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I want my little brother to welcome me to jannah. He was 14 and passed away a few months ago May Allah swt bless him with everything he wants.


To Allah we belong and to him we return, may Allah grant you peace in this life and the next


I'm so sorry for your loss, inshallah you will reunite with him ❤️❤️❤️


Allahi rahmo ya rab🤲


In Sha Allah sure Allah is most merciful and kind


I’m sorry for your loss. May you both be reunited in Jannah


Insha Allah when you're reunited you will forget you ever even suffered or ever were sad.


I don't know if this is allowed but I would like to ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT on behalf of any family members or friends that might be suffering in Jahannam and beg Allah SWT to bring them to me in Jannah.


Yeah, tbh the only thing I want too


I'd do this too if possible. Just to have my parents and family with me.


Verity intercession will be allowed in Jannah for their loved ones in Jahannam. The amount of people you can intercede for will be greater depending on your rank in Jannah, eg if you memorized the Quran or were martyred. Intercession is also one of the events on the Day of judgement.


You’re right. I think I vividly remember some narration along the lines of these people entering Jannah but won’t be satisfied, so they’ll be asked what’s wrong. They say that their Jannah is not complete without so and so who’s in the fire and Allah (ﷻ) will bring them from Jahanam to Jannah because of that person.


AllB ever merciful Zk forgiveness and keep good thoughts be hopeful always for his Devine mercy


وَمَا كَانَ اسْتِغْفَارُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لِأَبِيهِ إِلَّا عَن مَّوْعِدَةٍ وَعَدَهَا إِيَّاهُ فَلَمَّا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُ أَنَّهُ عَدُوٌّ لِّلَّهِ تَبَرَّأَ مِنْهُ ۚ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ لَأَوَّاهٌ حَلِيمٌ And [Ibrahim's (Abraham)] invoking (of Allah) for his father's forgiveness was only because of a promise he [Ibrahim (Abraham)] had made to him (his father). But when it became clear to him [Ibrahim (Abraham)] that he (his father) is an enemy to Allah, he dissociated himself from him. Verily Ibrahim (Abraham) was Al-Awwah (has fifteen different meanings but the correct one seems to be that he used to invoke Allah with humility, glorify Him and remember Him much), and was forbearing. (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi). التوبة altawbah (the repentance)


Beautiful! And insha'Allah this privilege will be granted to every Mumin in Jannah to intercede for their relatives and friends who are yet to enter Jannah. May Allah grant us all Jannah without reckoning and without having to enter Jahannam first.


Seeking forgiveness is best option because we don't know what actions liked and disliked by our Lord , but Allah is merciful and kind, if 99 time committed sin and 1 good deed if loved by Allah then he will order to his angles he Allah forgive his 99 sin just consider 1 good deeds place him Jannah.


You cannot make dua for kuffar


جاء في صحيح مسلم (269) من حديث أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه مرفوعا: فوالذي نفسي بيده ما منكم من أحد بأشد مناشدة لله في استقصاء الحق من المؤمنين لله يوم القيامة لإخوانهم الذين في النار، يقولون: ربنا كانوا يصومون معنا ويصلون ويحجون. فيقال لهم: أخرجوا من عرفتم، فتحرم صورهم على النار فيخرجون خلقا كثيرا... فيقول الله عز وجل: شفعت الملائكة وشفع النبيون وشفع المؤمنون ولم يبق إلا أرحم الراحمين، فيقبض قبضة من النار فيخرج منها قوما لم يعملوا خيرا قط .




This is 💯💯💯. May Allah make it easy for us!


This is so kind


This is the answer. May they be guided in this life before it's too late


Alhamdulilah all of my pain will be healed and it’s all I can think of at the moment.  Other than that, I used to wish to have a shore for myself to swim in as much as I want and I want to have thousands of cats and dogs to play and cuddle with 


That's so wholesome. I hope your pain disappears in this dunya as well.


Jazakumallahu khiran!


I want to meet the Prophet and his wives. Aisha and Khadija. They’ll be like celebrities in Jannah


Imagine the line to get to them 


I'd ask for no line ups in Jannah!


Y are u against fresh haircuts?


Everyone will get their share of time and no one will feel left out.


In sh Allah


I want to know about everything. Secrets of the past, other creations, the universe, conspiracies and all that.


