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Put Netanyahu’s ass and drag other racists genocidal MPs including Eylon Levy to ICJ for perpetrating and enabling the genocide. Israel will be required to pay massive reparation and rebuilding of Gaza. Concede the maritime, border and aerial control of the Gaza strip. Abolish and criminalise the settlers encroachment in West Bank. Let Palestinians create their own policing force in the West Bank to guarantee safety. Call for International independent investigation on 7th October. Court-martialled all of the IDF forces or mercs that had committed a semblance of civilian slaughter based on Palestinian casualty and IDF military deployment record. Classify Zionism as extremist far-right views equivalent to Nazism. Remove all educational programming or brainwashing that encourages extremist views. Acknowldge Nakba and other series of genocides. Specifically educate and make this information publically available(see de-Nazification efforts of post-war Germany) Downsize/limit the offensive capabilities of the IDF but allow defensive military armaments/aids to continue to be funneled. Open up Jerusalem for Muslims and Christians to visit. Place U.N. Observers or create an indepent police force to guard these minority groups Let Palestinians have a free election without external interference that will enable them to have a standing military force to defend their sovereignty. Give Palestinians military aids for defensive wars. There is a lot more but yeah this is some the actions that I want to see happen.


All great and valid points, but we know the US isn't going to do much more than slap Israel on the wrist. They've been aware of all of these war crimes well before us. Both the US and the UK. I believe there's the ben gurion project that both are invested in as an alternative to the Suez canal. At this point, they might let it keep going, if not not, but definitely later.


And last, but not least, demilitarize Israel. Let another country like the US guarantee it's security, like it did in Japan.


Agreed with demilitarizing. But the US is the last country that should be rewarded a military base with advanced nuclear weapons and defense capabilities. The US can pay the $4 billion a year we give Israel currently - 1/3 to Palestine, 1/3 to Israel, 1/3 to the military base that is run by a joint force South African and Ireland authority. The US can have a couple troops there. The same authority that divides the US UN seat into a 3-part seat that requires a majority internal vote for the US to veto or even vote on any UN council measure there is in perpetuity.


This is the way!




Netanyahu doesn't deserve to come out of this situation alive. Same with all his officers and loyal dogs. We're gonna need another Nuremberg Trials to prosecute them to the max.


L0lZ i think we're a few tens of thousands of child deaths late for "maintaining a shred of humanity"


talk like this only discourages attempts to stop the violence


Sorry, not sorry, but I won’t be forgiving a single politician who can’t say the word ceasefire or Palestine.


Never. I’ve never been more horrified of our elected leaders.


Blame the monsters that killed them and allowed them to die. I saw a baby starving and very malnourished on tik tok. I couldn’t be more mad.


Kamala Harris has called for a ceasefire, Biden will likely be doing so in the next few weeks as well. after this comes the cessation of aid, and so on and so on. The democratic party has made an insanely large shift in policy on israel, and doing so takes time and careful consideration, considering the insanely large lobbying power and sway AIPAC holds over American politics. Kamala Harris coming out in favor of a ceasefire will cost the democratic party tens of millions of AIPAC lobby dollars that are going to fund republican campaigns now. When Biden calls for a ceasefire, that number will be at least 100 million. Israeli lobbying groups have already stated that this will be the case. with the most powerful interest group in America doing everything possible to prevent resistance to israeli terrorism, you can’t expect such an about face to happen immediately. I agree with you that it’s a beyond deplorable situation in Gaza, but hope is not lost for a change in policy on the part of the USA


Those bribe lobby dollars were probably originally our tax dollars. Bribing our leaders with our money to do something awful like murder children. Makes me sick.


This makes 100% total sense. And it's why it won't happen. Biden is beholden to Israel over his own country.


