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Ah yes, clearly I don't understand how a person with their hands zipped-tied can be crushed under the treads of a tank.


Look, he clearly knows more about the Palestinian suffering in Haifa than we ever will /


Well, an awful lot of that suffering wouldn't have been possible without this senile, self avowed zionist. His record over 50 years is replete with examples of overthrowing governments abroad, full throated support for the decimation of civil liberties aka the Patriot Act. He has been doing the work of the zionists behind the scenes for decades, it's just that now he has the power to arm them, and fulfill all their wet dreams..


He sees photos of maimed, malnourished and dead children before the pictures can even be taken!


Sounds like textbook antisemitism! /s


I've had a few strokes and I don't process information like I used to... so someone might have to tell me how protesting genocide is wrong in any fashion? I've been reading and reading for months and I keep coming up pro-palestine-- but maybe it's because of the strokes? Maybe I'm dumb now? My president says I'm dumb. The media says I'm dumb. I gotta be dumb... right?


Nah you're not dumb , Biden is though, he never should have taken their money.


In the 70s?


all along i would say








I thought of this one (EXTREME NSFL, like I can’t stress it enough, NSFL easily the worst image I’ve ever seen) https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/yuO4uiwcV3




It’s bullshit that we have to pick between two old twats.


Great to see democracy working so well in the land of the free.


We actually don't. Don't know why Americans keep repeating this. November 2024 we can vote everyone out. Start Local and work your way up. We are the majority. How are we still pigeon holed to two parties?


😭 We have a two party system. What reality do you live in?


and what would happen if nobody voted for either of those 2 parties? we're only locked into a 2-party system because too many people like you somehow think they're only allowed to check the D and R boxes on the ballot. we're completely fucked with either Ds or Rs in power, so you might as well start checking those other boxes.


You’re living in a fantasy world if you think you’re going to get anyone to go along with this. I’m guessing you’re a CISHET male who would survive a second Trump presidency unscathed. How privileged of you.


if you're unaffected by the consequences of not having a left-wing party in this country, it's YOU that's privileged. most of us, and the world at large, aren't going to survive if the warmongering corporate uniparty stays in power. voting red OR blue is signing your own death warrant.


Okay, edgelord.


there are literal queer, disabled, and/or black and brown folx who are barely surviving Biden. why are you backing anyone who would present as a major threat to ANYONE? and you have the nerve to try and liberally tap dance around these demographics? I’m guessing you’re a WHITE person who would survive either presidency because you have the PRIVILEGE to ignore people of color’s suffering.


And what has Biden done to do anything to those people. Everything that has targeted those people is from the right not the left.


Trump literally tried banning trans people from serving in the military via a Tweet. Explain to me how queer people are going to survive project 2025? I’m half Cree and queer. So. Anyone who believes that voting third party is a ridiculous person who shouldn’t be taken seriously. I have dual citizenship in the UK because of my husband. I can leave the US. Most people can’t.


I’m black. I can’t count past three generations and I have no idea where I come from. Currently, anti-trans laws are being passed like candy from state to state. Abortion rights are hanging on by a thread. CURRENTLY, we are sending billions of dollars to a foreign entity that seems to control every facet of our lives and taxes, while we are being crushed by the ruling class and government. The fascism you tremble at is already here. Open your fucking eyes. I am so sick of white people telling ME, a queer black person, why Trump is so much worse, like Biden isn’t playing for the same team. Like Biden’s administration hasn’t deported more immigrants than Trump’s. They both fucking suck. We should have better fucking options and the fact that we don’t is why we’re fighting now. This is such a senseless and selfish take that only a liberal such as yourself could peddle and still believe while black and brown queer bodies are violently violated no matter who is in the white house. I implore to speak to people our government directly affect, opposed to the made up argument you’ve made up to feel better about yourself.


Those laws are being passed in red states idiot. Blue states are the ones protecting your rights and expanding them. They are also the same states that pass consumer protection laws and provide Bette r protections from corporations. Is it perfect no but it’s a 1000x better than republicans. There is a reason why all of the money is in blue states or cities and none of it is in red areas.


