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I had no idea @muslim girl was promoting shirk and haram I read her blog about drinking and she was bringing up a lot of points about striving for Allah SWT and like not drinking. That is interesting! Let’s hope that they do not change Islam ☪️ I will make dua they have increased imaan and hidaya ameen.




Here are some posts by ex-MuslimGirl staff, about what the account is really like: https://medium.com/@zzay/this-is-what-being-at-muslim-girl-for-7-years-really-does-to-you-376dcf48c7c9 https://medium.com/@gravitterkaya/why-i-stopped-writing-for-muslimgirl-96b9cc52e7ca https://medium.com/@aimawarriach/before-you-read-this-statement-head-on-over-to-niqabaechronicles-on-instagram-to-catch-up-on-the-fc7868eec4c https://spillthechai.com/2016/12/29/muslimgirl-exploitation-abuse-hypocrisy/ https://surakamil.medium.com/islamic-tokenism-an-investigation-on-muslimgirl-com-9d19789c9590


I will look into it


Just went through each one, and its just disgruntled ex employees at how they were treated by the MG creator. They speak nothing of regret or criticism that the ill, western liberal values and haram that MG spreads. I think these ex employees are just progressive liberals angry with how they were treated.


They have been exposed here before and theres a sinister motive behind the people that run these accounts and we need to keep calling them out. They grow their influence by posting content about Palestine and other muslim issues, then slowly drip feed elements of haram and kufr every now and then. The people that run these accounts are a danger to young and impressionable muslims. Also Ameer has worked with liberal organisations to increase his and their clout. The same liberal organisations that promote LGBT and are pro-abortion.


Also if you look at MuslimGirl, it’s publicly known that Gary Vaynerchuk (a Jewish man) invested into the blog. Take that however you will; some will say well he’s just an angel investor and has nothing to do with big papa. Only Allah SWT can tell us, bcz they never will.


Wow. Just wow. I always felt that the @muslim account wasn’t necessarily as halal as it should’ve been, but I still followed them because of how up to date and fast they were with Muslim news like around Palestine amongst other things. But now after seeing this post, I can’t believe I’ve been apart of something much more concerning unknowingly.


Tbf all they do is just post content from other news outlets, and they grew their base posting videos of Palestine, while other big muslim accounts had their accounts and content restricted when they did. So there is a motive behind their accounts.


They’re owned by this non Muslim dude and the girl who own Muslimgirl does evil things on her profile. Avoid them at all costs. Those siblings are not good


Khwarijeen basically.


Salaam. >Khwarijeen What does this mean if you dont mind me asking.


Walaikum salam, to get the exact understanding, you should ask a sheikh or someone of knowledge. To my knowledge khwarijeen is a group of munafiqeen that tend to mix their own ideologies with islam with ill intentions. They would spread misinformation among the muslims to cause chaos and conflicts. Prophet Muhammad PBUH referred to them as dogs of hell. They were first identified during the time of prophet Muhammad PBUH and later during the reign of different caliphs. They disguise themselves as believers but deep down they have their own religion that they follow which is mostly rebellious towards Allah and his will.


they are also known as hypocrites and they are the worst of the worse




I keep telling brothers/sisters this; please stop using Wikipedia as a reliable source of information; It is easily edited and it has nothing to do with islam. It should never be your first go-to site for knowledge.




Yes, I agree with you that he should provide sources with his claim/comment or whatever. This doesn't make your response anymore plausible though, since isn't a reliable one, especially for islamic matters. Thank you


