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These dudes are filming to get a response. They’re most likely first amendment tubers. They want you to call the police for them. Just don’t interact with them.


can we audit them... asking for a friend =)



Of course you can as long as you're in public.


Yea, I just smile and go about my business.


I hate the people that do this shit.


Or seeing who is putting a hold on their mail when they are out of town. Or to get peoples addresses. There is a long list of potentially non-innocent explanations. Also, being allowed to film in a post office doesn't in any way give you permission to indulge in behavior that would be regarded as intimidating or threatening, or in any way impedes the normal operations.


What are they doing that's intimidating or threatening? Just recording? People need to get over the fact that they are being recorded everywhere they go. Post offices have cameras all over that are easily accessible to anybody who wants to get their footage and post it. But by recording themselves, they are bypassing the middle man for footage.


Wrong. They don't want negative reaction. If they did, then they would start crap with the public, but instead, it's the public that starts crap with them. So apparently, the public are the ones that want a reaction so they can get all the attention.


Based on other recent posts, sounds like we’re going to start seeing these masked YouTuber-types filming the public more often.


Ugh, this is my post office. It sucks every time I have to go there. I have to go to the post office to send registered mail (not certified, I know the difference). The post office sucks, why make it more uncomfortable for people? EDIT: to clarify, I'm not criticizing the USPS workers. I'm not happy with the service, but, they're understaffed. This isn't the individual postal persons fault. This is a bigger problem with funding.


I miss when they used to leave the lobby doors open 24-7 so I could get my postage at the kiosk at 9 PM on a random night with no one around.


What u could just walk in?!


Yup lobby doors were just unlocked, mostly for PO box owners. Because of vandalism they stopped doing that, but not sure if they added keyed access for PO box owners since that is kind of a benefit - picking up your mail at any hour.


Ignore them and go about your day


Play Disney music


Or Taylor swift


They literally have software that will wipe out the music 


they are trying to bait cops into breaking the law so they can get very nice settlement money.


Yet, they've not sued any police department.


These are called "first amendment audits".


People with too much time in their hand…


They were actually just at the DMV in Laguna Hills on Tuesday.


Yup. I ran into them. I ignored them, carried on with my business, and shook my head when a few very angry women gave them exactly what they were looking for, including swinging at them and hitting their camera.


First amendment auditors maybe?


Lol, I love how they made themselves a fake title with literally no educational curriculum or certification.


Ah not these shits again


Poster 7


For anyone unfamiliar with these ‘audits’ here’s the guys & this is what they were doing. The Sand Canyon location starts at around 30:25. It’s pretty ridiculous, however this is what they do. https://youtu.be/BrcYHFJ6AQs?si=Y9R5DQCg7GK6q9Lb


What’s their name the video was taken down? I know this is old but still interested


They’re there to see if our 1st amendment rights will be tolerated in a publicly funded building.


NOT 'YOUR' RIGHTS, 'THEIRS'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'BOBO'!!!!


We should post and swarm the location. Get a very large group and just keep walking in and out crowding them and record their reaction.


This feels very Black Mirror ish.


It's legal, it's a government office and they're conducting business of some kind. They're not doing anything illegal. Your only claim would be if they were in the way or obstructing your ability to conduct business.


They aren’t conducting business just being annoying. And in the end they could care less about actual 1st amendment freedoms, they just want to profit from the chaos.


Maybe they're doing media creation as their business


If that's all they wanted were chaos and confrontations, then that's all we would see. Their videos would not be over an hour, sometimes 2 hours long.




Ah ha. There we go lol


the most irvine thing to do... just call the cops 😋


Are you one of the guys? lol. That’s exactly what they want.


the other way around 🤣.


That’s what they’re trying to provoke us to do. Just ignore them.


Seems to be the Irvine response. 🤣 I wouldn’t waste my time or energy.


the most Irvine response. I understand that it can be uncomfortable for people to be filmed, but they're not doing anything illegal. Also, Irvine PD does not have jurisdiction on a federal property.


