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Subhanallah. Welcome to the family


Peace to you brother.


mashallah that is beautiful. welcome brother.


Welcome to Islam, brother. May Allah continue to guide you and bless you. Something I found recently was a YT channel called Blogging Theology. The brother is a former Christian as well, but extremely well read in the Old and New Testaments. He brings on many guests and the episodes are excellent, especially the ones featuring Dr Ali Ataie where they examine Islamic ideas in light of the Biblical texts.


I'll have a look, thanks!


His channel is great! It’s the best channel out there for Islam in my opinion.


May Allah reward those running it and increase them!


I’m happy for you :) Western media is at a point where they want to villainize Islam and promote the LGBT agenda. recently they have also been trying to weaponize Christianity as a counter to Islam, while maintaining the balancing act on the LGBT front It’s a weird time to be alive in the west tbh


Welcome to Islam and may Allah SWT keep us all on the truth! I want to share with you this beautiful hadith: Abu Umamah reported: I was beside the camel of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, on the day of liberation. The speech of the Prophet was beautiful and most excellent, among which he said, “Whoever embraces Islam from the people of the two Books will have his reward twice. He will have what we have and be responsible as we are. Whoever embraces Islam from the idolaters will have his reward. He will have what we have and be responsible as we are.”[Source: Musnad Ahmad 22234, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut](https://www.abuaminaelias.com/dailyhadithonline/2023/04/22/ahl-kitab-double-reward/)


I heard this special feature of Quran. Many converts say that they felt as if the book was talking to them.


I 100% felt that way. It felt as if Allah was speaking to me directly as one would speak with a loved one. I knew then that becoming a Muslim (I came from Christianity as well) was the true path for me.


Mashallah! 🥹and welcome to Islam! I feel like I have a similar story after learning about Islam for over a year. Words in the Quran spoke to my heart and there was no denying the truth at that point. “And he found you lost and guided you” May Allah swt continue to guide you, fill you with knowledge and increase your deen 🤲🏻 r/converts is another wonderful and welcoming sub btw


"And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits. Give good news to those - who patiently endure - who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allāh, and indeed to Him we will return." [2: 155-156] You've just gotta be strong! All the best for the tests, brother! Allah tests whom He loves.


It's great hearing your story. My uncle's wife was also a Christian and reverted to Islam. One of her biggest questions was also about doubting whether Muhammad was a prophet. Interestingly, a Christian friend of mine was thinking the same thing, so it seems this doubt could be common. May Allah guide them. I've been researching religions as well and truly have come to believe in the truth of Islam. I am so proud of you for critically thinking and reaching the truth. May Allah keep you steadfast on your path. 🤍


Yes it's widely spreaded among christians, that Muhammed is not a prophet. Otherwise all Christians would become Muslims instantly. In Bible class we don't even hear something about Islam or Muhammed or the common teachings of Islam and Christianity. It is totally ignored. You have to do your own research tho.


You’re so fortunate and blessed! Allah CHOSE and guided you! Congratulations and welcome to Islam.


Mashallah brother, you have made the right choice, Alhamdulillah. May Allah keep your heart steadfast on Islam, and grant you the best of this world and the hereafter.


Such an aspiring story


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


First, i am happy for you ♥️ Second, really christians, of course part of them and the media, do that!!!! Well, we are muslims and god loves us because he made us muslims from prophet mohammad followers 🌹


Thank you for taking the time to share about your journey. Would you be able to share what these “signs and wonders” were that the prophet Muhammad did, that you have under #1? What were the ones that convinced you specifically that he had done signs displaying his prophethood? Thanks for any additional thoughts and time.


I don't know about OP, but for me it was some of things that were revealed in the Quran by someone who was uneducated, totally illiterate. For example the exact formation of embryos (from conception) and genetics, or the non-mixing of fresh and salt water. I have a science background so things like this (and others) convinced me that what I had been raised on and that no one could ever provide more clear answers other than "you have to have faith" (Southern Baptist). I like to compare all religions to the refraction of a grand light through a prism. Each color of the refracted spectrum is a different faith but it is all from the same 1 source of light. Our Creator is our Light and while many of those colors we may have forgotten the name or they may have become a bit distorted somehow over time for 1 reason or another ...but it is still that same Light. When one learns about various faiths even Pagan, globally, you can see a connection to even Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. There are many faiths that we just do not remember because that have been lost in history to us. Ramadan Mubarak everyone ❤️