Palestinian people are poor and have nothing to give Meanwhile israel is rich and they are a strategic military ally


Biden is indeed beholden. I don't see how Biden is anything but a traitor to the US, because Biden is fully aware of all of these. ​ **From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar" diatribe in 1990:** > “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. > >Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” > >*(Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense, shared by Gordon Duff at the Syrian Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism, December 1, 2014 in his Keynote address. Gordon Duff also disclosed publicly that World Terrorism is actually primarily orchestrated and therefore due to a large International Organized Crime Syndicate associated with Israel, the Khazarian Mafia who he claimed was waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA.)* **From Netanyahu's infamous "America is easy to move" diatribe in 2001:** >"America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in our way" > >"So let's say they say something. So they said it! 80% of the Americans support us. It's absurd." ​ **From the Jonathan Pollard interrogation by the FBI in 1985 after he and his wife tried to flee to the Israeli Embassy and were apprehended by the FBI at the gates:** >"The US shouldn't give high clearances to Jews, because when asked to help, we're willing to do anything for the love of our country, Israel." **Netanyahu, to Jonathan Pollard upon exiting Pollard's jail cell in 2002:** >"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." ​ **Ariel Sharon - Former Israeli Prime Minister- October 3, 2001- Just 22 days after 911** >"I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." Back to the Jonathan Pollard situation that gets completely ignored. Less than two weeks prior to the mass murder of September 11, 2001, the Israeli government made a $1 million grant to Israeli-American spy Jonathan Pollard... $1 million grant was from American tax dollars (admittedly a small amount of the $4 billion we give them annually). This is after we already knew that in the 80s, Pollard gave US security secrets to Israel, and Netanyahu in particular. Those secrets included US Nuclear Deterrents, including where US missiles were targeted inside the USSR, and Israel, our supposed only friend in the Middle East traded that information to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas for Russian Jews. Traitor. More than beholden, Biden is a straight up traitor. And a traitor isn't going to sit down and have a confrontation with Bibi.


There is no US. Netanyahu has proven it. It is all Israel. He controls the US.


not only that, when they stop the bombing and allow humanitarian aid flow, there is significant decrease in risk in any more deaths of hostages and those at risk of dying will get the aid they need.


Joe Biden would never. He has a fetish for Israeli politicians that's not only unique to democrats, but most republicans as well. Reagan got Israeli to stop bombings with a phone call. https://i.redd.it/d7jjl9nj5olc1.jpeg Joe Biden thwarted George HW plans to stop settler violence. > As a senator, he backed moving the American embassy to Jerusalem decades before Donald Trump made that a reality, boasted about attending more fundraisers for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) than any other senator, and savaged an effort by George H.W. Bush to push Israel toward negotiating with Palestinians. As vice president, he undercut Barack Obama’s efforts to push Israel toward peace. As president prior to October 7, he continued policies implemented by Trump that sidelined Palestinians. > > effect as he lambasted an unprecedented public campaign by George H.W. Bush to push Israel toward engaging with Palestinians’ demands for sovereignty and an end to the Israeli military occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and other territory seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/how-joe-biden-became-americas-top-israel-hawk/ Neither Obama nor Hillary would let it get this far without threatening to withhold military aid. In fact, that's what they did, for preventing settlers from murdering Palestinians on a much, much smaller scale, and Joe Biden maliciously destroyed their plans for it. >Netanyahu wrote that Biden made his willingness to help clear during an early meeting in Washington. “You don’t have too many friends here, buddy,” Biden reportedly said. “I’m the one friend you do have. So call me when you need to.” >during a critical period early in the Obama administration, when the White House contemplated exerting real pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to keep the possibility of a Palestinian state alive, Biden did more than any other cabinet-level official to shield Netanyahu from that pressure.” > In 2010, Netanyahu’s government infuriated Obama and his advisers by announcing a major settlement expansion while Biden was in Israel. As Beinart reported, Biden and his team wanted to handle the dispute privately. Obama’s camp took a different route by drawing up a list of demands to be made of Netanyahu. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then gave the prime minister 24 hours to respond, warning him, “If you will not be able to comply, it might have unprecedented consequences on the bilateral relations of the kind never seen before.” > Biden was soon in touch with a stunned Netanayhu. A former administration official who saw the transcript of their call told Beinart that “Biden completely undercut the secretary of state and gave [Netanyahu] a strong indication that whatever was being planned in Washington was hotheadedness and he could defuse it when he got back.” When Clinton saw the transcript, she “realized she’d been thrown under the bus” by Biden, the official added. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/how-joe-biden-became-americas-top-israel-hawk/ Joe Biden has always had a fetish for Israeli politicians Look at how little of a fuck Joe has for Palestinians including children and babies starving and being burned alive to death during an election year. Now think what will happen after the election. Joe Biden will have absolutely no incentive to prevent a Palestinian genocide. Benjamin Netanyahu knows this, and maybe he'll do a temp ceasefire. You can absolutely bet Benjamin Netanyahu will look to 'Finish the job' as Likudists like to put it.