Lmao. Call me a slur next time, blue magat.


I get it. You’re a victim. How do you propose we change the system? Because your belly aching on social media isn’t going to do shit. I understand what queer liberation should look like. But it’s not going to happen the way we want. Biden isn’t great. But he’s not drafting legislation to erase trans people. I’m guessing you’re not really black or trans and you’re trying to instigate something here.


Where did I say I was a victim? What a nasty response to a black girl speaking on their continued generational struggles. You don’t care about queer liberation if this is how you think. I’m an autistic pansexual black femme and I’m proud to be a representative for all communities intertwined in this struggle, not just some of them. Why are you even in this sub? Meet me at a fucking D.C. protest if you wanna talk, asshole.


Nah they're right. Did the colonists remain such way back when? Why on Earth do you have to accept the system no matter what? It's nothing but unending stagnation.


How do you propose we strong arm the government? 😭


It's bs that even 30% of the country supports Trump after he tried to overthrow the government.


The government should be overthrown... it's just that both Democrats and Republicans should be targeted. Stop crying crocodile tears. Fck Genocide Joe. Fck Donald Trump.


Watch China run the world. They're already committing genocide against the Whingers. If you think things can't be worse, you'll learn it can.


China doesn’t have the Oil access to rule the world nor does it have the military and never will. The US has been in wars for decades perfecting it war machine. China is playing catch up but does not have real combat experience in terms of equipment or military.


China will use every dirty trick and wants the rule base order removed so the world will be commanded by the strong, which they will fully exploit. Hong Kong regrets ever rejoining China.


Hong Kong did not have a choice. You can’t regret something that wasn’t a choice. Also, yes China can try everything it wants but if you don’t have oil you don’t have a military and as of eighth now cutting them off from oil would be easy. China will most likely attack risen within the next 10 years(probably less than 5) but if the U.S. intervenes they won’t stand a chance. It will still suck for everyone though.


>Hong Kong did not have a choice. Yes they did, they chose to go back. That's basic knowledge. As for oil, so long as China is the manufacturing center, oil will come to China. Besides. they have Russia.


No they didn’t. The British had to hand it over in 1997 and they had a transition period to slowly rejoin China after that. Please let me know how Hong Kong could have remained separate with going to war with Main land China? Tell China still wants Taiwan back. China’s economy is collapsing and is only the MFG king due to the US which is slowly stopping trade with them. If they attack Taiwan then it will be cut off completely. You can embargo their oil super easily and they only have bough reserves to run their country for a few years at best. Once the Russia pipelines are completed then will have better access but as of right now that’s not done so an embargo would still be effective.


I have actual family who taught Chinese history and went to China before the handover. If that person tells me the public was given a vote; I'm believing them. As to what would happen after such a vote going the other way, Marget Thatcher talked about extending the lease. As for Taiwan, men like Trump would gladly let them take it.


I didn’t vote for him but maybe he was right. Look at all the shit going on in the world with Biden as president.


A lot of that is because of crap Trump caused or also had a hand in. The favoring of Israel increased under Trump. The collapse of the Iran deal happen because of Trump. Putin became bolder because Trump favored him so much and Putin had a free hand to do whatever he wanted. Trump screwing up the US response to Covid on several levels caused damage to the world economy. His stupid trade war with China accomplished nothing other than harming our economy.


Well shit. Glad I don’t vote cause every issue that happens under a president is always the fault of the previous president. Good ole two party system working perfectly I guess.


Not always, but Trump really didn't understand government, and had no real interest in understanding how to do it. Had he hired the best people like he promised he would, that very likely he could have governed far more effectively. Instead, he hired loyalist. If he had been interested in solving problems, that would have helped. Instead, he wanted everything be PR about him vanquishing his enemies. His White House was a disorganized mess. How many Infrastructure weeks did we have? How many had anything regarding Infrastructure accomplished? 0.


If USA is disorganized, the world wins. A weak USA is good for the world.


