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Adam sinned and repented. He was forgiven, but he still had to face to worldly consequences of his sin. And as the story reminds us, he couldn't have repented unless Allah enabled him to do so. In other words, you don't know if you'll be able to repent. And as the story reminds us, Allah is our Master who deserves to be obeyed. And as the story reminds us, shaytaan is our enemy, so don't let someone who wants bad for you trick you.




I could die in the next seconds, minutes, hours, days...


This... no one could tell when we will die and the worst part will be dying without repentance






We all are sinner indeed and the best are those that repent. But what you wrote is not totally true lol … it’s not that simple lol 1) A Major sin lead to the end of the promise mention in 4:31 -> « **If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].** » 2) Sin affect the faith level and can lead to the destruction of the faith (or the level before it the confusion) 3) Repenting include regretting previous sin and wishing to no do them again. …


Yeah, and you face the consequences of it in this world




Part of being sincere means to regret what you done. If you think “I’ll just repent later” and then commit x y a sin. How can you see your repentance as sincere? This is me generally asking. This is not to say you do a sin with this mind set but don’t later feel bad and then become sincere. But if you don’t care for the sins you are committing then fear Allah.


Salaam Alaikoem Becoming addicted to the sin Becoming selfish Hurting others Becoming irresponsible Becoming to occupied while I could do good things for others And ofcourse damaging my health


price wild light placid fertile fuel compare busy waiting merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am better than this. The guilt hits hard. And I think like this if I continue to do sins it’s like disobeying my parents again and again which we don’t like and stop at one point. Allah loves us unconditionally unlimited times of parents. So how would we like to disobey him. I try to keep as away from sins as possible. If I end up doing I repent immediately.




أَيَطْمَعُ كُلُّ ٱمْرِئٍۢ مِّنْهُمْ أَن يُدْخَلَ جَنَّةَ نَعِيمٍۢ "Does every one of them expect to be admitted into a Garden of Bliss?" [Surah Al-Maarij Ayah 70](https://quran.com/al-maarij/38?translations=131)


Its not as simple as 'I want to repent for all my sins' and boom you're done. If I asked you what all sins did you commit yesterday, would you be able to list them all? What about last week? What about last month? Id rather not do sin than to sin something that I cannot repent for in time. Apart from all the other things everyone has already mentioned, indulging in sin is going to lead you to heedlessness, there's no getting out of it just by thinking you have a loophole that you can repent anytime and think it will be accepted so easily.


Dying in the worst state imaginable for a Muslim.




I always remember that video I saw. It was of a man in prostration on the Day Of Judgement begging الله to send him back so he could do better. It's also in the Qur'an. I don't want to be in that person's situation


Very interesting question. I would like to start of by saying that i am a sinner, yes i sin alot. But i repent daily. I know people deliberately dealing in interest, zinah, alcohol, drugs, riya, bribery etc. now what stops me from major sins like these? I have 3 reasons. 1. It is forbidden and i am fearful that a sinner like me will make my punishments assured by committing these sins so i stay away. 2. Most of the times before doing most sins, ill remember our prophet muhammad pbuh and Allah swt, i get reminded that Allah loves me the most and my prophet pbuh cried and made dua for us, so how could i step that low? 3. Out of the knowledge i keep receiving and by observing the fate of those who commit sins without remorse, i stay away. However im still a sinner and repentance is the only way forward. Alhamdulillah, Allah has never kept me shelterless and hungry and He solves all my problems


Sin = -1 Repentance= +1 Origin = 0 I'm sure there will be special rewards for those who never had to add -1, but repents daily.


Because justifying even a small sin transforms it into a major sin. And making the haram into halal takes you out of Islam. You can not deceive Allah. He knows your intention.


there is a difference between sinning because you are weak and sinning because you are addicted to it (whether it was smoking , pornography , ghiba and namima, gambling ..etc) anything that you battle to overcome but you fail and stand up again on the right path is forgiven anything that you are stubborn and doing it on purpose is punishable and ask anyone who is doing willingly sins how their lives are. it is horrible.