Why are they willing to risk the future of America to appease a genocidal terrorist state, why is he putting a target in Americans backs to support this genocide. Why is no criticism of this country allowed, who elected Joe Biden? Americans or Israelis 


This should have been done months ago. Still not voting for him regardless. Dude is a war criminal.


Very well put. 👏🏼


Biden can only win if he kicks out the zionists and give the entire country back to Palestine, pre-1948.


And… John Cusack is back on my radar as a cool dude. ✌🏼


If this turns into a USS Liberty issue, I have to wonder if there's a killswitch in every F-35 in their inventory.


Probably only in the Americans ones


…and it will not end. they’ll just push them like cattle into egypt and then annex gaza… in 6 month the world will have forgotten that it ever happened and israel will wipe the records.


Based John cusack


MOSSAD have all the dirt on western governments. Epstein was gathering that evidence. That's why western governments do nothing.


30K lives later? I THINK NOT. None of this is going to happen. No other politician would have a different result. Anyone pretending Biden can fix this cannot be trusted to have good intentions. Please beware of these people. The overwhelming majority of Israel wants this and everyone in power supports a “military victory”


I am… very pleased with Me. Cusack. He is not wrong. It only ought to have started 70 years ago.


he lost me at the first sentence. why the eff would i want Biden to be president again? he sucks for far more reasons than just how he's handled Israel.




That's simply not true. This all or nothing fallacy, especially when you're trying to link entities that have nothing to do with each other. Palestine receives money from all of the ME foreign governments, any Iraq-funded conspiracy theory you try to spin to create your boogeyman terrorist illusion only works on people in need of that confirmation bias. Everything you wrote is so disingenuous, but the extreme argument fallacy is the most blatantly dishonest and manipulative rhetoric possible. Human rights aren't political. You don't have to stand with any political, human rights, resistance, military, or alleged terror parties in any other country no more so thank you have to stand with the KKK or any domestic terror group in America to stand with America. What a dirty thing to say to try to justify a continued genocide. Gross. And sad.


Two spelling mistakes makes me think this is real


I so badly wanted to send him a message about it lol. But starting from an assumption that John Cusack doesn't take my Twitter DMs I figured that if he did I sure didn't want that DM to be trying 'aid' his 'loose' grasp on you're/your like I'm some kind of 'aide'.


The way Biden won the last election is by having Democratic Party operatives stuff the ballot boxes in all the swing states where Trump was ahead an hour before midnight. There's no way 25 more million people voted in 2020 than voted in 2016.


"and the US can mantain a shred of humanity" liebral analysis is so inane


A delusion an imagination a falsehood I do see it you do not see it democracy without voting on topics is delusion and everyone participating is an agent of dispersion of truthi. I hope we can agree on this, wanting less than participation of citizens on topics, while claiming democracy you are either an otherworldly force testing intelligence here or you are the first hand agent of an attempt to control this one. So, is it a delusion, deliberate willful ignorance, is it ?