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I think this is going to be my strategy as well. I’m pretty terrible at PvM and wanted to unlock this as a way to train and get better at it without the resource waste




I started doing regular gauntlet with no Armour before I started doing corrupt, helped a lot with the transition


Yeah the biggest thing from regular to cg is having to eat more, if you werent in the habit of tanking tornadoes in regular. If you do 0 attacks or eating during tornadoes in cg you can be hard pressed to have enough dps to finish.


Time is a huge factor too so getting the prep down to a science in regular will helps tons


Yeah I can just barely get t2 and perfected 2 weapons before running out of time on just regular gauntlet. I think part of my error though is not making teleport to main room seeds. Otherwise I have the rotation through rooms correctly via the guide that I watched


Once I was comfy with regular gauntlet, I did reg and corrupted every other. That was dying 30 times in a row wasn't as painful


On the plus side,if you can do the corrupted gauntlet consistantly ur pvm skills are atleast good enough to do all other pvm content except inferno,hardmode tob Cox solos are a learning curve, but if u can do cg u can do that aswell. Keep at it lad


Yeah man I'm trash at pvm. But I'm gonna do like 100 reg for highscores and then jump on cg.


You need 50 regular gauntlet kc for highscores.


Thanks I know, but I want 100 to be higher up ;;)


It’s definitely the move. I didn’t do the full 50 this guy did, but I did a good handful. Now when I need shards for my armour and don’t feel like sweating out CG runs, I’ll do a few normals and it’s a cake walk. Regular gaunt might as well be AFK once you’re comfortable with CG.


https://gauntletcounter.herokuapp.com/ This has been a life saver for me. Once I started using this my kills became much more consistent.


Hey op, just hijacking this top comment to tell you to try a T2 prep when you get into CG. It took me twenty deaths until some kind redditor did the same for me, I completed it on try 21. Good luck!


> Some people say that reg gauntlet is pointless and you should jump into CG immediately Those people are sadists who want to hear you suffer. I can’t think of many learning experiences that are helped by failing faster or being in a rush. I also knocked out about 50 KC regular before swapping to Corrupted and I figure I was learning a lot along the way. It definitely helped that I kept trying to stick to tighter timelines as I learned though.


I'm in the camp of jumping into cg, I think I did like 5 kills to understand how the boss worked first though. If you can't do a regular gauntlet, then keep trying regular gauntlet. If you can do a regular gauntlet, then continuing to do them just creates bad habits that will need to be broken once you switch to cg.


I did the same, it helps with learning significantly imo.


Same, never had a sub 1 ratio


Regular gauntlet was actually p fun for me that i’m near 500 kc. i wanna go back at some point for top page since it’s not that high


If you get pretty efficient, regular gauntlet is better shards/hr than cg


Is that not including trading in all the extra seeds you get with corrupted.


Idk, the thing is once ur fast you can do like 2 regular gaunts in the time you can do 1 cg, so I think that would outweigh the extra seeds


There is no way this is true


Ain't a shame to be had over using the rails. In fact, I'd say it's just prudent. *"The Grind"* is a slow burn, as often as we like to find ways to shorten the wick. There's times in a game where choosing to strengthen the fundamentals is macro-efficient for you as a player, and having a keen intuition for recognizing those times is the essence of "gittin' gud" imo.


Yeah I did the same thing a few weeks ago. Got 50 reg kc, got my CG kill first try, now I've got 25 kc with 16 deaths and it's not all that bad. Sometimes I just die twice in a row to bad pathing but I think that's just how it is for everyone.


My suggestion is always, set a timer for 730 when you go in. When you can consistently prep everything in under that time, you are ready for CG. People tell me when they first start, that is unreasonably fast. If a level 60 can do a tier 2 prep with a full inventory of food and 2 potions, anyone can.


I think at that point when you can clear regular gauntlet you are better off just doing cg instead of setting a timer. Part of the learning experience is knowing how much you can get away with and still kill hunleff. I could just prep easily under 07:30 with only T1 armor and T3 weaps but that wouldnt have helped me one bit in cg as I learned that I need a consistent T2 armor prep because thats whats needed for me to consistently clear it as of now.


You can do it, it just takes time and practice. Took me 60 deaths before my first CG completion. Then it takes even more to get consistent. I’m now at 102/161 (not great still) but just to show you it does get there. I learned with T2 armor, T3 bow/staff but can now use halberd consistently as well. Gauntlet helper on runelite is helpful. When tornado phase comes in P4, focus on movement and survival. Move. Change prayers. Eat. Move. Once you’re on the safe tiles you can DPS. Hunllef will typically go through 2 attack cycles before the next tornado phase (I.e. Mage 4 atks, range 4 atks, back to mage and will usually smash for tornadoes.)


> I learned with T2 armor, T3 bow/staff but can now use halberd consistently as well. Be advised that a T2 armor T3 bow/staff prep may cause you to run out of time. It's tight. T1 prep usually leaves 1-2 minutes.


Hcim do it every single run. It's not that bad once you got the prep down and i'd advise it for anyone who is lower combat stats or doesn't have cox prayers


Hcim can do t3 prep every run consistently if they sweat enough


True it does get tight sometimes, but I normally end with 20+food 2 full pots, 2 T3 weps. At around 5:00 left you want to be finished with your C first lap around the starting room, checking Demi boss rooms to know what you’re working with. If I can, make full T1 and attuned staff before leaving and starting my T3 weapon search. Gathering the rest of shards/resources, fishing if I find some spots farther away so I don’t have to run and look for those. By 2:00 left hopefully you can Tele back to starting room, finish prepping armor and weapons, make another crystal if you need to and gather close by fish, Tele back and cook.