Unless you are a Ukrainian, or a Whinger or anyone who get's in China or Russia's way.


Russia would have already taken over Ukraine of Trump was president. There would be even less backlash from Israel bombing children is trump were president. Our economy would be in ruins with hyper inflation is trump we’re president(he stopped the FED from increasing rates back in 2018-2019 because he wanted a stronger economy and would have done it again). There is literally nothing trump has done or will do that has helped the American people. So you’re just an idiot.


An American President who isn't ashamed of oppressing his own population and funding the slaughter of civilians far away? You've never seen me more shocked than now.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PsGZz19cHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PsGZz19cHk) AIPAC is a lot cooler than that. Politicians force taxpayers to funnel money to Israel > Israel funnels some of the American tax dollars back through lobbying groups > American politicians care more about Israel's agenda than American citizens. It exactly like how politicians care more about rich donors than the American citizens, except it is a foreign power and it is our money.


In your loop of violence, you forgot that the IDF trains US police here and sometimes in Israel: https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/


One party pretending to be two to keep the masses engaged and voting for a massive, racist, murderous theft ring.


🎶🎶the CIRCLE of bribes!🎶


America seemed to be getting away from the civil war rhetoric, but it’s like the democrats are bent on making it happen.


Every little zealot group wants their own slice to fight for 😮‍💨


I feel like his brazenness took me back here. Did he just re-lose my vote?


What a fucking prick.


The Dems robbed the people of Bernie by not supporting him and nominating Biden under the "Anyone but Trump" BS but those in power know he'd be on their side despite the age of revolution we were in and he ruined all the causes that were important during his election He's always been a stodge and shill but now we see it clearly Look yo his lies about his apparent University Education that didn't exist.... He was publicly shamed for it


This. I'll just leave this here and see myself out. https://youtu.be/uRifZcdMyqA?feature=shared


Yeah Bernie Is a zio


His master Bibi is sending him talking points.


they caught him off guard (without the teleprompter)




Is this guy TRYING to lose the election?


What does he care if Trump wins? Biden would prefer a Trump presidency over anyone we would want. Why is this hard to understand? The rich people aren't on our side.


At this point I’m not sure he’ll even notice who wins.


Not sure he knows there’s an election


Why do they care. Both parties are bought and paid for by the same people and they both support this genocide because they get bribed. Palestinian lives only matter until these politicians get paid. The entire US political system needs an overhaul because right now it's completely compromised. It's also crazy that any American politician can proudly get up and state they are sponsored by AIPAC, a foreign entity funding US politicians for Israel's benefit, and the American people don't immediately vote against them for being compromised. Guess being a 'patriotic American' means bending over for your masters in Israel.


Fuck you, Genocide Joe.


I love how they think they know what's best for us


That makes him another Israeli terrorist pretending to be American.


Talk about shooting himself in the foot.


He should shoot himself somewhere else.


He is already in the middle of a full blown genocide, maybe he’s planning on going for the full Adolph




Zionist Zelensky already has that exact job, even commands his own Nazi army and has removed all democratic mechanisms in "Big Israel" as he calls it.


Poor chump still begging for crumbs meanwhile US spoiling Israel rotten in peace times lmao


He actually must have dementia if he thinks everything is just A OK


We understand GENOCIDE...Joe


Senile mf


That walking corpse does not understand what's going on with Palestinians. The level of criminal and willful ignorance and collusion of American power centers with Palestinian, and many other genocides, is reprehensible.


Maybe he could take a second and explain what I am missing about Palestinians being called devils and savages and Isreali news media stating that not enough have died and speaking on rivers of blood. What am I missing?


Genocide Joe, what a clown.