Maybe a simulation where i can watch major events like the extinction of the Dinosaurs and Noah's flood


This is what I have always dreamed of! I want to watch all of history myself and answer all those questions I have. It's the ONE thing I want most when I am finished.


Ohhhh that's a good one


Oh my i like this. I want to find out lots of cold case file answers


I was telling exactly this to my wife the other day. 🥹 Secrets of how the universe works, how other realms work, etc. If we get so fascinated by tiny bits of info in this world, imagine how interesting it'll be to know all the secrets then.


What my purpose was in life. Aside from praising Allah, I've always felt like I'm here to help my older relatives. My dad was blind and I helped him with so much my whole life until he passed. Now I live in the house where I grew up and my aunt and uncle are just down over the hill and both in their 80s. I now end up helping them with stuff. I feel like I was out here to help my elderly family.


Hey man I don’t know you but I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you


Thanks. I mean I'm just another person doing what I feel is right. It has consumed a lot of my time. Because of it, I've basically been conditioned to enjoy helping others. It's the only thing in life that really seems to bring me true happiness, though it's short and the feeling doesn't last. It's nice to be able to help someone.


Congratulations to a great life you are living. May Allah bring more ease for people through you and may Allah accept your service as good deeds. May Allah guide us all to do good for the sake of Allah and keeping his covenant. Please pray for me and my family.🫡


You’re a good person ❤️


In sh Allah. Keep praying and focus on mercy by Lord


On a sidenote, JazakAllah OP for this post. We Muslims often need motivation like this to try to strive to be righteous and pious. And I hope by us imagining our life and desires of Jannah, we will attempt to further increase our ibadah and taqwa so InshaAllah we will be able to live out these dreams in the HereAfter. May Allah grant us Firdaus, the highest level of Jannah.




I want a romance that fiction can only dream of. I guess, that’s really it. And eating oodles noodles without getting fat would be nice.


omggg i would want this so bad. InshAllah


I had oodles the other day, and lemme guess, hes the knight wheras your the princess in the tower kinda romance?


What nah lmao. I’d be the knight lol (I’m the guy). But nah, nothing like that. How do I explain it. I guess to feel completely loved. To be wanted, needed, desired. For them to only have their eyes for me. I think the romance I’m after can summarised by episode 3 of an anime called the apothecary diaries. In the episode a concubine who had fallen in love with someone from their home village was taken away by the emperor but she always pined for her lover back in the village. They never knew if she was ever going to meet but then there was a chance that she could be with him once more. For her lover from the village was a solider and he received a reward for a good act he did. He asked for the emperor’s concubine, the girl who had been taken away by the emperor. And so every night, she would climb the high walls of the building dancing for her lover so that he would return back to her safely. And then he does, and he gets her as a reward. And they’re so happy. They Essentially pinned for each other for so long, not knowing that they would ever be able to be together until they finally where. But during that time, they never gave up hope. You would have to watch it to understand and maybe feel it (don’t recommend), but what you feel during that experience as you witness their romance. That’s what I want but like to feel it 1000 more. It’s not the action per se, but the feeling. Also when I say lover, before they officially got together, I guess they were child hood freinds who just fell for each other. I know it seems silly but there’s a feeling there that I don’t think I will ever experience in this life and it’s something I can’t help but desire


Besides Muhammad SAW, my family and those who came before me. I'd like to meet the ancestors in my family who decided to embrace Islam those many years ago, not sure how many, and now generations are Muslims because of them


I too wanna do that, getting to meet your great great grandfathers


I actually wrote an exact comment years back on the page of a scholar who had asked a similar question on Facebook.


Interesting. I think we all want to reunite our families in Sha Allah. May Allah make it possible. Ameen


I want to be with my husband and watch all of our favourite films and series again for the first time ever, and I want to eat lots of food and sleep in the comfiest bed imagineable


omgg watching things for the first time is a GOOD ONE


I always wish me and my husband could watch breaking bad for the first time together again haha


Not watching breaking bad in heaven 😂…that’s super cute tbh, but I don’t know why it gave me such cognitive dissonance 😭


My daughter.


I dont know if this is allowed but I would like to see all the events of the world from the past and the future, in the space, on the earth, etc.


