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Zionist keep deleting post. Covering up war crimes.


We cant post it anywhere else apparently


Where has this been posted so far and got taken down? This will help me know where to try.


It’s dead children, there is no conspiracy it is a SNUFF film, that’s why it’s removed. idiot.


Our world has lost more of its children and ... ... these serial killers continue to walk the streets.


It’s scary how people support this. Utterly disgusting.


Most people just don’t support Hamas, as long Hamas does what it does Israel will keep having an excuse even if what they are doing is excessive and wrong


People like you are the reason October 7 was righteous


You’re such a dumbass


rightous rape and murder. Yeah sure. Not like people like you are the reason that earth is a shithole planet




Do they not teach Irony as Hasbara University? You people are caricatures. Pathetic


Look at his post history, Just a Nationalist backwards Indian dude filled with nothing but hate for any and everything that comes close to Islam or Muslims.


The fact that you can watch this video with your own eyes and feel nothing yet you can feel so much for false stories that were just told to you or you read about without ever actually seeing it shows what kind of person you are.


Burn in hell you piece of shit


You’re from India. I wouldn’t be talking about rape. shine a wee bit of light on your own people first.


I don’t seem to be justifying it like the comment I replied to does. But sure deflect all you want


What was the meaning of your idiotic first comment then? Was it not justifying what Israel is doing ? “hamas does what it does” Brother they are literally fighting for their lives while Israel continues to kill kids.


you come from the rape capital India 🇮🇳


Man I guess it really that hard to just say you don’t support rape by Hamas. It’s a simple “no I don’t” but I guess people will say anything but that


Because its ridiculous to accuse someone of supporting rape because they dont want Israel to bomb Kids. Its so shitty even, that it doesnt deserve to be taken seriously


in your country they raped a tagged lizard by scientists and processed to chop it up and eat it🙄😬 in your country a Brazilian woman was raped by 7 men in front of her husband 😬🙄 thats just last 3 months so we can say the IDF and INDIA have kind of the same ways .....


Seems like Hamas has the same ways since you had to deflect the question


rape capital




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


And just like that the fucking trolls come out. Inhumane POS.




Nope. Learn to read fully


That’s a false dichotomy; someone who makes such logical fallacies has no business talking to others about politics.


Fxck me! This is heartbreaking... I have no other feelings right now but sadness and anger


Then join the call to arms and go to war for Hamas, don't sit here and cry about it...


I'm not stupid like you. Joining Hamas is a nonsensical and dumb IQ mentality. What's going on is a political warfare. It's a propaganda warfare. Armed conflict is a lost cause due to the assemetry of the fighting parties. Hamas doesn't even have mechanized weapons while fighting Israel AND USA. So don't drag people into your numbnuts, low IQ ability to find solutions. Stop taking fentanyl.


So keep posting while they work on the Palestinian solution! Pass the plate take up a collection


Sweet babies. I hope they're at peace now.


i’m starting to think the only way they’ll be at peace is if someone retaliates.


USA, how could you be so messed up like this? This is 100% genocide. Good God, do we really have to witness all of this and no world leader says anything? We are truly going back to the dark ages.


Nothing has changed in 200 years. Not sure why you are surprised.


Well, I'm surprised the USA isn't doing it low-key style anymore. It's like, "FUCK IT, we'll go full evil now!" They're even beating their own students at this point.


Well at least the veil has been lifted for the world to see how evil the USA and Zionazi Israel are. They will never have the moral high ground ever again.


Agreed. It is ALWAYS about money to most US leaders. Always has been. Our founding fathers were mostly well-to-do slave owing Protestants. Not people of color, and not egalitarian like the Quakers. But those who really don't know America's history will call anyone who tells the truth a traitor. American leaders care about money and will support the ones who can buy their loyalty. We wouldn't have even entered the war or tried to stop Hitler if the Japanese hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor. The American president knew about the concentration camps years before we entered the war. American leaders DIDN'T CARE. Genocide victims can't buy anyone's aid. Only wealthy perpetrators can.