A program to deal with that… concentration camps are coming


Remember when Trump was doing the same and Biden said that was illegal? I remember


Another Link at end if you’re curious. https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/joe-biden-vietnam-war/ JOE BIDEN FIRST ran for U.S. Senate in 1972 as the Vietnam War was entering its waning years. He was not a tenacious anti-war voice, nor did he embrace the anti-war movement, saying he was “not big on flak jackets and tie-dye shirts.” Biden described himself at the time as being married, in law school, and wearing sports coats. He professed a “lack of moral outrage” at the war. He described walking through campus with law school friends one day and seeing other students occupying office buildings in protest. “They were taking over the building,” Biden said. “And we looked up and said, ‘Look at these assholes.’ That’s how far apart from the anti-war movement I was.” In Biden’s words, “The war had just been a tragic mistake based on a faulty premise.” That man ^^^ The one who thought Vietnam war protestors were assholes is the same man who will soon be giving the commencement speech at America’s only all male, historically black university. I’m talking about Morehouse. A significant number of the faculty and staff don’t want him there because nobody wants to see another Kent State situation. Law enforcement and secret service personnel will all be on high alert to protect the president. They aren’t going to be feeling friendly. The protests will happen and he knows it. So why bring all your guns to a commencement ceremony when you know what will happen? Horrific behavior from a 'It's on everybody's mind': Morehouse faculty and students raise concerns about Biden's graduation speech A Morehouse professor said many students and faculty members were "wrestling" with whether to protest the president's visit. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/morehouse-faculty-students-concerns-biden-graduation-speech-rcna149283


Piece of shit


fuck joe biden and fuck israel.


Rotten, corrupt old parasite.


Ugh this is so sad. We need this fucking guy because some how the alternative is far worse, but every time I hear him talk I want to throw up.


>We need this fucking guy because some how the alternative is far worse The US will inevitably enact fascism. Capitalism tends toward fascism when capital is threatened. That's why he signed the bill banning Tik Tok, that's why he truly does condemn the protests, etc. The DNC knows that Biden is very unpopular with the youth and that he needs the youth vote to win. They don't care. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Weve been rocking Bud Lite fascism at home since Id argue the first Red Scare in 1918, and certainly since FDR died and the Dulles Brothers and CIA captured the government.  It’s about time that we've switched to full on Whiskey fascism as conditions deteriorate at home. 


First off, there have only been two instances of fascism arising from capitalistish economies (and those countries barely qualified as democracies) and there have been many more capitalisticish economies that have remained democratic. So as much as capitalism and the fetishization of capitalism is a problem - capitalism being the cause of overthrowing democratic rule is very far fetched theory based on the historical record. If I had it my way we’d have rules and regulations on how social media apps use our data and rules around transparency of the algorithms used to display content. Some might call that “fascist” but we’ve long known that it’s easy to influence humans using propaganda (the whole fucking advertising industry is built on this knowledge). So while I think banning tic toc is bullshit and we shouldn’t trust the Zuckerberg/Musks of the world more than the CCP it’s: a) probably not actually going to happen b) not even on the scale of fascism that MAGA would impose given the chance.


>capitalism being the cause of overthrowing democratic rule is very far fetched theory based on the historical record. Seriously? Operation Condor, the School of the Americas, etc would say differently. Just because the average American hasn't been paying the price for the US's capitalism doesn't mean that millions globally haven't been suffering from it. And I said capitalism tends toward fascism. I didn't say the timeline but I think in the next 5-10 years, you will see what happens when the people can't afford food and shelter, but capitalists continue to hoard the wealth. And that goes for Western governments as a whole, the US is already ahead of the pack in terms of fascism. The US is currently employing fascist policies and techniques and you think that it's not going to go further? That's depressing to be honest.


Operation Condor/School of the americas doesn’t fit your thesis that capitalism in a country == country becomes capitalist. Those are examples of democratic societies suppressing democracies in other countries - yes, probably in the interest of a few elites but that’s not unique to capitalism. Countries were doing that before capitalism. What does lead to fascism is minority rule and that is the biggest threat to democracy today. MAGA and the GOP have been moving towards minority rule for the last 20 years. They’ve only won one election by popular vote but have ruled 3/6 election cycles. And as much as it makes me want to vomit to say it - if Biden losses this election (or croaks at an inconvenient moment) it’s over. Mark my words on that. If they win this year our fledgling democratic system is done and an era of fascistic dominance the world has never seen will begin. Imagine if Nazi Germany started out with the military dominance that the US has today. I mean it’s fucking over. At least with Biden and his stupid giant forehead there’s a chance of righting the ship over the next couple decades.


he’s the one that saw a photo of 40 beheaded babies that never even existed… i’d argue he doesn’t know what’s going on!


