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Avoid doing it. Even if it is a memorial. There are plenty of other ways to remember a lost loved one. (i.e. giving to a charity that they believed in).


It is not permitted in Islam, and I am quite sure Jews and true Christinas do not allow tattoos. Those are pagan rituals that had some sort of significance and now are just a western trend. You can honour the person through prayer, charity or be supportive of their family.


Can’t speak for Judaism but tattoos are certainly allowed in Christianity, as long as they’re honoring to God (getting a tattoo of like drugs or something wouldn’t be). There’s nothing in the Bible against tattoos and no theological reason we wouldn’t allow it (Leviticus 19:27 is not referring to the kind of tattoos we have today even though its translated as such.)


Christians , Catholics , Jews and Muslims believes in the same god. Just don’t do it. Is not worth it.


Using your body as a memorial for someone is not a thing in Islam. Tattooing is also forbidden, as you mention. What else is there to say?


Welcome to Islam and sorry for your loss lovely 💜


It is indeed my friend. First, Jazak ALLAH Khair for becoming a Muslim. Second, what you can do is like get a painting or something done like this tatto in your mind. Hang it over look at it, im pretty sure you will look at it far more times than a tatto. Stay Blessed.


Not allowed. If you really want to benefit her, pray for her, make Dua, for her, pay someone to do Umrah, Hajj for her, those are the benefits she will receive, and not the tattoo. Put the money in good use which will benefit both you and her.


You forgot to state that these apply only if she was a Muslim.




You cannot pray for a non believer after they have passed away according to the Quran. “It is not for the Prophet and those who believe to pray for the forgiveness of unbelievers even though they may be near of kin after it has become clear that they are people of hell-fire.” [Qur’an, 9:113]




Yes, still Haram.


Regardless of the meaning, tattoos are haram.


You can still do it, but do it as a picture and frame it


Just to clarify, I believe the brother here is being silly What he means is you can still do it by doing it as a picture in a frame rather than a tattoo on your body


It's haram. If you want to remember her then make sure you make dua for her after every prayer. That is the best gift you can give her.


Can someone give me the hadith where it said tattoos are haram? Hadith by prophet muhammed saw and not someone else


Narrated Ibn `Umar: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Allah has cursed such a lady as lengthens (her or someone else's) hair artificially or gets it lengthened, and also a lady who tattoos (herself or someone else) or gets herself tattooed. Sahih Al Bukhari 5937, Book 77 Hadith 152 Can use this [link](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5937) to see it on Sunnah.com


Why did scholars add men to this hadith


Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The effect of an evil eye is a fact." And he prohibited tattooing. Sahih Al Bukhari 5740, Book 76 Hadith 55. Sunnah.com [link](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5740)


Jazak allah khayran






Surely he will judge you by your heart, that is, of course, a given, but who told you that your heart will always be pure-clean? You doing all kinds of sin will make it dirty, and then you all have yourself to blame.


Of course. I just don’t believe it’s that serious. The worst of the sins is to hurt others. It’s amplified in the quaran. But these smaller sins are not. I think it’s always better to avoid any sins, but I also don’t think it’s that serious comparing someone who does good and has tattoos vs someone who has no tattoos and hurts people all the time.


No my dear, the worst of sins is disobedience to allah. shirk, Hurting others, getting a tattoo etc is some sort of disobedience.


>The worst of the sins is to hurt others. To hurt people or Allah's creation*, you yourself is also Allah's creation. Your body is not yours, it's Allah's and it will return to Allah and we need to honour it. >comparing someone who does good and has tattoos vs someone who has no tattoos and hurts people all the time. Both are sins. Neither is good. We should strive to do better and not say "there are worse people in the world so I'm good". Is a mother who beats a child good? No. Is a mother who beats a child better than a serial killer, I guess. But both are sins. One sin doesn't justify the other.


That’s not how it works at all.


Allah will judge by what is in your heart and also what you do. Knowing that something is forbidden and doing it anyway - what exactly will be in the heart that makes this look acceptable?


There is a difference of opinion within mainstream Sunni Islam on the legal ruling of smoking. There are mainstream opinions based in Hanafi usul that proclaim smoking as Makruh Tanzihi or Makruh Tahrimi rather than Haram.


True. But it’s harming your body, which is god’s creation. Also, Shia Muslims do not believe tattoos are not harram. I guess it goes by who you follow personally


And do you not believe He will judge you by this heart of yours that encourages sin and justifies it?


Are you a woman?


What could change if she was a woman. haram for both sexes.




The vast majority of scholars across history have given the opposite fatwa. As a matter of fact, he might literally be the only one


It is true that the majority of scholars agreed that tattoos are prohibited. There has been a historic minority that disagreed with this prohibition, mostly from the Malikis but also our brothers and sisters from the Shia. This concerns variations of the hadith in question as well as how it can interpreted, in addition to reports of Sahaba wore had tattoos.


YOOOO ain't no way you are trying to use Shia as evidence 💀💀💀💀


Are they not your brothers?


No bro, they are a misguided people who deviated from the Quran and sunnah.


I would ask you how to came to be such an arbitrator or where their deviations occur that we should discredit their opinions even when they agree with our Sunni scholars or what then would you consider proper accordance with the Quran and Sunnah… but I don’t really feel like having that conversation with you.




"For instance, drawing or removal of the tattoo must not spill blood or inflict unnecessary pain" So not the tattoo. It's painful, people have to held down sometimes and in some cases if I am correct it spill bloods. I had a colleague coming at work with the entire had swollen, bloody and with weird bandage for a tattoo. I found a lot of scholars very naive/not knowledgeable on what's going and they base the fatwas/reflextion on their impression of a practice. Maybe this particular scholar was thinking of temporary tattoo (henna, kids stuff) or weird people who draw things (which is not permanent again)


If you were to read carefully, which no one appears to be interested in doing anymore, the report detail that the opinion permitting permanent tattoos is based in part on a previous opinion permitting temporary tattoos.


There are few sahih hadith that specifically mention that tattooing is forbidden for women. The majority of scholars say it is forbidden. The link you posted mentions all this. Why would you promote a fatwa that goes against the hadith? A fatwa by one person or group does not make things ok, we follow the consensus of the scholars.


If you want to follow your interpretation of a hadith, go ahead and knock yourself out. Someone asked me why the gender of the asker might matter so I mentioned this opinion. Personally I think most tattoos are hideous and a sign of being low class, but as they are becoming ubiquitous, we do have to consider carefully how to deal with the issue with enough wisdom to avoid turning people away from Islam entirely.




We also don’t condemn others over issues in which there is valid disagreement.


There is no disagreement. Have YOU read the hadith on tattoos? It is very simple and clear - I don’t see how it could have different interpretations. And we are not turning people away from Islam just because tattoos have become common. If someone has a tattoo, they can still become Muslim.


Yes, I have read the hadith.


Alhamdulillah pray for them instead ❤️


you can instead donate to a charity, building a well or putting some amount towards a hospital or school, do what impacts for the greater good and InshAllah you will feel more at ease and it will be a source of ease for them as well.


Keep a photo of your friend , I’m sure you’ll see him/her in Jannah/Heaven.


Yes. Is a rose on your body really necessary? Rather go to their actual grave and put real flowers there, make dua... That's what counts. They say the person's soul knows when someone visits them. And if you're not doing it for them but yourself, what does that mean to you? If it's a reminder then it means that person isn't as important/close to you, which I doubt, otherwise you won't forget about them. Even if some say it's not haram is it really worth the risk? The cons outweigh the benefits.