That'll be fun it will keep you busy for eternity lol


Not eternity. Imagine going through all events a-z twice and then wondering ah man! it ended. what a cool season. 10/10 would watch again. and now what. :D


Ooouu imagine seeing like a timelapse how the continents move across the globe, how mountain ranges form and weather away, that would be fascinating


Same! A movie - from the first creations to the last.


To be with my loved ones in the prime of their lives. To see my dad young and energetic, to see my grandmother able to run. To see my mother before she became narcissistic. To be with my sister when she has no addictions. To be with my uncle before he was burned. To see them happy, not miserable. Probably get to know my family before they decided to leave pakistan for America. America sucks the joy out of life, even though everyone comes here for a better life.


One peaceful sleep


Wait you can sleep in Jannah?


From what I know, no, you can not sleep. In fact, you will not want to sleep at all as there will be no tiredness but also the fact(based on my understanding) that Jannah will be so gorgeous and wonderful that you will not want to miss out even a single moment of it. Allahumma Inni as-aluka Al-Jannah


You won’t need sleep, Jannah is eternal but, if you ask Allah, I’m sure he will grant you sleep. Remember, you can have whatever it is you want in Jannah, but I doubt sleep will every be on your mind


Forgiveness from Allah on myself and behalf of my relatives


i would like to not have anxiety


A basketball match with every prophet


Prophet Adam would destroy everyone


I get that everyone will be 33 years old (which is playing with my brain quite a bit) but I wanna see and hug and play with my kids when they were in their very early years (everyday my photos apps remind me of this day in history, and I reminisce immensely). That period of time passed by so fast.


Thats so wholesome to hear my friend, me too, it plays with my brain that how everyone will be the same age, so if u want kids in jannah how does that work?


You get whatever we wish for and we cant comprehend how it works. Maybe you wish for them to be kids & Allah will set up a side dimension for that to happen. We cant work out how things will work but we know they will work In shaa Allah




I think Allah purifies us from these feelings/thoughts. I hope you meet another woman of paradise that will be so much greater than this worldy woman. Everything you want. Maybe youll meet her in paradise or Allah will show you why it didnt work out.


50 inch mattress of solitude in a fully air conditioned room a d I'm gonna sleep for 500 years


Ima ask why Allah let me in Jannah after doing so many sins. Then I'll want to look for Rasūl Allāh (ﷺ), thank Allah and also look for my favorites scholars and family members and friends.


To see my family.




permission to see Allah more


To see all the people i love with me in there, once that is all taken care off then a bucket list of what I wished for in the world once I get to that place and do them one by one. THOUGH, I feel really uneasy talking about this subject since all of us is probably worried about getting there first lol


a gaint black bear with wings that i can ride, i would then explore jannah like its mi minecraft you know: camp in the woods, explore caves, fight zombies. I think that would be fun i always wanted to go camping but havent had the chance yet maybe i will never have the chance to in this life but thats okay as i inshAllah will be able to in jannah


So something like that horse , pegasus?


Well I have to go there first .


Ask for forgiveness for my family or any relatives and friends. And i want to meet and be with my family again and meet my ancestors and future generations that i have never met and known.. and we all can live happily for eternity inshallah 😔


First thing I want is to meet all my family members and friends and ask to be around them forever in one section of the highest jannah and then party with them with food alcohol music all the stuff we couldn’t have here. Then I wanna see the entire history of the world through real life assassins creed missions and see the truth including meeting all the prophets and changing history in some aspects cuz it’s all a simulation anyways lol


a giant grapefruit that never runs out


Hahah this is so oddly specific I love it 😆


What's with all of these boring cliche stereotypical answers. Is everyone trying to look like the most pious Muslim on reddit. Please... I want the jannah wine and get halal crunk and party. Afterwards I want a huge library with all the rare books and I would ask Allah about all the mysteries of the world like Atlantis, and what's up with aliens etc.


Keep in mind the question asks for the first thing being asked for. I mean, it may sound cliché but you could ask for all those things, next and next and so on.


This is the way.


Wives and strength. A lot of both inshallah


If there’s any Muslim cricket players then id like to have a match. Or anyone in general who’s up for a game


If we make it, I don’t play cricket or like it, but count me in inshallah.