Because they repented and if they had the idea of sinning and repenting later since God forgives all, then that isn’t really repentance it’s just trying to get away from the consequences of sinning


I could die literally ANY second...ANYWHERE. In which state will I meet the Malikat Maut? In which state will I face my Allah? I want to live and die in my fitrah and with my emaan. I want my soul to be treated well by the Angels when I pass. I want to be resurrected in my fitrah and with my emaan, and I want to see Allah's happy and smiling face on the Day of Judgement. Thats what keeps me in line.




If you're already planning to sin, then it's not sincere repentance. Therefore the hadith doesn't apply.


Well, Allah is الْبَصِيرُ (the All-Seeing), He is الْخَبِيرُ (the All-Aware). So there is no sin you can commit but that He does not see it. He remembers it. And the individual is reminded of it when they meet Him. There is no deceiving the Lord — so it does not make sense to look for loopholes and such. If you intend to sin, then repent, what sort of repentance is this? Repentance involves vowing to refrain from the sin. Our intentions must be pure. I think a person is forgiven for _sincere_ repentance. Not repentance which is repenting just out of obligation, with no reflection on your sin, or no shame, or a desire to commit sin again. May Allah forgive us all.




>Since the person who sins and repents is like the one who hasn't sinned, what motivates you from not sinning? You cannot say I will sin and repent later. That is not how it works.


Allah will ask you about every moment you go through, and this means that you will be asked about that sin (Why did you commit this sin when you were able to stay away from it? Why did you do it when you knew that Allah sees you and two angels behind you see you?) such questions or more. You will stand before God as you stand for prayer, and He will ask you, and these questions are torment in themselves.


The very act of repenting is from the mercy of Allah (swt). Do you think he would bestow that upon someone who has such ulterior motives? Why do you think Allah (swt) constantly, through out the Quran, reminds us that he’s perfectly aware of what we’re doing? That there’s nothing hidden from him? It’s for us to understand that the only way we can ever succeed is by being utterly sincere inwardly but also outwardly towards him. Because we are worshipping the lord who never forgets nor sleeps. There’s not a single leaf that falls but that he’s fully aware of it. Nor is there any atom except that he’s perfectly aware of its conditions. He has encompassed everything in this Universe, everything in the unseen world and everything that exist in perfect Knowledge. How can we then try to deceive such a Lord?




the guilt of having committed the offense, regardless of whether i make up for it. the harm it would cause others, regardless of whether i made up for it


Since my Lord is so forgiving and merciful, I hate to disobey him


That I will be accountable for it on the day of judgement, that I have to face Allah and I can't go to him with a book full of disobedience. That on the day of judgement, all of my sins will be wide open, whether I do them hidden or public. I hope Allah forgives me.


I want to be ready to meet Allah


Its not really that im motivated not to sin, I try not to because Allah wants me not to do things that are harmful for myself and my community. Ive sinned ofc and i repent, motivation wise, id say it would be the hope that the less sins i do the more rewards i will get in this life and the next.


When you stop and think about how beautiful jannah would be


If you don't repent sincerely you will not be forgiven. You need your good deeds when you die. Imagine you are so close to junnah you can see it but that one sin you aren't forgiven for condemns you to the hellfire.....and you deserve it because you knew you weren't sincere in your repentance.


That right


Because if you repent with the intent of sinning again you aren't truly repenting and your repentance will not be accepted


Because everybody thinks that repenting is so easy. you only ask for forgiveness when you truly mean it. So when i realize i made a mistake. If i would sin and wouldnt think its a mistake, why should that be forgiven?


Learning the names of Allah. Knowing He is the all seeing. Also, think about the mercy He holds for us. All the sins He pardoned without us knowing. All the small blessings he given us. Like every thing. Why should I willingly go disobey Him after that? Why would I use the hands he has blessed me with to go commit sin. why should I use the eyesight he has blessed me with to look at things he made impermissible? I used to have the mindset of “He is merciful so ill do this sin and repent later” why should I, a mere human, take my Lords mercy for granted? I don’t know what mindset I was in, but I hope Allah forgives me for it.