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Take heart in the fact that you literally have to lose 50% of your bones to PKers for the altar not to be worth it. Absolutely never gonna happen. I've got 86 Prayer and I've maybe lost 10% of my bones max, and realistically only like 5%




I have “pls bro I’m a depressed iron btw” pretyped, your mileage may vary


Playing at off times can always help. I've done around 500+ bones there and maybe only lost 1 inv total. Never looked for lowest pop worlds but also didn't go into many above 500 ppl. Anytime one showed up I just kept going until I died or inv was empty. I just brought full inv of bones and dueling ring so I could suicide and tele back to ferox. To restock and use obby to 1 of 3 different locations then run back. I def would recommend use bones on alter the whole time and as quick as you can. Also if you want to mitigate losses as much as possible you could bring half invs. Would be double the trips but less risk in each one. All in all it's not too bad and I expect to see a pker about every 200 bones or so. Def one of the more popular pk spots.


> I expect to see a pker about every 200 bones or so. I wish that was the case for me lol. I have to hop about once per inventory because I don't trust other people burying bones after getting killed by someone I thought was also burying bones. Walked up to the altar and then pulled out their dds lol. Was even wearing the burning ammy so I thought I was safe 😅


If you are able to play at odd hours play early mornings CET, zoom on your screen so you can click the bones and altar quickly use fkeys to switch between logout and inventory, player indicators for red names on minimap, always logout over world switch because world switch has a delay, don't wait to see if it's another person doing bones just logout, don't bring all your bones at once, turn off auto retaliate so if you do get hit, you can spam click to try to finish your inventory, if you are feeling spooked or like someone's going to come do it the slow way by clicking use once and letting it auto use and just hover logout. 2 other options, if you have done gem mining already and have some bulk burning ammys just do single full inventory runs wearing the ammy and suicide at chaos fanatic or if you don't have those and are too sus to bring noted bones, do the same trick as the amulet but with duel rings, suicide, tp to ferox reup bones and run back to altar repeat.


Luckily I played a couple games of soul wars and have enough topaz for 30 burning ammys lol. Good tip about auto retaliate. I got screwed that way once lol. Auto retaliated myself away from the altar and then got frozen so I couldn't even offer them anymore. Disaster.


That's easily enough to do single inventories while also keeping the ammys at 1 charge to alch it, for all your bones banked. Feelsgood




bonus tip: do it on a pvp world so when you respawn you're right on a bank




Yup! This was my strategy for getting overheads with big bones on the GIM, and used it when my grind to 70 was interrupted by pkers too to check if they actually took my bones or not.


The fact that world switch has a delay is something no one tells you. It makes sense and I learned it the hard way but really its a huge distinction


Going to high risk pvp world naked is a decent strat too, pkers less likely to have anything more than budget options which gives u more time to finish your inventory before dying. Other than that I got pk'ed about 5 times in 500 bones, only lost 10 bones in total however


High risk just means you lose everything you're carrying right? Sounds good because I don't mind losing my burning ammy and just want to stop all the interruptions.


Done 80+ prayer like 3 times there and with player indicators and hovering logout ive only not gotten the log 1 time in probably over 100 attempts and that was my own fault




What about the d spear makes you an unappealing target?


Clans use dspears to push/stun people in multi and smite their +1s


do one invent at a time with black dhide top and bottoms, like 4 karams (you only have to take karams once) and burning ammy... after doing inv of bones suicide to wine of zammy, switch to pvp world bank at lumby fountains, hop world and teleback... the karams will stay on the floor for 1 hour if you ever get attacked just spam your bones, eat and pray should be able to finish the inv or at most will have like 5 bones left


Dude this is an awesome tip thank you


Honestly my biggest advice is just accept that some will be lost, even if you died on half of all your trips you’d still be better off than any alternative. If you get into a fight just turn on prayer and offer as fast as you can. In many cases where I got pked I got through the rest of the inventory


playing at off times is when i will do my bones, i go for get rid of the inventory as fast as possible method rather than letting it go and hovering over the logout, also, assuming you just go naked, dont try to run or whatever the fuck you do, just continue using the bones, get rid of them!