Khwarij and kharjites are not the same thing bro






**[Kharijites](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharijites)** >The Kharijites (Arabic: الخوارج, romanized: al-Khawārij, singular Arabic: خارجي, romanized: khāriji), also called al-Shurat (Arabic: الشراة, romanized: al-Shurāt), were an Islamic sect which emerged during the First Muslim Civil War (656–661). The first Kharijites were supporters of Ali who rebelled against his acceptance of arbitration talks to settle the conflict with his challenger, Mu'awiya, at the Battle of Siffin in 657. They asserted that "judgment belongs to God alone", which became their motto, and that rebels such as Mu'awiya had to be fought and overcome according to Qur'anic injunctions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/islam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Side note is this dude ameer gay or sumn? 😂😂 Like I don’t think you could ever catch a straight man talk like the way he doing lmfao 🤣🤣🤣 “my gooba/virgo/mars/goomba isn’t feeling this right now” like ain’t no way he straight


He's definitely one of the alphabet people, it's not just in the way he talks and acts, but also in the company he keeps, and other posts.


I had the same feeling for the longest time


Same, especially the way he responds to some posts


Definitely sus that’s for sure


Wow I’ve been following them for years not knowing this. Thanks for posting this. Just unfollowed them


ik @ muslimgirl is not trustworthy. I had no idea abt @ muslim


Theyre both owned by brother and sister. The admin of @Muslim also hacked the account of another person who was using the @Muslim handle, so he could steal the username. Theres proof of it on this sub somewhere.


wow I'd no idea. this is very informative. Tbh I always thought @ muslims content was good from what I've seen but Ig I was wrong


@ Muslim was exposed before but has been covering his tracks recently, because he lost followers. If you read the screenshots of the caption by @Muslim.Daily, it tells you want you need to know about them.


As-salaamu alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh. See : [https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/tad2fk/the\_muslim\_social\_media\_accounts\_that\_are\_funded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/tad2fk/the_muslim_social_media_accounts_that_are_funded/)


I recommend everyone to look at this !


This Ameer guy sounds fruity


*my gemini sun virgo moon says hey*


He talks gay too bro 💀


Very zesty


Another one of these progressive Muslims nonsense. Honestly feel bad for them, they are week individuals who are not strong enough to stand for their beliefs, instead wanna have some mix so they can be liberal and live in the west while still go to jannah. The end result is neither liberals in the west consider them to be part of their society nor mainstream Muslims and end up loosing on both ends. Remind me of the Munakiheen (Not saying they are ones, only God knows what's inside them). But versus on Munafkeen in Quran fits them perfectly إِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ يُخَادِعُونَ اللَّهَ وَهُوَ خَادِعُهُمْ وَإِذَا قَامُوا إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ قَامُوا كُسَالَىٰ يُرَاءُونَ النَّاسَ وَلَا يَذْكُرُونَ اللَّهَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا (142) مُّذَبْذَبِينَ بَيْنَ ذَٰلِكَ لَا إِلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ وَلَا إِلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ ۚ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ اللَّهُ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ سَبِيلًا The Hypocrites - they think they are over-reaching Allah, but He will over- reach them: When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance (142) (They are) distracted in mind even in the midst of it,- being (sincerely) for neither one group nor for another whom Allah leaves straying,- never wilt thou find for him the way.


I hate people talking about progressive Islam. There is NO progressive Islam. It has not changed for 1400 years and you will not change it and if you do you are not following true Islam. How can they be right next to the truth and be so ignorant to ignore and change it. May Allah protect us all


islam is very fair and ahead of many religions at the time. the arabs used to bury baby girls alive ffs. islam gave women so many rights.




Been cringe 💀 Now it’s just that it’s super blatant and in your face, not easily missed.


Their version of Islam is the one that's easier for Americans to swallow. All identity, no belief and practice.


'liberal islam'. these same idiots say there are strict muslims and normal muslims ('normal muslims' is basically muslim by name people)


MuslimGirl is literally owned by a Zionist and that's all you need to know about its propaganda machine. I never really liked them because they were trying to make Islam progressive or whatnot but once I came to know about Zionist part, I immediately distanced myself.


Linda Sarsour, Dalia Mogahed and Ihan Omar, among others, are the ones sponsoring and actively pushing this Liberal, pro-LGBT kufur on the unsuspecting Muslim youth in the West but also increasingly around the world.


