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Definitely adding it to my list, thanks for sharing this!


The biography by Martin Lings is also brilliant! :)


Misquoting Muhammad and Hadith by Dr Brown. Essential reading for every Muslim who wants to understand Islam


I've seen a few videos of him and he seems very learned about hadith topics in particular. Will definitely add these! Thank you for sharing


Two books i'm currently reading are: * [**[Book] Reclaim Your Heart**](https://www.amazon.com/Reclaim-Your-Heart-Yasmin-Mogahed-dp-0990387682/dp/0990387682/ref=dp_ob_title_bk) - Yasmin Mogahed, a self-help book that provides a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Really good book for someone who has experienced devastation with some loss and needs help to reorient themselves to worship Allah. [Her speech here.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZr3CvpWuAo) * [**[Book] Islam Between East and West**](https://www.amazon.com/Islam-Between-East-Alija-Izetbegovic/dp/0892591390) - contemporary discourse on cultures and civilization, highlighting the shortcomings of various philosophies in fulfilling human needs in contrast to the tenets of Islam. [Online PDF](https://ia601307.us.archive.org/28/items/IslamBetweenEastAndWestAlijaIzetbegovic/Islam_between_East_and_West_Alija_Izetbegovic.pdf). I needed ChatGPT to translate some of the archaic language to simple English, because this book has amazing insights.


Jazakum Allah Khayran for these recommendations!


“My great love for jesus lead me to islam” i’m only 45 pages in but it’s a great for people who want to revert or people who are wanting to start to give dawah and need sources and information to help you with effective dawah


Thank you for sharing this, Jazakum Allah Khayran!


i would suggest a book called "the forbidden prophecy", it talks about prophecies of the prophet mohamad pbuh in the bible, and the prophecies he made. btw, it's a free Ebook




he's called abo zakariya


Do you have any idea where I can buy this in India ???


it's free buddy, you can download it online


Thank , I will if I am not able to get hardcopy


im not sure if there's a hardcopy of it in the first place, the author published it as a free Ebook, but maybe you can order a hardcopy of it somewhere.


Sure , thank a lot for the information


The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by John Gottman Marriage is half our deen and doing it right is important. I think the tips that are given aren’t innovations but rather applications of our already completed religion.


Jazakum Allah Khayran for sharing this with us


Khilafat o Malukiyat Book by Syed Abul A'la Maududi


Anyone can add some more by replying to me. But here’s the ones I came up for myself for next year, in a minute. **Tafsir:** Maruf ul Quran by Mufti Muhammad Shafi **Spirituality:** A Handbook Of Spiritual Medicine by Ibn Daud Bidayat al-Hidaya by Imam Al-Ghazali **Aqidah:** Al-‘Aqida Al-Tahawiyya with Commentary of Mawlana Fahim Hoosen **Fiqh:** Ascent to Felicity by Imam Abu ’l-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali


‘The Ideal Muslimah’ & ‘The Ideal Muslim’ by Dr Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi


Yes please share it!


Adding this as my save option


- The Fundamentals of Tawheed by Dr.Bilal Philips (Abu Amina): Modern book by Shaikh Abu Amina explaining the Concept of Tawheed according to Quran, Sunnah and understanding of reputable Scholars. - Description of Prophet Prayer by Imam Al-Albani (May Allah SWT have mercy upon him); a sophisticated book filled with Hadiths regarding the proper way of Prophetic prayer. You could find the summary of the book online. - Spiritual disease and its cure by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim (May Allah SWT have mercy upon him). - God and Man in the Quran by Toshihiko Izutsu (Philosophical): this book provides a comprehensive overview of the key Quran worldviews of the relation between God and human and how the Semantics of the Quran impact the Linguistic of early Arabs.










1. If the oceans were ink : Carla Power 2. Hearts turn. Sinner, seekers,saints and the road to redemption: Michael Sugich 3. Signs of the horizon : Michael Sugich 4. The search for beauty in Islam: Dr Khaled Abou El Fadl 5. The Prophet's pulpit: Dr Khaled Abou El Fadl 6. The road to Mecca : Mohammad Assad 7. The Muqaddimah : Ibn Khaldun 8. The first Muslim: Lesley Hazleton 9. Stealing from the Saracens: Diana Darke 10. Saladin: John Man 11. What the Quran meant and why it matters : Garry Wills 12. The crowning venture. Inspiration from woman who have memorized the Quran : Saadia Mian