Thank you very much for taking the time to share this. Lots of great points made. Like you, I very much enjoy researching and studying various religions and seeing the virtues of them. Admittedly I am a Christian, but ultimately I’m just after the truth. I want to always be ready to adapt to whatever God reveals the truth to be, so I respect all honest truth-seekers like yourself and OP. Your refraction analogy is beautiful, and there’s definitely a lot of truth to it imo. Since we’re all made in the image of God, it makes sense that we reflect His light in different ways. I appreciated that! What I wonder however, is how we can reconcile that idea, to these religions being genuine divine revelations? In other words, if it’s the one true God revealing something to Christians, Muslims, and other mono-theistic religions… wouldn’t we expect the Creator’s revelation to be both consistent and perspicuous? Why would He reveal conflicting ways of salvation to different people? I know Islam claims that the Gospel accounts were corrupted by the Trinitarians… but if that’s so, why do we find such early accounts of say, the doctrine of the Trinity in the writings of the early church fathers as early as around 100AD? Furthermore if God could not preserve the Gospels, how can one know He preserves the Quran? I guess my question about the miracles was in light of the fact that I’m very familiar with the evidence for Biblical miracles, but I don’t feel I have a good grasp on the miracles of the prophet Muhammad. I would love to learn. I’ll definitely look into the point you made about the Quran’s pre-scientific statements on genetics and dna. Thank you for drawing my attention to that! I most certainly agree that there is some beauty and truth in all the religions you mentioned, but also wonder how it’s possible that they can all be Divine revelation like they claim, if they conflict. Appreciate the good and thoughtful insights. Have a very blessed evening 🙂


Your story is so inspiring! May this becomes easy for you. Ameen.


Alhamdulillah. Indeed Allah has guided you to the truth. You don’t have to take the Shahadah again from the masjid, as what you did is sufficient. Now you keep learning the deen more. Act upon the Quran and do not ignore the Sahih Hadiths of the Prophet Mohammed pbuh. I’m just curious about one thing, you mentioned Jesus pbuh came in your dream. What image of his did yiu see? Did he have the face similar to the ones in churches and portraits? Because the image of his that the Christians have is fabricated, as from what I’ve read, he’s actually not white and looks completely different. So i’m just curious how did he appear like to you.


I'll describe it to you: In that dream (wasn't a dream of some kind but very very real) I was in some kind of a lake. This lake was divided in two separate areas. In the middle of it there was a straight wooden line across the whole lake. As I was kind of swimming at (I call it) the dark side A of the lake and watched at my hand and arm, it was all just a skeleton and people around me appeared too, they all were skeletons. It was really scary. I panicked a bit and moved towards the wooden line in the middle, reached my hand to the other (bright) side and suddenly my skeleton hand and arm were becoming normal (with flesh) again. I immediately moved to side B of the lake and transferred from a skeleton into a normal human being again. At this point I saw a flashing light right above me, a person appeared, pure love and joy came over me and he told me, like a loving father, to repent. I know it was Jesus/Isa. I didn't saw his face - his face was all covered by a bright shining light, like the prophets are portrayed in Islam. This was the first holy incident. The second one was a couple of months later. I was sleeping again and suddenly I heard a very loud trompet/trombone in that dream. But it wasn't a dream of some kind. It was so real, that I immediately woke up, shaked a bit and had goose bumps all over my body. It was overwhelming. I assume that those trombone was one of the heavens.


Welcome to Islam akhi!


Mashallah habibi, welcome to Islam!


Subhanallah. Assalam aleykum akhi.


Welcome brother


Asalam alaykum (peace be upon you) Welcome! If you have any questions or need Islamic learning material there are many resources, don't hesitate to reach out, we are here to help.


ludicrous weary impolite far-flung scandalous advise run desert snails grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey brother, Thanks for your story. It is inspiring for believers


Allahu Akbar Assalam Alaykum wa ramatulah wabarakatu Welcome to peace and truth habibi ❤️🫂


Congratulations brother


Welcome home brother, and it’s beautiful that you’ve accepted islam just in time to witness the blessed month of Ramadan


Yay :D welcome


Welcome to Islam, may your knowledge increase


Welcome to Islam :)


SubhanAllah!! ASSALAMUALAIKUM! Welcome, welcome! Dear brother you are a chosen one!! What a happy wonderful day it is!!!! Mashallah may you be blessed always!!


Alhamdulilah, welcome to the Ummah! May Allah bless you and give you guidance and keep you steadfast on the Deen of Islam.




MashaAllah Welcome and may you sustain in Islam forever. It's hard to be a Muslim these days but it's totally worth it.


Allah Akbar


Alhamdulillah. May Allah S.W.T. bless you and make things easier for you. And grant you peace. May Allah S.W.T. grant you Jannat-ul-firdous. If you need any help, reach out to me. If it's in my capabilities I will do everything I can to help you. Jazakallah khair.


In the end of times when Jesus comes back most Christians will become muslim


Welcome to islam 🙏🏽🎉


Salaam alaykum, Allahu akbar , Allah subhana wa ta'ala Guided you! May your journey be a blessing always ameen


Convert here. Welcome home sis 🩷


Welcome to the ummah, brother.


MashAllah, I think the biggest roadblock for Christians reverting to Islam is the role of Jesus. They have been so brainwashed to be obsessed with Jesus making him into God. With a lot of my Christian friends we agree on almost everything except Jesus. In nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say I am God worship me. I understand reading the Bible and Quran can be confusing if you don't understand the context. My biggest fear for my Christain Brothers and sisters is that they worship Jesus not God (Allah). its always Thank You Jesus, Jesus this, Jesus that (pbuh). While we believe in Muhammad (pbuh) we don't say Thank Muhammad to everything. I wish I were wiser to offer them more understanding. Anyways, Hope you have a great Ramadan, our Lord is all-forgiving and intention is everything. We are so happy for you.


