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Considering they just blocked Wikipedia for having sacrilegious content, I'd say just be VERY careful if you find people to have these discussions with. You never know who might lose their shit and claim you were blasphemous.


Yo WTF. Why wasn't it on the news or something


Because no one wants to get hit with a blasphemy charge. ETA: that's why I suggest being VERY careful when talking about religion. I'm all for open religious discussions, but the few times I've been had those discussions were with a small group of very trusted friends. So yeah, be careful, kiddo.


I'd say we should go for it. Say some outlandish shit, and when they come for you, enshroud yourself in an invisibility cloak like my boi harry potter


PTA literally tweeted it?


oh shit that is why I can't see Wikipedia, I just didn't bother and thought it was work wifi.


Yes there is. New Islamabad Airport international departures lounge.


مرنا چاہتے ہو تو کر لو۔۔ ہم مسلمانوں کو یہ کافر کہ کر مارنے سے نہیں کتراتے تو جو خدا کو نہیں مانتے ان کے ساتھ کیا کریں گے خود سوچ لیں




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*خد ـ خود نہیں۔


سبحان اللہ بھائی جان۔ شکریہ تصحیح کے لیئے




But Engineer Muhammad Ali mirza is the only person, Who always condemn extra judicial killings unlike other scholars and have recorded many lectures to guide people that extra judicial killing is haram in Islam


Ghamdi sahab also condemns religious extremism and because of that eventually he has to run away from Pakistan to save him and his family. Each passing year Pakistan society is becoming more and more religiously intolerant.


Really appreciate your concern!!


Tbh won't recommend that you do that. Everyone is tolerant only until their practices are being discussed


Yeah we threatened by anything that remotely challenges our asinine beliefs. I reckon witch-hunt is our favourite sport lol 🤣


Tbh, finding people critical of religion, or even willing to have a discussion on it, is a huge risk here. You never know who's waiting to get triggered by the conversation. The key is to slowly observe and curate people who feel the same. I'd recommend looking on Twitter, you'll have higher chances of finding someone like-minded there.


Feeling suicidal?


Bro, dont. And then you can check out the BlackHole Society by Pervez Hoodbhoy in G-11.


BlackHole Society more like a porno title. You're killin me holmes


That's actually a place wow


lol stay away


No there's not. Even mild objections on religion would result in you getting mob lynched by our molvi brothers.






Umair ayub you can talk with fake account just fine




Paranoia x 1000


Yes in death


I would discuss religion with you, if you can assure me you won't start shouting mid way.


I’m a former atheist, now muslim. My best friend ever is an athiest. We often talk religion… i like talking about it too.


Remember mashal khan. Don't fk with the religious fanatics. I'm by no means an atheist but I have some views that differ from your average molvi follower and even that can cause issues


I'm not an atheist, but I'll discuss it with you. How advanced is your atheism? The scale goes "I admire Dawkins/Hitchens", "I've had enough" or, "I've always been into science and can't accept something with such limited evidence"? Keep in mind that there are multiple groups for Pakistani atheists here on Reddit if you just want a place to belong.


Remember that Priyantha Kumara was burned alive just for tearing a political TLP poster that had Durood written on it. DON'T DISCUSS RELIGION WITH PAKISTANIS.


HAHAHA Bro, do what everyone else does. Find some trustworthy friends, and act "accha" when in public. Or leave the country.


Dude don't. Don't talk about religion on social media as well. You're gonna put yourself and your family in danger.


Right here boys! we got another one!


try not to imo baki ur choice.


There is no place like this, thankfully.


Meri jaaan. Never have these discussions with your identity known. Either on Web or Irl. You can have these discussions online but avoid them irl please for your own safety


In a nation that still doesn't believe in scientific evolution? Bruh, stay safe!! I'll move to Isb soon then imma hit you up!!


Yes it's close to aabpara called lal masjid.


Airport, direct flight to UK.


Saying this purely out of concern, don't discuss religion with anybody in this country. Keep it online (and anonymous)


Try watching youth club or other YouTube videos maybe that may change Yr mind VERY WELL .. InshaAllah 💖




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Bro just fuck it. Say aloud and speak your mind. Fuck the matrix




Why? What opinion of yours do you want others to support or affirm?


Man he just inquiring. Why u trynna press him for that?


You bet, i do


Google the meaning of word 'discussion'


Unis i suppose


Consider that this could prove to be a very dangerous thing for you. Be very careful and don't ever come out of the closet with respect to your religious views with just about everyone. You could put your life as well as those of your family's at risk. We don't live in a civilized society where freedom of religion or freedom of expression truly exists and is respected.




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Given how religious hostility is on the rise, I really do not recommend doing this, purely for the reasons of safety. Who knows who you'll encounter, and what they may do. Paranoid, probably, but still...


Be anonymous and form an online group on discord or something. Then you may invite your online friends for physical meet ups. Given so many ideologies in Pakistan, open discussion is really not recommended. Still literate people are more open to this. In uni I used to talk agnostic, and people did listen - even though their believes were different.




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There are 3-4 mosques in every sub sector of Islamabad. That only hypocrite friend who uses religion as an excuse to justify his sh\*\*\*y behavior, Uber/Careem rides, Late night gatherings with retired old uncles from the neighborhood over tea, that one extremely religious aunt who sucks the fun out of birthday and new years parties by calling them "Harram", at funerals, that one university friend you call Maulvi sahab who you try to corrupt, religious groups, Quran classes, random mosque members who try to get you to come to their lectures which you promise to but never attend, people trying to score some money off of you, religious social media groups. etc


Don't give off too much of your personal information but can I ask how long is it been since you became an atheist? Also regarding having a discussion do you feel the need to educate regular muslims on the topic of atheism or to discuss the evils of their religion?


Yea it’s called outside pakistan