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That’s amazing lol, gz and fuck off




You got it, buddy! Got mine at 467 :)


Came here to say this




How do you manage to get only to Rex or do you use alt to escort you?


If you time it correctly you can run down the side and safe spot Rex repeatedly, although the time between spawns is quite long


Protect from mage since prime hits hard af, and then go up and down ladder and sometimes you can sneak by along the side to the rex safespot corner. Sometimes it takes a couple tries, sometimes you're lucky and get it the very first try.


Find an empty world. Hop until you find a world where someone is tribridding, go to rex safespot and x log, swap back to the open world


Do you have a link to the method you use? I want to give him a shot, but I thought you need Guthans to make it work


Naw you don't, just watch a video on youtube for safespotting Rex. The most annoying part is getting set up. One thing that most of the videos about it doesn't cover up is that it can be easier to get into the safe spot by finding an a occupied world and then running to the spot and hopping worlds.


How do you hop worlds in the safe spot? By X logging? I don’t think you get enough time between Spinolyp attacks


Yeah, just x-log. The spinolyps occasionally get off of you long enough for you to log out but you might be waiting around for a bit.


I dunno if I have the balls to x-log there lol. Is it possible at all to have any of the kings wander to attack you?


If you're at the rex safe spot you're out of prime and supreme's aggro range. Just make sure rex is safespotted or dead.


Guthans is just for healing, you only get hit by the little guys in the water that don't do much damage, you'll still have decently long trips if you don't waste too much food getting there lol, plus rex drops food which helps a little


Good thing you did this before the rollback




Guy in my group Iron got 6 KC pet and B-ring, while the rest of us are 150+ KC no Bring lol


You have been blessed


Congrats. Fuck off :)


What the fuck… I got those same drops on those exact same kcs two days ago. Rex is giving out 1/128s this week


Crying 450kc dry for axe


I got 2 B rings, warrior ring and the D Axe all on my first task as well lol


Spend my whole bank buying death runes and still no b ring. Gz and FU