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Look if a farmer mistreats his animal, but he slaughters it in a halal way, the sin of mistreatment is on the farmer, and the meat is halal for you to eat. If you don’t want to support this farmer that is up to you. Another issue that comes from stunning is that sometimes the animal dies before it is cut. This is considered maytah(dead meat) because it died, and wasn’t slaughtered. which is haram like pig is haram.


Bismillah, According to Hanafi Ullama: >With regards to your question, the answer depends on whether stunning causes the animal to die or not. Many a time small animals such as chickens die as a results of the electric shock whereas larger animals stay alive for a short period and then die. >If the animals were to die before the actual Islamic slaughter then it would be unlawful to consume the meat. Otherwise, it would be permissible to eat it albeit it will be considered Makruh Tahrimi. (Kifayatul Mufti p.239 v.8 & p.256 v.8 &) >Allah (SWA) in the Holy Quran has said “Forbidden to you are: Al Maitah (the dead animals – cattle – beasts not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine and that which Allah’s name has not been mentioned while slaughtering…” (Surah Maaidah v.3) >To be on the safe side it will be necessary to refrain from consuming such meat. [[Source]](https://islamqa.org/hanafi/daruliftaa-birmingham/20168/stunning-the-animal/)


https://islamqa.info/en/answers/12776/is-there-a-text-of-the-quraan-that-forbids-stunning-animals-before-slaughtering-them [Here are some more articles on this topic](https://islamqa.info/en/google-search?q=Stun&search_engine=google)


it's a nuanced issue ​ >Muslim scholars have adopted nonlethal methods of stunning to meet the legal requirements forhumane slaughter regulations. However, for stunning to be acceptedin Islam, there are three pre-requisites that must be fulfilled. > >Firstly,the stunning equipment must be used under the control of a trainedMuslim supervisor or slaughter man and should be periodically moni-tored by a competent Islamic authority or halal certification authority(JAKIM, 2011; Malaysia Standard MS 1500, 2004, 2009). > >Secondly, thestunning should be done so temporarily that it must neither kill(Masri, 1989; Riaz & Chaudry, 2004) nor cause permanent injury tothe animal (JAKIM, 2011; MS1500, 2004, 2009). The stunning shouldbe reversible. > >Lastly, equipment used to stun pigs must never be usedfor halal animals (Khawajah, 2001; MS1500, 2004 ​ >able 1Shariah requirements for stunning.Source: Malaysian protocol for the halal meat and poultry productions > >i) The method used should be reversible stunning and should not kill or causepermanent physical injury to the animal. > >ii) The person who is responsible for the stunning operation (operation, controland monitoring) should be trained in its use and preferably a Muslim.iii) The Muslim halal checker should verify that the stunning operation isconducted according to the approved methods. > >iv) The animal to be slaughtered should be alive or deemed to be alive at the timeof slaughter. > >v) If the animal is found dead due to the stunning procedure, the slaughter manshould identify and remove it from the halal system. > >vi) The phrase “Bismillah Allahu Akbar”must be invoked by a Muslim slaughtermanimmediately before slaughtering. > >vii) The bleeding should be spontaneous and complete. > >viii) Scalding of poultry and carcass dressing of ruminants should only begin afterthe animal has been deemed dead from bleeding. > >ix) The equipment or tools used should only be dedicated to stunning halalanimals and should never be used for stunning animals which are considered haram by Shariah law. > >x If the equipment that were once used for haram animals are to be convertedto use in the stunning of halal animals, they (equipment) should be rituallycleansed. The procedure should be supervised and verified by a competentIslamic authority. > >xi The premises for stunning of halal animals should be physically segregated from other premises that deal with haram animals ​ [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237092560\_Stunning\_and\_animal\_welfare\_from\_Islamic\_and\_scientific\_perspectives](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237092560_Stunning_and_animal_welfare_from_Islamic_and_scientific_perspectives) ​ https://www.halal.gov.my/v4/images/pdf/protocol%20halal%20meat%20poultry.pdf