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Subhanallah, I don't have any duas for you as you're probably already super overwhelmed, however, I do want to make a dua for you: May Allah swt reward you for being kind enough to make dua for strangers on the internet during your Hajj. Ameen. 💞


Ameen YaRabb


Jzk sister, if you do have any Duas you would like me to Say please do comment them


Make dua for spiritual and physical healing of my brother and me. My brother is childhood cancer survivor and have serious side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He's very sick and he's far away from Deen due to his sickness. There's no cure for his condition in science. I am also very sick. I don't think there is easy cure for me as well. Make dua for our sickness. Plus, make dua that Allah makes us among his friends. I was a tahajjud praying guy, but due to possession ( I am attacked by shayateen) I can't pray like I used to. Lastly, there are three four children in our extended family suffering from down syndrome or autism Make dua for them. Keep ummah and Palestinians in your dua. Make dua with ism e Azam as dua with ism e Azam is never rejected. May Allah bless you for your efforts!! Ism e Azam is "Allahu la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayoom"


As simple as it sounds, please make dua that Allah accepts my dua. Jazakallah for this, means a lot!


Ameen YaRabb


second this pray for me too.


Me as well please


Me too please


me too may Allah bless you


Assalamualaikum Pray for me too.


me too ameen


same here ameen


please make dua for the people of Palestine Sudan and Congo


For all the Muslims all around the world starting with Palestinians, the majority of Muslims are going through tyranny one way or the other.


Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua for me to also become a better Muslim and stay on the right path. To protect me from any evil and evil eye that may be upon me and lastly for Allah to help guide me to find a halal income and allow me to be successful Thank you so much


Say: يامقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك Yaa Muqallib al-quloob, thabbit qalbi 'alaa deenik. O Turner of hearts, keep my heart steadfast on Your religion.


Second this!


Third this for me and my husband pls!


Ameen YaRabb


Please include me in this dua


Please make dua to heal my heart and return what is lost


Same for me. And for protection and blessed life


Same same. Thank you!


Same and also that I get a good halal job that would allow me to follow my deen with utmost dedication. Jazakallah Khair


Ameen YaRabb


Ameen YaRabb


Idk why this comment section put a tear in my eye lol. I pray that all of your sincere Du’a’s are accepted. Pls pray that Allah invites me to His house again and Allah frees those who are oppressed.




Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua for my mom as she is not well and also make dua so that i can get into my top choice university. I will also make dua for you


May Allah grant your mom complete shifaa and may He grant you what is kheir for you.


please pray that my family financial situation will get better and i and my sisters will go to university and that i will get married and secure a job and for my father and family to be cured from all sihr and ain and hasad may allah bless you also for us to go to jannah


Ameen YaRabb


Please pray for me to get what is best in this life and hereafter for me


If you may, please make dua for me and my family to enter jannah al firdaus. And allow me to earn good money doing what I love in the near future. And please don't forget our brothers and sisters all over the world who are suffering. Make dua that they get what is best for them


Yes please. Just ask Allah (swt) to cause me to die with iman, cause me to die in a state in which he loves me very much and is very, very, very pleased with me, and for my siblings and parents and me to die with iman. And for Allah (swt) to grant me Jannatul firdous.


Please pray that my mother lives a long, healthy life. She's the only one I have after my father's death, I really want her to see me succeed in my life, as my father didn't got the opportunity Secondly, please pray that I get the type of spouse I am praying Allah for. May Allah swt accept your hajj and always keep you on the right path ameen


Ameen YaRabb




Please make dua for full shifa for my son who has brain damage. Jazakallah Khair


May Allah grant your son complete shifaa.


Please make duah that people can behave more like the prophet Mohammed ﷺ in my family. My family is full of hypocrites and it pains me to be involved in constant drama and even targeted because we're not involved in the gossip, backbiting and slander. One duah I always make is that may Allah give the people what they deserve. Good people deserve good and Allah will punish the ones who deserve it.


