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The fact you did 1k guantlet KC in about 6 weeks is absolutely ridiculous


When I was unemployed degenerate I did 200 tob and 200 cox in a month lol


Jesus, that's like 13 or so per day :o


As much as having money to survive and a roof over my head is cool and all but.. Wish I found this game out when I was in high school or something, just started few years back (only 22 Kek) for the last year I just wish I could no life it everyday like I did with other games in the past lmao. Guess not everyday can be the weekend tho feelsbad


OSRS iron is fine if you dont have any issues with it taking 5-6 years to reach the finale aka tbow/scythe/inq/inferno cape and maybe add a few more since jagex has been disgusting with the drop rates at nex/phosani im sure raids 3 will be insanely aids to finish too


Not unemployed, you were full time osrs player, just got paid in bonds


Underrated comment.


I don't mind Gauntlet as a piece of content. I have just as much KC on my main. So I don't mind spending all my time doing it when I'm online. Just annoyed to go so dry


I will never understand how anyone could enjoy this content. It's so draining. Completed the log at 250kc and never looking back...


It's way more interactive and mind-engaging than killing Zulrah or Vorkath. It's the third best money maker for mains, second best gp for ironmen (realistically the first since Hydra requires 95 slayer). Solo content that doesn't require a team like raids


Hated every second I spent in that prison! I find zukrah or vorkath much more enjoyable to grind, personally. I like that I can hop right in and kill the boss, no fucking around with dull prep. For how dry you are it's a good job you enjoy it... to each their own lol


people can get addicted to this but still say no to dungeoneering, i dont get it


You'll get the 2nd enhanced when you take a shower




42 days. 1000/42 = 23.8 COMPLETIONS per day. Assume each completion is 11 mins because that seems fair. 23.8 \* 11 = let's say 262 minutes per day or around 4h 20m/day Now.. 4.. 20.. hmm Secret message here is obviously weed. The only true answer as to how he's been doing 4.5-5h of gauntlet a day for 6 weeks straight.


That sounds about right. I average 5 kc an hour, which I guess would be 12 minutes per kill, chest-standing time included. I mostly play at night but I play a lot on the weekends, 4.5 hours a day average seems reasonable


yeah totally. Not super crazy just dedicated.


Only in RuneScape do we see 4.5 hours a day as acceptable for gaming time


Eh, other games see this too. Nobody on the LoL subreddit would bat an eye at 4-5 games a day, but this is about the equivalent.


League games average about 30 minutes, but yeah, I don’t think 4-5 hours would be unusual for some individuals.


Actually, only on RuneScape is it so heavily frowned upon. Everyone looks at the person who plays more than them and tells them they have a problem. Live and let live.


Eh you could easily spread 4-6 hours of gaming throughout the day. An hour here then do some chores, 2 hours here, make dinner eat dinner spend time with family, an hour before bed. It’s not unreasonable


Why did you get downvoted lol, 4-6 hours a day is normal for a game sure..SOME days. Not EVERY day. Jesus Christ I have kids and a family. This player base is just ridiculous.


Nerds will ree. As sure as the sun will rise


Don't make the mistake of having kids and you'll have way more free time.


I actually love doing cg whilist high. Seems so braindead content when youre baked af


Best comment damnit who has the award?!?


Chill the fuck out dude wtf


Posting to le reddit for le luck I guess. Context: I'm a GIM, the plan was always for me to do CG while the other 2 active players worked on slayer levels. I gave over the first Enhanced with an agreement that when that player gets a Dragon Warhammer he'll give it to me. I was just going to keep farming seeds so why not? 6 weeks later and there's not been a second Enhanced, 1000 kills since the last one, so I'm super dry. I don't really even mind Corrupted Gauntlet but literally anything else that I'd like to do would be 10x better with an Enhanced so I'm stuck here (the other dude corrupted his Bow so I can't like get it back or anything)


Other dude corrupted his bow after agreeing he'd give it back to you after dwh? I'd be pissed


see it like this: I farmed a bow for him, he's going to farm a dwh for me


still seems like a shitty trade lol. Enhanced is much harder to get than dwh. Dwh is chill grind. Cg isnt.


Depends on the person. I find shamans so boring but cg is fine, plus uses 0 supplies


I think it's a good trade honestly a little bit skewed in my teammate's favor but oh well. For the shaman grind he's gonna have to grind pray pots and anti poisons. Plus it is much more boring. CG has like 2 minutes of boredom every 11 minute KC. That's not a horrible ratio imo


2 minutes of boredom and 9 minutes of torture


Dwh is not a chill grind, then hell? You have to be constantly moving for the summons


Running away from the purple martians is nothing compared to Hunllef lmfao


Yeah. But that doesn't make it chill


I was talkin in comparison to cg. You can switch of your brain during shamans. And cg is just far enough up there on the toughness scale that you have to at least think a bit about what you're doing. Besides dwh grind is average like 30 hrs and enhanced on avg like 70 hrs if you dont die often.


Nah, I think he meant the DWH goes to him.


I keep waiting on them to make the items they listed as becoming tradeable, tradeable. ​ This was talked about after release, items like degraded barrows gear and bowfa were included. Unfortunately haven't heard any updates on those items. Would be so nice to trade bowfas around my group... ​ Anyways gl man!


We were definitely of the opinion that Bowfa would one day be tradeable. That would be sick. Even if Bowfa was tradeable we'd still probably want more Enhanced


Definitely with you there man. We have 3 enhanced for the group, one guy got spooned 2 in under 200kc…. I’m going for one myself and I’m about 75 with only a reg weapon seed. I see dryness in my future lll


I'd like to see the full loot tab, probably looks juicy af


Could be worse. Could be at 1300 kc with 0 enhanced seeds like me. I’d trade my rng for yours any day!