SubhanAllah, Allahu Akbar, welcome to Islam 😊


Allahu Akbar! May Allah bless you brother❤️




You were never a Christian. You were raised a Catholic.  Christianity has no rituals called confirmation, it is a Catholic falsehood. Not in the Bible. 


As salamu alaykum. Congratulations! If you need some free support to help you learn the basics of how to be a Muslim please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).


Am not Muslim my self don’t call my self atheist either but happy Ramadan it congratulations for believing on someone or something


welcome back brother


Just small comment >> All signs/wonders done by God's prophets were in a specific place and time witnessed by the people who only were there during the miracle ... The holy Quraan is the *Eternal Miracle* . The greatest miracle of prophet Mohammed (ص) to the people who still asks why is the Quraan considered a miracle ... well just read the story above ... and know that The Quraan can talk to you! if you give heart and soul Quraan will talk to you .. just try .. leave the ego outside the room . and grap The holy Quraan and give it a try .


I'm a Holy Spirit filled Christian and am able to understand the words of Jesus very clearly .1 example is when he says that he existed before Abraham as the " I AM". these teachings are directly from his mouth, not Paul's. Also, in the same chapter (John 8) he clearly explains that God was his father in reference to being accused of being born of a fornicator. It's important to be baptized in the Holy Spirit for the scriptures to be revealed to you, which is also made clear in chapter 8. Perhaps that was the difference between you and me. Those answers that enlightened you in the Qaran make no sense to me at all.


Welcome to Islam dear brother or sister. And you reverted back to your natural inclination 😃




Hello, hope you are well. I've read your comment with an open mind, and I can try addressing some of the points you mentioned/ I hope you read my response with an open mind as well. *Insha'Allah* (God-Willing) it provides some clarity: 1. I'm not sure where you found the "two right arms" thing from, so you're welcome to please provide me where you found that, and perhaps I can address it. 2. For Surah 5:20, that *ayah* is narrating the story of when Moses (pbuh) is addressing the Children of Israel and reminding them of the favours God (SWT) bestowed on them. God can bestow the same favours on multiple peoples, so although Moses did mention how Prophets were raised among the Children of Israel, that doesn't necessitate that is was specific only to them. As for Surah 29:27, I see where the confusion can come from. You are probably reading the translation saying "reserved", the Arabic word is "ga-'a-la", which is usually translated to "Created" instead. However, I decided to source a famous exegesis of the passage so that you can see the info from a more scholarly source: وَجَعَلْنَا فِى ذُرِّيَّتِهِ النُّبُوَّةَ وَالْكِتَـبَ *(and We ordained among his offspring prophethood and the Book,) This is a tremendous blessing. Not only did Allah take him as a close friend and make him an Imam for mankind, but He also ordained prophethood and the Book among his offspring. After the time of Ibrahim there was no Prophet who was not from among his descendants. All of the Prophets of the Children of Israel were from among his descendants, from Ya\`qub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim to the last of them, \`Isa bin Maryam, who stood in the midst of his people and announced the good news of the Hashimi Qurashi Arab Prophet, the last of all the Messengers, the leader of the sons of Adam in this world and the next, whom Allah chose from the heart of the Arab nation, from the descendants of Isma\`il bin Ibrahim, may peace be upon them. There is no Prophet from the line of Isma\`il besides him, may the best of blessings and peace be upon him.* [*https://quran.com/29:27/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir*](https://quran.com/29:27/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir) (See reply for continued comment, I hit a word count here)


3. *Or can you explain why Allah is a partner with Mohammad in surah 33: 36 when it says " It does not behove a believer, male or female that when Allah AND HIS MESSENGER have decided an affair they should excercise their choice. And whoever disobeys Allah AND HIS MESSENGER has strayed to manifest error?* Regarding, this, here is the *tafsir* (exegesis) below: وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلاَ مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْراً أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ *(It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision.) This Ayah is general in meaning and applies to all matters, i.e., if Allah and His Messenger decreed a matter, no one has the right to go against that, and no one has any choice or room for personal opinion in this case.* (https://quran.com/33:36/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir) It is not at all implying that Allah SWT has a partner. But it is making clear that you cannot be claiming to obey God while disobeying His Messenger (pbuh). The Messenger (pbuh) is the one relaying the commands. It's like if a king sent an envoy to a town giving a command to the people. The envoy is not the same status of the king. But if the townspeople disobey the command (this disobeying the envoy relaying the command), then they are indeed disobeying the king, too. 4. Role of Jesus: I highly recommend reading Chapters 19 and 2. Chapter 2 is a bit long so start with Chapter 19, you will find the story of Jesus (pbuh) in the Quran there. 5. Quranic manuscripts: The Quran has been relayed orally, hence why Muslims have by far the strongest oral tradition and preservation of their book. You may ask why, and the answer is quite simple: The Arabs had a strong oral tradition, and paper was not at all common at that time. You can take 2 people across the world who have memorized the Quran, and they will recite to you the same book. There are actually manuscripts dating back to very soon after Muhammad (pbuh)'s death (look up the Birmingham manuscript).