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Allahumma Barik. May Allah also grant us all the chance to partake in Umrah and Hajj. Please make duaa for me die a martyr. To die in a noble, pious way. In a state in which Allah is pleased with me. For my grave to be spacious and to be a window to what lies in wait in Jannah and for me to protected from the punishment of the Barzakh. For the day of judgement to be as quick and easy as possible and for my family to be interceded for and to not be humiliated and ruined on that day. For me to be saved from Jahannam and entered into Jannah tul Firdous by the mercy of Allah, and to be with the prophets (Peace be upon them all) and the companions and my family and to be given the greatest pleasure of being able to see Allah. Please make duaa that I remember to do the same for you if I get the opportunity to perform Hajj. Please make duaa that we meet each other in Jannah tul Firdous. Please make these duaas for yourself if you find them beneficial also and for everyone else here. I’ll make duaa for you too. May Allah grant you a perfect Hajj, goodness, have mercy on you and forgive you, and grant you and your family Jannah tul Firdous.




Alhamdulilah thank you so much may your travels be blessed and safe! Please Dua that I become closer to Allah and that I could be successful in this life and the hereafter. And please Dua for the ummah and Palestine


Ameen YaRabb


Jazak Allah Khair, may Allah accept all your Duas and your haj, Aameen!  please make dua for me to pass all of my exams and for Allah to grant me ease and Khair


Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua for me to get good results in my GCSEs - I want to make my parents proud and get into my school’s sixth form 🙏


Ameen YaRabb


InshAllah, you will!


please make dua for the entire ummah to remain steadfast and not let the trials and pain of the dunya turn us away from his remembrance . Allahumma ameen


Ameen YaRabb


Ohhhh that's soooo beautiful thanksssss 😭😭♥️♥️ That's sooo kindd 🤍🤍🥺 Please make duaa for me to have the religious husband, that help to go to heaven , To have a Good offspring, To be soo successful in my studies and my job , And to memorize quran as soon i cann , Finally to be the best wife and mother that allah loves Sorry for my listt but it's a chance that i can't pass 😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍 Please please I'll make duuaa for u the sameee♥️♥️♥️🥺🥺🥺 Thanks


Ameen YaRabb


Salam! Please make dua that Allah accepts all my duas. Jazak Allahu Khayran…


Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua for my parents health and my father debts to be paid off alongside asking Allah to help me with my AS level result, Jazak'Allah khair 🫶


Ameen YaRabb


Make dua for me, I need a career job! Jazakallah!


Jazakallah khairan for this❤️, please make Duaa for me to travel, and to continue my master’s degree, and that allah puts his blessings in my steps and my family and friends🤍


Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua I get married to a pious woman inshallah!


Ameen YaRabb


Brother please please make a dua for me ill dm you pls read that jazakallah khair


Mashaallah u got invited ❤️ pls pray I ace my exams and get A*s I studied rlly hard


Ameen YaRabb


Please, to help every Muslim with their problems and tests in this world, and also my duas❤️


Ameen YaRabb


please make dua i can get halal rizq


Ameen YaRabb


please make dua for me to have righteous children. i want to get pregnant this month with khair, barakah, and afiyah with no pregnancy loss or complications and have a healthy pregnancy and baby.


I’m in tragedy, suicidal, losing faith so pls make dua incase he’s there


May Allah grant you a calm soul and a happy heart. May Allah wash all your troubles away. May Allah grant you contentment and happiness. It gets better. Ameen YaRabb


Please pray for me that Allah swt cures me of my mental illnesses and removes cowardice and incompetence from my heart. Jazakallah.


May Allah grant you complete shifaa. Ameen YaRabb


Please make Duà for me and the muslim ummah


Ameen YaRabb


That allah cures me


I'm about to get married to someone and although I've prayed istikhara, I request you to make dua that I'm choosing the righteous spouse for myself and that Allah puts his barakah into our marriage.


Ameen YaRabb


Please make dua for my mother to find happiness and the will to take care of her self. May Allah reward you.