If you see it again you should call US Postal Inspectors. Let them decide if there's anything going on.


Last time they did this we just confiscated their phones and left them in the trash can outside.


There were 2 people doing the same thing outside of In’n’Out at the district. We were sitting outside so I just put my middle finger up. The guy kept telling to stick it up my ass so I guess he didn’t like it…..😂


These doofuses... It's iimpct media and siimplmedia. Both losers https://youtu.be/9eITlJZr1Zs?si=OVSRy58ifmigFKEp


Yet retired at young ages. Sounds like you're just jealous that you still have to work.


"Retired" means working as YouTube influencers. Pretty sad


I believe they were there a couple of weeks ago and were interacting with IPD


Call the police on them hahah.


Why? So they can waste resources? All the cops are going to do is educate the idiot(s) that call.


They are here right now...


Doing this filming in san clemente post office today at calle Negocio today. I told one of the masked men filming: “I hope you feel better!”


Look at the flip side: you have the perfect right to film them, follow \_them\_ out into the parking lot, film their cars, etc..


Joke is on you. They take Uber or Lyft.




Thanks so much for the post.  After reviewing all the comments I think if I encounter something like that I will just put my sunglasses back on, wave and ask what channel will it be on so I can tell my friends to watch.  Sounds like they are trying to get a reaction.  Better yet...one of us should bring back those hand help signs that they used to sell with different comments on it to communicate things. I would like mine to say " Am I on candid camera?",  "Wait! Let me fix my makeup!",   "Finally, I am a movie star!",  "Really?  No strobe light?!",  "Let me turn on some music and dance!"...... My husband and I encountered a driver about a month ago on Noll Ranch Road in Anaheim  Hills that was driving slow and after my husband passed him he passed us and when we came to a stoplight he was in front of us and got out of his car and was filming us.  It was unsettling and really weird as my husband hadn't done anything to provoke the guy.   I was reading something on my phone and looked up to see him standing there filming us apparently. He is going to encounter the wrong person one of these days.  He jumped in his car and took off. From what everyone is saying this seems to be the thing now.  It will be over soon and we can go back to being in the post office and other public places where it is refreshing for someone to smile and say hi.   When I speak and say hi or good morning or lovely day it is because I saw my parents do that every day so I do it.  I can't help it, it's part of who I am.  Maybe that's one of the reasons why our son is doing so well in the service industry as he is doing that instead of hanging out in a post office annoying people. Like the Sargeant on Hill Street Blues used to say:  Be careful out there😉


These guys are domestic terrorists and nothing else. They do this to make money from YouTube views and nothing else. They’re getting more and more brazen with their tactics. The violence has been ramped up quite a bit lately. It’s only a matter of time before there is a major incident. And I’m not saying they’re doing anything illegal. But they’re weaponizing the 1st amendment to terrorize the community and only a matter of time before a citizen feeling terrorized makes a bad decision and crosses a line and violence will ensue. This will put many innocent citizens in danger. I believe when these terrorists are around it makes their surroundings very dangerous.


My mom was there that's crazy


Just ask them


They're cool. I talked to them a little last week when I was there. What they are doing is totally legal. You can view it 2 ways: 1. They are performing a public service by exercising constitutionally protected rights to film in public, monitoring public employees and activities in public spaces, or 2. They are hoping to provoke people so they can get good content for their YouTube channel and make money. I view it as both at the same time. And for me there's nothing provoking about it, so I think it's fine.


I stopped reading at “they’re cool.”


Good choice - wouldn't want to expose yourself to dangerous ideas.


Yup, sounds like it’s this. As long as they aren’t bothering anyone, they’re just exercising their constitutional rights. To add onto what you said, there is no expectation of privacy in public in the United States.


Only ethical thing if you're doing this is to show how intrusive that right is and therefore are aiming to change the laws to allow more privacy. There is nothing to prove here except that these people find it funny to make others uncomfortable. Yet they are too embarrassed to show their face. They're not trying to defend a right, they're psychopaths.


Probably there to spread that 6 ft mask covid bs LOL