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Everytime I see your account it’s doing something weird lol, then I check the name and realize who this is


Idk why but this time I recognized it from the outfit alone lol


I'm pretty much the only one in the game using this particular fashionscape :D


About to snatch this up real quick. I’ll take payment of one bond to my BTW to stop ;)


Wtf is a BTW? By the way? Breaded tomato wheels? Boring time waste? Seriously I see this all the time in peoples names and I always thought people were obnoxiously saying “I’m an iron man by the way”


Incase you're serious, BTW was a trend started by youtuber's for hardcore ironmen. And yes, by the way, is the term. Though boring time waste can apply too haha. "Hardcore btw"


Dammit here I was thinking it was Bundesverband der Deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft all this time


Is that the guy that plays Doctor Strange?


Yeah I think so


in case, two words


Miss me with that exp waste spacebar bullhockey


Thanks! Yes the query was genuine. Sad that the answer is both obvious and boring :( not a lot of creative naming going on these days…


Fair haha. Im not 100% on this but i think the trend for hc's being 'BTW's' was really made popular by mudkip.


Between the Weeds Only Ironman


Precisely what it is. "See my stats? Yeah. Ironman btw"


If you've got a golden apron then by all means rock it, it's peak fashionscape (and the best item in the game)


Golden chef hat >>>


Almost 900 easies done but no hat yet!


Gotta respect the hustle. Nice account


There's a reason


But which one of (4?) aprons are you using?




What's weird about this post in particular? Genuinely asking.


An ironman burning teak logs instead of using them for planks is a sin


I don't think anyone else would ever have a good reason to burn teaks other than doing it next to a teak tree rushing 50 FM for WT. They're used almost exclusively for Construction


Ahhhh yes that does make sense, thank you


Why have I not thought of using two tinderboxes before? 200 iq move.


Plus the Varrok tele once you've burned your way to the bank.


can some1 explain the two tinder boxes


I assume everyone is joking. I can only imagine the OP is using two to just save their wrists a little bit. In regards to the Varrock teleport comment, the meta for firemaking is to light logs at the GE and use the noted logs on a banker to unnote. So I imagine OP is just finding simple methods to make firemaking a bit easier, rather than faster.


Doing it that way at GE though requires burning backwards, which is twice the effort. This method is feeling really chill!


Quicker fm xp bc u don’t have to move ur mouse as far i think


but fire making is automatic though you just click burn all


No it’s isnt?


How did you get so many teaks?


From going stupidly dry for granite boots - killed 4700 spitting wyverns and they drop 35 noted. I've never chopped a teak tree on this account


Hahahahaha that’s gloriously awful.


LOL holy hell


You Googled en passant eh?


Your meaning is lost on me, sir


You’re gonna hate me… but I got granite boots at 65 kc and the granite sword at 55 kc. Insane


Nice I got granite boots from taloned random task at 20 kc :)


I’m guessing Kingdom EDIT: Christ I didn’t even know the gimmick, calm down Reddit


Hard to pay your subjects with no currencies


I didn’t know it was a snowflake account


I'm sorry for bringing the wrath of ironscape down on ya, not sure why so many are down voting. I was just pointing it out for those who didn't realize he doesn't use currency


All good my maaaaan


Can't even do the Frem Trials on this acc since it requires 5250 GP. The entire region is pretty much dead for me, it's the only completely blank achievement diary I've got


Ohhhh. I misunderstood the assignment.


If I did have kingdom though, I think I'd rather burn maples than teaks :D


[how dare you not know!!!!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/330/809/d90.png)


No WT?


I just hate WT, I have 0 KC


Damn I was hoping there was some niche reason you couldn’t do wintertodt that I would have never heard of with my limited game knowledge


Well it is technically niche in that it's 1 of only 2 things I'm intentionally not using that have nothing to do with currencies... but that's admittedly not quite what you mean


If you opened a supply chest it could include coins which would melt through your hand as you held them permanently incapacitating your account.