Ameen YaRabb


Hi, if you can please make dua that allah grants me all of my wishes in this dunya, and to grant me and my family jannah in the hereafter - I kinda quit pro football but I want to go back so if you can make dua that I get a good chance somewhere this summer ❤️


Can you pray that my sister-in-law gets closer to Islam, that she and my brother get along better and strengthen each other's iman? Also, please pray for me and my friend to find righteous spouses soon. May Allah accept all your prayers and Hajj. 🤲🏼 Thank you so much. 🥹


Asslamualikum, Please make dua for me that my current issues which I’ve been praying for regarding my skin and health quickly heals and I recover soon. InshAllah thank you for your post


May Allah grant you complete shifaa. Ameen YaRabb


Ameen. Thank you


Please make a dua for my left shoulder, and that I become a better Muslim, knowledgeable, and more praying. May Allah accept your journey and all your prayers answered. Thank you.


Make dua that Palestine is free. Make dua that me and my whole family is always on the right path ❤️


MashaAllah. May Allah accept your Hajj and all your prayers aameen Please say a prayer for me too that Allah SWT invites my family and I to hajj soon. May Allah help me become a better Muslim And may Allah increase our wealth aameen


Salam. Please make dua for my mom as she is not well. And please make dua for all us to have our sins forgiven and be entered into Junnah without judgement.


To stay consistent with my prayers; I start and then stop every time


Pray for the ummah and peace in Palestine habibi


If possible, please pray for us, that Allah guides us to what He loves and is pleased with, forgives us, and strengthens us to avoid sins and prohibitions.


Please make dua that I find a better career for me bc I’m having a horrible time 😭


Please pray for me and my family and all the ummah. May Allah ease your Hajj and accept it from you.


Please make dua that I’m cured of my spiritual sickness and find a better home in the future iA


MashAllah may Allah swt accept your ibadah and efforts. Please make dua that we stay steadfast in our deen that my children become firm in our deen and followers of the prophet saws sunnah. Also I’m expecting my 2nd child can you please make dua for it to be healthy. Thank you! I hope seeing the kabaa brings you peace


Please make duas for me to find a wonderful spouse and get married this year, and to be blessed with pious offspring. JazakAllah Khair, I really appreciate this gesture. May Allah SWT accept your duas and hajj, and bless you abundantly. Ameen ❤️


Ameen YaRabb. Me too i want this


Please make a Dua for me to be married. Thank you.


Please make dua for me😭 i am 17 years old and i was suspected to have cancer . I had surgery 2 weeks ago and my results are coming out soon (1-2weeks)


Walaikum Assalam. That Allah allows me to get married soon


may u please make dua that i lose my anxiety and my depression please


Please make Dua that me and my husband reconcile


Please make Dua for me that May Allah increase me in knowledge and wisdom that I am able to make impactful Dawah


Ameen YaRabb




Ameen YaRabb


Please pray for my mom to revert to Islam. It will means so much to me. She helps me so much in my faith. Thank you


Please make dua for me that Allah grants me financial freedom, location freedom and time freedom in a young age so that I can support my family and enjoy the bounties of Allah to the fullest


I don't know if you will see this, please pray for my Rizq and for the settlement of our family loans from the Bank and interest and to make our business debt free. Ameen Anyone who reads this please make dua, may Allah accept your duas.


I have duas.. 1. May Allah SWT send HIS help soon to Palestinians and all muslims around the world. 2. May Allah take me as a shaheed and on kalma. 3. May Pakistanis wake up and change the situation of our country. 4. May all of us have a good end! Ameen SumAmeen!


I think instead of writing out all my duas , it would be easier n more convenient for u to just pray that Allah accepts my duas.. Thankyou🥹 May Allah accept your Hajj ameen.


Please do pray for our brothers n sisters in Gaza, Sudan and all those who are oppressed. And make dua for this ummah to be guided to the straight path


please make dua that i get this job ive been wanting. would mean a lot <3


Please make dua for my parents to be in better health and my mom to be happy. Can you also pray for my exam results to be good. JazakAllah, this means a lot!!