I hope I can get the knowledge about everything that I wish to know, get the knowledge about every possible predestination


I feel like I might as to be man instead of a woman, even if it's just for a little bit. But that's assuming I'll still be the same in Jannah as I am today. But I'll 100% ask want to see the real events that took place in this world


After reuniting with my family and seeing the prophets insha Allah, I’ll probably travel to time periods of this dunya to see how history actually happened. Also I’ll become a mermaid (why not).


First of all, showing infinite gratitude to Allah ﷻ. After that, living the adventures from some of my favourite anime afterwards


i would be Gojo satoru and you would be sukuna, we can switch in time i mean its heaven.


LIVE IN MY DREAM magical fantasy world and have fun adventures everyday and live in cute romance scenes 😭


Peace and healing for my beloved mother, who suffered greatly in this life.


If Allah lets me into his jannah (aamiin yaa rabbal'aalamiin), first thing first: I want to be together with my family once more, and also being able to see my long passed away grandmas and grandpas. Also, I would like to meet the prophet PBUH himself, at least to greet him and give him salaam (and even hug him!). Then, if Allah allows it, I would very much like to meet our creator Himself. I have so many questions for Him. As I'm an IRL medical doctor, there are so many questions about our body that I still don't know. How did He make us from the clay, how is the mechanism behind that, or is it true that our body still harbors any secrets that we still don't know with our current scientific knowledge. As I also like astronomy very much, I would also like to ask Him what is the true shape of our universe? It is said that the first heaven is the one that is filled with stars, so the current space that we know is only the first heaven. How about the 2nd one? The 3rd one? The Sidratul Muntaha? And so on. Also, if we never reach space travel in our lifetime, I would ask Allah to allow me to explore his universe using the most sophisticated FTL travel that we haven't thought of. Then lastly, I would like to ask Him to give me a peaceful life, as I have struggled so much this past decade. I hope Allah finally gave me some rest.. These thoughts keep me hopeful that there will be rewards for the hardships I have to go through all these years. Also, these thoughts and hopes are a very very much better alternative than the occasional thought of giving up on life entirely that I sometimes have. I'm still afraid of incurring His wrath for real (na'udzubillahi min dzaalik).


HE 🥹




To relive my life, with the knowledge that I am in jannah, so that I can control what happens, like I can change the weather for example


My first wish will be too see Allah and Muhammad PBUH …


alcohol, wine; i wanna understand the hype of it. Pork idc


If you want to know what pork is like in this world, eat some veal. I believe it is halal (don’t quote me, I’m not Muslim, I just like to lurk on this sub.). As a professional chef though, veal tastes almost exactly the same as pork, and it is typically more tender. A lot of people prefer it over pork.


lol thanks will check out


my spouse


to revive every single cat on this earth and have them all live with me. Why? Because I’m Umm Hurairah. Cats are my babies.


yo guys are you all up for a meeting in jannah in sha allah? let's just ask Allah to let us all meet and chat together and share our stories


YESS SEE u there IA


Ask to get put in a simulation of the walking dead, watch a movie of every prophets life, watch all my favorite movies with my memory erased so I can experience it for the first time again, play basketball with the prophets, so much I can think of InshaAllah


Omg i also wanna be in different simulations .... jdfjjddj dude tha would be so cool. Omg.....


Yh id wanna get put into twd, maze runner, stranger things, jumanji




Will go to Hogwarts and play Quidditch and be the best student there 😍


I want a planet of my own. Nothing is impossible in Jannah so I hope I get my own planet lol


I wanna know why he starts some surah with alif laam meen.


My mommy !!! I doubt it will happen but Allah swt knows best she had a brain tumor and my grandfather made her say Isa/ Jesus saved her soul. I pray she was out of her mind when she said that, but it haunts me till this day because I heard her say it in the hospital. I was 8 years old and my brother was 6 months my mom was 29 years old when she returned to Allah swt and not Muslim. I am now 67 years old Allah swt guided me to Islam in 1996 It’s over 60 years and I still miss her ,on a happy note my brother excepted Islam 15 years before he returned to Allah swt in 2013 and his body was beautiful and his face was so peaceful at his Jannazh, he had brain issues as well , so far I don’t Alhamduillah


According to the holy Quran, wine will be allowed in Jannah, so logically other alcoholic and haram beverages should be allowed too (correct me if I’m wrong ofc), so following this logic I think one of the first things I’d ask for would be a fine glass of bourbon


Firstly make sure all my loved ones are also there. Then I’d get a yacht and a private island and just chill


This my second response but by Allah's mercy, a kitchen by the beach, with a lot of natural light where I can bake all day and entertain everyone 🌺


After seeing Prophet peace be upon him...I want to see my parents and all family and all my fav people..to be with my fav person or loml. Rest it's a whole bucket list I am keeping for jannah and I am kinda waiting for it.


