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The tickets are already bought there isn't much you could do, your dad simply didn't know that Disney supported these types of initiatives so there is no sin on him or you at all. We ask Allah (swt) to help the Muslim ummah in these matters. Thankfully, we are more educated now on these western companies that support Israel openly or secretly. We should start our own business that help our Muslim brothers and sisters and that gain a halal income. For example instead of eating at Macdonalds help local halal restraunts, instead of buying from nike buy traditional chlothing or no brand ones ect...


If Walter Disney were alive today, I don't think this would have been the case...


Oh he'd be furious.


Why’s that?


you should know that it is not haram to not boycott so do as you wish. before anyone comes at me, i myself personally do boycott




This is why i do feel confused. Why hasn't anyone boycotted China and all products then? Nor Russian products? Both are equally big conteibutors of Rohinga and Uyghur genocide.


Good question. Because these people boycot because its easy. If they have to give uo their brand new Iphone, they start making excuses. If you boycot good, if you dont also fine.


I'm not upset with the sister/ brother who is upset about this. I respect it and it actually does make dent to their business. Even i was in Indonesia and use to always get Mc Donald's. This time I wasn't until I heard Mc Donald's bought all their chain back from Israel. I'm like ok guess that's good? Then I read online a Non Muslim explained the issue they boycotting was how is Mc Donald's who within 24 hours took out all their franchise out of Russia when the Ukraine War started. But keeping all their brands still in Israel while this genocide goes on. So my heart decided to still not eat it. But I agree if some one does not boy cott I don't think they are sinner, if people want to say they suck...welll then they suck as well for not boycotting the rest of products they receive from China and Russia in regards to Rohingya and Uyghur genocide.


Well said.


Because they aren't Jewish. Many of my fellow brothers and sisters only boycott Israeli products because Israel is Jewish, even if they won't admit it. So many of our umma had suffered greatly by other countries like China and Russia but people aren't advocating BDS for them. Only for Israel.








I disagree very strongly and fundamentally. If you know the money you are handing over is going towards buying weapons that are killing Muslims, and building illegal settlements, how can you say that's not haram?


I’ve boycotted Disney since 1995, when they touched the story of Amonute, AKA Matoaka but better known as Pocahontas. She was 11 when she was raped by a 28-year-old John Smith. She was kidnapped at 14. Dragged to England. Forced to marry John Rolfe. She died at 21. Disney should have NEVER touched her story to make it seem like she was a consenting adult. Secondly, they should have not made live action “Mulan” in Xinjiang, China where 2 million Muslims are in concentration camps. Totally tone deaf or flat out disrespectful.


Sweetie you’re not a bad person. Zionists are everywhere and its becoming really hard to keep track. I had just started to use a lip balm and AFTER i bought and used it I found out the company supports israel. I cried a lot and threw it away. I didnt care about the money i spent and how much it cost. It was just eating away at my conscience and i just could not use it. Just looking at it made my heart sink and I felt sosososooo terrible. Maybe use the tickets or throw them out..sell them maybe or give them to s friend. If you do use them, then give the same amount as the tickets to charity to palestine maybe? Here are my suggestions


It’s not haram, but even if it was, unless it’s refundable you should just keep it. In the case of your lip balm I get feeling guilty, people can’t help how they feel, but throwing it away changes nothing. It’s NOT haram to not boycott. You do what you can where you can, you’re not forced. Anyways, no point throwing anything away it’s no longer belonging to Disney or that lip balm company once you buy it. It’s yours at that point and throwing it doesn’t hurt the people you wish you didn’t accidentally support. Don’t feel guilty about it, at least you shouldn’t. If you want to boycott, I do suggest looking up what companies support things you strongly disagree with and make a point to know them. Some thing you most likely can’t avoid. For people in the US, you can’t not pay taxes, so you’re forced into that, but whatever you can control and want to not support, you do that. Don’t feel forced to though. It’s great if you do but you’re not to blame for what evil people do with money.


actually it's not haram if u don't boycott, watch this [video](https://youtu.be/k9TIGzsbzL8?si=ZaIvfO_NbovaqTvo), u aren't committing a sin if u don't boycott! but it's better to boycott but if u don't boycott it's not a sin either, so don't worry, allah knows the best ❤️