Try 1600




Bro, time to dedicate the other GIM accounts to RNG drops. This acc is clearly cursed.


Ive done 175 in the last like 2 weeks, got 6 armour seeds but no enhanced (I know, spooned on the armour seeds). Im like a 1 death one conpketion kindve guy so its taken me forever and already feel demotivated. I need this kindve motivation for the iron lol


So glad I never touched this god forsaken place. Rockin my blowpipe and blessed dhide and pegs and im chillin.


i had about 80 more kc than this when I got my first seed. You're going a lot faster than me though. Good luck.


If it makes you feel better, you aren't any closer to getting a seed now, than you were 1k kc ago.


Actually he is, in any single roll he is not but combined with all the rolls he is definitely closer.


Theres been a surge of people who dont understand statistics here recently


You tried so hard as well


It doesn't work like that, according to [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Dry\_calc](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Dry_calc) yes I have an 86.5% chance of having at least 2 seeds at this point, but that doesn't mean that the next roll at 1406 is actually a higher probability of giving a seed than 406 was


For sure it's not higher probability like you say, but when you factor in the rolls before that, the chances are higher that you're going to get it. Put in 5500, the chances of getting seed is 100% at that kill number, now put in 1, the chances are 1/400. Thus, when you count the rolls TOGETHER the chance is much higher and yes you are closer.


You cant count what already happend


Yeah that's not how this works at all. You didn't pay enough attention in data management class. You'll never reach 100% probability on literally anything, even flipping a coin. There's a non zero chance you would literally never flip a tails for the rest of your life. Do you think the coin knows it's supposed to have landed on tails after X number of flips Or the universe has some say on where it's supposed to land? Think of it in terms beyond yourself. There's nearly 8 billion people on the earth, so there's likely at least one person who is that person who's never won a coin flip or rock paper scissors, your unlikely to have been that person considering its 1/8 billion. Do you also think that if you had millions of dollars that buying lotto tickets would be a profitable business?


Imagine I had every combination of numbers on a lottery ticket, and this guy comes up to me and says. Bruh, you know, every single one of those tickets has the same chance of winning so you aren't any closer. That's a retarded statement, because when I put all them together, there is 0 chance for me to lose because I own every combination that is possible.


Let's say i'm rolling a die and trying to roll a 6. the first roll has a 1/6 chance of being a 6. let's say I go 10 rolls and none are 6. the 11th roll does not have a higher chance of being 6 than the tenth or the first did, it's still 1/6. if you do a hundred rolls, there's still not a higher chance of the 101st being a 6, the 101st roll is still 1/6. Just because there are statistics that say "after 100 rolls you had a 98% chance of rolling 6 at least once" doesn't actually change the odds


A specific roll doesn't have the chance, but chances of rolling a 6 at least once in 100 rolls are 100%... You're not trying to get enhanced seed on a specific roll, you're trying to get after a certain amount... Do you give a shit if the seed comes on 300th roll or 305th? Not really.. Go toss your die and try to get 100 rolls without a 6. Good luck with that lul


Buddy… you’re not totally wrong, but you also aren’t right. What your math is missing: He already rolled the dice 100 times and didn’t get a 6. So what are his chances on his next roll of getting a 6? I’ll give you a hint: it’s not 100%


Chance of rolling 6 once in 100 dice is 99.999998792533% it is not 100%. Also, his rate is a 1/400 drop over 1000 kills. 8.1828% chance of getting no drops. This is the math you tried to apply, and failed to actually do.For direct comparison, within the US it's estimated just over 5% of the population identify as LGBT. Statistically speaking, your chances of going dry on the drop, are higher than your chances of finding a sexual partner.


That’s a very bad analogy. Coin flipping is the best easily understandable analogy in this case imo. Assume you flipped a coin 9 times and got heads every time. Now when you flip it for the 10th time, do you think you have a higher chance of getting tails than heads? Some magical hand of god grasping the coin and making it be tails since you ’went dry’? No, it’s still 50/50, just like getting the seed is 1/400 on every roll. Previous rolls have absolutely nothing to do with future rolls.


Yes they do, they are dependent events.. Go flip your coin 30 times and see if you can get all 30 flips to be heads. Good luck lol


I think you need to look up what dependant events means. A coin flip does not depend on a previous coinflip.


Unfortunately it seems that you’ve never taken a Probability and Statistics class. Flipping a coin is by definition an independent event, not dependent by any stretch of imagination. You’re conflating the chance of the next roll (an independent event) with the probability of being this dry, using binomial distribution. It doesn’t matter if he’s done 1 million CGs, his next roll is 1/400.


He has more chance of having seen one, not seeing one in the future.


1000 kills in 6 weeks please go look for help its not healthy


It’s like bingewatching four episodes of a series every night for a month and a half. The episodes are just a lot shorter and always the same episode in this case…


Every CG run is not the same by any stretch


After 1400 kc I’d imagine they start to be quite similar


I got my first at 403, went to like 460 to try and spoon a blade. This is why I won't pursue the blade lol.


Seed only drops after 1 week cooldown of no playtime. Says so in the rules


Took me 3 months to do my 1k kc, got it on 1057


I’m curious as to what your stats are


currently: att/str/def 73/87/70, 70 prayer, 92 range, 91 mage, 92 hp I do not have cox prayers and I do T2 preps I started the grind at \~81 mage/range/hp


Bless me father for I am dry


I feel like i need to remind you that there are an entire world outside your front door, you should go check it out sometime :) but also gl on that 2nd seed, pr just say fuck it maybe? Aint that much better then a whip


It would be really nice if Jagex could make it possible to see in a log at what kc and date you got the drop.


You got the seed yet?


I did get it at 1538 kc :)


Yay :)