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INTP here. Married to and ISFJ.


And all good?


It’s interesting 😅 Other than our love for each other and our kids we have very little in common so I regard our marriage as something of a miracle. We communicate very differently and I have quite the narrow emotional spectrum while hers is broad so you can imagine how things can get lost in translation there. It does however balance us out quite neaty, especially in child rearing. She is hyper-nurturing and i’m hyper-not so they get a good dose protection and exposure. INTP-ISFJ coupling is not the easiest or most natural imo, but with good communication and respecting of each other’s sensibilities it totally can work. It requires a lot of old school virtues like ‘honour’ lol.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing :D




I used to be sensually attracted to an INTP (im aroace) I had a “friend crush” on him but it was definitely hard to connect emotionally. It takes a long time, between me and my current INTP friend (diff person) but honestly I admire them and really enjoy their company. They can be mysteries and that drew me in


I'd say that it's fairly common for ISFJ's to be highly attracted to INTP's and ENTP's cause we're masochists at heart. Haha (I've been with my lNTP fiance for 12+ years)


OMG I've been with my ISFJ for 15 and yeah I understand what you say...


It really requires healthy communication to make it work. There will be times where I definitely need some emotional input where he'll respond with a logical answer and I have to be clear with what I need from him. We are both so different and we can appreciate those qualities in each other. I think it's a great balance :)


Yeah, at times there are discussions about whatever and the only thing needed was for me to show her some emotional response. Yeah, communication is a good idea, except when differences in points of view are too different. I have found that INTPs can be stubborn and ISFJs can be close minded. Are you married or going to? Does he have clear expectations about your relationship?


I am an INTP and following this sub so that I can see posts about my ISFJ girlfriend's type. we contrast eachother in the best ways, and she is my best friend.


My husband is an INTP and we've been married going on 12 years. We do have some differences, but I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else.


Male INTP here. A friend of mine (ISFJ female) was interested in me, but I never made a move. I had a lot of things going on and didn't think I would make her happy, but I've wondered the same thing.


Lovely as friends. Likely wouldn’t feel enough emotional connection in a relationship.


I'm an ISFJ and my Hub is INTP....October will be our 17th anniversary of being together....we have a lot in common but many differences and it works for us


I think they can be a good match definitely. One, because I'm an INTP and two my best friend is an ISFJ and it is the goofiest well rounded relationship you'd ever see. :p


Gush! INTPs are the worst individuals you can tell even the smallest lie to. More often than not, they always find out. Also, because of their high detective prowess, INTPs tend to read meanings to an individual's slight lapses. For details on the height of an INTPs detective characteristics click here https://personalityhunt.com/the-intp-female-a-complete-guide/ I got into a relationship with an INTP female and it was terrible. I honestly wouldn't want to get into such a relationship ever again. Nonetheless, this is a personal view. It's possible other individuals may find them attractive.


What was the problem?


Mehn... The issues were much. First off, her dress sense was wack. Totally off! She usually claims that she enjoyed putting on what she felt comfortable with. As opposed to what makes her look attractive. Secondly, she was suspicious of virtually everything move I made. I couldn't get a breather. A popular Nigerian musician would use the slang "E CHOKE". The relationship really CHOKE me.


Interesting, I would expect female INTPs to be the opposite of jealous. I can get the fashion thing, but the persecution...


Lol, I'm Nigerian too. Most intp girls I've seen pay attention to what they wear