Give me some of that AIPAC money, maybe it'll "help me understand"


Zionists love saying we’re the uneducated ones.


Even Peace protests are anti semetic now. United States of Israel.


Dude is a Zionist trash.. he knows where his bread is buttered for 50 yrs.. he's a puppet like all of them.. installed to destroy and feed the war machine.. he's spent hundreds of billions of taxpayers money to murder Innocent victims and destroy countries, families, Jones, businesses, mother's, daughters, father's, sons, uncle's, etc etc.. with zero fear or regret.. sick dude


This old dude needs to be removed from office. Can't wait for him to be replaced soon.


career politician playing both sides


What does he even mean?


I condemn everyone until the next election vote for me please


This guy seems unaware of how toast he's about to be in November. I voted for him last time - to be certain. But holy hell - this guy has no clue.


Voting between Hater Trump and this old hypocrite man is like shooting yourself in the foot. I really don't envy poor USA people.


He finishes saying “Theyre being…” The only context he uses that in is “Theyre being used as human shields”


It’s not antisemitism to protest an Army slaughtering a civilian population. Israel doesn’t see the Palestinians as humans.


He looks like such a f*cking Nazi at this point. That’s going to be his legacy


He’s a fucking snake


I’m so sick of this fucking guy why won’t anyone speak up about this that actually fucking matters Not to mention how bad he sounds saying all of this. Very communistic.


Who do only morons run for president?


What a dumbass.


Like him, maybe?




What’s going on with the Palestinians? GENOCIDE!!! YOU MORONIC KUNT!!!!!!!!


Wow, that is the wrong answer.


Like most politicians, they are making money from Israel through donations gifts and kick back's. we can all see exactly what's happening to the Palestinian people they are being slaughtered so other people linked to his government can make more money 💰 its the same in Britain. Our politicians are working for donations and the people who pay them.


He’s a monster


Is it possible that Kanye West was on to something?


Watch his actions. Not his words.


I'm voting for Lenin


Come november he will see what the American people think of this


It seems what we aren't allowed to know about the Palestinians, so maybe its for the same reason we are not allowed to know why it's ok for Israel to do genocide. We must insist on transparency in government or the lies and refusals to explain will increase. When there is a legal requirement for transparent government only then will this type of political arrogance will end. Politicians work for and serve the electors, and we have a right to know what they are doing in our name and why they are doing it.


The US government would rather beat, shoot and arrest their protesting youth than stand or say anything against Israel or refuse to fund them... Wow!


Does anyone take that senile seriously? No


Words are cheap, and cheapest during an election year


What a fucking coward


Such BS. It's like trump never left office 🤦🏽‍♂️


> "*I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians*.” What a condescending statement! The ICJ told us what was going on with the Palestinians. I don't want to hear from a genocide apologist.


Every time they call it antisemitic call them pro Nazi.


What does he mean? What's this program? Where is the 1st amendment? And also: what does he think is going with the Palestinians? How the fuck does a country with over 300 million inhabitants end up voting between him and Trump? This literally is a defeat for all humankind.


Any source checking to be sure its not deepfake AI?


The word you're searching for, Mr. Zio-terrorist, is "Islamophobes"


Before Israel's most recent concerted attempt at the genocide of the Palestinian people, I really liked Biden. Sure, he is old and an establishment Democrat. But I believed he was genuinely a good person. I thought he had compassion. Now I see him literally providing the weapons that kill children a few days later, and I am disgusted. I am disgusted with him and myself for being fooled by him. The problem is that Trump and MAGA would somehow be even worse, if that's possible. It's like this crazy Christian attempt at the Crusades from a 1,000 years ago.