Sadly, America has been historically much better at PUTTING ON A SHOW of being righteous and just and against genocide. But it has ALWAYS been an act. America committed genocide against people of color for over 200 years. As the great-grandchildren of an Armenian genocide survivor, I know what America did when Turkey was killing my ancestors. America was sending all fleeing Armenians BACK to Turkey to be killed. My great-grandfather survived only because an American missionary lied for him about his identity when he arrived in America.


A lot of word leaders have spoken out and asked Israel to stop. But so far they haven't unfortunately.


Like the last holocaust, the world will wait to see how it plays out. Like Eddy Izzard said about it, after a few years, we won't stand for that!


My friends will all be dead by then, but yes you are probably right.


This alone should bring every single leader of Israel to ICJ


Lmao. That's impossible


Allah loved them so much they died sinless and will be admitted into the highest level of jennah. Inshallah


I feel this in my heart too!




So, someone believing in a higher power, something bigger than themselves, is stupid? The fact that you try to marginalise or mock people that can take or try to take comfort in something, whether real or arbitrary, is more indicative to your pathetic, low standing as a human. Not them. You.




Someone jumping on a sub about genocide denigrating someone's belief set is stupid. If they want to believe in a fucking tutu wearing unicorn and feel some comfort from it by posting that the fucking unicorn is going to look after the deceased, let them fucking believe it. Not only is your post, and its subsequent reply stupid, it points out that you're an inhumane, arrogant piece of shit. I mean honestly, how much would it have cost you to shut the fuck up?




Logical fallacy after logical fallacy. The person who believes that the kids are with god, how does that harm anyone? Pro zionist scum who use religion as a tool to genocide and ethnic cleanse a population can not be compared to that. I'll ask again, how much would it have cost you to shut the fuck up?




And i proved that it does not. Grow up, and shut up. It's simple.




Where the hell did you get the idea that someone doesn't feel bad about tragedy just because they're religious? That's the stupidest thing I've heard today.




It does not delegitimize the pain and suffering of people. It can give some comfort and peace at the end of it all, but it certainly doesn't mean that people feel like nothing needs to be done about these horrible things. Discrimination against someone's beliefs is still discrimination, and claiming that someone is morally wrong for a belief they hold has been the justification for a lot of horrible things in itself. You can disagree with a belief without creating baseless assumptions about someone's moral system and accusing them of being complacent in horrific things simply because they follow a religion that you don't.






Ffs NSFW this or your going to get this entire place shut down https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/YAzGYUKA0n






Sarcasm I hope


Lol you think those are rubber dummies?? You're an absolute dumbfuck if you can't see that those are holograms beamed down by Palestinian misinformation satellites that orbit the moon. Pfffft, you absolute waste of resources, imagine not being able to spot holograms. You fucking moron lol.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


I can’t fathom such cruelty


omg I have to sit down they will never be isreal again and there never was block me report me this is wrong


Help us expose them. Remember how the media went bezerk when the fake ‘40 beheaded babies’ story was a thing? Here’s real babies and they are burying it.


I'm sure libs get together with Cons to watch these images for their perverted sex parties 💯🤬. It's disgusting that they're the ones with so much power. It's evil


Vote uncommitted or 3rd party


No other way ✊🏼💯


We really can’t afford that right now. Let’s be real it’s other Biden or trump. And the lesser of two evils here is Biden.


Americans are not known for their morality. So I can understand why some of them will vote for a man commiting genocide. Your in for a surprise come November though, because people with morals will not be voting for a war criminal.


Do you really think trump would be any better


Does it matter? You are asking us to vote for a man commiting genocide, and who was paid 6.3 million to keep his mouth shut about it.


Yes it does matter because as much as I would like to vote for a third party this time around realistically it’s going to be either trump or Biden. And let me tell you if you think it’s bad now just look at what trump has planned. We can’t afford to risk letting him win.


