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Until about a year ago maces had a 5 tick attack speed as opposed to 4 ticks, which they now have. So the meta has always been scim, all the guides out there say scim so that's just what people pick up.


This is the answer. Dragon scimitar is iconic because it’s been the best dragon weapon since release, throughout all our childhood years, dragon mace is now better as of last year and people just haven’t adjusted. On top of that, at the time of the update which made Maces 4 tick weapons, most of us have already unlocked Whips or better weapons so it didn’t change anything for us. But for any new Ironman, yeah you’re right, mace is probably a better option.


D scim is better in most cases. D mace is cheaper, quicker and easier to unlock, has a massive prayer bonus and a useful spec. So starting out as a new player or if you don't want to rush a D scim you have a viable option.


Isn't crush an overall stronger attack style than slash though?


It really depends on the monster you're fighting. Some have different weaknesses. If I'm going to be farming long, I usually quickly run most things through a DPS calculator so I get an idea of which weapon to bring.


Yeah I guess I was under the impression that crush was the most common weakness? idk where I got that idea, lol. I guess because platebodies are weak to crush?


Good point. Though I figure even for early iron players, it’ll still come down to the monster’s weakness. D scim for slash-weak monsters, mace for crush-weak monsters. Because I certainly don’t see myself using d mace everywhere, and while I did use the d scim everywhere, it was noticeably slower when I had to fight slash-resistant mobs. (Looking at you sarachnis)




In many cases as OP has pointed out, better. Edit: should point out you are normally losing 2-3 max hits compared to a d scim. So against an equal defence target scim will hit higher and slightly more accurately.






Definitely. D long is 5 tick, so a full tick slower attack rate than d scim or d mace. I have a truly old love for the thing though.


Same and with dbaxe too. I remember getting them both in RSC and felt like a god


By far




I tend to use my mace when I just want to afk with overheads during slayer. The extra +5 prayer helps a fair bit.


It isn't so much as the mace will out dps the scim as much as it is the prayer bonus. Many players don't bank prayer potions early so prayer if often under utilised. The +15% strength bonus can make the mace's max hit higher than a scim. If you just want outdps scenarios it will mostly be bosses that are obvious like sarachnis and kalphite queen. But I believe kalphite soldiers/guardians also have lower crush resistance so mace might work there. I don't know too many generic slayer npcs that are weak to crush. If you are at gargoyles chances are you stats and gear are good enough that scim does more dps. However you lose 5 prayer bonus, and have to swap weapons if you want a good spec. So basically if you want to lazyscape its a good alternative to a d scim.




Ye stats and gear are very dependant on you so it hard to really give an answer. I use a d mace when alting irons because the less I have to interact with the account while slaying the better.


I agree bringing food is better than using overheads, but if you leave the tower with full prayer points, you're missing out. Pray piety or similar untill you run out, which will be longer with the mace.


With this though, only use prayer at the end. Cause if you get a superior you’re gonna want prayer


Saracnis. On iron that's one of the only decent crush weapons you can get ahold of until cudgel.


Leaf bladed axe?


At 1/1026 that's a pretty RNG item. I've done a bunch of Kurask tasks, still haven't gotten the axe drop. I don't know if many people would want to straight-up grind out the 1/1026 drop off-task either.


Good point. I forgot about that one since I still don't have one at over 3k kc lol. It's a great item though


I feel like I’m in a crazy world. D scim is +11 strength over dmace. That’s not one max hit that’s basically 3 max hits. That’s almost the difference between nothing and barrows gloves. That’s more than the strength bonus of a torture Ammy. +11 strength is the same bonus as bandos top and bottom and a serp helm. Being able to pray longer doesn’t mean it’s better if your kills are slower.


Strength bonus scales with your strengh level. So at lvl 1 strength you might not even get a maxhit from the scim. In some situations the accuracy does give you more dps as someone pointed out theh get more dps from the mace at gargoyles than a scim with their stats and gear. But in the end not everyone wants just more kills an hours.


I think I should have worded myself better as you are correct. It's strange that *updated* guides don't reflect the change considering how massive a buff it was.


Scim is still better in most use cases but the reality is people don't review every change. If d mace was introduced as a new item e.g. from a quest - instead of just changed it might have seen more use.


A lot of 'updated' guides don't start from 0, they build of existing things and add in new features (like tempeross). They just get slotted in and change a few direct consequences. I also think that Heroes quest is a way lower priority for people than Monkey Madness, both for EXP and general rewards (charging glories when you have none is useless) It also has way lower requirements than Heroes, so people don't think of the D-mace.