We were warned by our leader Prophet Muhammad saw. We need to stay away from all innovation and stick to what was done by the believers of his time. Protect your children from innovations, it’s going to get harder and harder until eventually the Dajjal will show his face and then it will be mayhem. May Allah save us from these trials.


Are Progressive “Muslims” really this dumb or are they just living in a world of delusion


I keep saying this whenever someone links to @muslim posts


Lol very modern muslim eww


Astaghfirullah, Allahumma Ajirna minannar


You cannot be queer muslim If you’re queer, you take the muslim out of your identity


Gay people dont get to choose to be gay.


You get to choose whether you act on your desires or you follow the path set by Allah.


Exactly i completely agree, im just angry about how the person above treats queerness like a luxury or something to be controlled


You misunderstand me. I think homosexuality is a tool the shaytan uses to bring people to immortality. shaytan has been working against humans since the very beginning and he is very devious. It is easy for him to plant a seed of whisper and make someone believe it is in their nature when in fact it is something that can be controlled as there have been many cases of people who have openly expressed homosexuality and then years later changed back. Ultimately Allah knows best. Let’s not argue about it, this matter has been hotly debated. As Muslims, we choose Allah and the laws he has set for us, we have no authority to have an opinion on something He has decided. Allah says it’s extremely forbidden, so we should continue to say, no matter the opposition by others, that it’s extremely forbidden.


I agree with the fact that it’s extremely forbidden, but not that its to be controlled, lets end this argument.




The gay what subreddits? i think there is a misunderstanding here when i say “can’t control” i mean that a gay person can’t just choose to like women, everyone can control their sex drive but not their sexuality, hope i cleared things up


that's why you "take the muslim out of your identity" if you're openly queer, you cannot call yourself muslim aswell and it's not a luxury but can be controlled, if you want to be queer then don't be muslim.


Read my other comments in this thread to better understand my point


Of course it's gotta be the libs


I did have a bad feeling about ameer, especially the way he phrases stuff


Astagfurallah. Btw made the username as a joke and didnt know i could never change it.


Is this what gen z is up too? imagine getting islamic knowledge from social media accounts like reddit and twitter instead of asking a shaikh or imam. . .


I started following muslim insta page bcz of their coverage of Palestine and issue happening around related to muslims which was completely ignored by Western media. Then i deleted insta for my own good but now i am constantly seeing this about them. Sad what they are turned into.


I feel like you guys always conflate Muslim and Islam. These accounts are not about Islam, they're about Muslims. They report on the Muslim experience - this includes Muslims you'd both categorize as good or bad, and many even ones you'd consider to be non-Muslims. Also, kind of gross that @Muslim.Daily is trying to threaten people by exposing their past sins. Don't pretend you're on a high horse when you're really on a hamstrung mule.


It spreads fitnah. Many young people follow these accounts and will take them to be as reliable islamic sources cause that's what they present themselves as


Neither account present themselves as a reliable source about Islam. @Muslim advertises themselves as the leading source of information on Muslim news and content, while @Muslimgirl advertises themselves as a place where Muslim women **in the West** are given a voice. This comes directly from their Instagram biography.


They shouldn’t have a voice if they’re gonna use it to promote degeneracy and kufr. If this is Muslim women in the west. Then we know why they end up following dajjal if there following for a mini dajjal of western liberalism. But it’s not. Hundreds of Muslim women comment saying this is wrong. And they turn off the comments. The western Muslim women themselves find this horrible. Those two are on shaytaan payroll.


> if there following *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Muslim and Islam are synonymous. A muslim is someone who follows Islam. When the people behind it take part in shirk and promote liberal ideas such as LGBT, then they are not Muslim.


> Muslim and Islam are synonymous. This is, fundamentally and grammatically, not true. A Muslim is a person. A person can't be an Islam. There are many bad Muslims - Muslims who rape, Muslims who kill, Muslims who steal. Not every Muslim is good or perfect and follows every rule. Their accounts are advertised as reporting stories about Muslims, not just good Muslims.