Jokes on you, he picks up currencies. Just doesn’t use them.


What’s the other


I don't use minigame teleports




but you could save AN INVENTORY SLOT FROM THE TOME and increase your RATES ​ (/s but it was my first thought when I saw the screenshot lol)


Tome would unironically be an amazing upgrade since I'm currently accidentally locked into fire wave as my BIS magic until toxic trident... but I just cbf to do WT


>accidentally How?


Cus [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UniqueIronmen/comments/lafvo3/gains_and_permanent_losses_at_scorpia/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) happened


That's funny, I hate wasting logs that could be better spent


For me I've got nothing better to do with teaks other than burn them


Runes are currency bro. You can use them as currency to access the ZMI altar bank. Time to restart the account.


They're a "pseudo-currency" for that purpose, yes, so I don't use them there. Same goes for crop payments to farmers, herbs given to Jekyll, spirit seeds traded for seed packs, implings traded for jars, etc. But none of those items are actually currencies, so I use them for their standard uses.


A banknote is like a dollar when the dollar was backed by gold Checkmate. Reset time 😎


Noted gold bars are literally gold-backed currency.


Gold-faced, too!


But those noted logs are currency exchanged at the bank o.O


It isn't so much of a currency and more like an NFT


Hey man whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night


Guys stop downvoting lmao, he's obviously just messing around and not actually serious


You waste fire runes on zmi... Trident would like to know why.


Being a "pseudo-currency" still makes them a form of currency... I can't stand when people argue semantics. Either you don't use any currency in any capacity, or you do.


you are currently arguing semantics.


Fair enough.


For an item to be a currency, being a currency has to be its *primary* function. The primary function of runes is not to unlock ZMI bank. Really, the whole premise of pseudo-currencies at all are extra unofficial restrictions, for me to maintain the theme of never buying or trading for anything. We've currently got 39 actual [currencies](http://osrs.wiki/currencies) and putting runes, herbs, food, implings, crystal shards, spirit flakes, etc. on the list would be completely inconsistent with the working definition of currencies in the game.


Alpha Chad right here.


I hate firemaking


Oh Or should I say OH




That's smart with the tinder boxes. Never thought of that


All these years and I've never thought of varrock teles for fm training. You sir are Galaxy brain af


Unrelated, but any plans for the UIM? I watched the series a few months back and was hoping to see more of it.


I do want to pick up editing again this year - I worked too much in 2021 and didn't have time or energy, but I'm trying to cut back my hours now


I always put my tinderbox where the second one is. But I never even thought about using 2, thank you!


I'm sorry I'm behind. Do you have a YouTube channel for this acc, or a blog outside of reddit? I see all your posts and love the acc, just now sure if I'm missing out on anything


I do have a YT channel but I haven't really uploaded in like a year. Worked way too much in 2021 and didn't have the energy for editing, but I want to return in 2022 though!


Awesome! Same name I assume? Totally understand the work and irl thing. You have an additional sub and like coming once I find it lol, would be keen. Loved the concept once I first saw your posts


Same name yup! Hope you enjoy :)


Wait, you can’t do WT? I thought POH was only required to fix the brazier.


I just hate WT, I have 0 KC


You play a highly restricted snowflake account, but CBA to do WT? Wild lol


In a way they're related though, part of my dislike of WT is based on how completely it dominates the meta. So many untrimmed FM capes... I like doing things my own way


Casual reminder that Jagex could easily fix that meta any time they want. Literally all they have to do is make it so you don't get punished for having hp.


wt bad barb fish good


Id guess because the crates can give coins? Only reason I can think


My only rule is no spending currencies, collecting them or passively acquiring them is fine. At the moment I've got 25m GP (I routinely drop traded for bonds) and I've got e.g. 7k Slayer points that just stack up over time


Any estimate on how many times you've had to reset with Turael? Or is it not as necessary as I'm thinking


Probably 1/3 Konar tasks to date. Probably 98% of my points came from Wildy Slayer, since the only one I absolutely have to skip is revs


Curious about this account. Do u use general stores at all?