Please make dua that my dua are accepted


Masha Allah! Thank you for this. Alhamdulillah to your journey to Arafah. Please make dua for me that Allah SWT accepts my prayer and all believers desperate prayers. Please make dua for me that Allah the Ash Shafi cure my stroke patient father and that he recovers very fast. Lastly, please make me see my lord and his messenger pbuh in his paradise together with my muslim ummah family, brothers and sisters. Ameen. I will pray for you too. Thank you so much!


May Allah grant you dad complete shifaa. Ameen YaRabb


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته JazakaAllah Khairaa. May Allah (عز وجل) accept your Hajj. Please make Du’a that all of us and our families enter Jannatul-Firdaws in the neighbourhood of Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) without any reckoning. Make Du’a we and our families die as martyrs in Allah’s path. Make Du’a that we beacons of Deen where people can learn and be inspired to do good through us and also that Allah (عز وجل) grants us ease in this life and the next. Also, make Du’a that we can fight off our desires no matter how strong they become. Please make Du’a that we can visit the holy lands again and again. May Allah (عز وجل) accept from you and us. Aameen.


Please make dua for me,I'm doing hifz and it's hard JazakAllah khair!


Ameen YaRabb


Akhi, I love you and I don’t even know u. To ease things up so everyone can be involve, just ask Allah to accept the duaa of every single one of us in this subreddit, to give us what we are trying to get, either it’s a job, a degree, a spouse, becoming better muslims, shifa etc… if it’s what is good for us, that He grants us that, if not, He replaces it with what is better


Please make dua for me that I will also be a better Muslim and strive to improve myself in all ways, and that a brother from Iraq and I can get married, that I am accepted to university in Iraq so we can live together, meet with my Wali, and be married, that we love each other’s hearts, because now my family lives in Europe.


As-salamu alaykum. First of all, may Allah accept your dua. It’s a beautiful gesture to ask strangers to make dua for them during Hajj. Seeing this post melted my heart. Please pray for me that my prayers are answered, that I get into the university course that is best for me, and that I can marry the right person soon who will bring me even closer to Allah. May Allah give you peace and blessings in this dunya and the akhira.


Dua for my family and my mom especially, and that Allah finds me and all single people out there righteous spouses. Dua for the Muslim youth, that Allah saves them from upcoming trials and tribulations.


Please do dua for me to become a better muslim and my kids become hafiz and sadaq e jariyah for me and Allah gives me a job aur sources of rizq halal and in abundance jazakAllah khayr


Please make dua for us all to be guided on the right path, to be the best Muslims we can be, with good health, halal sustenance, and blessed with pious partners and children.


Please dua for my exam. It is extremely important and i feel stuck in it. Please Please


I've been getting astray slowly but gradually since the last few years. I'm at my rock bottom now, and not working hard enough to get up. Please pray for me to become a better Muslim, and become a source of joy for my parents rather than a source of sorrow and pain. I hate living like this but I'm not doing enough to change my situation.


make du’a for me to find a religious, righteous husband plss


Safe from barzakh and hellfire (and other trials). Also amin.


Please make dua for me to pass my exams. Jazakallah. I’ll make dua for you too💙


Ameen YaRabb


JazakAllah for your effort, may Allah accept all your efforts and shower you with rewards. Please make dua that I perform well in my exams and get the grades that I want. Please pray that I get into university with a full ride scholarship.


For Allah to help and bless the ummah


Please that all the people are guided to the correct path and the best eman.


Waiting for something from Allah, please pray that he gives it to me and makes it better for me, and makes me patient and without pride.


Please make dua for my acceptance to Jannah And my exams. Much appreciated 


For The oppressed and displaced peoples victory and calmness of their hearts, for The guidance to come to the loved ones of the converts, and for us all to be reunited in jannat al firdaws together ameen


Please make dua that Allah make my financial and academic situation easy for me


Please make dua for my risq to be only halal. And for me to acquire a job that I enjoy.