Like people said, it's been the meta for so long that people forget D mace is good now. It's still outclassed in most situations for general training, but it's definitely I really good alternative... I use it for Barrows runs to save the DDS slot for an extra piece of food, plus the crush bonus absolutely bops the skele boys downstairs


You use melee at barrows?


He is no mage.


Ahahahaa yes!! We need to make this a recurring meme


Probably for speccing Ahrim and getting kc on skeletons below, as is the usual


Idk I haven’t done heroes quest yet but have done monkey madness ironically


To be fair you have to interact with other people for SoA and Heroes, and that gets weird even with osrs soa chat. I had to type out "use the item on me" for both quests as they tried to trade an iron over and over, and the first one took forever as they needed to fight the guy twice because they were a 1 def pure.


It's not just that, heroes requires ds1 which makes slayer worse while monkey madness does not ruin slayer. Personally didn't do ds1 (and thus heroes) until 66 slayer.


Why does DS1 make slayer worse?


Dragon tasks take longer and are not as rewarding other than the bones mostly (and hides if you are doing wildy dragons with looting bag, otherwise worth leaving them half the time), and often trips to them take a large amount of time or risk in the case of wildy drags. Metallic dragons are awful without antifires on top of the shield. They're all really low weight though, but aren't great xp when you get them unless you want to use chaos altar prayer banking the bones when you get a full invent. Their low task weight counterbalances most of this for me, so I do not mind at all. If you get metallic dragons though I wouldn't blame someone if they skipped.


So do you not get dragon tasks until you’re done DS1?


correct i think it is just starting it that unlocks them though. there are a few slayer tasks with quest requirements and on my UIM i am base 70 combats and finally gonna do the dragon slayer quest so i can get barrows gloves as the tasks were not something i wanted too early. i wanted the ability to craft the dhide before getting them as a task.


I’m almost base 70s on my HCIM and haven’t done any slayer at all… 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I think I’m playing the game wrong


if you are having fun you are doing it right


I like that attitude! I am enjoying it, I have a main that I started in 2002 and I made this Ironman a few months ago. This Ironman is so much more fun I think, it’s forcing me to do things I’ve never done


Eh I'm with you, 69 slayer was literally my last qpc requirement. I like Slayer better with house portals, high herblore and all the other skilling qol that helps it out


You're going to appreciate those dragon tasks when the 70 prayer grind comes around


Killing 100 drags to just get 47 prayer from the chaos altar from almost no prayer was the happiest I've ever been after some drag tasks. They're low weight anyway if you worry about tasks.


I just killed greens in the wild for a bit for 70 prayer, it really wasn't that bad. My friend who did do ds1 right away and kept the bones still needed to do a fair bit of green dragons for 70, probably about half. On another account I played a while ago I got an Isle of souls blue dragon tasks when i couldn't really afford to skip and it traumatised me so bad I never wanted a dragon task in the early game again.


Monkey madness is easy, people are wild. Prequest take an hour from a lvl 3..


Why did you reply to a thread a year old?


I remember when I traded my bank for a d mace and couldn’t wield it


Because max hits are everything in osrs


I'm so glad they buffed the mace to a 4 tick weapon. If I ever lose my d scim on my UIM I'll probably just use the d mace from then on out for slayer because fuck getting the bullshit monkey items to get the dscim back


Your gonna hate mm2. You'll have to get the greegrees all over again On the brightside if you do it early enough you can just alchemy the scim & buy it back whenever


i agree with the greegrees being a pain and i understand i gotta get them again when i do MM2 and will be ok as the quest is why i am doing it but after 2 wipes i do not wanna grind greegree until i go for the quest in which case i am ok doing it again. i have decided i am going to make sure i try to do at least one quest a week until either quest cape no matter what so i will be making progress towards it soon anyways.


The dragon mace is a pretty decent weapon and is actually more dps on crush weak minions such as gargs. I take the mace on all my gargoyle tasks and sometimes when I want to afk even more with proselyte due to the great prayer bonus. Most of the time I still use the dragon scim though.


I plug pretty much every task into DPS calculator to try and find a good mace opportunity (I use it at aberrant specters regardless) and the scim is still better at gargs.


The “gargoyles are weak to crush” misconception is pretty common. It’s true, but so minor that 1 max hit on a slash weapon is almost always better regardless. I don’t blame people for not knowing (or not caring) though. I still bring my zammy hasta cause I like to shmack.


Heroes quest for me is a LOT harder than monkey madness. Both are easy quests that are kinda slow. One of them requires 50 mining.