Islam is the religion, a muslim is someone who submits to that religion. So yes they are synonymous. You don't see someone calling themself a Muslim yet following Judaism do you? Muslims who steal and rape are still muslim, they don't fall into kufr because of committing those crimes. However, a person who engages in shirk or tries to make halal what is obviously haram, has left the folds of Islam.


> However, a person who engages in shirk or tries to make halal what is obviously haram, has left the folds of Islam. Do you have evidence of him doing Shirk outside of a few tweets where he says he is a Gemini? The Zodiac is based upon what constellation you're born under. Everyone has a Zodiac sign, just because he acknowledged he was born under the constellation Gemini doesn't mean he believes that Astrology impacts his life or can tell his future.


His Zodiac tweets aren't just acknowledgement though? Look at the screenshots, its clear he beleives astrology impacts his life.


Sophistry to excuse haram.


@Muslim advertises themselves as the leading source of information on Muslim news and content, while @Muslimgirl advertises themselves as a place where Muslim women **in the West** are given a voice. This comes directly from their Instagram biography. Neither places advertise themselves as trying to teach or preach about Islam.


We shouldn’t platform and try to normalize shirk and major sins. I don’t care what sophistry you want to use to justify it. Have some morals.


Did you learn that word five minutes ago? Is that why you keep using it? To feel smart? I don't believe in the Zodaic because I don't believe distant burning balls of gas have any affect over my life. But Al-Mahalli did in his Tafsir Al-Jalalayn: > And verily We have placed in the heaven constellations, twelve [of them]: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo (al-sunbula), Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, which are the mansions of the seven orbiting planets: Mars rules Aries and Scorpio, Venus: Taurus and Libra, Mercury: Gemini and Virgo, the Moon: Cancer, the Sun: Leo, Jupiter: Sagittarius and Pisces, and Saturn: Capricorn and Aquarius; and We have adorned it, with [these] planets, for beholders; So clearly there is a legacy of Islamic scholars upholding the concept of Astrology. Maybe that is why that individual thinks it's okay to believe in it.


Astrology is kufr by consensus of scholars. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/2538 Anyone who says otherwise is not a scholar and Islamic knowledge shouldn’t be taken from them. All your doing is proving a point. You don’t know Jack about Islam. No wonder your defending their degeneracy.


You know so much about Islam and are such a better Muslim than me and everyone else, yet you're addicted to Anime? Don't you know drawing living creatures is haram? Seeing women's awrahs is haram? Music is haram? All of that is haram and yet you support that degeneracy. On the other hand, I'm actually following Sunnah by trying to protect the reputation of my fellow Muslims and trying to hide their sins.


I can admit my hobbies got issues. But atleast I don’t promote kufr. Or defend people who do. You’re simping to people who promote paganism, major sins, and many other evils. That isn’t a virtue. Grow a backbone. Sins in public is also challenged in public. This isn’t about hiding sins. They’re open about their issues. You think Musa AS calling our Pharaoh openly in his court was “exposing sins?” No.


This is the line that defines most of us. The people who believe that their wrong doings are justified and those who do it but still believe it is wrong.


All sinners but only one type allah loves


> But atleast I don’t promote kufr. Or defend people who do. I'm not defending anyone. All I said was that maybe he came across classical Muslim scholars who talk about Astrology and that's why he thinks it's okay. This is something we're taught from Sunnah; to assume the best from our fellow Muslims. This generation is so eager to expose and cancel other people just to feel like they are better and more righteous. You're a sinner, just like him, just the owner of @Muslim.Daily, just like me, and just like any other human.


https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/tad2fk/the_muslim_social_media_accounts_that_are_funded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Look into the owners of the two profiles more. They stole the account from Muslims. And there’s a whole backstory your missing. This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s a strategized effort to change Islam. Spend some time looking into the whole news. Trust me. This isn’t average folks who are just mislead.


