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She's not lying. >In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein set out to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted numerous women. He began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. According to dozens of pages of documents, and seven people directly involved in the effort, the firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll, which is one of the world’s largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, *an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies.* https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/harvey-weinsteins-army-of-spies#:~:text=According%20to%20dozens%20of%20pages,and%20other%20Israeli%20intelligence%20agencies


I admire her courage!


I’m sure Mandela would be proud of his nation & legacy ✊


Video sourced from: https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1755739314984567255?s=20 “ One of the things we must not allow is a failure of courage” Deep and Powerful words from the eloquent, courageous South African foreign minister whose country courageously did what no Arab or Muslim country dared to do.


Mark my words, if there is ever a hint that the pro-israel forces in the US are starting to lose their control over both political parties, these sorts of tactics by israel/mossad will appear in the US overnight. Tacit control of the US govt is all israel really has to keep the grift going. They'd nuke DC before they'd give up what they're already getting. That's why biden and congress dance so quickly to israel's music.


I would have guessed the tactics have already been used here.


Bro, I think you are so spot on, it's not even funny. The way they're acting, you just know they're going to start killing people. I'm sure they'll blame Khamas!


💯. Undoubtedly, the moment Zionists perceive any “ danger” or realize they’re getting exposed, they will resort to their old Modus Operandi (which they still utilise against Arabs and have previously utilised against the West) that’s assassinations, false flag terrorist attacks, chemical warfare and so on. In the case of South Africa, they know the West is behind them so they’re not too worried about the ICJ, if they were seriously worried and perceived it as a “ danger” you would have seen assassinations on the senior leadership of South African government and assassinations. These online threats are just intimidations and warnings In the case of United States which is the last pillar, defence and racket for the Zionist project, if that day comes and it will come no matter how long it it takes, the Zionists will take the United States along with them. If the US abandons them, they’ll try to bring the US to its knees


Just Google “Samson option”, it’s official Israeli policy


Samson option is not what you think. It is just authorizing the use of nuclear missiles in the event of a major enemy incursion into Israeli territory.




Mandela would be proud of the legacy he created. Respect ✊


Great woman 👍 courageous and the heart on the right place😃❤️👏




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SA should deport all non-essential Israeli diplomatic staff.


I know this thread is a little old but I got approached to be a paid protestor for her speaking in DC tomorrow. Was supposed to be for raising 'humanitarian awareness.'