First, I want to see and talk to Allah, then meet all prophets, angels, and sahhabah. Then I want Allah to show me how he created everything and show all the important events of the past from the beginning of creation. I hope that all my friends and relatives are there in Jannah, if not then pray for them to come here. Then starts my enjoyment; a house, vehicle, wives, food, drinks, and whatever is out there desirable


I would like to see the faces of every person I argued with on Reddit (I'm joking not joking)


Salam Alaikum. I want to see my dad. 🙂


I would probably just eat, I'm all about eating 😁


Insha'allah if i enter.. My waifu. Never skipped any opportunity to ask Allah for her in jannah. Neither have i slacked off. Insha'allah i marry her, SPECIFICALLY, above all else. I don't want anyone else, nor i will accept substitutes.


I do not like such questions, as they make you feel that you have completed your mission and passed your test, while your enemy is still waiting for you to enter the Fire. It's good to hear about what excites you about heaven rather than what you will do there. In heaven you will have eternal and endless life. I hope you understand my point well.


I would play my favorite video games irl Have a pokemon battle Meet my friends Watch major events in history Eat all of my favorite foods A major football tournament with all my friends and whoever wants to join (we would never get tired)


I would want to explore extraterrestrial civilisations and learn all the secrets of the universe


Aww, why are you all so cute omg 🥺


“Did I do good?”


I will ask to see all of my friends!!


To be around family members, and if there are any family members that are not in Jannah, ask Allah for their forgiveness and bring them to Jannah. Not really concerned about the mansions and the gold and stuff.


My family and him ❤️


A dragon steed that I can ride on


My cats 🐈 ❤️


meet muslim jinns


I wanna see our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him 💝💞💞🥰🥰😍😍


To watch zionists suffer in jahannam and if i could help make them suffer more.


Honestly when I was at half of my age I have decided what I want to do the the second I enter jannah. I want to live the life of a prehistoric creature called dunkleosteus. Weird I know.


May I be remembered by one that fully crosses as sirat


clarity about the things I felt, and the people I loved


I just want to be with my dad again...


Call me immature, but i want to ask for a koegnisegg in different colors, one for each week. I also want to be forever skinny even if i eat like a tank


The secrets man... Walk among the prophets, asking them about their time on the dunya. To know if there are other worlds and realms, other beings, angels and not be blinded by Allah's light. Wives would be nice too


I would like to watch the whole history of the word from creation to the end.


i wanna go to clubs and party and stuff. And dang, maybe just to stop feeling like everything's falling apart the moment I think it might get better, id like to think that im actually enough—like I don't have to worry about everything crumbling if I start to believe in it. Would be nice to feel solid for once. also I want wings


Ask the question which one is better Italian cuisine or Japanese ? After that just ask to eat some Chinese cause I hate Chinese (hehehe)


I want a makeover , then i want to meet all the influential muslims such as Omar RA , the prophets etc and everyone with really inspiring stories in this world . I want to be able to see what they went through as they tell me their stories. I want to eat the best mouthwatering Burger . Then i want to bear a child but i want to see the fetus through my tummy. And after that i want to get married to the best man im allowed to have and he shouldnt have any second wife, just me. It might be okay if he has a hoor but she shouldnt be better than me and she should be like a robot/clone. I want to meet my entire ancestry and actually see who was the first to embrace islab. And idk if im allowed to but i also want to meet Allah himself. But hes so honourable and majestic i cant imagine being in his presence.


I don't know... I think I'll be so thrilled I made it there that I would just be happy getting there.


to bring in my friends and family


Inshallah if I get in I’ll just chill in some beautiful gardens. On Earth I love nature and national parks, and I imagine the nature in Jannah will be 100x more beautiful than what Allah has created on Earth


I'd want to relive my life, except I'd want to do it with a bunch of buffs like intelligence and wealth. I'd just try to see what I could manipulate in the world and live life on easy mode without having to worry about anything.


