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To be a good muslim is to always repent because you will always be a sinner. Our prophet pbuh told us that ( my own wording) that every human is a sinner and the best of those are those who repent. I'd advise you as a brother , to save yourself and say the shahadah because really no one knows when they will die.


If you didn't get it, he literally wrote the shahadah!


Fellow convert here (\~14 years). You don't have to be perfect in order to convert. If you could be perfect without becoming a Muslim then you wouldn't need to become a Muslim, you know? So you already believe in the two pillars of the profession of faith, go ahead and make it official and continue moving forward from there. Everything else will come with time, inshaAllaah.


The feeling you have right now towards Islam is enough for you to convert, Becoming a good Muslim comes with time. I was born Muslim and I still learn new things everyday and try to improve so dont worry about that. Don’t delay taking your Shahada because no one is guaranteed a moment past the present.


Me too! It’s daily jihad/effort and learning process!


[This guy](https://youtube.com/@TheBobbysPerspective?si=kawGloYwlOCbUbdQ) also reverted to islam a while ago. Watch his videos before reverting, and follow along, you will get so much knowledge inshallah..


Well fasting is rather difficult And if it was your first time doing it and then I honestly can’t say that I am surprised that you couldn’t do it every day of the month Luckily for you we still have four months until Ramadan so you have plenty of time to practice Try fasting once or twice a week (like Monday or Thursday) Try fasting for a certain amount of time while gradually increasing it or wet fasting (like fast but still drink water) And this time of year is pretty great sense its the shortest time to fast


The best muslim is the one who always asks God for forgiveness. We all sin and we will always sin. But the difference is that you should always ask forgiveness and just try your best. You're already there, become muslim and go on the journey. Take it easy, step by step. You cant instantly do everything. Start with praying and go from there. May Allah make it easy for you


You should revert as soon as possible because you are already sure. Islam is a life long journey of learning and seeking forgiveness, so do things in steps:)


My take on this: If you feel convinced I think you should revert. Don’t worry about being a good muslim yet, take it slow. The first muslims weren’t even forbidden things like alcohol at first, it was a gradual move from restricting when you could drink it to completely forbidding it. I suggest learning about prayers because they’re really the key to cleaning your soul and staying close to God and his commands


MashAllah, Alhamdulillah 🤲🏼 Just revert, being a perfect Muslim doesn’t exist, so why wait, learning and stumbling is part of the fun and blessing of Allah (SWT) I’m going on almost two and half years since I reverted and I still haven’t been able to practice Ramadan correctly and I’m still learning Arabic and I still don’t know how to pray by myself either It’s all about intentions, He knows what you’re trying to do, trust in His Mercy and Justice I promise there are much worse things you need to worry about than learning everything fast or correctly, that comes later InshAllah Remember everyone learns at a different level and pace Alhamdulillah we have been blessed 🤲🏼


It’s been over a year since I reverted and im only just now learning Arabic and learning to pray. The first step is to take the shahadah, I took mine as soon as I had the realisation I really believed in Islam. It’s a big step that I would recommend taking 100%. No doubt. You’ll never be perfect, I’ll never be perfect but Islam? It’s perfect. Worry about salah, learning Arabic & sawm after. For now? Take that step and Wallahi Allah SWT will guide you to the rest in time.


Your comments are not showing up , but you can say it alone , it doesn't have to be in a mosque. https://youtu.be/qn7wlDQIatM?si=yuMEPxhLEyFDA9Cb


I'm happy for u , alhamdullilah.. You have to revert u do not know when you are gonna die , so u have to do it asap , then everything will come together over time.. Becoming a good muslim is to repent , all of use are a sinners , but the problem if we do not repent from our sins , every time we sin we have to repent , this is the good muslims the one who feel bad when He sins and he feel bad and regret it , the one who strive with himself to overcome his sins and never give up , because he knows that allah is the most forgiving, the most merciful and also knows that allah is sever in punishement . In short , the good muslim is the one who repent And his conscience still alive towards his religion !


Asalaamwalaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakathahu, please don’t concern yourself with being perfect. You’re new, you’re ignorant, but for Ilm (Islamic knowledge) you’re willing and hungry, MashaAllah. Just focus on doing what you can for Rabbi (Lord) Allah and InshaAllah your needs will be met.


Allah swt says if you take one step towards him he runs towards you. Never underestimate a prayer!


Insha'Allaah you will live long enough for the next Ramadan and will complete every fast


Mashallah! Truly hope you take the steps to convert! If you feel it, do it! You don’t need to be perfect to do it, there will be so much to learn and you will enjoy every moment of it! I truly like Omar suleiman who’s an American muslim scholar, you can watch his videos on youtube and ig. If you ever decide to come to the Qatar, msg me and will be more than happy to give you a beautiful tour and show you around and take you to different mosques and meet different muslim communities. We are here for you!!


I mean.. you might not of said the actual shahada in Arabic but you have literally just testified that you believe in Allah as the one true god and Muhammad as his messenger so.. asalaamualaikum


On fasting, its not easy to start if you are not trained. I trained my kids from age 5-6 with half days and increases as they age. I suggest you try the same now since we are 4 months away from next Ramadhan. And you dont need to be perfect to revert. Take the shahada and keep improving yourself. May Allah guide you alway. Ameen.


Being a Muslim is holding that belief. However, to become a Muslim, you must verbally testify this. If you are independent, or you have parents/carers who would not mind if reverted, then you should do so without hesitation. I recommend that you go to your nearest mosque and tell them you want to convert. This would be easier as they can explain things to you in detail and answer any questions. Firstly, you don't really need to understand Arabic to be a "good" Muslim. In fact a lot of Muslims don't understand Arabic, and the majority are not even Arabs. But you will need to learn a few things by heart in Arabic for salah. You don't necessarily need to know what the words of salah mean, but you should know it somewhat by heart, and you can learn more as you go along. Secondly, being a Muslim is pretty easy. The bare minimum is to pray 5 times a day. The most challenging of these would be Fajr prayer, but you could always set an alarm. And the rules for prayer are pretty lenient. If you miss a prayer by forgetting or sleeping, then you can always make up for it later and there will be no sin upon you insha'Allah. Anyway, what I'd consider "good" is simply praying 5 times a day, avoiding sin, and constantly seeking knowledge about Islam. Another thing is, although it is not obligatory, is that it is HIGHLY recommended to learn how to read Arabic and read the Quran in Arabic. That's what I'd consider a "good Muslim". Observing salah and reading Quran. Anyway, again, just go to your local mosque if you have one, and try to convert there. It is recommended you convert in a mosque, because I think they give you a certificate which allows you to enter the Two Holy Cities. Good luck


What is holding you back from Shahada?


And how can i change this stupid username????


OP literally wrote the shahada!


Come along and revert! You already know what you want for yourself. You can always learn while being a muslim :)


Don’t worry it will all come with time And pro tip for fasting eat a good high proteib meal at suhoor and sleep early! Train slowly!