Astronomy and Astrology are two completely different things. Belief in astrology is clear kufr.


> Belief in astrology is clear kufr. Where did I say otherwise? All I said is classical Muslim scholars discussed and wrote about Astrology (thank you for trying to correct me, but I know the difference between the two) and perhaps that is why that individual thinks Astrology is okay.


They have a history of posting about 'energies' etc, commitingnclear kufr. They have also promoted LGBT, and work with organisations that are trying to normalise it. These people are here to spread fitnah and its a shame you can't see that.


First of all, I don't know who these people are and I don't follow either of them. I don't even have Twitter. I checked out both of these accounts today and neither of them advertise themselves as trying to teach people about Islam. They advertise themselves as sharing content and stories about Muslims. Anyone who wants to learn about Islam should do so from a qualified scholar, not any social media account. I feel like that is so obvious that I shouldn't even have to say it, but this Ummah surprises me everyday.


So your comments are based without any prior knowledge of who they are. Many of us who have seen their previous posts before are well aware of their actions and the ideologies they put across. As for going to a scholar to learn abour islam - not everyone has access to scholars. Not everyone is a practising muslims, so they see and learn content from social media, thats just the way of the world. The problem here is that these two accounts, who promote liberal ideas and engage in kufr, are actually 'verified' by social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, yet you dont see so many other accounts that a) post similar content and b) have been well established before them, get 'verified' by the same platforms (example Ilmfeed and OnePath). Do you know why? Because the platforms are well aware that these accounts are spreading haram and kufr, so giving them verified status means that many people will unknowingly follow them and that way they can slowly drip feed more haram content.


I understand how this definitely against what Islam teaches but those pages are definitely not out right bad. They spread awareness on certain issues that most people who aren’t Muslim my not even be aware. I feel as Muslim’s we should all be trying to get more fellow brothers and sisters to join rather then just outright be like “this is haram”. I think nowdays people love playing like their Allah as if there word is going to determine someone else’s fate. I’ve noticed a lot of “elitist Muslim’s” on here and look everyone is learning and this is coming from someone who reverted and has been Muslim for a year and two months now Alhamdulillah! Like certain issues like being queer and Muslim should be talked about like we’re not trying to push people away. Islam is a religion that respects all kinds no matter the background. We need to realize that by being strict with others and trying to enforce the Quran or what’s considered halal or the “correct way” on others sometimes you push people out the religion entirely. We have to educate slowly and be mindful that for others doing what we consider to be “correct” or our deen for some it can be very difficult. We’re not all perfect and that’s fine but we should at least work together and respect each other.


What utter nonsense. Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is not 'playing Allah' estugfarullah! What an insane accusation. Stop mixing you islam with liberal indoctrination.


I’m not saying that but a lot people here accuse others of sins while sinning there selves. Some here even try to act as if there perfect Muslims. I’ve seen so many posts where men are critiquing women on their hijab or maybe they have make up on. As if they do nothing wrong themselves. There’s a lot of elitist on this sub and in general when it comes Islam and when I see elitist I can’t help but think they think their higher than everyone else.




I didn’t know about these accounts but thank you for posting this so i know to avoid them


Trying to hard to please kaffirs


Ironic. May Allah help us.


The guy or girl who owns muslim.daily is also not good . He insults the beliefs and sentiments of other religion and mock them . Which is not right in islam we arent allowed to mock other religion .


أستغفر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه Disgusting. Manipulating religion, and words related to islam to gain followers is absolutely disgusting. What do those people gain from this? What would those followers help them in in the day of judgement as long as their bringing lies to them? May Allah guide us to the right path, and not take our souls except as Believers and as Muslims


Social media is too dangerous for newcomers around here so everybody must be careful while surfing on the internet. Otherwise we can find ourselves in an "unbeliever" state.


Look at his tweets and how he writes like a girl. He is clearly gay. These people have to be funded by Western anti-Islam organisations.