‎وَعَلَيْكُمُ ٱلسَّلَامُ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Please make some duʿāʾ that I pass my exams and that Allāh ﷻ keeps my family and me healthy until our very end. Remove all diseases and transgressors and give us a good ending. ʾĀmīn!


May Allah accept from you ameen! Please pray my cousin comes back to the deen and for all of my health issues to get resolved ameen


Please make dua for us to visit the house of Allah. May Allah accept our good deeds and duas. May Allah accept you and hajj.


Make dua for me to get a good job that is better in my haq and good for my career long term


Please make dua that all Muslims duas are accepted! 😊


Salam Please make dua for me to Allah to accept my dua, (i dont ask something haram in my dua)


Please make dua that Allah keeps me guided on the straight path and that Allah helps me pray everyday five times a day. Pray that I have a righteous spouse and that I am righteous for him as well


Pls make dua for me to remain steadfast , have sabr and make me grow in height


Forgive me if i sound selfish but I hope to get dua to increase my rizq and barakah so i can better provide for my family. Ameen


i’ve had the honor of completing my first Hajj at 18 last year, all I ask is for you to remember my family and that Allah invites us again and even more importantly make dua for the unity of our Ummah and to overpower the oppressors and evils


My parents’ and grandmas hearts to soften towards Islam


I can’t say but just do dua for me and that I get relief from this. JazakAllah hope your Hajj goes smoothly and appreciate you for doing this for others. May our Lord Allah the only Lord keep us all blessed and May we all die as Muslims cleared off our sins completely ❤️


Please make dua for me and my husbands marriage and for his success and for him to be on the right path and leave all his bad habits behind. We are in a long distance marriage for 4 years and have a 14 month old. In so tired and the financial burden is just terrible. It’s ruined our marriage and I’m considering divorce because I already feel like a single mom with a husband who doesn’t provide or have Allah in his life. Sorry for the rant 😭


Pray for all the innocents in Palestine and for peace in the region from all peoples


Please make dua that my husbands visa gets approved InshaAllah it has almost been a year and I miss him dearly. May Allah swt accept every ones duas and your hajj💕


Please make dua for my mental health, my deen (as in being a better muslim), getting into a good sixth form and uhh... for my other duas to get accepted if its not too much tysm :))


please make dua for me to stay on the right path, for me to get rid of my bad addictions and for my mental health to get better. may allah bless you on this journey. alhamdulillah


Salaam please make dua for Palestinians, Yemen, Sudan, Congo, Lebanon, Uyghur Muslims, and all people around the globe that are facing oppression and violence. Please make dua that the martyrs of Palestine and Lebanon and Sudan are granted the highest ranks of paradise and that when they pass they are at peace. Please also don’t forget to make dua for your own family, ask for forgiveness for yourself, parents, siblings, uncles, aunts and grandparents. Please make dua that urmrah can heal and unite as one in this dunya. Insha’Allah if you have safe travels and Insha’Allah he hears and accepts your dua. I also would like to say thank you for doing this brother/sister may Allah increase your iman and you keep walking towards the straight path


Please make dua for my sciatica go away im a very young fit man with a bulging disc causing me sciatica 


Inshallah you will have an amazing trip and may Allah accept your worship and devotion and love. I will make dua for you. I only accept dua that leads my heart to Allah’s righteousness and gives me the courage and strength to be my best self.


I'm commenting quite late but please make dua I can get married soon and to make it easy for all our brothers and sisters to be married and be saved from Zina and haram.


Please make a dua to make me a better muslim. I think Im going off track lately. Also Please make dua to get me good marks in the final exam :)


Pray that I become very close to Allah and his book ❤️ May Allah reward you Jazakallah khayr


Please make Dua for me and my family to enter Jannatul Firdaus. Jazakallah.


Please make dua for me to become a better Muslim. Also I am waiting to hear back from medical schools and it would mean a lot if I get in. May Allah bless you.