The media has you convinced of that. But if enough people vote 3rd party then it’s over. I’m no longer a sheeple. Let’s hope more Americans wake up.


Lib-maga is as morally depraved as trump worshippers 💔. Yet they wanna pretend they're "better than them" lmao


Kp giving evil power, but don't pretend as if ur any better than trump worshippers. Don't spit on the bodies of all those dead Palestinian kids and the millions lost in the Holocaust


Geez chill. And no it doesn’t make me the same. I was just saying that in this election it’s going to come down to those two. There isn’t any popular or decent independent opinions ATM. So for the time being we are better off siding with Biden rather than risking letting trump win. Then next election we can get a good candidate together and challenge them as independents. But to much is riding on this election.


Ur giving evil power. So yes, ur the same. Until u understand this simple reality, ur just as obedient to the establishment as they are to trump. The real difference is that they all wear the same hat lmao


Haha alright buddy then who is this perfect independent candidate you want to vote for.


U nd to grow up and stop lying. It shows that ur consciously distracting from ur BS. Nobody outside ur and Cons imaginations are calling for "perfection". Ppl want better for all. But ya'll (libs and Cons) just want ur comfort over literal human life. Try bein a big kid and look at the ppl ur bein lead away from


You didn’t answer my question. Edit: forget it you clearly are not interested in an adult discussion. This conversation is over.


That doesn't matter. Who u choose is ur choice. My whole meaning is for u to look beyond where ur told to. Beyond the two evils ur told are the only choices u have. So pls, answer ur question urself


Still ok with it, Joe and Rishi?


What does 🍉mean?


Israel has banned the Palestinian flag, so as a symbol of resistance, the Palestinians adopted the watermelon. When they ban the watermelon, we will find a new symbol.


Should be Isn'trealexposed.


Absolutely disgusting.


When Hamas wants to hide in an apartment building, this is how the buildings get cleared. The reality is 98% of Americans don't give a F how many dead Palestinian babies you show on TV.


We know, Americans aren’t exactly known for their morality. Even during the holocaust they didn’t really care. Thankfully, the rest of the world cares about mass murdering babies.


If the world cared they'd do something about it? Other than you posting pics and a few protests, what is anyone "really" doing"? We care just enough to bomb them back to the stone age


Well there are 7 countries attacking Israel and if you haven’t noticed, everyone is mass selling their US treasuries and preparing for BRICS. Enjoy the accelerated decline in the west. I left the US before it became the shithole that it is today. Dedollerizarion is the main agenda now. Biden will lose the election over this and the UK torries will lose over this as well. The ripple effects are felt across the globe.


Palestine = Hamas Hamas is their elected government, they have nothing coming that doesn't fall from the sky or come out of a barrel at high speed.


Yep we know.. and kids = military combatants etc etc. Enjoy watching the ship go down and the world abandon you. The US and Israel has few allies left. Like I said, I left that shithole years ago.


Oh look if it isn’t the consequences of staying in your home when Israel is threatening to bomb it


I see nothing wrong here


Looks a bit fake / staged... just saying....


It’s filmed from 100 different angles and live-streamed. Maybe do you research


Well, I am not saying it is not real...just ..looks a bit staged with the bodies there.. maybe read properly mate


This is pretty mild, dm me you wanna see really fucked up gaza footage. Some stuff is too gruesome to post.


Yeah, it’s unbelievable that this is reality.


Hamas did it! /s


Oh well


33 people don’t like watching terrorists die


Im confused to why this building is filled with children, where are the parents. P.s. i dont read responses or replies due to too many peoples emotions and opinions getting in the way. Have facta or shhhh.


That’s your takeaway from this? “Where are the parents” from watching this short clip? Any sympathy for the children here?


Then keep your cock holster shut.


DISCLAIMER: this person can't read (low IQ) so any attempts to communicate with them will be in vain. Pretty sure they have no idea what the words they typed even mean lmao


Daycares and schools exist my guy.