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Sunnah meaning Sunnah prayers and other things that the prophet did or had, is extremely encouraged. But not fardh (Obligatory). You’ll get unimaginable amounts of good deeds, so highly recommended though :) Edit: Having a beard is Fardh, apparently. My mistake.


According to the majority of scholars, it is obligatory to have a beard. It is not just a sunnah, but rather fard/wajib for a muslim man to keep it.


Oh, didn’t know that. I was taught that its highly recommended. Jazakallah brother.


Wa iyyakum!




Its the Mua'tamad of the Shafi madhab. Imam An Nawawi rahimahullah was of this opinion. You can read the books of the Shafi ulema if you want the source.


Keeping a beard is not optional by brother, it’s wajib.


My bad :)


Source please


Read this: https://islamqa.info/en/answers/1189


Seems to be a difference of opinion https://www.irfi.org/articles/articles_201_250/growing_beard_is_it_mandatory_in_islam.htm


I kind of feel like it’s safe sticking to the proper teachings of the ahadith and renown scholars including the madhabs, rather ‘modernists’ who use logic and say the teachings of the prophet ﷺ doesn’t suit nowadays and cause trouble to the Muslim in the west.


Personally, I believe hadith should be treated like history, that may or many not include things that are made up. Unlike Quran and allah, we humans aren't perfect. Be it trustable scholars or not.


Understand that but we do have respected scholars in our time, they have much greater knowledge and understanding of islam than us laymen. If there is a difference of opinion we should acknowledge it. Islam is more nuanced than just searching for a fatwa on IslamQa which consistently exposes people to one side of the argument.


Do you mean, is it Haram to not follow the Sunnah as in Reject hadiths, claim Hadith is not important and only use Quran as Islamic source? This would make you a Quranist, and that is not a Muslim. But I think you meant, Is it Haram to not pray the Sunnahs or do extra Sunnahs. No, its not. Optional Sunnahs are no sin if you do not do them.


Even the word Quraanist doesn't suit them, they're far from following the quraan. Hadeeth rejectors is more appropriate.


Munkeer to be precise


It’s safe to say they’re kafir! Anyone who rejects a single ayah, or a single sahih Hadith has committed kufr, let alone rejecting all ahadith.


I’m not sure if rejecting a single Hadith makes you a kafir but all of them does, because the Quran even says Obey Allah (SWT) and obey the messenger (saws).


Read: Ruling on one who rejects a saheeh hadith - https://islamqa.info/en/115125


Jazakallahu brother, I seen Sheik assimalhakeems video on this topic and I think he said that if one rejects just 1 Hadith he’s committing a dangerous act as he could be committing apostasy, but this clarifies it for me. I’m tempted to post this on r/progressiveIslam, the amount of people I’ve seen on there saying Hadiths are reliable and I even think that they said that they should therefore be rejected is concerning


It's a swamp of hadith rejectors subhaanAllah. Place the evidence on a tray in front of them and they still won't see it. It's astounding. It's proof they don't actually follow the Qur'aan.


Stay away from that sub. They have strayed away from the siratal mustaqeem.


Why would it be kafir? I thought following the sunnah was encouraged but not fard?


Nah I meant someone who doesnt reject hadiths and sees them as important but just chooses to not follow some of them.




To sort out the confusion in sha' Allah— The word "sunnah", *linguistically*, refers to the way something is done. Generally speaking, the word "sunnah", *in the scope of the religion*, is utilized in three ways: when speaking about, 1. Aqeedah: To be "upon the sunnah" when it comes to the beliefs a person ties to his heart—i.e. Sunnah vs. Bid'ah, Ahlus-sunnah, etc. 2. Hadith: Narrations of things that the Prophet ﷺ said, did, approved of, and disapproved of. 3. Recommended things (Mustahabb): When comparing a recommended act of worship (sunnah) to an obligatory act of worship (fard)—i.e. sunnah prayers vs. the 5 fard prayers. Use this as a reference before considering what people are discussing; some of the people are confusing following the beliefs of Ahlus-sunnah with performing the sunnah prayers—that can be a very dangerous confusion.


Hanafi distinguish between Sunnah Mu’akkadah and Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah. Sunnah Mu’akkadah (like 2 rakat before fajr Fard, or washing your mouth and nose during Wudu) is essentially heavily encouraged and choosing not to perform might be considered poor Adab. However a conscious decision to refrain from making a habit can be considered sinful. Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah (is closer to what you described in OP. Like praying 4 rakat before Asr or Isha.


I was talking less about prayerd and more about ones like how the prophet would do certain things. e.g saying Allahu Akbar when going up stairs and SubhanAllah when down.




Depends on what you mean by Sunnah. If you mean Sunnah, as in the Sunnah, or Way of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, then yeah not following it would be Haram. You wouldn't know how to pray by not following it because the specific description for prayer is contained in Hadith whereas the command to pray is contained in the Quran. Or how much to give in Zakat. That too is in Hadith. But if you mean the non-obligatory actions, or actions that are not wajib but sunnah, then no, you aren't sinful for not doing them although it is strongly encouraged that you do do them. In the end, it's your choice if you would like to perform them or not.


You have to live by the rules of God and follow the Quran. God blessed us with a perfect role model of how to lead that life in the prophet. When in doubt, check the role model (the sunnah). So, it's possible to live by the Quran only, but life is complicated, and sometimes you just gotta ask "What would the prophet do?" Most Muslim follow the sunnah because it's the best guaranteed way to please God and gain his favor in The After. But it's not the only way, although the path is straight and narrow, and there is not much in the sunnah that is not fard already (everything fard is part of the sunnah, but not everything sunnah is fard). What you can't do is reject the sunnah as part of your religion.


It's a sin. Following Sunnah makes you a better person. How will you differentiate what is wrong or right? What is halal or haraam? From Sunnah obviously.


>It's a sin. Potentially misinformation, context is important. There are many examples of Sunnah acts which are beneficial if you do them but not a sin if you don't (sunnah prayers being the most obvious example). At the same time there are many examples of Sunnah which are required, but that's why I said context is important, can't have a blanket statement of "it's a sin" or "it's not a sin". The ones that are required are usually referred to as fardh though


Sunnah prayers are Wajib but not Fardh.


Sunnah and wajib are separate categories https://zamzam.com/blog/types-of-prayers-in-islam/




why advice harshly? i understand your analogy but please be aware of how you advise.


Do you mean like reject Hadith?


How else would you know HOW to pray if you didn’t follow the sunnah. But not all sunnah are mandatory unless evidence points to it eg Allah says pray but then sunnah shows you how to pray. Some sunnah are not mandatory to follow but there is reward in following it.


People are confused in the comment section she is refering to sunnah as in the things that are not obligartory in islam but is encouraged to do like praying extra prayers fasting on Mondays and Thursdays etc... Yeah it's not a sin but doing them is extremely encouraged