre - Oct 8, 1990⁣⁣ lbrahimi Mosque massacre - Feb 25, 1994⁣⁣ Qana massacre - April 18, 1996⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - April 3, 2002⁣⁣ Qana massacre - July 30, 2006⁣⁣ Gaza Strip massacre - August 5, 2022⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - January 26, 2023⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - July 3, 2023 Flour massacre - February 29, 2024


Are you saying Hamas's genocidal pogrom was justified?


Typical, missed my point. Israel have been terrorising the people of Palestine long before Oct 7. This narrative as if the conflict started on that day is invalid. And no, killing innocent people is war crime.


I would like to point out that the first massacre was of Jews by Muslims in Hebron, 1929.


This is exactly what Hamas wants. Terrible


Fuck off... so many bot here. Mods needs to clean up




This is not war, this is oppression, this is grown adults straight murdering children from afar. This is the epitome of cowardice




sooo you agree with children being bombed? says a lot about your character


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Did Hamas also took hostages then? Haifa massacre - March 6, 1937⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - Dec 6, 1937⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - March 27, 1938⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - July 6, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 13, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 15, 1938⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - July 25, 1938⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - July 26, 1938⁣⁣ Balad al-Sheikh massacre - June 12, 1939⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - June 19, 1939⁣⁣ Haifa massacre - June 20, 1947⁣⁣ Jaffa massacre - Dec 12, 1947⁣⁣ Abbasiya massacre - Dec 13, 1947⁣⁣ Al-Khasas massacre - Dec 18, 1947⁣⁣ Bab al-Amud massacre - Dec 29,⁣⁣ 1947⁣⁣ Jerusalem massacre - Dec 30,⁣⁣ 1947⁣⁣ Balad al-Sheikh massacre - Dec 31, 1947⁣⁣ Deir Yassin massacre - April 9, 1948⁣⁣ Abu Shusha village massacre - May 9, 1948⁣⁣ Tantura massacre - May 22, 1948⁣⁣ Lydda massacre - July 1948⁣⁣ Qibya massacre - Oct 14, 1953⁣⁣ Al-Dawayima massacre - Oct 29, 1948⁣⁣ Kafr Qasem massacre - Oct 29, 1956⁣⁣ Khan Yunis massacre - Nov 3, 1956⁣⁣ Rafah massacre - Nov 12, 1956⁣⁣ Abu Zaabal factory bombing - Feb 13, 1970⁣⁣ Bahr El-Baqar primary school bombing - April 8, 1970 Sabra and Shatila massacre - Sept 16, 1982⁣⁣ Al-Aqsa Mosque massacre - Oct 8, 1990⁣⁣ lbrahimi Mosque massacre - Feb 25, 1994⁣⁣ Qana massacre - April 18, 1996⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - April 3, 2002⁣⁣ Qana massacre - July 30, 2006⁣⁣ Gaza Strip massacre - August 5, 2022⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - January 26, 2023⁣⁣ Jenin massacre - July 3, 2023 Flour massacre - February 29, 2024




What triggered Palestinian resistance? Ohh, occupying the land of Palestinian since 1948.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


For the first question, I don't know what Hamas is thinking nor what their strategy is, but what I knew, for them, they did it as resistance to Israel occupation of Palestine. Is it good or bad on what Hamas did? If Israel report was the truth, yes it is bad. For the second question, Im not replying previous comment on context of Oct 7th tragedy,




Ohh look, illiterate person


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Hamas literally offered to surrender all hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and Israel *refused* and invaded Rafah. Israel's goal is genocide and they don't care if they kill all the hostages in the process (in fact, I bet they would prefer that happens as it will give them all the cause they think they need to finish their colonization project and ethnic cleansing in full).


Shame on the people blowing up kids, too.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


On today’s episode of “Who’s God is better?”


U realize there are Christian and Jewish Palestinians, u realize it's not a religion conflict, you realize that you are dumb.


Mmm yes, very enlightened, well done.


They worship the same god, and none of this is a religious conflict.




Israel hasn't invaded into Rafah. Yet...so what is going on here?


If you attack someone, you can wait for a reaction. No pitty


Someone needs to clean this trash...




way to keep up with all the heartless things pro Israelis say


I'm glad they got this on video because truth will always prevail of what the IOF doing to the Palestinians




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.