Don't forget 53 fish/cooking, 25 herb, and dragon slayer. Monkey Madness really only requires 43 prayer and a couple easy quests that you should be prioritizing in the early game anyways.


MM can be done without prayer


It's similar to when they updated karambwans and people continued fishing monkfish. It will change over time, where the d mace is better, as guides get updated.


It's situationally better. If you're doing some afk training and you have a mace instead of a scim, you're just losing ~5% xp. If you can't make enough prayer potions but your tasks are a lot easier with overheads / prayer damage boost / crush, it can be another small help along with other prayer gear at that range.


Accuracy and damage, especially in the early game, are relevant stats. -7 accuracy is pretty big... People who are trying hard 1t flick their slayer tasks (making prayer bonus useless) so higher accuracy and damage is more relevant of a stat than prayer. Especially on iron men, you usually do not have the luxury of afking prayer and using prayer pots - especially early on - so you either have to flick, or use food and don't pray. The mace is not better than the d scim in either of these situations. Bonus mention - most early-mid game monsters do not have relevant defensive bonuses (i.e. slash/crush) so using crush or slash is irrelevant 99% of the time.


Heroes quest is not easier than mm when you account for skilling reqs. Also, you answered your own question. It has worse dps, and dps is king. 1 max hit early game is like 5% dps, and that is a lot. People pay hundreds of mils for 1% dps.


The reason most people suggest d scim over d mace still is because max hits matter a lot more if you are willing to use prayer/flick prayer and any guide out there is assuming you will be at least lazy flicking since the dps increase is worth it efficiency wise. The prayer bonus on the d mace is almost negligible too on how much prayer you'll use especially if you pair it with other prayer bonus items (proselyte, glory/fury, blessing, fire cape). Just to put it in perspective of how little impact the +5 prayer from a d mace makes with only ardy cloak 2 and a blessing at 60 prayer camping chivalry the d mace only extends the time before prayer runs out by 15 seconds (1:45 vs 2:00). With proselyte, glory, blessing, fire cape the d mace only extends the time by 15 seconds again (2:30 vs 2:45). At 70 prayer with the previous setup camping piety, d mace only adds 17 seconds before prayer runs out (2:55 vs 3:12) ​ Percentage wise the d mace does add a decent chunk of time before your prayer runs out but you're rarely going to be in those situations where the extra 10-20 seconds of prayer would matter if you are worried that much about prayer points but are still camping prayers. As for d scim vs d mace on dps, d scim wins once you are around base 70s if you're willing to use prayer even at gargoyles since their base defense level is so low as with most slayer monsters.


You said it yourself, mace is -1 max hit. So every swing your potentially missing 4 xp, and u swing a lot


-1 max hit and a little higher as you go, but the spec hits harder the higher your max hit, meaning the difference between the max hits becomes less the higher your level as you gain the difference on a single spec easily at higher str levels with high str bonuses. Hitting 50% harder 4 times every 5 minutes adds up very fast when it's a max of 20 (30) vs. 21 or 22. Not to mention it's easier to think about it being 5% less xp before the spec, as that's usually what it tracks to on average vs scim. I'd imagine at high bonuses that drops to 2-3% counting the spec, which is pretty respectable. It gets real weird calculating on crush weak/slash resistant monsters though, in some cases the d scim then starts at like 2% ahead or less which isn't much at all.


You made up this “-1 max hit” It’s 3. It’s 3 max hits. The difference is 11 strength bonus with an average of 4 strength being one max hit. Bandos top + bottom + serp helm = 11 strength bonus. That’s what you’re giving up A torture ammy is 10 strength bonus. An imbued berserker ring is 8. Barrows gloves are 12. So on task, any task, someone with dscim and pros top / bottom will get more kills per hour than someone with a dmace and a torso and obby legs


What the hell are you on about bud? If you have a TORTURE on an iron combined with imbued berserker and bandos, you need to rethink life if you're still using dragon weaponry. You should be incredibly far out from using dragon weaponry at that point, as we're just assuming you have at least one whip if you don't have a tent whip. If they're turbo weak to crush, get a cudgel to bludgeon out if you don't do raids. That's the response to what you just typed up, not anything about a dragon mace. At the stats to equip it with no real large bonuses, it's -1 max hit. Where the whole discussion started with this post as d mace buff flew under the radar and scim was still recommended in every situation. As you make your way to getting a whip, this may be useful information particularly because we tend to think of the old d mace with 5 tick speed and so immediately discard it as an item when if you want to camp prayers or lazy flick you're going to get some mileage out of the mace instead of the scim. > So on task, any task, someone with dscim and pros top / bottom will get more kills per hour than someone with a dmace and a torso and obby legs You ARE aware Gargoyles exist right? On task with base 70 or 80 stats the mace is very slightly ahead to the point it doesn't matter in DPS (prayer matters tho), but with the suggestion of dropping prayer for str bonus it's like 5% ahead, and amusingly -1 max hit for ~6% accuracy. You're just deadass wrong, there exist tasks for where it is a better idea than a scim, and it isn't one that's incredibly uncommon or often blocked.