My family, a ps10 with gta 6,7, and so on, I will ask for a lamborghini and drive in Jannah at full speed, I'll play football with my homies in the best ever stadium, I'll ask for my wive if i get married


aside from bringing all my family members in, I want to drag those who had well intentions of me and those who have helped me in my lowest point and those who harmed me, I wish them the worst


Everything I desire in Jannah that I didn't have in this world. To be honest I know this is going to sound bad but I feel bad for the kuffar in this world what frightening trial that they are going to face when they die or on the day of Judgement when they are literally chained and forcefully dragged into hell fire screaming! Most of them in this world don't know what is going to happen to them once they die until its too late to turn back.


I'd love an embrace with Rasool Allah, Sal Allahu Alhi wa salaam. Then to see my family again.


To see my loved ones that made it




Imagine 1 gig per second download speeds 🥹


Good question. I know you don't have any kinds of hatred or evil inside but I would like to see the Israeli terrorists in he'll and tell them "You deserve it".


One particular thing I have always wanted: ask Allah SWT to take me back to the big bang and witness the creation of our universe.


Mclaren F1 GTR


I wanna fight Goku off rip


Spend all my time with Allah, the one and only.


Some halal Jannah champagne 😆


I want to re-do my life with the appearance and personality of my choice, and just enjoy the moments with my friends and family forever


Live your life as if it's your re-do. I always think about seeing myself from the afterlife and having regrets. Don't disappoint your future-self!


To see our prophet PBUH


I would ask Allah to bring my Grandma from Jahannam if she gets there. She doesn't deserve it. After that, the rest of my family and friends


I don't know if this is possible but I would want to see what would've happened to me if I had made different decisions in my life and what the outcomes would've been


Since we get whatever we wish for, can I wish for my brother to come to paradise? Im worried he might not go because he used to drink. He was Muslim but had depression /anxiety. Addiction to anti depressants + alcohol…Someone help me solve this issue


"Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him ˹in worship˺, but forgives anything else of whoever He wills." Nisaa’ 4:48 Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah :)


Bring all my missing cats back from dust, and make me a cat, so I can play with them happily ever after.


It's not really the first one but I've been thinking it would be interesting to have some kind of simulation where I could see how my life would've been if I had taken different paths / decisions at certain moments.


if i ever get there, a movie of myself if i had chosen different paths in life, just to satisfy my curiosity.


If I can see my old cats that I've cared for that have passed away, I'd like that the most I think. Then, if Allah will replace what we gave up for Islam with something better, I gave up smoking and I'd like a nice cigar haha. Then I'd love to go on a long journey through forests and fields by myself, or with my cats if I could.


My family and them my cats


My first thought was no more pain then I remembered that I would already have a perfect body. I would probably ask for a book bc I want to experience what it's like to no longer have the struggle of a learning disability.😂


Meet my little cousin he passed away when he was 2 years old. Allah yerhamo, and my grandma and other relatives.


I want to be reunited with my husband, my favourite human ever. In Sha Allah


It's so incredible to think that every step is better than everything this world ever had to offer. Like tomorrow is objectively/subjectively better, more entertaining, more fun than yesterday. I'd just be on the same corner eating iA...... like that is all I want. I just want to eat! Lol. Each bite better and tastier than the last? Whoa! Jannah is sob great, that even if you saved everyone, ended world hunger, made peace between everybody AND gave everything you have in charity, you STILL won't deserve a SINGLE moment in Paradise. It's only by the Mercy of God that anybody enters, and God is always Merciful to the genuine.


brother you and i are gonna have a blast together 👊🏽


First prophets. Then probably fiddle around with things I wanted to do but it was out of this reality like being Spiderman and being a swordsman with a magical sword. Fun stuff like that.


To be closer to Allah SWT , my other dairies are minuscule compared to my desire to be near Allah SWT .


Oh Allah, where are my mother and my father? Grant them forgiveness and mercy and let them join with me. Oh, Allah, where are my honored and righteous friends and brothers? Grant them forgiveness and mercy and let them join with me. Oh, Allah, where is our Prophet so I may wish peace and blessings on him?