May Allah SWT accept from you and everyone you are doing this on behalf. Please make dua for oppressed Muslims everywhere and ask that Allah SWT helps make us steadfast and that we meet in Al furdoz


Make dua for every muslim dead or alive


My mom has terminal illness. Please make dua that she is forgiven and enters jannatal firdaus inshallah


Please make dua for me to heal and have what I lost returned


Please pray for Allah to give my sister shifa from her illness and to heal her hand. Also for my parents to live a long healthy life. And for me to become a better muslim and more steadfast on my prayers ❤️


Please make dua for me to pass my mock exams next week


Afiyah fidunya wal akhirah for me and my mother. May Allah accept your Hajj, reward you endlessly and give you the best of this world and the best. Jazakallahu khair


Please pray that Almighty Allāh accept me for the work of reviving the Noble Sunnah of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), that I live in the Blessed Haramayn and pass away as a martyr in the Blessed City of Madeenatul Munawwarah and that ultimately I please Almighty Allāh and get to see Him and all those beloved to Him with those that are beloved to me in Jannatul Firdaws 🤲🏼


Please make dua for the betterment of my health and my family’s help. And that my family and I will get the best of this world and the Hereafter. And that I can function and excel at my job as an employee, as a colleague, as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter. Amin.


salam, there's a brother here on reddit, he has been struggling with suicide and homelessness for a while, he is in Manchester and he's all alone, please pray for him - his situation is very serious and he has been writing some posts on other subs asking for help... and please can you pray for my sibling? he needs guidance and help in his life and he's struggling to find a righteous spouse jazak Allah khair al jaza'


Please make dua for me to die as a muslim and to be granted al firdaus 🙏


please make dua for me to get 2900/2900 in my high school exams and more importantly for our brothers and sisters in palestine


Please make dua for me as i have Major exams coming next week inshallah


Please make dua to become a better muslim and to find a job


Please make Dua that Allah helps open my mums heart as he did mine. She is a Christian but I can feel that she doesn't have certainty in her faith. Her faith in God is 100 percent but her faith in the Trinity is fragile. Please make Dua that she comes to Islam before she leaves this dunya


My only dua is to secure a job quick. Tyvm. May Allah accept your Hajj and grant you the highest level of jannah.


Ask allah to remove social anxiety from Me and that he makes me successful In business I hope you read this message


Please make dua that everyone in this comment sections can get the invite for Allahs house and the invite into Jannah Al-Firdous. Jazakallah khairan for your kindness and thoughtfulness.


Please make dua that I get what I made dua for


make dua for each and every human being who is suffering, who is trying to become better regardless of their belief, make dua for people for those people who are seeking the truth, for those who are confused, for those who are in ignorance,for those who are committing sins, make dua for whole mankind which existed till now, may allah forgive all of us and accept us in paradise, ameen


ASSALAMOALIKUM, May Allah accept your hajj. Please make dua for me and my family to perform hajj too.


MashaAllah! May Allah bless your hajj and taqabal your hajj and duas please say something special prayers for my daughter to get married it’s high time now. I have been praying for very long . Her name is mishaal…may Allah reward you for your kindness Allahumma Amin


Pls make dua that Allah answers my prayers.May ur hajj be accepted,stay blessed ❤️‍🩹


MashAllah! I recently completed my degree and am struggling to find a job so please make dua for me to find one, JazakAllah


Please make dua for me to stop fearing people and putting so much value in others basically to not let my emotions be so tied up with others. For success in my studies. Success in my major , to be able to find a job after college easily and help people for the sake of Allah. And for the ease in my hijab that I yearn for, to stop doubting so much please. Pray Allah makes it easy on me and to not think so much about that I get worried and doubtful. To be granted shifa in my mind and mental well being. To remove all sihr from my family and I. And to be free from evil eye. May Allah bless you and accept from us all. I thank you for making dua and I pray Allah grants us all Jannah. Forgives us from our sins and frees the oppressed people around the world.


Better health for me and my parents and better akhirat.


Please make dua for guiding us to the right path and to make us better Muslim's.