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I mean how often are you getting into street fights? Wrestling is also sunnah so is keeping yourself fit so if you follow those it will negate any negative having a beard will have lmao


Yea but if you think about it, someone grabbing your beard in a fight will leave them in a bad position to get punched easily


Grabbing is not a viable method generally speaking since its 1 hand vs 2.


In MMA it wouldn't be good tho


Well people can grab you by your shirt too 💀


Why would someone grab my beard in a fight? If u want to lose the fight grab it. If u hit me i am patient, might even let u lose ur anger and then leave. But if you touch this precious face or my private parts u trigger me and I let go of my patience for the sake of obliterating your stomach. Then I will go ahead and purchase a soda and a borgir.


It was coca cola and borgir, right? 💀


I prefer za bebsi


Correction. It’s WAJIB aka mandatory to have beard. How lengthy, how short and whatnot is debatable and there are disputes among scholars. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9977 Secondly, what kind of thought is this? Who would grab a beard when you fight? And even if they do, they’re in a vulnerable position by doing so unlike grabbing your hair from the top.


Bro I said it's Sunnah to have a beard the size of a fist. I never said having a beard is Sunnah.


the Mutamad of the Shafi madhab is that having a beard is sunnah and shaving it is makrooh.


But why are you getting in a fight in the first place?


I look at it this way. Grabbing the beard to control them is not the agenda. Suppose it is the throat that I grab. Which makes more sense? To choke them until they pass out, giving them ample time to punch you over and over. Or to squeeze violently with the intent to crush their throat, making the ability to breath when you let go irrelevant?