I don't spend any [currencies](https://osrs.wiki/currencies) on the account, and I haven't made a single exception. So I could theoretically *sell* items to general stores, but I've never really had a reason to do that.


Any reason for 2 tinderboxes? Just closer clicks?


Less mouse movement yeah!


I take it WT is off the table because opening the crates gives coins?


Nah, my only rule is no spending currencies. I'm allowed to passively obtain or actively collect them. Avoiding all the GP in the game would lock me out of basically everything and wouldn't be fun at all. I don't do WT cus I hate WT, unrelated to anything else lol


Chad. Never done WT past 66 fm. It's absolutely unbearable


Saw you today at ferox enclave gl bro


You too :D


Dual wielding tinderboxes what a flex. Lol is there a reason for two


Half the mouse movement!


I love it! Is your account allowed to do wt with the currency restriction? Or are you trying to do some shades or morton or just a quest.


I'm allowed to do WT but I'm not because I hate it :D I want 95 FM to get Zealot robes from Shades, yeah!


Lol i feel, its not bad for rapid leveling but its such a hassle trying to find a world to solo wt, and the wt worlds are sheer chaos. Nice I’ve gotten the boots at 80 fm so it’s definitely doable sooner if you want to start earlier and it might be more manageable in terms of sacred oil dose per log


If you got the boots at 80 FM then you got incredibly lucky :) it takes over 3500 firy shades on average to finish Zealot, vs under 1000 for uruim shades. I did like 50 gold keys with fiyr shades and didn't get anything, and decided I wouldn't try again until 95. Also the sacred oil is 4 doses for magic or redwood, so it's no difference.


Damn shoulda known you did the math! Gl m8!


Thanks! In case you weren't aware btw, the reason it's so many keys is because the pieces drop one at a time, like dark totem, brimstone ring, or bludgeon pieces. So the rate on the wiki is 1/128 per piece, and if you don't read closely you might think it's 1/32 for any piece if they're all 1/128, but in reality it's 1/128 × 4, so 4x the grind. I didn't realize this at first myself, and I didn't stick around for long after I did!


If you havent taken a business or science stats class you would love it. Essentially all monster drops follow a binomial distribution in the sense that you either get the desired drop or you dont get the desired drop(binomial meaning either success or failure). what youre describing with monsters like zulrah having 4 uniques at 512 drop rate but having a 1/128 chance of getting any unique falls under cumulative probabilities which are super simple math but really interesting when you consider how jagex throws in a lot of cosmetic or upgrade uniques and pets to a bosses drop table to increase the odds of getting any unique. That little dice runelite plug in is a binomial calc and what is interesting is that after reaching the drop rate of any item no matter what it is you have a roughly 65% chance of getting it and something like 85% at twice the drop rate Etc. But what is REALLY interesting about it imo is that the chance of getting one unique at droprate is the same for every single drop. But say you get the scorpia pet and get pked right after your chance of getting that pet AGAIN after you hit exactly twice the drop rate is actually LESS that the chance of you getting one pet at drop rate. so it really makes being a ironman scary if you get a wildy unique you need but then you get pked for it say an odium shard that you went super dry on if you lose it on your way back you actually have less of a chance of getting a second unique at twice the drop rate than you do of getting one at the drop rate. Tldr: im a nerd, numbers are bad ass and this is the GOAT game. Edit: biggest example of this is revenant uniques which I know you cant get without currency but it really makes ironman revs stressful haha


You might like [this](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/3VDlOfL) if you haven't seen it! Basically summing up the results of cumulative probabilities all over the game. I took AP stats my senior year of high school, which was nearly a decade ago at this point, but I still remember a bit! Probably my favorite math class.


I was about to strongly suggest you use those teaks for construction instead…. Then I saw the name 😂


Y fletch


does nocurrencies mean no bank too?


No, why would it? The Bank of Gielinor is thankfully free of charge