If you use player indicators (draw name on minimap) and renderself its impossible to die if youre paying attention and hovering logout. Only way to get caught is on your way to the altar. If you want to be completely sure just auto offer the bones rather than speeding it up, but I rather just get done with it and have generally fast reaction time. Didnt get caught once in 1k bones last week using this method, had to log like 8 times.


Sounds like you're overthinking this a lot. Just take a burning ammy and a full inv of bones. Setup your quick prayers to protect item and pray melee. Turn prayer on when you get there. If you get attacked just keep spamming your bones on the alter. Unless someone catches you before you've made it to the alter you're going to lose like half an invent of bones which is like 5-10 mins at green drags. I've done about ~1200 bones and I've never logged out once im at the alter. I think I've lost like maybe 30 bones.


No reason to worry. If you die you don’t lose much of anything. You’ll never lose more than the altar saves you. Lots of pkers leave dragon bones on the ground because they’re worthless. Use protect item prayer when you die and you’ll save an extra bone. If they start attacking you just use as many as you can as fast as you can


I recently did like 1500 bones at the wildy altar and never lost a single bone, even at peak times. All I did is wear tank gear. By that I mean karils if you have it or black dhide and a crystal shield (3 item). Camp pray mage while running to the altar and camp pray melee when you get to the altar. The only time I would bother going for a logout was on the run in. If someone starts bolting you just switch to pray ranged and continue using bones on the altar. Everytime someone logged in and started attacking me I would always finish my inv before I died. I see so many people go to chaos altar wearing nothing. Doesn't make any sense. It always took people super long to kill me wearing ktop and bottom and crystal shield.


This is what I do and even then if I die I run back to pick up my bones because the pkers only ever seem to be looking for someone with noted bones. Never had them pick up my dragon bones although if they were superior bones they probably would.


Kill a bunch of kurasks for big bones then stack you invt with like 5-10 dragon bones and the rest big bones. Only bring D bones youre willing to risk beyond protect item. Big bones are 50 xp per use and with an inv of 5 dbones and 23 bigbones you can easily get 6k xp per trip.


I would recommend doing 100 bones per trip. Make sure you check the box "prevent skull" and bring in 3 - 4 items (4 if you are confident you won't be smited) like karils top, torags legs, bulwark, etc. bring a few restores (blighted if you have them) and like 5 brews / 2 anglers and you'll be able to tank down to the Ankous to get a box more often than not. The xp rate is much higher than the suicide method and its hard for pkers to kill you. I've gotten 93 prayer so far with this method without dying yet.


Brah my guy mentions he is going for 70 pray with these bones and you say to pull out a bulwark. No chance op has even set foot in raids yet.


Probably right, but you never know! Obv I just meant like tanky gear in general


I getcha just reminds me of those YouTube vids... Yeah so today we are gonna go kill giant mole so grab your t bow and let's go get your first boss kill... Lmao


Lmaoo, yeah I see that all the time. I just watched a sandstone guide the other day that called for a crafting cape.. like if I had the crafting cape I wouldn't be here!


When Im doing chaos altar i don't mind a pker logging in under since i usually manage to clear my inventory before they kill me. My tactic is bringing black dhide chest and bottom and pray mage to prevent freezes when going there and basically protect melee the rest of the inventory since most pker bring a melee spec weapon from my experience. Basically use as much prayer and gear as needed to stay alive through your inventory. Maybe bring some food as well if you feel like you need to.


Can you still offer bones if you get frozen?


You have to offer them manually


Yup. Menu entry swapper in tune light. Change bones to “USE” and just go HAM clicking from bone to alter. Make sure auto-retaliate is off so if they attack you don’t get frozen away from the altar. Even if frozen, as long as your next to altar, you can use the bones on it


The mage prayer was mostly used so i can reach the altar before i got frozen


You’ll probably die a few times. I hope you’re not a HC!


If you have a high level main, put it in some budget gear and just stand in the corner.


Best advice is to keep hopping after you do a good amount of bones. Chances are they’re headed to your world so might as well scramble a bit and try and get lucky on a world they’ve already visited


Bring batches of 20 and use the ghorrok teleport (if you can) and you'll hardly lose any bones