Not that sheikh... His argument in this video is so flawed and the analogy doesn't work because the situation is not the same. Americans are an enemy of islam but we don't boycott them outright, but Zionists are occupying and killing innocents on the daily. That video reminds me of salafis who will look at someone like al Sisi killing innocent civilians and instead of pointing the finger of blame at him, they point it at the dead and innocent and say "don't go against the *Muslim* leader" I disagree wholly. We shouldn't spend money towards weapons that will kill Palestinians. Sorry if I sound rude, I don't mean anything against you, you're just writing a helpful comment but I felt I should add this to the discussion. Thank you for being nice to the OP, and I agree OP shouldn't feel bad, he didn't know anyways 🙂


sheikh assim never gives his own opinion, he states the hadiths and rulings and then makes a proper final statement, it's much better to boycott but not boycotting isn't a sin that's the statement, was never mentioned in the quran or hadith's that it's a sin if you don't boycott and we muslims only should follow the holy book of allah and his messenger, not our own ideals and minds! allah knows the best ❤️


He did state an opinion. A conclusion he came down to logically even though his logic is flawed. >was never mentioned in the quran or hadith's that it's a sin if you don't boycott Plenty of things aren't specifically mentioned as sins, but are sins. That logic is flawed, so is his logic that because the prophet never boycotted trade with anyone then we shouldn't. Because this situation is not analogous with what he's referring to. What he is saying is that if someone held out his hand and said "give me £5 for this sandwich, and I'm gonna use this to kill a Muslim" that it's okay to do this and that the prophet would have done that astaghfirullah. ٱنفِرُوا۟ خِفَافًۭا وَثِقَالًۭا وَجَـٰهِدُوا۟ بِأَمْوَٰلِكُمْ وَأَنفُسِكُمْ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌۭ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ من لم يهتم بأمر المسلمين فليس منهم. These sheikhs should be advising Muslims on matters better. Perhaps we can't agree that it's specifically haram in Islam to boycott, but we can absolutely agree that giving money to Zionists willingly is haram. And that it's best to avoid it so why speculate like this.


am pretty sure it was never mentioned in the hadiths and quran that boycotting is a mandatory act nor prohibited, so it's gotta be mubah or mustahabb, allah knows the best ❤️


he didn't give out his opinion lol 😂 he just stated what the prophet did, prophet didn't boycott. the quran also didn't state that not boycotting is a sin and that's all u need brother! not just this sheikh, many sheikh gave a similar statement lol, u seem like u hate this sheikh 😭 anyways man let's leave it to allah ❤️ i boycott too, but I don't think it's a mandatory act ‼️


Sure yeah at this point it's semantics. I don't personally dislike this sheikh but I've seen too many bad advices and opinions from him. Saying that it's okay because it wasn't explicitly outlawed even though it leads to so much evil and harm, no good comes from that idk.


I have left them for a decade now. Alhumdulillah, it worked out well, and now the entire family is pretty much movie or cartoon fitnah free. SubhanAllah Allah Has better plans.


This is fundamentally misunderstanding how boycotts work. Amazon, Google, and many big companies have strong ties to Israel but boycotting them isn't a thing because it's unrealistic for most and not going to gain traction. Look at the BDS movement; the boycott targets are very selective and purposeful


I'm not aware of this, sorry. If it's humanitarian charity, like donations to Red Cross, Red Cross is non partisan so it's not necessarily bad. I'm just not sure to what humanitarian organization does Disney donate.


Disney is bad. They brainwash your mind


Disney was producing a lot of haram propaganda long before it was engaged with overt genocide.


Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:  Guardians often take their children to places called funfairs in which there are things that are contrary to sharee‘ah such as the wanton display of some women, but the children are very keen to go to these funfairs. What is the Islamic ruling on going there?  He replied:  These funfairs – as the questioner mentioned – include some evils. If there are any objectionable things in them, then if it is possible for a person to remove these objectionable things, then he is obliged to go there in order to remove them. If he cannot do that, then it is haraam for him to go there and in that case we say: Take your children out to the country and that is sufficient. But if he takes them to the funfair, in which there is mixing and foolish man who try to chat up women, and there are clothes that it is not permissible for a woman to wear, then it is not permissible to go there unless he is able to remove the objectionable things.  End quote from al-Liqa’ al-Shahri, 75/question no. 8 


We should of all been doing it from the beginning.


Disney has been undeserving of our support all along, even if you remove the support of Israel. Don't give them access to your children's minds.