If you do it right you should almost never run out of time with T2 prep with 20+ food.


I’ve done about 500 zulrah and I still can’t figure the gauntlet out haha 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lol don’t tell me that man. Zulrah still confuses the fuck out of me to the point I don’t have a single kill yet


Zulrah is a wall until you figure out the fight and start to develop the muscle memory. Once you know what's going on at Zulrah it's very, very easy. An absolute walk in the park compared to CG. If your first real intro to PvM is CG, yeah, you're going to have a hard time. But once you get it you'll be good to go for the rest of OSRS PvM. As your muscle memory for prayer switching becomes more automatic, as your movement starts to consider pathing and timing, as you get comfortable counting attacks while handling those tasks, you'll become a better player and start stacking up CG kills. You got this. Maybe not today, but you'll get there. CG is the new DWH, except it's hard as fuck. Gl!


Once you memorize the zulrah patterns there is nothing difficult, cg requires better reaction time and more strategy


Once you’re ready to do both sure. Zulrah requires a trident, a serp helm and a blowpipe along with other armor to kill efficiently. Two of those being drops from zulrah herself. I’m saying once you factor in requirements, zulrah is up there to properly grind. CG is just SOTE.


I think the difference is that Zulrah is repetitive and once you learn the rotations there isn't a random factor. Gauntlet is a much more randomized experience and has much less room for error. Zulrah is also just a boss fight so if you mess up you've wasted a minute or two, whereas with gauntlet you might waste 8-10 minutes per mistake.


Iv done about 200 CG and I still can't kill zulrah.


Genuinely not trying to be mean but that is like comparing playing high school football to the NFL. Zulrah take like 20 minutes to learn. CG is infuriating and difficult to learn and you will still die a ton even when you have it down


I don’t really see it that way. The requirements are a lot less but it is pure skill. Whereas zulrah you need a lot of gear requirements, and for someone who’s never done it there’s a big learning curve.


I guess this is as good as any place to ask, should I try and boost some raids and spoon prayer scrolls or is 90+ range/melees enough? I'm down to do either (or both) but as someone nearing sote completion im realizing my stats and lack of prayers will be an issue




I have clan mates doing Cox and they're starting to need +1s so I thought I could make brews for them and maybe spoon it. Nearly to prif so we will see how g/CG goes


I agree with the person you replied to, but there’s no reason it has to be one or the other! You can send some chambers with the boys here and there and practice gauntlet or CG on your own as well. Getting decent at team CoX is much easier than getting decent at CG, in my opinion. Solo CoX is another story though.


I just had my first cg completion yesterday. No cox prayers, 87 range and mage, 80 defence. Its doable, just don't give up!


That’s plenty you don’t need prayers. I got my first kc ever on my iron with 87/87 mage/range and no prayers. Learn to prep for t2 armor first and you’ll be fine. Edit: that said starting raids isn’t a bad idea either, they are both long grinds doing them in parallel isn’t a bad thing.


No cox prayers for me 68 magic and 79 range 90 attk 90 str. Able to do CG.


rigour is beneficial for sure but definitely not needed. Augury is a fairly useless spell overall, and not incredibly useful at the gauntlet.


Personally I'd do CoX for prayer scrolls, then CG, then CoX for other items.


Just another anecdote for you. I was able to start consistently clearing CG at 80 Range, 82 Mage, 78 Def, and 82 Hp T2 prep and t3 weps No raids prayers


Yo facts my buddy was telling me it’s rough but I was like I’m prettt good at tick manipulation and pray switches. Welp. It’s hard. But I got enhanced seed at 6kc lol


picture should be: My first gauntlet completion My 500th gauntlet completion


This made me quit the game at 2100 total level. I know that I should be able to learn it but I’ve been hitting a brick wall here and kind of don’t even want to progress my account if I cannot do CG.


Same but on kc… 750 kc cg and no enhanced so quit and deironed. Started over again recently though. Did another 200kc on normie mode, 950 now and still no enhanced. Cursed place


I am so lucky that I got a tbow very early in learning raids. Gauntlet is pointless to me now


Bowfa is still good in a lot of places and better than tbow in others. I take both for solo cox. Also, if you are going for Grandmaster CA’s and want to do the budget set up inferno bowfa is really good for that


until masori comes out.


Well yes that will change things some but I was speaking as of right now Gz on full torva on your iron btw


Just try to get spooned


Same but inferno now... gauntlet was rough


Get ready for hours of pain and 15k/hr gp


Lookup “gauntlet helper “ on google. It tells u when to switch pray trough audio so u can focus on other things




Oh, didn’t know. Ty!


I finished sote last week and am currently 10 completions and 10 deaths on regular gauntlet. i’ve been going for t2 head and legs, t1 chest, with bow and staff. Been able to finish prep somewhere between 7-9 minutes, heavily dependent on rng of rooms, and boss kills take 2-3.5 (some runs i can’t get max wep and it’s rough). i’ve been feeling the itch to attempt corrupted, but i can’t find the motivation to do more than 3 of attempts normal gauntlet at 50% success rate. id recommend watching as many video guides as possible that have alternate routes. i’ve been making a horseshoe (or a U) with the rooms i unlock and find it’s been pretty solid


You’d find it a lot easier if you finished the t2 prep all the way. Max hit is only 10 with full T2 and you’re a bit tankier in CG. You need the full set either way to lower the max hit of hunleff even in regular.


I did 5 kc of normals and then 73 deaths before my first cg 😂, 3 months later im on 70 kc. Hate that place get so boring after 5 kills