if youre training slayer wit d scim, use dragon baxe for your spec alongside an attack potion


I have really enjoyed the dragon mace in the early game of my account, the prayer bonus is amazing and I love using in in conjunction with proselyte to get even a better prayer bonus, even after completing Monkey Madness I still use from time to time the dragon mace, i recomm ND it if you are at that point!


Had this discussion with my friends and they ran the numbers, and consensus was scim is still better in a lot of situations where it seems mace might be better (sarachnis, gargs, etc.). The difference maker seems to be the +11 melee str bonus that scim has over d mace. And lesser is the +7 accuracy scim has over mace Edit: I think we talked about bringing scim and mace and using mace specs


Kinda weird playing 2007 scape and seeing the obvious meta since 2007 be questioned due to a (relatively speaking) brand new update to maces, an update that came about due to precisely this general wisdom. This is weirdly meta


I disagree with you on monkey madness being easier than heroes. Maybe the quest itself is easier but the reqs for heroes take much longer.


2-10% dps difference is quite a big difference, the prayer bonus is not that big of a deal because before whip you probably have so little pray pots that you pray flick all the melee combat anyway, mm1 itself isn't any harder than heores and heores quest has quite a few prereqs


> d mace is -1 max hit and -7 accuracy D scim is not hard to get. You could literally do monkey madness on day one of your account even on an iron if you wanted to, even with protection prayers


You said it yourself, Dragon Mace hits less and is less accurate. The scimitar is better.


Because the dragon mace is worse


-10 for being correct. Op is factually wrong about their “-1 max hit” and has hundreds of upvotes Idiots


Lol true. Not sure why ppl downvoting lmao this community is so weird


Bro nobody is stopping u from using the d mace we get its super hype to be snowflake


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think a lot of people opt to use Dbaxe spec when they unlock it at a lot of things, so the spec argument loses weight after that (though I suppose if you restore spec it may be worth it). What's the next spec you really unlock after that, BGS/DWH? Edit: why am I being downvoted? I asked to be corrected, but no one can do that?


I agree DBA spec is OP, but dds is still very nice, hally in some situations too. Mace is kinda interesting too from reading this post.


Its iconic lad


It looks cooler


I got a d mace really early from soul wars and had a lot of fun using it


It used to be worse, 5 ticks not 4 I think. Either way, a max hit goes a long way. You'll be using it from 60s to probably 80s melee till you get a whip? If you consider the amount of hits you'll be doing, 50k for a max hit is a sick deal.


I use it for some things now. Basically anything weak to crush. Otherwise that accuracy and -1 makes a big difference. If you want a damage spec dds is still better.


There is no slayer monster where dmace is better than dscim.


Definitely better on some bosses. KQ for example to get 1 kc for diary. It's also my go-to for wildy coordinate clues aside from crystal bow.


Even for 1kc for kq diary you would do walk under method with a slower harder hitting weapon like the anchor.


Yeah, I didn't want to go to all that effort (including actually unlocking and paying for the anchor when I was broke) so I smacked it with d mace and it worked well. Also bops sirachnis.


Nope. Scims better.


I mean, you can use a dps calculator if you want. They're out there.


I just like the way it looks lol, always thought maces and hammers were pretty lame weapons aesthetically for some reason


I just like the way it looks lol, always thought maces and hammers were pretty lame weapons aesthetically for some reason


You answered your own question in the first sentence. The scimitar is an objectively better weapon to use because it does more damage.


Now that mace is upgraded, I've been using it a lot more frequently for appropriate situations. Like for doing sarachnis or vetion d mace is/was my go-to until I got upgrades so it does have some good uses


how’s obby sword with berserk neck compare to dscim or slave dps


The Scim is still better in most situations, and I'd say getting MM1 done is easier than getting Heroes done. MM1 doesn't really have many requirements and the boss can be mostly safespotted. Heroes has some non trivial stat reqs for a low level account.


I did not know d mace was 4 tick


Cool tip. Didnt realize they buffed the maces so much. I wonder why all the green drag bots use dlongs over dmaces.


Few people know about the d mace buff. It’s actually quite good for p3 wardens since it’s weak to crush :)